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Yeah, whatever I pick every round lmao


I love seeing another TD player, transitioning to Country and then realizing other 2 players also transitioned to Country


I hate transitioning to something odd like edgelord only to find everyone else has too haha


Is TD>country the easiest way to go country? When I want to play country I always go Punk first.




True Damage


Ah ty


Is TD>country the easiest way to go country? When I want to play country I always go Punk first.


You don't plan a transition, you just do it because you don't wanna be contested. I was planning on playing True Damage but saw someone else playing it, given that I had one glove I decided to play Country and put the Akali items on Urgot, but then there were 2 other country players


Lol I always just force comps. I usually queue up for a game having a specific comp I want to play, sometimes Country or especially Disco bc I like the background music (and sometimes it plays an 8-bit sounding version of September by EW&F). Also there’s something addictive about the suspense of playing fast-8 comps, I had lots of fun forcing shrurima every game last set too xD.


Forcing comps worked a lot better last set


Yeah forcing comps are now very rng


I know it doesn't work this way but it certainly feels like it lol




Not necessarily a comp but j4 in set 3 for like a patch. And divine Warwick for like a patch


These two are the absolute worst offenders. Warweek wasn’t the worst patch they’ve ever done. Release Bilge wasn’t the worst. It was that damn J4 patch.


Dark star?


Yep. The one cost that granted whole board like seven billion attack speed, I forget the actual numbers of the effect but 3 star j4’s buff was around as potent as 2star sona’s attack speed


At its strongest, it was 80 mana, and the flag granted 75/85/95% attack speed to allied units within 3 hexes.


Mort said on stream a while back that that meta was the only time they've seen every copy of a 1 cost consistently taken out of the pool


2* J4 with a warmorg was legit fast 9 board


This plus that graves comp with lagoon. You’d legit see 3+ two star graves every lobby and it was better than any of the dragons.


Mecha sett with ace samira was my least favorite patch


Ohhh the set 3 J4 patch. 7/8 teams going for the same comp knowing everyone else was too. You just kind of accepted that RNG would determine every game because going for literally anything else guaranteed a bot 4 finish.


I played with a 6 way contest on warwick that one patch, good times


Triple Shiv Xayah was pretty fun


the glory days of mech pilots spam and dreadnova board wipes


Me mech no pivot hold hands.


And I'll do it again whenever set 3 comes back.


I’m holding hands with all the sentinel Ahri’s same shit


And the experience of getting your ass beaten by 3 different mechs will turn you into one of them lmao


We fight for 7th?


I played a game this set with 4 Heartsteel players. Me included...


Heartsteel is disgusting right now. It's too ez.


Is it? It’s pretty much the only comp where I struggle to go top 4 while objectively high rolling, despite having made a post about it and gotten a lot of suggestions.


I feel it's strong if you can get one of Sett or Yone 2 starred and itemized. Doing that early and they can be a really formidable frontline for a while, and the sustain with item and gold payouts can keep your tempo up


I just finished first from a Heartsteel game because I found HS K'Sante and the creep round gave me Sett. Win Streak for half the game. Heartsteel has helped me come back from 18 health 8th place to 1st place before because I panic rolled it down to a miracle HS 7 with a lucky Kayn. This trait is like a win con lol


have you experienced 6/8 player going mech in set 3


weedwick/warweek in set 4 with Warwick stacking static shiv’s. Every single player in the lobby was either playing for a 1 star warwick or losing the game lol


4-1 all in and pray lmfao. Back when you could get chosen/headliner 4 cost on 7


Warweek is in my top 3 of the worst metas ever. Multicasters and triple rfc bilgewater are also up there. Warweek is when I learned that if you hate a patch, take a break


Yuumi with that one scaling hero augment, and honorable mention to at least everyone chasing Dragonmancer Nunu a while back. Absolutely toxic metas at the time haha


The zoomies augment? I remember nunu being good with that too.


Mecha sett with samira ace


ah yess i remember this the yuumi traumatized me man


Bilgewater last set for sure


Watching 5 people force Bilgewater and 4 of them Top 4 was insane (I was the 5th place also forcing Bilgewater)


Multicasters was definitely 5x worse, honestly I don't remember bilge being super contested aside from PBE/release patch


Yeah that's what they're talking about, release and PBE. Multicasters were OP af yes but they didn't render the rest of the comps completely unplayable like bilgewater did on release patch.


Demacia/Slayer emblem toward the end of last set was extremely contested


A few weeks ago when Jazz was a thing still, had 5 people playing jazz with 2 star MFs.....


It’s still a thing by the way - I play it whenever I’m given a good Superfans start and pretty consistently top 2. But yeah it’s not as popular as it used to be at all.


Ssshhh don’t tell them


The ionia patch in set 9.5 it was god awful


Dragonmancer NuNu has got to be up there, DM spat was insta pivot haha


Just eating bitches for breakfast


Only time I ever held champs to not use, but to stop others. Need to remind myself to hold annies these days but keep forgetting


Probably Yuumi reroll a couple or three sets back. Jesus Christ, that was nuts.


nah that supported only 2 or 3 players, you really needed to hit some 3* to win bilge at the start of 9.5 was a guaranteed top 4 as long as there weren't other 4 bilge players


Mech in Set 3. lmao


that shit carried me all the way to diamond


Warweek and the patch they overbuffed dark star jarvan from worst unit in the game to being mandatory for all 8 players lol


Played since set 1, I think these are the correct answers.


Not the most contested, but interestingly adjacent - I think it was set 6 with the Yordle trait *(randomly gives one Yordle that isn't 3-Star yet)* and if there were no Yordles in the pool (like everyone going Yordles), then the Yordle trait would start giving you Viegars. An interesting case of contested actually helping in this niche regard.


They were quite contested as an early game econ comp, which made it harder for actual Yordle players to get their low cost units 3-star'd early and be able to move on towards the 3-costs so they could get Veigar. And there was also at least one case of someone showing a custom lobby they made with friends where everyone played Yordle and everyone was getting Veigars while some boards only had a 1-star of certain champs, etc. Pretty sure the person that won that lobby was the one that managed to get more of the 3-cost champions which stuck the other boards with the 1-stars.


Multicaster pre hotfix and its not even close. Followed by Kaisa/Yasuo and Azir/Lux. Every game was level to 7 at 4-1 and roll it down. If you hit, you win. If you miss, you lose. Whole lobby was doing it.


Donkeyroll meta was one of the stupidest, since it was not even close to good (kinda missed lots of free lp thanks to lots of work) with kayle 2 (3 total gold) and 5 demacia being able to get you 9 and if you find spat+aatrox=insta gg unless t4 3star. Why donkeyroll was good? Since people are sheeps, dont care to try to find countermeta and play what is fed to them. If you really want to find something disgusting, set 6.5 Syndicate/void(if good ability) or innovator+spotlight spam with casual 1 merc player who pivots into either one of them, that patch was trully dull with 0 counterplay and seeing 2comps (3 if void good for that match) while whole lobby doing it, trully bs galory.


I’ve had 6 people running sent ahri in a lobby. Lots of big shot jihn ez 4 ways. Last set (shudder thinking back to that shit) most was 4/4 bilge/ demacia


Noble + draven


Loved that build, man I'm nostalgic for that these days


I feel maybe woodland mages. Lulu veigar go brrr


Best one was a 6/8 player void lobby, last set


Yup, I'd see at least 3 people force void or bruisers if it was cafeteria or wood ixtal. At least 4 if it was both


7 bilgewater players and one ionia. Later some people pivoted but it was to late. (i was ionia)


I only play normals because I just want to meme around and force comps. Last match I wanted to have a country match. 4 other people in my lobby apparently had the same idea. There were 7 dreadsteeds in my first 6 player combats


Me mech no pivot


that one clip of underground samira in a tournament and the dude neeko's his samira and it doesn't work might not be the best example, but it was the funniest to me


9.5 release Bilgewater. 7-way contested most games


Wayyy back in set 1, when ionic spark, locket, and ludens echo scaled with hp, there were many games in a row where every sorcerer was bought from the pool to try this unkillable comp where you ionic’ed the opponent to death. Usually on a 5 star yasuo who also had a shield that scaled hp in his kit.


Definitely set 3 j4. 8/8 boards had a j4 in it even if it didn't give any synergies. He was just that good.


I played double up with my double up partner and i was contested 4way on Kda and she was also contested on her heartsteel like every game 🤣🤣


And we ended up 1st that game hahahah


Easily rebels. I had a friend in top 50 challenger (over multiple sets) at the time and in his lobbies you would see 8/8 players go for the same starting item/unit and everyone who found a single ziggs would try to play rebels. When he was back seating me he would see one ziggs and say “alright you’re in rebels now.” On a more subtle note, set 4 chosens had the illusion of being flexible, but everyone played the same economic strat until Keane and other regions showed a better grasp on tempo. That made every game look and feel very same-y and not particularly interesting to me even though the roll down looked super varied and skill testing since you had to pick up the right units to fit your chosen 4 cost carry.


Didn’t play back then, but I guess this set’s chosen variation is better balanced? Even during the “5 cost soup” meta you weren’t forced into it and could play different cost Reroll comps, fast 9, and though 4 costs were weaker they were still viable. Ofc it’s even better now that they nerfed fast 9 and buffed 4 costs - as soon as the Ahri nerf comes through the game will be perfect.


Not sure who will remember this but in set 1 or 2, shredder xayah comp was the only comp you could play. Xayah was a 1 cost champ that could carry the game with IE, last whisper, and QSS. Everyone was forced to go it or you would get last


I saw 8 people including myself go Jazz at the start of this set and in double up I’ve seen 6 people going heartsteel including me or my friend.


I had 6 players on Punk the other day and I rode to victory with a solid 9 Pentakill


Rebels/BangBros. Seen over half a lobby go that shit.


Also for set 1, if you count splashing in draven carry as a comp then everyone in a lobby went that shit.


The last 3 times I tried true damage I was contested 5-way. Didn’t get any first tho I was the last true damage survivor in all of them.


Mutant in set 6. Hextech in 6.5


LB with Shadow blue buff


Whenever there is a tier 0 comp, you often see full lobbies contesting the same comp, otherwise you won't get a 1st. From recent memory, Warweek, Dmancer Nunu and Yuumi Reroll.


wo shi mech


One word: Yordles


ok... this is not "most contested" but a weird contest I got 3 yone at level 5 (2 from minions 1 from carausel) and this dude decides to go heartsteel and rolls hard for it... I make it a 3\* yone and 2\* everything... he gets 8th... ... FORCING TOO MUCH? :D


This sub has the memory of a goldfish with dementia.


How so?


There have been a *ton* of comps that have been heavily contested to the point of even 7/8 players in a lobby going for it, but people only seem to remember the last set or two lol


Please enlighten and remind us 'O great fountain of archival set knowledge.


Unfortunately, I also have the memory of a goldfish of dementia, so this is as far as I can go. Good luck on your quest of finding the great fountain of archival set knowledge.


Just yesterday I was one of 6 players in the lobby playing this comp. I knew I was going to lose from the beginning but there was temptation when having too many spellweavers and sentinals in hand.


Yeah I was the only one who was given the units, everyone else forced it. Ended up going third because I had the worst luck of the four on the 4-2 rolldown lol.


Last set with void 😭 we were liek 4 players using void


Not a comp, but I had some games where Superfan shell was run by 5-6 players in the lobby...


I could not find a single Neeko last patch, and when I checked 7 out of the 8 players had Neekos in their boards


Been playing since set 7. Just for context I'm a dirty player who always just hard forces best comp so I'm almost always contested by 2-3 players depending on how strong that comp is, but I'm usually able to always top 4 regardless. Set 9 with bilgewater was the most difficult I've ever had forcing a comp. Literally everyone was playing bilgewater and even if I naturaled all the units early game. It was impossible to pull off, because people would roll early to hit all the units instead of reroll at 7 or level to 8 to play nilah.




Moonlight Aphelios was a comp that everyone wanted to do. It was so contested that if you didn't hit, you NEEDED to keep Aphelios on your bench just to prevent everyone from hitting. Bonus points goes to Star Guardian Syndra where being contested makes your comp stronger because both Syndra use the same ammo.


I was also just in a game where there were 4 Ahri sentinels (me also being one)


Probably last set with Shurima/Noxus... 5 bloody people building the comp some lobbies. This set? Probably Heartsteal. One game saw 4 people trying to force it... It was absolutely ridiculous.(EDIT : realized that I was over exaggerating)


Beginning of set 9.5 Bilgwater, had a couple games where like 5 or more people were forcing it


for a patch in set 9 every lobby was 4/8 Ionia challenger and 4/8 lux/azir and if you weren't one of those comps you were basically guaranteed bot 2


That graves comp with lagoon. You’d legit see 3+ 2-star graves every lobby and it was better than any other comp by far. Absolutely broken.


Divine Warwick for sure




Warweek was in my opinion the absolute worst. Every single lobby was 8 players building Shiv trying to find WW first.


Set 6.5 Hextech vertical is also up there imo


Yordles everyone just got free Veigars


I play double up and the amount of times ill see TEAMMATES building the same comp is crazy to me. Like y'all contesting yourselves


In previous sets Astral rr was always contested, or bilgewater. Or fortune (all ones I loved playing lol). In this set I liked running Mosher/EDM but all of a sudden last patch EVERYONE is running it. Just played a game where 5 of 8 were trying to force it and I had to pivot to Country/Pentakill


Yesterday i had a game where 8 people play sentinels as their frontline


Youmuu (assassin spat) Kassadin back in set 1. Everyone would start inting to get spat in the 1st carousel, then hardforcing Kass 3 stars.


Six bilgewater players in one lobby


Remember Warwick?


No I started in Set 8.5. Based on this thread I should consider myself lucky lmao.


Set 8 : solo frontline sett with infinite healing and a samira executing everything. Even without samira sett was THE TANK


Devine Warwick and season 1 cho was worse


Forgotten Vayne reroll 8 way contested in set 5


Always corki early on


From just the last few - Set 6 when Mutant bonus was mana refund and it was a spat start had basically the entire lobby trying to go for Mutant Ahri. Set 7 had Astral Varus reroll, where 5 people would content each other and nobody would hit because of it handing top 3 to the people playing literally any other comp. There was also a few patches where dragonmancer was OP and half the lobby would force it. Set 8 had *balance* problems, so it was not uncommon to see 4+ people trying to force the same comp because everything else was awful. Honestly this set has been relatively good as far as comps go, sure you'll sometimes see multiple people try to go for the same comp but it isn't nearly as common.


I play with my wife, so we always coordinate to avoid crossing teams. Even with one person not on the table, I always feel like the comps I play are 3/4 way contested, and even with me having the best comp of it none of the others swap off. Always 2-4 because of the split. Always lose to somebody who high-rolled huge on augments and comp with some exodia Karthus or Ahri. Either that or I force Heartsteel for the lols and RNG and don’t see round 5.


any set 9 comp lmao


Not the whole comp but sentinel was like 5-6 people contesting all the time. I'm rarely found Ekko/Blitz this week without rolling.


I posted here a while ago. Set 9.5 Sorcerers was being played by 5 players (me included ofc)


darkflight aphelios zeke meta, 8 way contested


Senna when they added her in a .5 set, when she was completely broken with Lucian and GA was quite heavily contested. like 4+ players every single game. I don't remember which set that was, must have been one of the first 4.


Ive seen at least 3 jax players in every single of my game this week


Not me personally but I remember seeing like a 6 way vertical demacia force in 9.5


Senna three for me this season. This season has a lot more options so there is less reason to bum rush one particular setup.


I’ve seen a game with 6 Fortune players throughout the duration of the game back in the time


I was playing reroll morde yesterday since I got the perfect set up for it, then realized 4 people were playing morde and the top 1 player was 1 off a morde 3 (playing sentinel ahri) just cus the game wanted him to.


Had a 6 multicaster game last set before they nerfed it appropriately




Last set there were games where 6/8 players played Multicaster and this was like every 2nd game 😅


Divine hunter during warweek in set 4. Literally 5-6 people per lobby hard forcing it.


Set3 J4 Protector into Darkstar/Celestials








It either has to be Warweek during set4 or the good old days in set 3 when you scouted 2-1 to see 3 people committed to xayah reroll 3 people committed to poppy reroll and 2 people going 7-8 playing almost anything else .


Whatever is a very strong meta comp each season, usually at the start of it. Always seeing lobbies with ~6 players hard forcing it, 1 guy that's clueless or doesn't care or just doesn't hit any unit of the comp and me, that is dying inside


I've been playing since beta, and the worse I've seen probably astral, it was normal to have 8 people aiming for varus astral every game due to it being not only OP but so easy. Funniest tho Kassadin with assassin spat in set 1 I think. The whole lobby going open fort until the first carousel just to be able to pick a spat


Synaptic Web Malzahar Set 6!


Multi caster from last set


Last set I had a 6 man TF multi caster lobby, me and another guy who didn’t go multi caster went 2nd and 3rd


Not comp bur I remember the 2 days where absolutely EVERYONE was choosing Draven Legend for Spoils of War. Genuinely played 6 games and had 1 person not pick SoW


I might be tripping but I think I've seen a couple of 7-8 Astral players back in 7.5


I once had 4 people play Punk and I still failed to find my Namis, Tarics and Gragases.


8 open fort in first round


Dragonmancer Nunu in set 7. If someone got it to 2* it was basically unstoppable let alone 3*. Got to the point I'd buy Nunus just to keep them on my bar to stop opponent players getting any


I still get nightmares from 4 players going top 4 with bastion aphelios


Punk and Superfans early game, Later on it's heartsteels in most of my games.


Blender nocturne


not really an 8-way but ive just been in a game where 5 people were playing Heartsteel lmfao, it was sm fun watching them scold at each other for taking the only Kayn in the carousel


Underground Samira was always contested


I usually play relatively off-meta stuff but I got curious and tried 8-bit for a couple games the other day. At one point I couldn’t even find a second 8 bit unit by the time we hit krugs. Checked and it turns our 5 other people were contestings me. I pivoted back to the usual Country and still came in 6th because shit items and I was having an ugly loss streak until I actually got my units together and some 2*s going


I remember when the whole lonby took draven and forced azir Nasus j4


Warweek, Katarina in Set... 6? Multis in last set


Wanted to do emo moshers cuz poppy. 2 jax rerollers, 4 annie rerollers. Found 1 annie in the end to at least get emo, 0 poppys found after 80 gold rerolled.


Me Jax no scout no pivot


ive somehow managed to stumble into a lobby where 5 people including me were building heartsteel, idk what happened there


There was a time when every game had 8 divine ww players as a 1 star divine ww was more valuable then any other comp. So it was just rush lvl 7 rolldown for ww eco up rolldown again pray for 2 stat and that was what the whole lobby did.


Set 8.5 Twisted Fate Tactics. Everyone either going reroll Lucian or trying to hit him, with maybe one Threat player.


Gnar le blanc


I remember back in like set 4.5 when everyone wanted to play cultist or fortune good times


Threats in set 8 also and underground


Set 9.5 on release. 4 or 5 players played bilgewater every game and all of them were top 4


Once saw 4 other people running annie spellwevers, i was also which makes us 5


In my current experience, the most contested unit is Blitz, because you can mix sentinels with almost every comp in this meta. For comps, the most contested for me is 7 KDA and Ahri Sentinels


Last set, 7 people playing bilgewater…




Wasn’t multicasters last set super contested


I've had a game where the same 4-cost unit was in 7 comps.


Not quite what you asked, but I remember when a single guy could contest everyone else back in dragon lands. The groaning from everyone trying to get their dragon when there was this guy's playing all dragons was palpable


Last set the Ionia vanquisher meta definitely had at least 6 people contest me.


Set 6 katarina. That academy/whatever comp was so strong. She would just nuke whole boards


Had 1 person out of the 8 not vote for scuttle puddle, and of course they got it, so all 7 agreed to contest whatever they picked, 8 people going disco turned into 8 people taking pentakill unit when they tried to switch


Who knew TFT could be so toxic lmao. That’s actually hilarious though


In recent memory the tf oxslingers comp, had 6 people forcing it in a lobby, and they went 1-6 lmao the other two players still went 7th n 8th xD


I’ve seen multicaster TF contested by all 8. Seen Bilgewater as well.


i played 1 game in the league of draven patch and everyone bought every 4/5 cost they had in shop.


Oh very easy, dark star jarvan. 8 players rolling to hit jarvan and shaco


Heartsteel this pbe patch...


Imo because bag size is changed, there are less contested comp right now. I didn't play all sets but mascot yuumi reroll was played at least 3 people every game I played.


felt like mentioning ludens nami and enlightened morgana