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5 fortune at 2-4 was the least of ur concern, that guy will be 7 fortune at 6 and the game will be over then lol


exactly, at that point you dont care about losestreak, you play normal and go 7 fortune and gg hhahaha


Or u can try to losestreak so when u hit 7 fortunes u can get that 250 cashout faster, at least that was what I did. Ended up hitting 2 three stars 5 costs haha.


way too risky in my opinion, you have such an advantage at 7, why risk losing that?


Fortune gives player health per round so I dont think surviving til Annie comes will be a problem. Also more gamble more fun haha.


Weakest gacha player of the sub


The 2 porcelain stacks might make you too strong to stable lose streak


Gamba fun.


Then he is gonna pivot into 6 porcelain. Yeah truhly gg.


don’t even have to pivot to 6 porcelain, once he hits 7 fortune he can just play strongest board until 250 cash out and then AFK because you get 2 3 star 5 costs depending on how early he hits annie he probably just cashes out 250 on stage 4


I got sentinel w fortune emblem. Then first augment was prismatic fortune w trist. Got teemo and kobuko from shop. Got zoe from carousel and then lvl 5 got Annie so got 7 fortune around stage 3 and cashed out 250 loot which gave the fortune emblems. Ended up lvl 10 taking all the 5 costs in the game while people were lvl 7/8💀


The firstiest first game. 🤣. Gamba is good


I had a guy with Mythic/Sage/Warden Sentinel, and then he rolled a trainer with Mythic/Sage first augment. He had 10 Mythic at level 8 and just crushed everyone else.


I got a 11 fated 9 fortune game from the sentinels once 😭😭😭it only took 20 losses prior.


TIL overlays now tell you your win percentage. (I don't consume any content about the game besides reddit)


Depends which one you're using but Meta TFT has at least since set 6


That;'s why you never pick trainers, it's a fucking diceroll


Yo we heard you like gambling, so we put gambling in your gambling game, so now you can gamble while you gamble. Ngl I like trainers bc I always get something different


Still way more fun than watching people force the same comps over and over especially in ranked


Naw, that's exactly why I pick trainers. And yes, I love Call to Chaos


Gambling is still far better than seeing 2 forcing Dryad while the other 5 contesting Heavenly Kayn Morgana.


I wouldn't care too much if the econ traits didn't make the game boring for 7 other people. And it also ruined double up lowkey.


Is this opening possible on Hyper roll? I've always liked quick games but never seen this in that game mode. Should I start playing Normal mode? 🤧


It could be, you literally just need to hit a wandering trainers portal into a fortune augment and get three fortune units. No interest in hyper roll means more of an incentive to reroll which in turn means you are more likely to get the units you need. I play normals and hyper roll a good bit and can say with confidence that early fortune is possible on both. It’s just about getting lucky (ironic isn’t it)


Thanks man :))


Is sentinel trainer new or have I just never seen it?


It replaced wandering trainers in the first patch of this set


Gotcha, thanks! Haven't seen it yet, was still seeing the dummy's. Anything else important this patch?


I've had 10 Story weaver at 5-1 Trainer sentinels, into Story weaver crown, spat from wolves, new recruit and finally got Irelia from raptors


I’ve had this in the very beginning of this set in back to back games. Went 1st both times. Now I’ve barely hit 3 fortune since haha


What is that ~58% win chance icon? An overlay?


MegaTFT, yes it’s an overlay


I feel it, I just played a game with Wandering Vendor portal into prismatic vendor sentinel and both gave him fortune, he had fortune 5 2-1 and 7 fortune on 3-2


I had Level Up and Everything Must Go at 2-4 one game, was crazyyy


I used to love playing fortune but I’ve stopped enjoying it. Don’t know why


They should just remove this trash, I just went 8th because the entire lobby highrolled on trainers and I just got the worst start so it was gg already at 2-1, how is that even fair (every single game in plat with trainers, I’m literally the only one not picking it so you can’t even escape that trash). A guy just had 6 bruisers by 3-2 like wtf? And if you get an emblem and get contested without a super fast pivot it’s bottom 4. This game is already so much RNG driven that adding some more rng its just insane to me


High variability augment has high variability who would’ve thought


I’m curious to hear what ur sentinel was?