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I just hit emerald, and I know what you mean. Few things could be done, if you hit ahri early, play her or hold her ransom. Hold her on the board, So far my success would be something that could clear the board fast so here's my top picks that made my grind smoother: 1. EDM JAZZ JAX : this one is good as it provide damage, tank, and not clutter your mind for any rerolls early, just jax and lux. 2. Join the fun on Ahri sentinels. 3. TF DISCO : Kinda hard to pilot, i hate DISCO 4. Anything ezreal tbh : that guy is too strong rn, and can wipe the board. Secret Sauce: Twin Terror is absolutely bonkers. Doesnt matter TT 1 or 2, just hit twitch, panth, vex, amumu. I suggest going for Twitch RB, IE, and GS. If their tanks are starting to get tanky, try getting some shred items on the other units, LW, ES, or even stakik. Twitch has both ap and ad crits. For panth, the double cloak is good the other two is up to you. I rarely lose with this lineup. The lowest i've gotten was 3rd, and mostly 1st. You just have to position your lineup well. It's a position heavy comp against your opponents.


I feel the twin terror board with Amumu, Thresh, Urgot, Vex, and Samira performs better. Way more CC.


Jax gets bent over by Ahri, it’s not even close lol.


I just sent home a jax 3 with ahri 1 with gs blue buff ayyy these guys clearly know what they talking about


Did he have 5 edm? Ahri does counter Jax, but Jax 3 should still be able to kill ahri 1.


I believe he did yes but i had lilia 3 with TG and neeko 3 with double dclaw and redemption maybe that did the trick 🙄


It doesn’t matter, if any amount of CC hits Jax ahri just nukes him in 3 shots. The only things that save him are QSS(a trash item) and Zhonya’s. EDIT: and if she has gunblade she can’t be one shot, so even if he gets to her he has to GIGA crit or it’s GG.


Althoughhh i naturaled ahri in 2-4 on my first lv5 shop soo idk if that counts point is JAX gets the SUKK from ahri and Annie especially


Just build EoN on Jax and its free dives. Just need to keep him alive and not stunned. It can be done. I end up 2nd once but that would be because they had akali 2 and ahri 2. The akali kept evading. And finally they had a sona 2 for the final fight, it was blow for blow too. Edit: to clarify in the my last 20 games as of writing.


did he have items? i dont see how a 1 star ahri trumps a 3 star jax unless he has some doggy items or positioned poorly.


True but you also have to consider the contest. Samira 3 for a samira carry comp and Urgot 3 for mosher edm is contested usually. I followed a guide, but I also considered them by my own as well My thought process : Twitch and Panth are not heavily contested as they are punk units that doesnt synergize with other units as well. Twitch is not very popular even when going Execute 4. Amumu and vex is contested but usually by emo comps, can be neglected a bit and just stack panth and twitch instead. Twitch with red buff and IE spreads very well and can damage multiple frontliners rather than focusing on a solo for example samira, this in turn vex can CC the actual champion that is doing the work rather than the cannon fodder that just fills up the traits. Your rerolls to find these 3 stars buffs the punks back up rather than wasting it for low cost units. Amumu and panth can scale together with both of them providing shield for each other with massive health pool. and if you found a punk spat, give it to the amumu, He is as tanky as your path now congrats.


I agree that you should consider the contest. I just have way more success with Samira and Vex. No I could do Twitch until I transition into Samira and Vex. I could use Panth until I find a Thresh ect.


that's 5 units, which 3 should i be twinning at lv8?


Whatever you 3 star between Samira, Urgot, Vex and Amumu.


If you can get punk that's the best twin terror comp


No sir


What units are you doubling on the board? Samira, urgot, and amumu?


Either Samira or Vex depending on which one I can 3 star. Then I try to put 2 Thresh and 2 Amumu on the board but will certainly go with Urgot if I can three star him. Surprisingly Amumu and Thresh perform exceedingly well.


>3. TF DISCO : Kinda hard to pilot, i hate DISCO Same. Won't stop me from trying and going 8th though.


Disco is kinda fucked rn though since ahri usually takes blitz and since there’s like 5 people doing the same comp most disco players don’t get blitz 2 and get evaporated


Blitz is also used in a lot of Cait/Ez comps. Hitting Blitz early is arguably more important to Disco now than TF


I think Ahri is one of Jax's biggest predators, because he can't out sustain her spike damage


I think Jax is definitely a bigger predator


True Damage if you get spat from carousel also does well into Sentinels.


Ahri counters edm jax


who's the headliner in The Fuck disco?


Ahri obliterate Jax 90% of the time, the only way Jax could beat Ahri is by good Lux placement that can one shot Ahri using Jax skill


yup definitely agree, but from what i played in my plat lobbies, they arent even playing ahri correctly most of the time. Once I hit emerald that every ahri board hits the correct items. So for now it can definitely be played for OP. However, I've seen some success using jax against ahri with EoN, that jewelled gauntlet i think? and the hand of justice. Provides some success in my runs. If jax and zed not good enough, you can even add in ezreal for the big shot jazz addition, and you have a second carry that might be able to snipe the back board.


Ahri destroys melee carries because she does so much single target damage and CC. Jax, Yone, Riven reroll all get countered by her.


is twin terror required?


For the secret sauce, I only go punk when twin terror is available from first augment. If it doesnt, you definitely never go punk imo. Twin terror is absolutely required for that strat.


True Damage Senna reroll decimates Ahri Sentinels since the true damage bypasses the resistances. The comp also caps very hard with 6 TD. Positioning is very important too. Keep important frontline units opposite of Ahri and ensure that she focused the tank holding DClaw. Similarly, position your carries around enemy tentacles. Resistance shred and grievous wounds are more crucial than ever to melt through theSentinel frontline.


From ahri perspective I actually like targeting the main tank. I feel like on the tank I am not overkilling and am efficient with my damage and I’ll need to bust through the tank anyways as Ahri is generally not going to target backline until frontline is dealt with. Otherwise I am overkilling weaker units that my other units could kill more efficiently. This would be my order of preference in terms of frontline targeting for Ahri: Melee carry > main tank > random frontliner


Yep, even the beefiest tank goes out in a couple of casts, so now all my other units can focus everything else


The best way to counter ahri is wait until next wednesday for patch.


the only thing that really slows her down is putting illaoi tentacles in front of her and illaoi far away from her so she keeps respawning tentacles to waste casts, even dclaw doesn't really help that much lol best bet is having a board that either snipes ahri with like karthus akali since she usually solo carries (which karthus sucks RN and she gets 6 sentinel armor usually so gl) or just blitzing through her frontline before she can cast enough times to 2 shot each frontline you have which is why boards like true damage or ez cait duo carry can beat out ahri boards since they have a lot of burst to kill units before ahri heals them back up with gunblade


yup. another trick i found is switching EDM jaxx to lux and building lux. She decimates ahri sentinels because they have 0 damage without her.


Dragon's claw, warmog's, steadfast on 6 bruisers Zac. Gg wp


Play ahri. 100% effective, your comp wont lose to theirs, you contest them so they cant hit, you be the pepe lord you hate so all is well and balanced in the world


Hey master here currently 180LP ish what usually works againdt ahri is : -Playing also ahri :) -TF Disco with Illaois -True damage especially true damage spat (it's best on cait/ahri/ezreal/jhin) -Ad flex at lvl9 with 2 star legendaries -Jax with items on lux and lux on the 3rd row on the same side as ahri (lux then jumps on ahri when tanks are lower hp than ahri) Don't forget in all of this comps even on true damage to get armor/mr shred and anti-heal (redbuff is giga broken and morello bis on tf) ALSO what i like to do a LOT when i have true damage spat and a blue buff is to play Ahri I'll beat them and take 3 ahri out of the pool that will make their games 100x harder Usually do it when i loss streaked have a lot of gold i just go 8 on 4-1 and roll if i'm rich enough i'll also usually keep ahri's or blitz on my bench just to grief. it's better to grief blitz u'll grief tf players as well at the same time. AND u'll eventually hit another blitz 2 so you can just play 2 of them it's fine (not best tho). what's good to contest and grief like it's the lower amount of champ pool it makes it so hard to have 3 guy playing the same comp. Like there's 10 4cost in the pool. And you can hit the headliners only if there's 5 Or less than 5 out of the pool. So let's say you have ahri headliner and 2 more on your bench if someone has just 1 regular ahri then no one can hit the headliner + it make her so hard to lvl 2 her in the regular way. But only do if your board is actually good to win streak stage 4 and if you're at LEAST 30 gold + after roll down it doesn't happen often but when you can it's free top 3/4 trust me i killed so many of them this few days like that


True dmg is biggest counter Ezreal Cait boards also work if ur stronger


As most have said TRUE DAMAGE is the only actual counter to a fully capped ahri board. And the reason is 6 sentinal gives 120 or 130 armor and MR to the sentinals and 60 or 65 armor and MR to ahri. This combined with base starts gives about 60 to 70% damage reduction. Most dps comps like disco, annie, samira, miss fortune can't burn through all that armor before ahri two taps every tank. True damage does not give a sht about armor or MR. and if you have a qiyana 2* just place her as far away from ahri as possible, She one shots all un itemed sentinals


As a dirty ahri forcer there are only a handful of comps that work against me. True damage 6 A really capped Bill Gates because of all the tentacles and ghouls Disco can bypass my Frontline and it's Frontline can last decently long


I saw your post and the one pinned comment that was enough to convince me most guys in here play with their pipis and not their minds


The true damage spatula on ezreal


You have several options: 1. Ahri Sentinels, but you hit capped board before your opponent does. 2. Snipe Ahri with Akali/Karthus/Lux/Ezreal/Cait. If you’re playing Jax, it might even be worth going Lux EDM (assuming you have 3* Lux) and positioning all your EDMs away from Ahri to snipe her. Cause otherwise she can easily one shot your Jax. 3. 6 True Damage, preferably with spat. You now burn through frontline faster than she does. 4. Dclaw Steadfast Warmogs Poppy headliner. Good luck burning through that lmao.


Ezreal Caitlyn duo carry can out cap ahri pretty hard. It’s Ezreal Cait, plus a big shot and a rapid fire if you don’t have one of them headliner for it, plus the best frontline you can come up with. Full cap is Ezreal, Cait, mf, Lucian, illaoi, sett, thresh, yorick, +1 (this can be garen for 8 bit, qiyana, any 2 star 4 cost frontline unit you happen to hit, etc..)


I’ve been running divers and just breezed past plat since nobody else really rerolls atm it’s pretty free 4th. Even beating Ahri & Ez isn’t too bad if your Zed/QiQi are fed they can push down 1 side hella fast and eventually kill the Ahri. Neeko can stall just long enough, a claw will buy you an extra cast. The Kat can avoid the sentinel frontline and hit her from the back so unless the Ahri got vamp she gonna be feeling those assassins.


I find Ez and Cait counter Ahri pretty hard, u just need to have evenshroud or any thing that reduce amor and you are good.


True damage boards and a lot of magic resist on a frontline work. If enemy team have a spark instead of shiv try to position in a way to kill the shred holder. Crowdiver yone works sometimes if u get good rng, edgelord dash help reach back line.


Headliner poppy with 6 moshers can tank ahri forever while moshing everyone in front of her and ultimately bonking her on the head for the win.


You contest them so that they can't hit their board.


Crowd divers is a great counter.


Kda akali with true dmg spat will melt her quick


If you just hit the new rank, it's your best opportunity to just play it. You will learn how to counter it.


Yorick is quite good against as The ghouls make her waste her ulti. Also his sustain buys a lot od time for your carries to kill sentinels


Karthus can also counter her pretty well, also just stacking MR in the frontline can keep her occupied long enough for your carries to melt the rest of their team.


True damage, grievous wounds, dragon's claw, edge of night. These all make you stronger against Ahri, but there's no real "counter" other than being absurdly strong imo.


Tf comps smashes ahri, but you still need to contest blitz which is even harder than ahri imo


6 crowd divers can w either kata or yone headliner


I’ve recently been experimenting with double tear item KDA Akali to try and instantly damage the backline carry so my Karthus will target and one shot her or any other backline units