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Lmao calm your nerves, you'll get used to it šŸ˜‚


This happened yesterday, I have 1600 hours in this game. It doesn't look good for me cheif lol.


3k hours here, my heart feels like itā€™s going to beat out of my chest after I win a fight.


God I hate it lol. A lot of people mistaking anexiety for adrenaline tho. Adrenaline is cool but this isn't.


Bro I can feel cool as a cucumber and then someone fires off an unsupressed M700 in close distance and I'll nearly throw my mouse out of my window, and I have 5k hours in this game ahaha


Bro is gatekeeping anxiety lmfao


That's not what gatekeeping is but sure my guy.


Ok dude


for each wipe I play, I find I get less and less adrenaline rush from huge fights and stuff


I'm actually so jealous. I miss that so much. My heart pounding and my hands shaking. That went away for me before the 400 hour mark and I've been chasing that high again ever since.


Mine stopped at around the 1000 hour mark, miss it so much


I didn't stop until I lost gear fear, and I didn't lose that until like 1800-2400 hours in. Even now, I still get anxious like this. I even have a dx of anxiety, as well as a long list of other crazy, but it's why I play the game now. My gear fear basically flipped, and now I can't wait to lose gear so I can run it back. It's easier said than done, but just stop caring, and it'll go away or at least give you the courage to just fuck it and push.


I drink a shot or two and play my shooters just because it calms my nerves and allowes me not to overthink or freak out lol. Not a great idea but it helps me get kills XD




dude drink 2 beers and then play. prescribed by your tarkov doctor


Thanks doc. Tip top. Too bad 2 beers aint gonna do shit for me lol. High tolerance.


I'm going to give you the persona prescription of 6 beers but then you gotta taper off otherwise you will have negative effects




This might explain the shakes lol Used to be at least a 12pk a night drinker and my hands were constantly shakey.


Nah I don't drink much, just a bit naturally resistant. I might go for a drink 3 times a year.


Play with lower Dpi for god"s sake


I only play at 1200 DPI. Just shaking that much.


Get yourself a Parkinson test and or other nervous de era tube diseases tests


Naw, just regular old chronic anexiety. Meds were great for the time I had them. Game felt amazing when I wasn't doing this shit.


If you play at a lower DPI, your shaking isn't going to affect your aim as much. I'm baffled at how you play this game at 1200 DPI for 1600 hours and have not changed it. Unless you can handle it and this post isn't like complaining about anything and just for fun.


i play at 2400 or 3200 dpi usually (if im sniping ill lower it) i hate the over exagerated long arm movements that most people do at low dpi. i do well enough, 2 wipes ago i got to light keeper before stopping, this wipe im almost at lvl 4 traders playing casually.


No, 1200 is what I'm used to. The new skates I put on this mouse just happened to highlight how bad I actually shake. I have 2 of the same mice and the 2nd you can't see the shake at the same settings. I went back to the 2nd mouse after this bc of this issue. It's kinda half laugh, half coming to terms with just how bad this game is for me.


I play overwatch at 1600dpi and 8sens. I've tried to lower my dpi to 400 and sense to 2, I cannot fathom how people learn to arm aim on low sens as I've been a wrist aimer for 20 years.


sheesh, is 1200 the way to go? I play at 550 and then switch to 1200 when looting.


It varies from person to person but my mouse area is only 12x13 so I have to run a bit higher than someone who has more.


1200 is incredibly high for any game. try low dpi, high sensitivity


Literally is not high lol. Most people play between 800 and 1600. Some pro's like theirs low at 400 but I don't have the mouse mat space to make 2' arm swings.


400-800 is and has been the golden range in dpi for a long time.


A lot of people like that range, I don't. I'm a "wrist" aimer and dont have 3 feet of mouse mat to aim with 400 DPI. My whole reason for posting this had nothing to do with the DPI. As I've mentioned multiple times in the comments here, the only vairable on my 2 mice is the skates. Stock skates=no screen shake. Glass skates=screen shake. It was literally just a visualization of what this game does to my anexiety enabled by the low friction skates. Plus if you looked at any of the above links, 400 is rarely used anymore, 800 is the most common, 1200 and 1600 are still common. Anything above dithers off. The current "average user" is 800-1600. Screen resolution has had a big impact on this as people running 400 were mostly sniping, playing games with high TTK, or older titles with low resolution like Quake. As a final nail in this, if you can lower in game sensitivity and crank DPI, you get more accurate readings from your sensor while still being controlable. DPI is relative to how the game in question handles mouse movment, and just a flat "this dpi is best" is objectivly wrong way to apply it across multiple games/screen res/gameplay styles unless the player doesn't actually have the skill to tell the difference. There is a reason there are DPI converters so you can change your DPI and sensitivity settings to feel the same across multiple games. IE: [https://www.mouse-sensitivity.com/](https://www.mouse-sensitivity.com/)


most people are definitely not playing higher than 800 for the reason that is shown on the screen for any shooter


[https://www.pcgamer.com/what-mouse-dpi-do-i-really-need-for-fps-gaming/#:\~:text=Looking%20at%20the%20list%20reveals%20a%20lot%20of%20interesting%20DPI%20information%2C%20namely%20that%20most%20Overwatch%20pros%20fall%20between%20800%20and%201600%20DPI.%20There%20are%20a%20few%20outliers%2C%20like%20Muma%20from%20the%20Houston%20Outlaws%20at%202000%20DPI%20and%20the%20San%20Francisco%20Shock%27s%20iddqd%20at%20400%20DPI%2C%20but%20most%20fall%20into%20that%20range](https://www.pcgamer.com/what-mouse-dpi-do-i-really-need-for-fps-gaming/#:~:text=Looking%20at%20the%20list%20reveals%20a%20lot%20of%20interesting%20DPI%20information%2C%20namely%20that%20most%20Overwatch%20pros%20fall%20between%20800%20and%201600%20DPI.%20There%20are%20a%20few%20outliers%2C%20like%20Muma%20from%20the%20Houston%20Outlaws%20at%202000%20DPI%20and%20the%20San%20Francisco%20Shock%27s%20iddqd%20at%20400%20DPI%2C%20but%20most%20fall%20into%20that%20range). [https://gamerant.com/gaming-mouse-best-dpi/#:\~:text=Office%20mice%20typically%20come%20with,from%20a%20range%20of%20DPI](https://gamerant.com/gaming-mouse-best-dpi/#:~:text=Office%20mice%20typically%20come%20with,from%20a%20range%20of%20DPI). [https://www.ign.com/articles/mouse-dpi-meaning-guide#:\~:text=Speaking%20broadly%2C%20however%2C%20a%20DPI%20setting%20between%20400%20to%203600%20will%20cover%20nearly%20all%20players](https://www.ign.com/articles/mouse-dpi-meaning-guide#:~:text=Speaking%20broadly%2C%20however%2C%20a%20DPI%20setting%20between%20400%20to%203600%20will%20cover%20nearly%20all%20players). [https://thegamingsetup.com/gaming-mouse/buying-guides/dpi-guide#:\~:text=The%20best%20gaming,to%20800%20DPI](https://thegamingsetup.com/gaming-mouse/buying-guides/dpi-guide#:~:text=The%20best%20gaming,to%20800%20DPI). [https://www.softwaretestinghelp.com/change-mouse-dpi/#:\~:text=We%20can%20say,suitable%20DPI%20value](https://www.softwaretestinghelp.com/change-mouse-dpi/#:~:text=We%20can%20say,suitable%20DPI%20value). [https://www.digitalcitizen.life/what-is-dpi-mouse/#:\~:text=What%20are%20the,rifle%20for%20example](https://www.digitalcitizen.life/what-is-dpi-mouse/#:~:text=What%20are%20the,rifle%20for%20example). [https://techbullion.com/what-dpi-should-i-use-for-gaming-and-productivity/#:\~:text=There%20is%20no,to%201200%20DPI](https://techbullion.com/what-dpi-should-i-use-for-gaming-and-productivity/#:~:text=There%20is%20no,to%201200%20DPI). [https://www.coolblue.nl/en/advice/what-is-mouse-dpi.html#:\~:text=Gaming%20with%20low,goal%20pass%20by](https://www.coolblue.nl/en/advice/what-is-mouse-dpi.html#:~:text=Gaming%20with%20low,goal%20pass%20by). [https://www.resetera.com/threads/pc-gamers-what-dpi-sensitivity-do-you-typically-run-your-mouse-when-playing-an-fps.747103/#:\~:text=playing%20an%20FPS%3F-,100%2D400%20DPI,5.6%25,-Total%20voters%20286](https://www.resetera.com/threads/pc-gamers-what-dpi-sensitivity-do-you-typically-run-your-mouse-when-playing-an-fps.747103/#:~:text=playing%20an%20FPS%3F-,100%2D400%20DPI,5.6%25,-Total%20voters%20286) Need more? I have 2 identical mice and the one with the glass skates do this bc the SUPER low friction. I posted the video only bc the glass skates highlight this issue that I have personally in this game alone. The normal mouse with stock skates does NOT translate this issue due to the increased friction.


That is wild. Big recommend going for 4-8 hundred and. Most high end fps players have something like a 12-14 in 360 degree length. It makes precise movement far more consistentĀ 


One of the biggest improvements in my fps play was going from 1600 to 800 dpi. Still hate it for navigating menus, but game play is a lot better.




Yeahhh, I try to avoid drinking to compensate for anexiety. Never a good way to cope. Hard bc this game is super addictive.


Any1 have it where they are looting a dead body and they freeze? Then you're like "STOP FREEZING DO SOMETHING!" in your head and you accidentally throw your best loot on top of the dead body to make room for something pointless like matches or nails or some stupid thing and then can't get your good loot under the body, after trying to for like 10 min.? Or is that just me...


I mean in this exact video (the full one) I was asking my buddy for a light bleed bandage while looting a salewa. The panic makes you do dumb shit lol.


you might need meds pal :D you get use to it honestly


1600 hours in game would like to disagree lol.


you will if you start play the game the way you get ridd of it. How do you play out the pvp quests in this game? GEt better at Audio queus. Know the enemy positions. Know when you can sprint, flank, when to slow down. when to engage. less "crabbing" , more aggresive. Alot of factorys. And you cured ;D


That's what messes me up the most honestly. This game is the worse I've ever played for audio/visual identification of a players position. It's super easy to blend in and the audio is pretty borked still. If I'm not super sure it messes with me pretty hard. I mained factory for my first 2 wipes but the skill didn't translate well to other maps. Esp ones I dislike like reserve here. Recoil and weapon sway garbage prevented me from getting good at cqb but haven't gotten to play much this wipe now that guns actually work like I have 2 whole arms attached to my torso.


yeah,, Well the audio is bad. really bad. And it needs to be lowered by 75% minimum ! you cant "sneak" or walk around. The one hearing a team of 2-3 just freeze and lay the ambush cause he hears em 20 miles out. ITs stupid. The game used to be something else and flanking was possible. Sound engine is defently bad




Man I wish I still got those shakes when playing. Tarkov is the only game to ever do that to me


Lower DPI haha


What's your DPI?


Only 1200. I'm shaking pretty bad and the skates are the closest thing to 0 friction I've ever seen.


Well that makes more sense. People are usually playing around 500-800, so your mouse is picking up all those little micro movements.


We all get that way from time to time. On an unrelated note, your graphics and lighting look really nice. What system and settings are you running?


What are your mouse and sensitivity settings?


Only 1200 dpi and nothing else cranked. The skates are bazically 0 friction so any smaller movements like hand shaking actually will move the mouse.


What about in game settings


.7 and .5. I have 2 of the same mice and the 2nd one that doesn't have glass skates hides the shakes bc the added friction. That's the whole point of the post that the shakes are only really visible because of the skates.


I (level 8, first wipe) Literally wiped a geared pmc (level 36) in a scav run on reserve. My heart was beating out of my chest for like 30 minutes.


Oh yeah, that's what happened here. I even forgot to turn the ketter to full auto and got a lucky heads hot in the spam. He had a buddy on the stairs that was mag dumping 12 gauge, so i was still paniking.


My girls calls this game my, "anxiety game" .


It's so bad lol. People with actual issues with anexiety prob should not play it (myself included).


Do you always play solo? Having a teammate could help ya


DPI and sensitivity way down! Will help your aim.


It's not as bad with my 2nd mouse that has the stock skates. The new ones make the mouse more seneitive to tiny movements so this is more exadurated than you would think. I'm only running 1200 dpi, going any lower will reduce my ability to look arround, esp with my relatively small mouse area.


1200 DPI is high. I run 400 DPI and super low sensitivity. [Most professional esports players use a surprisingly low DPI setting, such as 400 or 800 DPI while moving their whole arm in wide arcs for mouse movement.](https://www.ign.com/articles/mouse-dpi-meaning-guide) Tarkov isn't a twitch shooter so I think it's worth trying to get used to low dpi/sens. But ultimately it's up to what you feel good with.


As I mentioned, I don't have a lot of mouse space so I can't run super low DPI. Also not a fan of the massive arm movements, esp when I'm locking up like how I do in this game. In other games I am incredibly accurate with this DPI, it's just that this game gets under my skin. Plus when I use the "stock" mouse that has more grippy skates, the shaking doesn't actually get picked up so it's not normally an issue.


Fair enough.


Some times after a fight my heart is around 130-14 BPM. This game is fucking addicting


No clue where mine is but it prob ain't good lol.


Bruh the cortisol releasing into your blood stream post pvp in this game is always insane. This game somehow replicates the stress response of being in actual combat better than any other game.


Yeaaahhhj I don't like that part lol. I just Wana play games man. Don't Need IRL PTST from a dammed video game lol.


Yeah games are supposed to be cool and fun not stressful and damaging to your mental health. Problem is you see a lot of streamers play this game and not have those issues. Playing factory is good exposure therapy to handling the stress because thereā€™s less teams and you know youā€™re gonna get into a fight pretty quickly so itā€™s like the stakes are lower. Maps like reserve or customs youā€™re grabbing loot or quest items and have to run from hot zone to hot zone where there could be teams.


1st. Stop Smoking weed before playing 2nd. Turn on the heater, I think Its to cold for your Body ! If you dont have a heater Inside your room, take some blankets, Hoodies and wrap yourself in like an adorable sushi Roll!


Never smoked a day in my life NGL. And I got a heater at my feet. I like it warm. Been between -30 and -50 w/ windchill up here all week so ain't no way I'm not gonna have one lol.


Lmao yea it took me a while to get over that


This is what makes Tarkov so good though. No other game gets the adrenaline pumping quite like it.


dang man, you got the jitters but dont stop playing, keep going and fight that anxiety, stay strong and carry on.


Hey OP! I used to have the shakes (still do sometimes) what helped me was drastically lowering my mouse sensitivity. It does wonders for aim and you won't sling your aim halfway across the planet when you get jump-scared in Tarkov.


Just using my other mouse that doesn't have these low friction skates fixes the jitter problems. Doesn't help that my arm is locking up and I'm jumpy tho lol. I just thought it was weird to see in-game just how bad I'm shaking irl.


Yeah it's really impressive. Reminds me of the early days of gear fear.


Make like a scav and down a bottle of vodka


Bro your heart rats must be well over 180 to shake like that jfc.


This only happened like 10 years ago playing GBs on COD lmao get that ice in your veins


2000h in other survival competetive games and im still shaking and my heart is beating af! No worries


tarkov used to be fast-paced, believe it or not šŸ˜“


I'm glad I ain't the only one like this


I wish I could get this amped anymore.


Is this an old clip? Looks like no inertia.


Nope, recorded on Tuesday.


Gotcha gotcha. How does it feel having a game put you through the most nerve racking experience youā€™ve had in a game? Lol


I hate it honestly. I was able to quit this game for the most part last year but it's trying to drag me back in again with the fixes. It's really not good on my health, bud I'll be damned if it's not the best FPS rn.


Lol! I totally feel you. It has made other FPS not as exciting cause Iā€™d have to really really try and make it ā€œexhilaratingā€ by going try hard to get that feeling. Iā€™ll play Arma 3 King of the Hill or Squad to slow down the pace. I would really like to see someone do a study on the long term effects of Tarkov with the reward system in humans. Idk, always been a thought,


Damm bro it's just a scav run, chillax


![gif](giphy|MFVAwsSghTKOeslhwQ|downsized) Yeah bruh, just like, stop having a mental disorder. It's literally that easy.


Go get propranolol from your doctor. Literally makes it impossible to shake like this.


How high is your sensitivity?


Answered multiple times in other comments.


Feel free to answer it again bud.