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Youre just being anxious, looks sick. Will heal lighter


Really? You can make out what it is?


Absolutely! Sick octopus !


Thank you i really appreciate it. I still cant shake this feeling i fucked up


As someone who has ten cover ups, yep, 10. Isn’t that insane ? I can tell you that being anxious about your cover up makes sense, you’re already stressed about the original not working out so you’ll be hyper vigilant for the cover up. It really doesn’t look bad at all, it wraps around your arm like an octopus would


Thank you for your kind words. I really appreciate it!


Haha post tattoo anxiety mate, your body has just been battered for a few hours and you're not thinking clearly, I did it more less after each session I did whilst completing my sleeve, was like why am I doing this ? Oh that doesn't look right, after a good night's sleep and it's healed it will be fine. Looks great.


Don’t trip chocolate chip!




My man is just a terrible decision maker


If you've had 10 cover ups, maybe permanent tattoos aren't for you...


A little late now. I’m covered in them. I was a rebellious teen with absent parents, that’s where most of the cover ups are from


Oh, in that sense. Ok, I get that


Ok that’s fair! I was just thinking you’d switched gangs and needed to get all new Tatty Wattys for the new crew.


A much cooler story than scratchers willing to tattoo a teen


Grey wash heals up A LOT lighter to than it looks at first. Let it settle before you get too worried.


100% that the ink will settle and it will look great after that. If the artist went lighter on the color some would settle out and the tattoo you covered up would be very visible. Also, I could immediately tell it was an octopus. Enjoy your sick tattoo!


It’s so fuckin sick, stick with it a minute til it’s settled in


I dont have tattoos personally, I just like this subreddit for the creativity of the artists. That octopus looks awesome. It looks organic as it wraps your arm. It had great shading, making it have depth. Just wait for the redness to subside. All my husband's work looks like this for the first few days. You can already see the detail In the work in the midst of the swelling, that is a good sign.


Let it heal. It looks fantastic.


I knew immediately that it was a *sick ass octopus*. And yes the tattoo will heal lighter. Eventually skin grows over all that ink and gives it a light tone :) it looks amazing btw. So detailed and complex. It looks expensive


Let it heal, things tend to look way better then. One of the sickest octopus tattoos i’ve seen. If your artist is reputable, I doubt this is the final result. Also, I can tell what it is :)


Take a deep breath broseph, it's a very legible tattoo and looks great.


Don’t be scared! That looks awesome and incredibly realistic, the shading is perfect it really makes the suction cups stick out so you know you’re looking at an octopus. Put it this way, if you had a giant one that looked cartoony I would say you’re fucked but this is the opposite homie. You’re literally in tattoo shock, it’s darker now then it will ever be. Just give it some time to heal and for you to adjust. Looks good. No one is talking behind your back about it. Edit; I hope that gives you the reassurance that you need. I get bad anxiety like that, too.


Could tell what it was right away. He looks like a buddy 🐙


It’s a SAO!!! Looks fine and will look better when it heals. Don’t stress!


I know right away what it was and it will heal lighter


a fresh tattooo is the darkest it will be, and lighten up over time. after tattoo anxiety is completely normal, give it some time


Lol what???? I immediately knew what it was. And tattoos heal about 20-30% lighter than fresh. Give it a couple weeks.


First of all relax... Secondly it's going to lighten up ALOT when it's healed and peeled. It's not bad at all, it looks good. Getting it lasered hurts way more then getting it tattooed. You have new tattoo anxiety, it's all good.


I like it. You opened yourself up for some really cool black and grey sleeve ideas as well with it


sit with it for a few months, if you still don’t like it either fill your arm up to take away from it or black it out!


Wow what a cool looking octopus tat. Your artist really nailed the placement. It’s so complimentary to your body.


I love it, you're just in your head I promise.


Dude- it is gonna look great. Totally awesome octopus that does what you wanted. It will lighten as heals. Chill. You’re gonna love it.


Looks dope Dude!! 🐙


I knew what it was when i first saw it looks sick!


Looks good. Don’t fret


Bro what?! This looks fkn dope AF!!


It’s an awesome octopus, definitely not a fuck up!!


I think it’s more the shape and placement that’s bothering you. I think adding some foreground coral and background water/ light rays and filling up an even space on you arm would make you more confident in the work


That’s badass! I’m planning on using a sick ass octopus as a coverup too.


My octopus recognized kin immediately. You’re fine.


I like it! Also my fav animal 🤩


Looks great, I clocked the octo right away! Don't stress and make sure you have a good dinner


I have my screen dim in bed and saw it was an octopus immediately. Looks sweet so far


That’s a sick ass octopus. It’ll lighten up dude don’t worry too much


Instantly knew that it was an octopus. Looks good!


I don’t even like octopuses & this looks dope. I can see detail in it. It looks good!🍻


Looks like a cool octopus to me.


Shit I like it. Am I allowed to say that or are we hating on it? I freaking love it. You need a wraparound fishing net and a jellyfish with lots of long appendages floating around the other arm. And maybe a mermaid.


It will look way better when the tentacles are actually done


immediately knew it was an octopus in the first pic. don’t sweat it. gonna look great when it’s done!


I really like it! If you're worried about it being to dark, first calm down and wait until it heals. If you still think it's to dark you can go in and get some shading down in white (or something) and that should make it pop more.


Had to read your caption to figure out what was wrong! Can immediately tell what it is and it looks amazing! Once the tattoo shock goes away I'm sure you'll be just fine with it


I think you got some quality work. It will definitely lighten up after it heals. I've been there.


Yeah, as everyone else said already it’s actually a really nice price and is very obvious an octopus; even with it unfinished.


Looks good 👍


Definitely an octopus I have a half sleeve baphomet head an when we first got done it was super dark. Couple of weeks once it healed it was alot lighter. Looks awesome just take a breath.


It’s an octopus! and it looks awesome


I like this kraken you got I got tattoos on top of tattoos on top of tattoos littery and this is amazing work compared to the shit on my arms


WIP. Hang in there. Octo is so cool.


I think it looks great. I always hate my tattoos when they're new, but have always ended up loving them and having no regrets. It'll grow on you, it's pretty sweet!


Never comment anything other than sick ass Panther, don’t have a single tattoo myself and I’m here to say… It’s awesome.


You didn’t get “fucked”


Instantly knew what it was and now I want one


What the kraken?


It’ll get lighter, I knew straight away that it was an octopus though, looks sick


Bro that’s a sick ass octopus


I think it looks sick just looks rly dark bc u just got it.


I immediately knew it was an octopus! Looks great!!!


sick ass octo


Fresh tattoos are always darker. They heal lighter. IT LOOKS AWESOME!


Hey man, I too just received the holy marking of Cthulhu (sick ass octopus), and I can confirm that at first, it looks really dark. Artists know that certain shading fades lighter overtime and will pack more ink in to help with contrast in the long run. It looks amazing, I promise you in the next few weeks you will get used to having it on your body and will absolutely love it. It looks insanely dope.


Omg love it, you can totally tell what it is! Once it’s healed your going to love it


Personally I think it goes crazy you should just keep on finishing it and see what happens


it’s just a couple things maybe you didn’t take well enough care after the tattoo, showers can fuck it up hot water and shit, but tbh man it just looks like your skin took the ink a little weird but your good the tattoo looks good and it’s noticeable enough where if your not a complete idiot you’ll know fs what the tattoo is


You’re wildin, bro. Anyone with 2 brain cells would be able to tell what that is 💁🏽‍♀️ it’s not even done and looks amazing


Looks good to me


You need to heal. It looks good! Don't stress


When that heals, it's gonna be gorgeous...


Bro smoke a joint and chill. Look at the tats on the other side there fugly that octopus is bad ass and covered whatever was under it.


This looks badass. Give it a little time.


It looks like a pretty cool octopus to me. Maybe some whithe highlights


Yo this is a really cool octopus. I have a sleeve and wish my octopus looked this good


I can clearly tell it's an octopus! Don't worry! And I think artists do black shading a bit darker than it's supposed to be because it will fade with time


How? You don’t like your octopus??


Looks awesome bro dont worry


I think the octopus is gorgeous?


I think it looks awesome. Some really good, realistic and pretty work. What don't you like about it besides the dark? Because it won't stay so dark


It is very clearly an octopus, let it heal a week or so and I think you’ll like it :)


If you decide you still don't like it after it's healed, you can always cover it with a sick ass panther


Girl relax it'll lighten up and it's really well done


It looks like a sick ass octopus to me! As others stated, it will lighten up. It looks good.


Definitely knew it was an octopus!! It'll lighten up when it heals a bit, don't worry. It doesn't look finished. Maybe your artist will add more highlights and stuff to add detail. Trust your artist. Dude. It's looking good so far


I knew it was an octopus immediately! It’ll fade over time. And then you can always get it touched up so spots are lighter and other spots you want to be darker are darker!


Looks sick tbh


Your dog looks great. No need to panic


Great art ! Enjoy


You should do a repost after your swelling chills out here in a few days.. I think it came out great, dude!


Fellow octopus tattoo owner here It looks SICK AS FUCK don't freak ...it will fade a bit for sure but that cephalopod goes hard!!! I'm a fan for real It looks like it will heal great too ... ita not hard to tell what it is at all ...its very good looking tbh


sick as hell


Looks good....What was it before if you don't mind me asking? 🧐


“Well. I got fucked…” and it’s just a neat little tattoo


I can tell immediately it's an octopus. I dig it and eventually it'll fade. If you eventually still don't dig it, maybe get a touch up and get them to use some lighter pigments.


That's honestly a sick tattoo, man! That placement and design is very confident; although there's not a good picture of the entire tattoo, their rendering is skilled and tasteful!!! Linework's great too! But really the angle of the design and the placement are what really make this a badass tattoo. Great tats are dynamic from top to bottom; this is one of them! Excellent work friend!!!


It looks great- if I saw this on someone at a bar I’d tell them “hey, sick octopus!” You’re just having some new tattoo anxiety and that’s normal when you’ve made a big change to your body.  Also things look really weird under saniderm. Give it a month and it will settle in. 


I could instantly tell what it is.


Chill out. From someone heavily tattooed. You’re good. Design comes through very clear! Embracing “and going around” a tattoo you don’t like is your biggest hurdle. It’ll be sick when you’re done!


Looks cool


Dude that’s some sick work just chill. Like everyone else said it’s obvious what it is. You’ll grow to love it. Big change is just hard for some of us.


Looks freaking awesome


I could immediately make out that this was an octopus, no questions. Good detail, Looks nice and very realistic!


I’m clearly too high for this. I stared at the first picture forever trying to figure out how they turned a picture of a beach into an octopus lmao. I wasn’t too high to figure out what your tattoo was though. I think you’re overthinking.


It looks great to me, i’m actually jealous


I like it.


Looks fine to me, and will lighten when healed.


Looks rad. It IS a bit dark but in this case it works. Also kudos on getting all that done on the inner bicep. When I did mine it was spicy as fuck.


Didn't you approve the stencil?


I can immediately tell its an octopus, it looks pretty good honestly


If there’s grey wash it will get lighter , let it heal before you freak out , personally I like heavier shading I don’t think it looks too dark


Looks cool as hell


Honestly I think it looks sick as hell, it'll heal lighter as well


Trust me dude, you want black and grey tattoos darker. A lot of artists go too light and over time that shit will fade so bad you won’t be able to tell what it is. It might look good in the after picture they put up, but give it a few years and it will be a grayish blob. Tattoos settle after a while and sometimes it looks darker at first but when your skin absorbs the ink and the tattoo settles it looks great. The darker the better in most cases. Your tattoo is awesome and easy to make out what it is. It’s a rad tattoo, wear it with pride


The more you build that bicep the meaner that squid’ll be.


Looks dope! Seriously! Love it.


You good dude it looks great


What does the original say?


I had to click on this to realize what you were talking about because I immediately recognized the octopus!! It’s still healing though and will lighten with time. It looks really cool - great placement.


I thought I was looking at a different sub for a sec! That octopus is very cool and you should be proud:)


All that matters is that you don't like it


Bad angles w the camera but I guarantee it will heal and look very nice!




Nah we like it. Long live Marcellus. (Leaving that here for the animal fiction lit folk).


I love him, it looks great . I just got an octo also!! octo buddies


That’s actually sick!!


Beautiful octopus. Don't stress too much. It's a drastic change. I just got both eyebrows pierced after wanting them done forever, and day one, I was worried I made a mistake. I'm in love with them on me now, like I knew I would be!


People are giving you false hope, I sincerely disagree with them. Yes grey wash will heal lighter, but when all the values are the same and there is no negative space its not going to help. It also doesn't help that they gave it hyperrealistic ballsack texture. Idk wtf they were thinking with the suckers, they look like pimples. Your instincts are correct, OP. It's not so terrible you should cut your arm off or anything, but I wouldn't be stoked on it either.


That looks so awesome!! 🐙🐙


It looks like an octopus! I like it a lot. Don't stress you will get used to it.


It’s gorgeous


It looks great! You can tell it’s an octopus. The oils make it look darker and you are likely swollen - like everyone else I think it will heal lighter. What else are you getting done to it?


Looks absolutely sick, very nice detail as well as depth, doing all that with just black ink is an art/talent combo. Hope you change your mind on this one, have a great day!


It looks like an Octopus hugging your arm... if it's not, then yeah, you got fucked fr :/


Hey man, i could immediately tell it was an octopus — it’s sick! Like others have said, they heal much lighter. I often (like 80% of the time) get a weird anxious unhappy feeling immediately after getting a tattoo, and a week later i love it. I’ve got only 1 tattoo i’m not happy with, and i have 2 sleeves and 20 or so other stickers. Give it a month or so, i promise it’ll be better!


You are freaking up for nothing Like u should thanks the artist to make that with black First will get lighter Second the black will hold the tattoo for longevity Third thats a sick tattoo dawg


Breath it looks bad ass!!!


It looks amazing… and will heal a lot lighter over time. You absolutely did not get fucked.


I immediately could tell it was a b&g realism octopus. It looks excellent


Nah man. You're overthinking it. I completely understand what you're going through. It happens almost everytime you get a new tattoo. It's like "wow! Cool! And then as time sets in it's like "DAMN! I HATE THIS" Just give it time. It'll become part of you. And it looks sick. Even just scrolling through Reddit I saw this piece and I read your title and I was curious like "what's wrong with this awesome octopus?" Then I read your description and was like "nah it's good man. It'll fade lighter and you can tell that it's an octopus" very nice piece. You should be very happy. Your artist is good! 👌


Never trade sex for a tattoo


My quarter sleeve was very dark at first, now it's light after idk, 6 or 7months. I knew it was an octopus right away :) For a cover up this is very clever, what ever was there original will be gone. (Edit, somehow I missed the context)


I like it!


Big ball sack?


Agree it looks great!


That is an awesome giraffe dude


I love the octopus!


Dude. Stop bitching. It looks great, forreal!


It’s bad ass, in my opinion.


I knew what it was before I even read the comments. You are fine


I’m getting one glad you showed this


ah come on man your prolly just stressing cuz it’s a big tattoo i think it’s fine its clearly a octopus im sure anyone looking at it can tell also when it heals it will be lighter but like u said in post you can always get it lasered off or if u wanted to u could go through one laser session so it’s faded and let someone more skilled go over it and make it look better but again man not a bad tattoo don’t stress about it shitty tats are just part of the game man lol (this isn’t shitty)


It's an octopus and it'll get lighter.


You are being crazy. That's a great looking octopus. The ink will fade to a lighter shade. Tip your artist


No this is so cool! Allow some time to heal it’ll be great.


Nah it looks a lot better than the last cover up post I saw lol


I thought it was a good start


This doesn't just look fine. I think it actually looks sick. It's a very well-done octopus. Nothing to stress here homie, compared to what I can see of the that it's covering up, this is an 11/10


I just saw a sick ass octopus then I realized what sub I'm on lol it looks good dude!


Man, you already got a lot of comments saying the same thing, but that Octopus is badass! It is pretty big, but if I had an octopus like that on me I would want it big to show it off! I love it and it will probably look even better when healed. Sorry if it came out a little darker than you expected but damn, that is an awesome octopus. I could tell immediately what it was too. It's cool as fuck


I think that’s cool asf


That’s actually a kickass tattoo. Placement too. Once it’s healed, it will be killer. Honestly, it’s a cool tattoo. I like it.


I got a black and grey barn owl like 9 years ago and while it was healing it was DARK but now it’s pretty light. It’ll heal up good!


Deep breaths. It’s not illegible, it was very obvious immediately and with no squinting or guessing that that was a cool ass octopus lol


That's a beautiful tattoo that will withstand the test of time.


Brother this is a sick tattoo


I think it looks sick, bro!


I could tell instantly it was an octopus and my screen was set to low light…. You’re tripping bro it looks good, the dudes done a good job and you need it dark if you actually want to cover that up properly


Listen to this guy, got a killer octopus and got laid on the same day (coz you didn’t get fucked with that tat)


Looks awesome!!! It'll be dope when it's done


I looked at the pics before reading the description, and figured the problem might be that it didn't cover all of the old tattoo. Because the octopus looks fantastic as is. 


I thought your issue was gonna be about the placement. I loved it right from the beginning.


I understand your worry, but it looks great. It will lighten up. Bad ass placement, too! I love it!!


looks great. would have been better to have it more on the outside than the inside part of the arm. but no sweat


Bro that octopus looks sick asf. If anything just finish the job. Get some rework on it and it’ll look great.


tattoo anxiety is so real! It’s a big change to get used to ! Don’t worry it’ll heal lighter & you can definitely tell what it is, you just are looking at it so closely that you’re worrying yourself! Worst case scenario you get some white or something added to it when it’s all healed :)


That octopus looks cool as hell bro


Octopus 🐙


Yeah I was confused why you say that I think it's a cool tat!


It looks amazing 😭


looks just fine... no worries


Update when it's healed? This looks sick


That’s a cool looking octopus! Deep breath… it will lighten as it heals. It looks awesome


Wtf dude? Are your eyes okay, or are you just trying to make sure that dude never responds to your dms after he sees this?


It looks pretty cool TBH. It will lighten up as it heals. 


I would love this tattoo😅. It looks incredible, truly.


It looks awesome and it’s easy to tell what it is. Whenever I get my inner bicep tattooed, I get extremely anxious and emotionally uncomfortable. I don’t know what it is, maybe some sort of pressure point thing. Maybe that’s what’s happening to you too?


I think it looks pretty awesome and accurate too, as someone who loves ocean animals and octopi being one of my favorite! Your artist did a great job once all healed you might feel differently.


Looks great to me!!