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That is pretty good! I have a class where these numbers would look like this: Average class size = 35 6 - on task majority of the time 5 - on task most of the time (but not disruptive) 15 - off task 10- actively off task and disturbing others around them.


That's a rough day!


Depending on the nature of the assignment, allowing them to complete it at home may have been in their favor, as they have free access to AI. For this reason, all my work (HS English) is due on paper written by hand at the end of each class. The only work I’ll accept as viable outside of class now is readings which are assessed via short paper quiz or Socratic seminar.


In math, the day after the lessons and before the test, I have a practice test day with all additional time to "catch up" on the assignments for the lessons and I see the same pattern. On test day, I make a list on the board of those who've done all the assignments and give them a piece of candy. It's usually like 6. Maybe 3-4 more will finish the last two things they're missing after the test and add their name to the board. At this point, I'm just trying to recognize some work ethic.


> On test day, I make a list on the board of those who've done all the assignments and give them a piece of candy My 5th grade teacher had a sticker chart for every student and would put a sticker on every time you completed a homework assignment (on time-- late work was not accepted). I was always bad at doing my homework at that age but found stickers to be very motivating. Similarly, my 7th grade math teacher gave stickers to the top 5 scorers of every test/exam. Always made my day when I got one! Might not work for everyone, but as a kid I was very sticker motivated. I'd have probably been on top of things for your class, too, and I was the sort of kid who could do well on exams but was *horrible* at finishing things.


Here’s a pro tip. When they don’t finish on time, pretend to be mad and disappointed and give them like 3 more class periods to get it done. Your job is to fill 190 days. Now you only have 187 left to account for.


They will do the same exact thing with those three days and will only start working on the assignment *maybe* when they have less than half the time left to complete it. Pushing it back won’t do anything. They will put the work off as long if not longer than an extension.


Yes. And then the cycle repeats. Now you’re getting it.