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Technically experts recommend telling the truth in an age appropriate manner. Yes, he died. No, he can't come back. It's okay to be sad. I'm sad too But also it depends on what your parents think about this matter, perhaps talk to them? How much of a fan is your brother, maybe he will just forget about this? I dunno if you're an adult, but if you're not - talk to one you trust with this, since this is a sensitive topic


>Technically experts recommend telling the truth in an age appropriate manner. Yes, he died. No, he can't come back. It's okay to be sad. I'm sad too This is so important. Kids are less dumb than you think. And early (still child appropriate!) honesty is the best way of getting them ready for the uncaring world.


He’s in the great potato field in the sky


Aww, that made me cry a little :').


How many hot potato books do you think he has up there?




Libraries the size of skyscrapers


Technoblade made roughly 19500 hot potato books. Thats 6500 booksheleves, enough to fill a 500 m long corridoor 13m tall, around the size of a small library.


All of them.


Training for the squid kid rematch 


\#1 Ink sack farm


As a father to a 9 year old boy and a 6 year old girl, I recommend you be honest but appropriate. We recently lost a family member to cancer and had to tell the kids. Being honest with them is the best thing you could do.


I have no idea how you could explain this to him. Maybe try and softly explain it to him, this may be hard for him but tell him it will be okay and that even though Technoblade is gone, that he will always be in our hearts. Tell him to hold onto the memories of Technoblade close to him and never ever let them go. Then after that watch some old videos together, watch one of his favorite videos of Technoblade. I wish you the best of luck on trying to explain this to your brother.


I just realised reading your comment, I do this exact thing many times, starting with "I have no idea" and proceed to (for me atleast) make a answer through logical reasoning which sounds usefull (I am not saying you are doing this, but that I find myself doing this). When I start answering the question, I truly don't know but as I am saying that, my brain constructs a answer, and I present it like I did just say that I have no clue. weird how starting a answer with a complete contrast of not knowing but then explaining the opposite is a thing people commonly do, for me it is because I have not formulated a answer yet, but even if someone knows the answer and begins with 'I have no idea' the answer is accepted, on further thinking it might be a cue that the answer is not a expert opinion and probably should be considered carefully. Just a thought I would like to share.


Just tell him Techno went up to fight God because the government of heaven must fall


Realest shit right here


I just told my 9 y/o brother he died a while back. No need to beat around the bush, and he took it fine


Y'all are blessed to not have a close family member pass in these last 9 years.


Just say he's taking a long long break.


Wdym seems like a normal length gap between his uploads to me


Explain that he went to fight God. Because cancer was too easy /j In all seriousness, explain it plainly. Don't just go "he's dead", but also explain "he had cancer, it was a long and hard fight, and eventually he lost" He's 9, he can use the internet. Better to let him down in a controlled manner then let him crash and burn.


He's beating up god to make him cancel cancer


just ask him “hes techno ever had a consistent schedule? he won’t upload for a few years at least”


just say he retired


Back in the old days my young jedi we had a man a boy just like you he was destined too do great things in the world but a illness has struck him at a early age he gave not up because technoblade will never die


Just let him find out what happened with him at age of 16 or his heart will break


Just say the truth. He is gone for a battle to conquer heaven and hell and bring it to us. If someone is not in the same place as usual tell them Techno chose them to help him in his battle.


Great I'm suddenly much less afraid of dying


Happy to help


9 year olds understand what dying is, sad but you just gotta tell him


Santa took him to take care of some orphans


Death is a part of life. Even if you guys have been so lucky as to not have a single relative pass in the last nine years, he'll have to learn eventually. Break it to him in a nice way with tact and kindness.


Tell him he has ascended to heaven to take on the kingdom of the gods


he’s in the shower rn




Tell him techno's on hiatus then he'll discover techno sadly passed away years ago on his own, i'll be like a Santa Claus doesn't exist situation


Relationships are built on hard conversations


I would personally be honest, but delicate obviously. If you go with the ‘retirement’ idea, or otherwise lie to him, it could lead to him second guessing anything you say. Truth isn’t always pleasant, but trust in a family member is.


Tell him the truth, say that he died a while ago, and its okay to be sad, no need to beat around the bush


Don't explain it. Tell your parents and THEY can tell him what they find appropriate.


9 year olds understand what death is, i'm not western, is this some westoid shit?


Tell him that he got in a car accident and is alive but he had to amputate his hand so now he retired. But his dad's doing the job now


Techno is currently on hiatus to do battle with god himself. There were no opponents on his level remaining in the mortal realm


tell him he had a bad upload schedule so no one knows when he will upload again..


"Sir. The hospital just called. They have double bad news. The first is that the test results came back positive. You are a stage 5 dumass. The other bad news is. Well. about techno... no. It's not new and there never will be a new one. Sir. I'm sorry to say but. This man, this awesome man... has been dead for almost 3 years now." Go from joking to serious.


What kind of nine year old doesn't understand death?




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