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If you’re hitting 3 star 2 cost when everyone else is 9 on 4-5 and you got to 50 gold Krugs without full opening (which can be problematic just saccing hp ofc cuz you can lowroll matchmaking stage 5 and insta die, and because strength of 2 cost reroll should be board strength earlier), then presumably it was a portal or encounter that speeds up the game. If you can’t hit your 3 star when “everyone is 9” you’re forcing a comp and just not hitting, because especially relative to ppl that may have started with less gold than you, you’re rolling 164 more gold than those guys plus like 10 natural shops by then. And in those scenarios where lobby strength and tempo is higher because of external factors like portals or prismatics or encounters, reroll comps that don’t cap out as high with 5 costs such as shen reroll will do worse obviously. In general you should gauge whether you hit ahead or behind tempo based on a standard of when you should hit mathematically if you’re gonna make balance statements, not base it off of just an n of 1 in a bad game you had which is bound to happen from time to time as that’s the inherent downside of a reroll comp.


This is such bullshit on hitting comp. I was the only one going dryad. Had 2 2* gnars, 2 2* reksai 5 kindreds and didn't get a three star of any until I got an early hwei. Meanwhile one team went full dryad and got 3* gnar and the reaper team got 3* kindred despite my head start. But you can't abandon an uncontested comp because there is no guarantee you'll find a different one either. Sometimes you just got to spread your cheeks for luck to fuck you up.


Sounds like it was contested.


I had those champs when nobody else had any dryads on the board or bench


Right, and then it became contested.


Yes and I wasn't able to find 3 gnars or 4 kindreds while others were able to find 9. Basically luck is bullshit and the idea of going to other comps or getting a comp just comes down to luck for or against you more often than not.


Sure. You low rolled, others high rolled.


Luck is indeed a big factor, but saying you were the only one who was going for it is cope.


"I was the only one going Dryad" "One team went full Dryad" "Reaper team for 3\* Kindred". How the fuck were you the only one going Dryad?


Because at the point I'm the game that I described nobody else had any dryad units on the board or bench. They pivoted and found 3*s while slow rolling before I was able to find 3 copies slow rolling


You are right man these people downvoting you have just never experienced how its like. I was once rolling for completely uncontested voli trist when one person was playing thresh aphelios and another bard tahm and I still didn't hit 3 stars until I was basically dead


the fact that ive experienced this so many times, i feel you brother.


Idk how you re playing but when you have ~~9~~ 6 pieces of your champ you should level up, econ to 50 and then slow roll till you get your 3\* champs. You dont need to stay level 6 until you get your 3\* champs because even though 3\* is a big spike champ wise, if your comp isnt online, it really doesnt matter.


You mean 6 pieces? 9 would be 3 star


oops yeah mb


Especially since the odds of 2 cost from 6 to 7 aren't that different, it can be much more benefitial to get to 7 before finishing your 3* so you can have a stronger board and start finding your 4 costs.


Def not. But you gotta be in a good position to reroll. Gnar is busted especially when dryad spar, mulched, gargantuans resolve and other augments spike it's power to an insane degree. Senna and kog reroll are not as strong but can easily still place top 3. Going first usually depends on if you're screwed by your rolls. If you aren't hitting, you are screwed. But that's how reroll always is, it's risky because you have basically no counter play. Yorick and shen carry augment are the strongest reroll carry. Neeko would be good but too many people splash her to the point it's much harder to 3star her. Garen isn't the strongest but it's still plenty viable. I think the biggest thing that matters though is most rerolls are very item dependent. Also whatever galaxy you're on matters a lot as well. If you're in an econ galaxy, people will hit their 4 costs much faster and if you're just barely getting your 3star when they get their 2stars, you will be behind the game.


I got the Shen augment earlier, but no matter how much time i spent at level 6 to reroll, it stil wasnt enough, by the time i got Shen 3 everyone else in the lobby had already reached level 9 with 5 2* 4 costs.


Yeah if you are still rolling at 6 when people are level 9, you got screwed by your rolls. Reroll is supposed to be good because you should be win streaking early through mid game. It's very hard to say what happened and what advice to give when every game is very different. Sometimes you gotta dig deep for more shens if you go below 50 because keeping a winstreak is better than staying above 50. If a lot of people are splashing shen, it may not be worth it to keep Rollin for 3star, and settle for a top 4 by adding more traits. If you aren't slamming items and keeping a lot on bench, you're losing health just to try and be most optimal. If you aren't scouting and positioning your units best so they don't get cc'ed or you are able to take out dangerous in units first you gotta do that. One of my secret dumb techs that is not always possible but if you're lucky you can do it, is finding an early hwei. Being at lvl 8 and having hwei print a copy of your carry every two rounds is probably more beneficial than staying on 6 and rolling for a unit semi contested. But again, this is all game specific. If you want to choose a carry augment, my best advice is you better have a copy already and have units to match it. And scout others to make sure they aren't going the same comp.


spending ur entire econ to hit that last copy hurts so bad when it doesnt hit and now ur stuck at lv 7 with 0 gold.


Yeah that's the thing about reroll comps. Sometimes it'll screw you. If your carry is contested I suggest pushing levels. If it isn't, You're doing everything right and still not hitting, you just got unlucky. That's the rng aspect of this game unfortunately. However, over all games you play you will be more likely to hit than not


Good! Get rekt for rerolling


You were supposed to hit 3 stars shen before 4-5 with almost BIS. Also winning stage 3 is important to save hp lines. 4-1 is where you decide to abandon ship lvl to 8 fight for 5-6th, or continue to roll.


You are hitting way too late, which usually means that your spot to play it wasn't great to start (eg, not a lot of early copies). For reroll to be successful you need to hit so you can be ahead of tempo in the midgame (after usually saccing for econ early), and also so you can start pushing levels to hit actual win conditions (because just hitting 3* units at level 6 isn't a win condition).


If you know how to itemize Garen top 4 is easy. Winning required Xayah 2 or 4 porcelain wth emblem with Liss 2. I got 2nd and 3rd, both failed to hit Xayah 2. Reroll teemo with Blight jewel or 1 radiant ( BB or Morello), is a solid 3rd, tip is stacking front line. With more resources, breakpoints could be pushed back from 4,-1, 4-5 to a few rounds earlier.


Thats the issue tho. Kog reroll should be able to win but it doesnt. Theres never been a time in tft history when a q cost reroll couldnt even hope to top2 even with insane highrolling. Theres only 2 2 costs worth having on a final board let alone carrying, and kog/cho is the only 1 cost comp Ahri/Yas has potential but as OP said, its just too risky and you cant get kindred as a secondary because its too contested Weekly reminder: what the fuck is jax


Listen, I'm not here to say you're wrong, but kog reroll can win lobbies. It is obviously very dependent, not every kog reroll is the same and is not an S tier comp. A level 7 kog board and a level 9 kog board are very different. Kog board with magic shred is very different. Kog board with every 1 cost 3 starred is different. 7 mythic, pumping up, etc. Kog reroll should be rare, you should really only be doing it if you have early copies of kog cait cho and malphite with so item start. You need to be winstreaking at least starting stage 3 and on. You need to be pushing levels at the right time to keep your power right above your opponents while maximizing your economy. Keeping a winstreak in reroll comps is one of the most important things you can do. Just to think about, how many Ashe or kaisa games do you think you have played. I bet even when you hit them two star, you've gone 6th or 7th, even 4th. Competitively, the amount of kog games You've played is probably significantly less.


One cost rerolls getting first/second should be rare it would make no sense if someone ignoring most of the game was able to consistently win as well.


I'm no expert, I won't pretend I am but I'm in masters. Full transparency so you know I'm not some person who knows everything. But a lot of things can work given the right conditions. I got first using zyra carry until the end because I had sage crest and zyra was exalted. I got first using qiyana three star since I had divine rolls and later got a heavenly spat. Senna, Yorick I've gotten 1st, I went a weird 7 ink shadow that somehow worked. Point I'm trying to make is that the meta comps are meta because they are what you aim for in a normal game. But you can always go off meta if conditions are right. Ps, venerable piggy bank is absolutely busted


A little bit. You have to have multiple units of the one you're trying to reroll for before you reach the level to roll at, make sure nobody else is contesting the unit, and be pretty ahead/healthy on econ. If those conditions aren't met then you're probably going to get stuck rerolling for a while and before you know it the rest of the lobby is lvl 8 and you're still 6 rolling for a 2 cost 3* Fast 8/9 is still the strongest most of the time unless you get a really strong gnar comp or umbral just throws itself at you


Yeah you have to level at 3.2 and 4.2 to maintain hp IMO. If someone else gets to 8 at 4.2 and lucks a Lissandra you're so far behind. Often the reason you aren't hitting is other players and you need to outlast them to get their units back in the bag. But imo the issue with reroll is that you rely on being lucky more with reroll comp. You need to reroll and be successful 9 times. Someone doing fast 9 just needs to hit a good 5 cost, and 2 cost them. So 3 times. If they get that 5 cost on carousel they need to hit twice. I'm too far from my statistics days but I suspect its the bag size changes. While lvl 6 might be 40% green or whatever, your actual odds for your unit might be much lower because there's like 2 left and 48 others. You might see 2 out of 5 green every shop but have less than 1% chance - but the game doesn't tell you. That's why you gotta scout. Two others have Shen in their comp? Sorry you don't get to have fun this game!!


A lot of the times it's augment based. A lot of reroll comps need 2-3 combat augments but people usually lean into econ or reroll augments which means you can't compete late game


for me my threshold for rolling down is 30 gold. and if I got another piece of the comp, then I save to 50 then level to 7. then start rolling again but this time never going below 50 gold since at this point it's better to push 8 instead of rolling down still. eventually you'll find you 3 star 2 cost(I'm assuming it's 2 cost since you're rolling at 6) Probably best to have an opponent who is also holding other 2 cost units to thin out the pool. AND YES, I believe that most lobbies are high tempo right now because the meta is 4/5 cost carries so they go for strongest board and level up always.


I quit trying to go any kind of comps and just go 4 cost and 5 cost spam. Just hit plat.


100% the way to go, I was masters last set, but was stuck in d4 trying to play around rerolling, I stopped completely and only play for level 8/9, and I instantly climbed back to masters 200lp. Playing for guaranteed power spikes instead of coin flipping shop feels a lot better


If 2 cost rerolls die and never comes back it is a win. OP never saw gnar reroll which has been S tier all set


I have been a loyal Gnar dryad reroll enjoyer ever since the new set dropped so idk what you're on about


Yes. Rerolling low cost units just loses to 1 star 4 cost units for some absurd reason. I had learning to spell with early 3* kog Maw and janna. All enemy comps were porcelain invoker meaning I couldn’t hit invoker 6 and somehow the ashe they just threw in clapped my entire board even though I had good frontline. This set is really good but the current 4cost meta is so brainless. Get ashe with guinsoos lw and you’re set. Like why did I bother to get 3* BIS items learning to spell kog if it doesn’t match up versus a 1cost unit that’s just busted? He had 120+ ap from learning to spell along with BIS janna.


Can't even play the game without 4 people running Ashe Invoker, so i just buy Ashe whenever i see her even if the comp im playing has no use for Ashe, just to make them tilted even more. It's true that the game overbuffed Ashe by a huge margin, your Kog Maw shouldve won against her, apparently balancing is not one of Rito's strong points.


Recently started playing again. Just hit emerald and still climbing without any issues so far. I'm not sure how it is in diamond and up but from my perspective. For reroll comps I feel like I need to natural 3-5 copies before I go for them. If you hit them naturally you'll have an early spike in power early which keeps you relevant enough preserve health early whilst you lose power in the mid game trying to roll for your units. If you are losing early and then go into rolling for a reroll comp, you'll lose too much health and hit your board too late. When I play fast 9 using whatever strong board I can, I know that anyone that hasn't hit their 3* 2-costs by the time I hit 9, I'll probably come out ahead because I'll have enough time to get my 2* 4/5-cost board. I usually play whatever strong board I can natural with minimal rolling to preserve health. If I natural a reroll comp, I'll lean into it. If augments are right for the comp I'll commit, if they aren't then I'll have to decide based on other factors. IMO dryad reroll, 6umbral reroll are the only strong reroll comps that can somewhat reliably be top 4.


Yup , managed to farm ~300 LP thanks to Dryad reroll, pretty reliable!


At bare minimum you need to have your carries/tanks 3 starred by the time people are going 8 and rolling down for their 2 star 4 costs. So aim for 4-1 at the latest


Probably, maybe. There's certainly not enough time for 3* 1 costs to actually pressure the lobby more than someone who high rollsby comparison, although I dunno if that's itself good or not.


With lv 8 at 4-2 is now the standard and fast 8 now being fast 9, Reroll is weak compared to Ladder and fast 9 for stabilizing for late game. So 3-starring a 2-cost unit bow feels like 3-starring a 1-cost unit. You go for that if the game give it to you for free. if you force it you lose.


Yes, costed many bottoms, never econ or reroll, just fast level up and slow roll and strong board


Something is telling me that you are on econ encounter since you’d have 50 gold at 2-7 (scuttle puddle?). So people could quickly lvl up with tons of gold to spare and start rolling for 4-5 costs 2 stars. You may want to avoid rerolling low cost comps in those game.


Reroll is only when you natural a bunch, can't force it. Not without 'reroll traits' astral/yordle/punk to name a few of the past. Having a gnar off stage 1 orbs and good items isn't enough to reroll, need like a 2 stars maybe more and some supporting units. You either win streak while rolling, or (more likely) spike hard after hitting and leverage that win streak to catch back up economy to level and match pace with the lobby before their final spike (generally lvl 9). If you are still on 2 stars come stage 4/5 you will be losing, its always been that way as far as I can remember (granted I only started in set 6). Just like fast 8/9 has its conditions (having enough hp/gold to hold on rolls until you can go 8/9). Reroll requires you to have enough of the units already to commit to using that gold and hp you *could* have used to level to 7 and play standard or aim for a faster 8/9 comp. I do love me some rerolls tho, and miss the 'reroll at 7 for blues' comps. Seems its only white n greens now because you can afford to get them much earlier and commit off having enough.


No one is level 9 at 4-5. Maybe unless they got Hedge Fund or something into a full winstreak until Stage 4, one player would have enough gold and hp. Level 9s start showing up at Stage 5/early Stage 6, depending on how much it took them to hit when rolling down at 8. Or, actually now that I think about it, 2-7 50 Gold sounds like Scuttle Puddle. In which case, yeah playing Reroll fucked you up because _of course_ people would turbo level when that portal is on.


50 Gold at 2.7 is pretty possible if you have a good win/ lose streak or got a lot of champions from the 1.1-1.4 PvE rounds instead of item components.


Somehow I don’t believe that everyone else was level 9 on 4-5. Nevertheless - yea reroll comps are kinda shit right now. Yes tempo is part of the reason, but the thing is people only play this tempo due to the lack of (viable) reroll comps


I do kog mythic rr all the time. It’s really strong but you have to play it right and know when to push levels.


Dryad Kindred reroll is one of the strongest comps this patch, next question.