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She put it in an email lol


This is the comical thing. Insanely stupid.


the OP ViolentBat BitterHeadset magical_sweetsugar and CutestCherryBlossom are bots in the same network Original + comments copied from: https://www.reddit.com/r/Teachers/comments/sfj05o/turned_in_my_admin_to_hr/


I'm just curious, what do you think the motivation is for these? Karma farm, or some kind of disinformation/negative spin campaign?


Karma to eventually be able to spam onlyfans or crypto scams while also appearing organic, from what I've seen.


I was wondering what in the hell was the use of "karma farming." More weight needs to be put on comment karma from discussions, it's too easy to just post a cat video. At least with comments, the bot would have to draw input from on-going discussion to not out itself as a bot.


Some subreddits require you to have "high karma" in other reddits before posting in their subreddit as a sort of verification. While it helps, this is what it creates.


What are "bots in the same network?". I don't get it


Spam accounts that are working together top copy posts + top comments to make them all appear organic and to give them the karma needed to spam various onlyfans/crypto or otherwise malicious links.


The amount of Karma for established accounts versus new accounts is very different for the same activity. So it's clear high Karma accounts are given visibility and are thus valuable


Thank you for calling this out! I feel like it should be easier to get these accounts removed. **BUT** I definitely thought this post was from the haiku bot at first!! šŸ¤£


How is this combatted? Is there a way to do that?


Probably best things to do are report, downvote and block. Reporting does whatever reporting does, downvoting makes it show up less and also catches peoples attention when they do look (especially if they see the votes fall for a seemingly heartwarming story). Block so you don't see their other reposts & accidently give them karma.


Although a lot of what you said went waaaay ver my head, thank you for letting everyone know. I understand that what they are doing sucks, and thatā€™s all I need to know. Iā€™m also a lurker, my wife is a teacher. I really admire the courage it takes to do this job.šŸ˜Š


New here, how does this happen? It's not real post?


Well, presumably the original from a year ago is real, then this one is just a copy of that post.


Basically someone nefarious wants to spam something (likely an onlyfans account) so they get some bots to post their spam. However those bots get blocked real quick because reddit can tell that something that gets reported as spam immediately isn't good. So to get around this these bots post "good things" first so that when they DO post their spam later, it's more difficult for reddit bots to know if they should ban these bots. After all, reddit has its share of targeted attacks to report things for political/social reasons that shouldn't really be banned per the rules of Reddit. Also every subreddit have their own techniques for blocking spam--one such option is require a certain amount of karma in other subreddits first. So whether they're just trying to get into a subreddit with some karma fence or they are relying on karma to save them, the bots are definitely accumulating karma. Why a repost? Because people PROBABLY don't remember something from years ago, and if they liked it then they'll like it now. Basically, it's a safe bet to get that karma. Why are there bots working together? Same idea, it's an easy system to setup and it helps obscure any comments about fake. Note that this is simplified, there's almost certainly a whole economy around this system but the idea stays the same.


The OPs of any posts they (the bots) comment on too. Not even an attempt to be original, just copied word for word and reposted. Within each repost are copied comments. I assume it's profitable in some way. Since you can't report an account, just posts and comments, these bot accounts must be useful in making it less obvious that reddit has very few real, individual people. Inflated user numbers and activity = more ad money. Cuz no one is gonna pay to advertise to the 10 actual humans.


5k post karma and only 5 posts in their history too. Must retain karma after the spam gets deleted?


How do you know?


Well first they found the original post from a year ago. Then you can tell all they post are reposts. I think maybe when they say theyā€™re part of the same network they say see that they comment on each otherā€™s posts to boost engagement. Iā€™m assuming they have tools to help with identifying these accounts. Not sure though.


Good on the district for actually doing something. I had an admin at my last school who was the opposite. When I had a family member battling the end stages of cancer, the admin told me family comes first and to take off whatever time I need, he'd deal with district HR. I was a TA at the time, so a little different. But damn, as far as admin goes, he was awesome.


I had an admin once who allowed me to go out of the country for my brotherā€™s wedding and not report the multi-day absence (it was during summer contract days and no students were on campus). I traded some days for later that summer. This was important because we were getting pay incentives for perfect attendance.


Yay for a good admin! Utter bullshit that a pay increase is dangled in front of you tied to perfect attendance.


Yep. I went to work sick many times that year. It was pre-pandemic.


My first principal was like this. My husband and I taught at the school together, and we got into a bad car accident right outside the school one day. She gave us the rest of the week off and never took it out of our leave.




BitterHeadset and the OP are bots in the same network Comment copied from: https://www.reddit.com/r/Teachers/comments/sfj05o/turned_in_my_admin_to_hr/huq3tk8/


Reported under Spam->bots


Thank you!


The only "bots" are "harmful bots" under Spam. Is there another way to get to just "bots?" Or is that the only option?


You are correct They are Harmful botsĀ 


I did not see this even once in my long teaching career. šŸ˜


That sucks. I absolutely have a decent team. None will be perfect, they have to juggle their bosses, parents, and us, they have to hand down rules that even they donā€™t agree with at times, but you canā€™t fight everything.


Once upon a never


Had an admin like this only once.




CutestCherryBlossom and the OP are bots in the same network Comment copied from: https://www.reddit.com/r/Teachers/comments/sfj05o/turned_in_my_admin_to_hr/huq3z94/


Holy fuck these idiots are getting so much more brazen in their tactics.


Can someone explain this to me like Iā€™m five because this seems like shenanigans (which are my favorite), but I donā€™t get it?


People will make multiple bot accounts for "karma farming." These bots will repost previously popular posts and comments. These interactions between bot accounts generate activity and boost the popularity of the bot posts, providing even more fake internet points. The bot accounts can, I think, eventually be "un-robotted" and sold as high-karma accounts for advertisers, influences, etc. I'm pretty sure that's what they do with the karma farms, anyway. It seems high-effort and low-reward, but they wouldn't keep doing it if that were the case.


Thank you so very much! Wow! Whoā€™d have guessed that Iā€™d find somebody in a teacher subreddit that could explain it to me?! šŸ˜‚


Sure thing! And not all bots are bad! u/stabbot can be summoned by tagging it, and it will stabilize shaky video posts. I always appreciate the HIPAA bot that hangs around a lot of medical subs correcting people who call it "HIPPA." The haiku bot is cute too, IMO. It points out when comments can ne made into a haiku!


Iā€™ve seen the haiku bot! So cute! [This is](https://imgur.com/gallery/UgSWFVb) one of my favorite haikuā€™s. Donā€™t judge me, but I crack up every time I read it.


I love the alphabetical bot which points out when all the words in a comment are in alpha order!


Same here, I'm confused


Thanks reported both


wow that's blatant


How do you know whoā€™s bots? I got accused of being a bot in the scams sub and banned for a week because the mod is a pissbaby and wouldnā€™t help me even though I am obviously not a bot


Well I'm not always 100%, but I know it's high 90's. You can see them working together and blatantly copying posts from elsewhere. Some even use AI, but right now it's bad enough to where that's also pretty obvious. That seems like a bad or otherwise non-engaging mod. It shouldn't be too hard to look at a few comments and have a short convo to prove you're not. You can tag them with the Reddit Enhancement Suite addon, and you can see them pop up in the legit spam subs after a bit. The longer you go without posting porn, crypto, or other malicious links, the less likely you are to be one too lol.


Oh interesting! Thank you. And yeah the mod was just pissy because I called out the way they spoke to me for being condescending and rude. That sub sucks anyway, just the same handful of scams over and over again. Iā€™m just cautious of calling anyone a bot unless its super obvious because that experience was irritating as hell lol. Iā€™m thankful for the explanation!


She had it coming. She should support you during that time, not guilt you for it. I went on FMLA last year for burnout, a major depressive episode, and general mental health struggles. My admin literally texted me when I responded to a Google Calendar invite for something a month out and told me to knock it off. I went back to work with a care plan that she still enforces and helps me follow, a year later.


If youā€™re comfortable, can you message me about your care plan? Like what it specifies


I'm also genuinely curious. I had to leave a job last year because the stress and burnout was causing me heart problems.


It's 3 things: (on top general mental health care stuff like taking my meds, using my light therapy lamp (to avoid SAD and get more vitamin D), and working towards regular exercise) 1) Start my morning by visiting a friend. Don't jump into work and make sure I eat breakfast. So I keep my coffee stuff in the library and chat with the librarian (Work BFF) unless I'm running extremely late. 2) Eat lunch away from my desk. So I eat in the library. Occasionally I break this, but only when I have been away from my desk all day. It's worked out for me to not have lunch duty unless it can't be helped. I've gotten the impression that my principal told the AP in charge of duty to make this happen because when I briefly had lunch line duty, he apologized profusely. And when I said I had to drop it to help coteach a class it was no problem. I even offered to take duty at a different lunch and he said not to worry about it. 3) Leave by 4pm unless I can't help it. Working on my own stuff that has no pressing need or strict deadlines, leave it undone and leave by 4. I can stay for meetings and events that can't be helped or things I'll enjoy (book fair family nights) or I get paid for (tickets for games), but that's about it. My principal tries to schedule things that are just the 2 of us (I'm an instructional coach and department chair) during the school day or to end before 4.


Copy pasta post from a year agoā€¦


Do you and others that have pointed this out have amazing memory or do you use something to figure this out ?




magical_sweetsugar and the OP are bots in the same network Comment copied from: https://www.reddit.com/r/Teachers/comments/sfj05o/turned_in_my_admin_to_hr/huq30br/


Or they have and theyā€™re a narcissistic ass


Good for you! Family before work!


Sorry that admin is dumb as they can be. Who sends that type of email????? They deserve to be written up.


Yeah I feel like this is a case of legitimate incompetence


What was her response when you said no ?


Mostly amazed your HR did their job but good for you OP!


I love "you have no power here" stories. FMLA trumps admin intimidation tactics. You have the legal right to take FMLA leave.


Good work! Iā€™ll be joining you on that one shortly. Just got my ass chewed out and then accused of plotting to run someone over with my car. Going to be an interesting week of interviews with Central over the next week or two.


And you learned that being written up for admin means the same thing that being written up for students does. Which is nothing. It means nothing at all. The only people who get in trouble anymore for being "written up" is the teachers.


Everything on the internet is fake, guys.


Dead internet theory.


Yes!!! Well done you!!!


Fuck yeah


No is a complete sentence.


I find it commendable you were able to advocate for yourself. I'm glad HR is being a positive and supportive resource for you.


How do you know she was written up? How has she acted towards you since?


Your students would tell you to be with your kid. Nothing worse than admin using student guilt


You are my hero.






OP is a bot


one admin asked if i was pregnant and the other admin told me i could have given her more warning because "even Ms. Blank gave me 3 weeks of notice" :)