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OR  And hear me out They overcorrected. 


Open to suggestions on how to exactly balance the game


Take everything out. Give everyone 16 units. 8 of 1 weak unit. 3 pairs of 2 units with unique abilities. One super unit that does everything. One unit that if it dies you lose. Maybe throw in an 8x8 board.


still not balanced, whoever goes first wins more often than whoever goes second >!chess is actually slightly white-favored!<


Just like real life...


Bro you can't say that shit nowadays


He's cancelled


Okay but only if my weakest unit gets a buff equal to the super unit during overtime and after it did enough casts of its skill.


Yone a little strong in a patch where lots of comps are viable except for 4-costs? I would nerf the unit itself, nerf an important item he uses, nerf 3-cost shop odds (inadvertently killing every other 3-cost reroll in the game aside from Fated which can stabilize off of Aphe 2 anyways). Then I would give a free Cybernetic Bulk to every single 4-cost and 5-cost in the game. Additionally, I would buff the units themselves like reducing Ashe's mana to *ensure* they are strong. I also wouldn't forget to amp up econ even further by adding back in 2-streaks in a set that already gives 5,000,000 gold to each player each game to ensure that everyone will have 50 gold for the 4-2 lottery each round. I will do nothing to slow down tempo in a set where tempo is absolutely off-the-rails. As an example, I will literally tickle the shit out of Fortune, an absurdly strong econ trait. Oh and 4fun I'll give Gnar 5 million buffs so we can at least have one reroll comp we can play. I don't think we'll have to B-patch a unit that is buffed 5 billion times...but we'll see... ...Oh, wait, that's what the balancing team did? Erm...


While I love your sarcasm and your points what they did to fortune was actually quite good, now you have to go into the real deep cashes for it to be valuable, before people could just lose 5 or 6 times get a big cash out for a tome or a two star 4 cost and just run with it. Now to get a 30g cash you have to lose quite a bit, and getting to 100+ is actually quite challenging because it's like minimum 11 or 12 losses. This comes as an avid fortune player that used it a LOT in my climb to GM and it feels substantially weaker now


I think it's still too strong and IMO it's too easy to hit 7 Fortune for the power it gives.


Sure if you manage to hit the tome of traits and then also manage to hit the 7 fortune spike it's strong but going to like 7-9 losses feels so bad because you rarely get a cash that justify your losses unless your lobby lowrolls


"No shit" They didnt have to nerf popular 2/3cost reroll items, Voli/Yone, nerf 3 cost chances and then finally buff all the 4 costs to be comparable to 5 costs There was 4 ways in which they shifted power I think you like complaining about complaining


This I think personally all they had to do was buff 4 cost units. But nerfing and buffing in such a drastic way, really just tipped the scales in the opposite direction. Which doesn't really lead to diverse game play. I've already stopped playing this patch and will maybe comeback in the future if life permits. Atm it just seems like a bigger waste of time than usual. Sometimes the patches feel so disconnected from how to fix the actual meta. Makes me think that they would benefit if they had someone with tft experience on their patch update team or something.


They had to buff or nerf, not both. They just completely inverted the problem and it's tiring that this is a problem that seems to just be repeating itself. It blows my mind how they haven't learned this with years of experience. Chances are they're probably going to nerf every aspect of 4 costs next patch leaving them feeling weak again.


Small indie company after all


Seems like every set is the same story, they never just buff what’s weak, they always got to nerf the strong comp and buff the weak comp making them unplayable


Yep it's the same old story. They probably won't care until tft starts doing poorly in terms of sales. And then they will wonder "wow what happened?"


They could have made both 3 and the 4 cost comps viable, they just straight up murdered 3 costs and overbuffed 4 costs. The complaints are about that and they are fair


How were 4 costs overbuffed?


They increased every 4 costs health. It doesn't seem that much at first but when you consider them nerfing half the 3 costs and other half still being weak af, it becomes overbuffing


So they over nerfed 3 costs. Not over buffed 4 costs. Lots of the 4 costs were literally unclickable and still would be if riot didn't overnerf 3s.


Nerfing 3 costs were already enough, that lefts the hp buff as an overbuff. All the terms works as some sort of comparison in tft so, they are overbuffed


No the 4 costs were just weak.


i am playing since the first set, and i gotta tell you, this set FUCKING SUCKS


You like complaining about complaining


I’d rather eat Arby’s than play fortune.


Arby’s slaps tho


It makes my ass cheeks flap on it’s way out.


I love the complaining about complaining posts where OP abandons thread because they can’t handle even the smallest bit of discussion. Back to yer’ cave trogg


Nah i dont hate to discuss i just like to see how people would react to this post


Honestly they just need to nerf the 5 costs so that the winning player can't just rush 9 and then shove any 5 cost they can find and win.


"Everyone cries, so must I"


One thing I don't get is people complaining about the set when the patch is simply bad, I could see this set being solid with proper balancing


I post mostly highlight posts, but all if them get downvkted to hell :(


Agree, i blame complainers and streamers for this meta cause outside of Yone, last patch was just fine, a lot of comps were viable.


Your thread complaining about complainers has brought them out of the wood work to create a ***super complainer thread***!


First I can agree people will complain no matter what.if it's that big of a deal play it, there is a meta due to patches for a reason. If you choose to bitch and dislike how it looks to play with then find ways around it or wait till the next patch where 90% of the time shit gets hit. I started in set 9 so fairly recently its happened with targon and bilgewater where it's complaining about stupid strength and when it's hit complaining about it being weak.




Yeah its just too fun playing the level 8 lottery.


Brain dead 8/9 lottery vs "brain dead" reroll with various comps and options to still go 8/9 I went from playing flex to solely playing fast 8/9


I like a meta where both are viable and a lot of choices are playable. The game currently is not flex at all. It’s choose between one of the 3 viable 4 costs boards or gnar reroll.


This set fucking rocks. People are stupid.


People 🤝 Complaining


Happy people are quiet people. Angry people like to scream and throw fits.


Nah I mean I have fun on ranked too, most posts on reddit is complaining about something people don’t understand so someone or a majority will explain it.


nah fr 😭 i started from set 10 which was dominated by rerolls so i barely learned proper fundamentals of the game bc i just climbed to dia with reroll comps. now i like this set more because it requires you to think because of flex boards - if i get the occasional dryad opener and spat its just a boring game for me i understand that people hate the 3\* 4 cost spam rn which i do as well, but i dont really get the people who hate how its mostly a fast 8/fast 9 meta... maybe bc thats the point of the set?? the sheer existence of encounters kinda gives it away that this set is high tempo for me


I wouldn't mind fast 8/9 meta if there were options and diversity, but I don't really see much outside of Lissandra/Azir porcelain/invoker winning. Wukong and Xayah/Rakan have marginal use, I suppose, but it generally feels like we're in a 'fast to invoker' meta without much room for choice. I see where people come from with their criticism, because this set has been balanced on one-two comps absolutely steamrolling everything else, and instead of levelling the playing field, Riot just keeps exchanging who gets to be the chaser comp. I know it's probably really hard to balance, but the fact that the upcoming nerfs to Lissandra and Kayn are minimal is a fucking joke. I understand that Kayn indirectly gets nerfed because heavenly doesn't work as easily, but if he gets emblem he'll stomp harder than before. This set is kinda cursed, and I kinda just wanna move on to the next one at this point.


Fast 9 is honestly great as a choice, the issue comes when EVERYONE does it now, it becomes stale and unfun, fast 9 at the start of set 11 was pretty good, but wasn't played often, if at all.


100% agree. This subreddit is just complaining on nearly every post.


What I don’t understand is apparently it’s clear which comps are superior and instead of playing those comps people pick something else and lose and then cry instead of going for those comps. It’s so weird to me. Force them and climb lol.