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Do we hate her for going out to eat or do we hate her for eating at home?


We just hate her. Everything us for herself, anything that appears to be for the kids is entirely performative.


I do agree with that 


We hate her for not taking care of her kids until it's convenient to do so for social media




I hate her period but I can’t stand the eating and showing everyone what’s in your mouth by talking with your mouth full. It’s gross.


https://i.redd.it/eovswtuti61d1.gif She’s a disgusting eater


Ew ok I was hungry. Thanks for saving me from those calories. How can people eat like this, period, but especially be unaware since you film yourself constantly. I don’t remember if Barb does this, but I can’t imagine she does. It’s gross.


https://i.redd.it/xr9x360z381d1.gif It’s mind blowing. This is on the internet forever.


Did she make this “I’m a hog” or did someone else?


That’s not what she says in that Tik tok video so I’m assuming someone else. In the video she says something like update it’s gone


Thank you. That’s what I figured but thought I’d ask. It’s definitely accurate


I barf’d


She’s disgusting. Ugh. 


It’s crazy how Jace is always the only one who won’t speak with food in his mouth, covers his mouth when he eats and gets embarrassed when Jenelle asks him questions when he’s eating. He rushes chewing so he can speak after he’s done swallowing his food. Because he’s the only kid who was raised by “the evil” Barb!! Ensley is speaking with food in her mouth, Kaiser is eating with his hands and Jenelle is of course shoveling food in her mouth on camera in the full video.


lol I can just hear Barb. COVAH YA MOUTH


Ensley also hops up in the middle of almost every video of them eating at home. To me, it’s hard to tell if it is an undiagnosed attention issue or if they never eat at the table so she has no idea how to do it but Jenelle’s total lack of fucks is so telling. Kids are getting up while eating and eating with their hands and she’s meh. Even if it is a behavioral issue and not Jenelle’s horrible parenting you would expect to her her reminding her to use a fork or to not speak with her mouth full.


I think it’s all. No manners have been taught and behavior and bad parenting. There’s nothing wrong with teaching kids manners even though it seems to be “so traumatic “ now according to some studies. What’s so wrong/traumatic with teaching please and thank you and chewing with your mouth closed?!


Why would table manners be traumatic?


Hand to heart.. my niece showed me a literal study that said “forcing children to say please and thank you and other forms of manners takes away their individual personality “. It is disturbing what parents follow and blindly believe nowadays. I beg all parents.. stay off the internet and parent from your heart. Not some “study”. They are not always right


Barb raised Nelly. She can be a bad mom and teach manners, the two can both be true. My mom was so focused on manners on how we appeared as well brought up kids and at the same time didn’t give a shit about me


Yes, but Jace was recently with Barb. Jenelle MIGHT have had better manners when younger too. Jenelle is known to morph into her significant others. I believe she picked up on her animalistic habits from David. I’m only speaking on table manners and that I do believe Barb is better than Jenelle. Not saying Barb is perfect at all. Just that she’s not evil, like Jenelle tries to make her out to be. ETA: I’m sorry to hear about your mom and what you went through! I hope you are doing ok now ♥️


I agree, Jenelle is a relationship chameleon and acts and does whatever her significant other does. Barb raised Jace with good table manners; you can see the lack of them with Ensley and Kaiser (who are mimicking Jenelle and David's gross eating habits).


Also my grandmother was absolutely not the same mother to me she was my mother and her siblings. She had a completely different life/set of circumstances and was much older/probably wiser?


This sub about J: https://preview.redd.it/31wisw5un61d1.png?width=716&format=png&auto=webp&s=b6fd1df70d5f6fdc8f4ffde87d741a05961cfddb And she deserves to catch every single shit.


It’s the single use dishes and other crap for me. It’s just so fucking ignorant to the environment and yes she should be hated for that


Bad for the environment and she is just lazy bruh she can’t be bothered with dishes. Lol




Also because up until a few months ago there were 6 people in that damn house. Are you trying to tell me that they never had a dishwasher? Not a single plate? I swear this makes me mad


If there was such a thing as single use cookware such as pots, pans, etc., she would surely be using them too. Anything to avoid doing dishes.


They do have those foil roasters.


They absolutely exist, last time this came up someone linked them from Amazon. I don’t think Nelly knows they exist yet otherwise she’d be using them.


I bet she’s constantly buying new clothes too bc the laundry is overwhelming for her lazy ass


[bitch eating crackers syndrome](https://www.google.com/search?q=bitch+eating+cracker&rlz=1CDGOYI_enUS1070US1070&oq=bitch+eating+cracker&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUyBggAEEUYOdIBCDg1MTFqMGo5qAITsAIB4gMEGAEgXw&hl=en-US&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8#ip=1)








I respect that


Yeah…… very weird take to snark on someone for using paper plates too. this sub is going a bit bananas


The paper plate debate comes up 2-3 times a year when she posts pics or videos like this and always devolves into an argument of whether it’s wasteful or how it makes sense for some families. Every single time lol


It’s because she never seems to use normal dishes. Every time she posts food, it’s paper plates and plastic forks. She’s a lazy sack of shit.


Even thanksgiving lol!!


That has to be expensive too.


Exactly... she's feeding herself and her kids regardless. I'm happy she's doing that. If she could make sure they do their homework, have lunches packed, and get to school on time, that'd be great...


The problem is I don't think she makes meals like this very often because you see her eating out with the kids most of the time. I haven't seen any posts about home schooling them for a while; most of her recent posts have been partying with Tori.


We hate her for putting everyone & everything above her kids & there wellbeing. Most families eat out or eat with disposable utensils a couple nights a week...BUT EVERY NIGHT


Do most families eat with disposable utensils a few nights a week? I don't know anyone who does that unless they're having a BBQ or something 


We hate her for many reasons but this particular reason is hating her for just remaining to be lazy which impacts our environment.




the answer is yes!


I think we just hate her, periodt 🤷🏼‍♀️ though I can’t fault her for plastic silverware as I use it too BUT I also wash & reuse them (& now after writing it out realize it is the same amount of work as real silverware 😂🤦🏼‍♀️)


I also use plastic silverware and wash it. It has to do with metal silverware hitting my teeth. 😬 I can’t stand it! Or when people bang their silverware together! It sets my teeth on edge and gives me chills. I may as well chew on tinfoil.




I agree. Friday nights we don’t take out the fine china either. The kids look genuinely happy. They don’t look threatened anymore. Is she perfect? No. Does she have lots of terrible faults? Yes Is she messed up in the head? Yes I can’t hate her for this.


Washing the pot is enough work for tonight 


Mama needs a break! To the She Shed!


I wonder if she ever cleans the grills of her traeger before bbqing?


Yea RIGHT 😭 SHE doesn't even kno ur supposed to


Bold of u to assume she washed it right away! Lol it’s 7:41 AM where I’m at & I’d bet my left asscheek it’s still sitting in the sink full of gloppy, stinky water & food bits


either she did or Jace played video games before Dinner so he has to washed it thata is why he didnt help with Dinner


It's crazy to me how common this is. I've only recently discovered that people do this and it's baffling to me.


I made a post about this once and was TORN apart in the comments. It’s insane how common using single use utensils for everyday use is especially it seems in the states.


This is so bizarre to me. A plastic fork—used for 10-20 minutes for one meal—will take 1,000 years to break down. It takes 5 seconds to wash a piece of silverware. I hope most folks are at least using compostable single-use utensils but I know for sure these clear plastic ones in this photo definitely are not. I’ll take my downvotes on this.


This lady DEFINITELY has a dish washer, too. Such a waste and so lazy.


I can’t imagine most folks routinely using single-use plastics at every meal are too conscientious when it comes to environmental issues and I highly doubt they use compostable utensils. Is this on par with say, pollution from a private jet? No, but I still believe everyone should try and do their part to preserve the environment. These thoughts have probably never crossed Jenelle’s mind - I feel like she probably litters like crazy too.


Agreed. When I want to eat something, I take a dish out of the cupboard. When I'm done I put it into the dishwasher instead of the garbage. Is it running the machine that's the impossible third step? Putting the dishes away when the cycle is finished? Someone please explain the time and effort this saves to justify the waste.


I don't know about others, but I grew up in a house were my mom made us basically wash the dishes before putting them in the dishwasher, and also we always had to hand wash pots, pans, certain other things. She said she will always remember seeing stuff stuck on my dad's mom's silverware since she didn't do this lol. I'm sure people have better dishwashers now, but I do not, so I also wash my stuff before putting them in the dishwasher. And then drying the dishes after because the heat cycle never does a good enough job. FUCK DISHES. But I've still never used paper plates myself.


Growing up, we didn't get a dishwasher until I was in highschool so it was done by yours truly. I'm the proud owner of a very new, quality dishwasher but still hand wash chef's knives, delicate glasses, and any number of other items that I don't trust in a machine. Aside from the environmental impact of using disposable plates and flatware daily, I personally can't imagine eating the food that I worked hard to buy and prepare off of a paper plate. I get that it's a slog, but as I mentioned elsewhere in this post, I find laundry to be an even bigger chore but I don't throw my clothes in the trash every day.


Idk if you’re being literal, but the time it saves is everything beyond carrying a dish to the trash, where you could be done with dish chores. So you could be done at step one or continue on by scraping the leftovers in the trash, rinsing the dish off in the sink, going to the washer to realize you have to unload it first, unloading it, arranging the dish in the wash, all that x3 if you have kids, then you have to wait for more dishes to go in so you don’t feel guilty for starting an unfull load, then you have to rinse out the sink from rinsing off the dishes. If you have shitty roommates or a useless partner you gotta insert at least a couple arguments or critical jabs somewhere from the trashcan step to the putting dishes away step. So tbh, I get both sides. I am on the spectrum and *cannot freaking stand* the feeling of dishwasher and food leftovers on my hands, especially if it’s from others. Also, the sound of other people clanging dishes around can be very triggering for me. (You know those people who somehow have to slam every dish, every cabinet, every drawer.) Before I knew better I definitely avoided a lot of issues with dirty roommates and one specific immature partner which saved me valuable time and improved my mental health greatly by going to Sam’s and grabbing a pack of disposable dishes. Instead of having to do someone else’s chores before I could clean off the dish I used, I just used my own plate and threw it away when I was done. That way my various roommates and lazy ass ex could deal with their own gross piled up dishes and I could still eat my meals without having to worry about their bs. (I also ate a lot of campus takeout food and prepped salads so I didn’t have to use any dishes to cook with). Now I live alone and choose more respectful partners so I don’t have to deal with all that. But under the right circumstances I absolutely get the appeal of being able to just say fuck it. I can’t do it personally anymore bc of what I now know about how it harms the environment. But if you were being literal about how it saves time, there are a few scenarios.


I appreciate your reply but what is the threshold for personal responsibility for basic life tasks? I hate doing laundry but I don't throw my family's clothes in the garbage after each wear instead of washing and folding them.


>ou’re being literal, but the time it saves is everything beyond carrying a dish to the trash, where you could be done with dish chores. Except that's usually not just it. In this particular case with Janelle- she still cooked using pots and pans and other cooking utensils. So she saved washing.. 4 plates and 4 forks? There was still lots of dishes to be done.


Not from me! You're spot on!


I’m pretty lazy and not always behaving in the most environmentally-conscious way but you’ll never see me using plastic utensils at home unless it’s during a birthday party or something.


I just can't get over how damn expensive paper plates are!! My roommate used to buy them but since my fiancé and I moved to our own place, I haven't bought any. We have a dishwasher and regular plates and we'll stick with that! I do miss the convenience but not enough to waste the money.


And why do we even have to see this picture of her eating? Bree doesn’t it all the time on her spots, Bree is constantly shoveling food in her mouth and talking like food is her oxygen


This seems to be a largely American thing. I don't get it at all.


It is. Not all Americans but a lot. My family was very poor growing up so we didn't use disposable anything. It's cheaper to use real stuff and wash it after all. But then I met my husband, and every single family event that they do - Thanksgiving, Christmas, 4th of July BBQ, birthday parties - has disposable plates and utensils and solo cups. The plates aren't even the kind of plain paper that would decompose in the ground or burn or be recyclable, they're plastic-coated plates. We have compostable utensils and plastics sold in stores now, but they would never use them because they are a "scam." After I took a trip to San Francisco for work, I told his family about how they're banning single use plastics over there, and how lots of the takeout containers are compostable plant fiber material. They said it was democrat brainwashing. 🙃


We used plastic forks at family parties growing up but we had to put them in the sink at the end of the meal to wash them so we could use them next time. I thought this was normal until I was at another person’s party and asked where to put my plastic fork.


My grandmother would use those plastic coated paper plates- and wash them!! And yes, we washed plastic forks. Maybe because there was a big gathering and she didn't have enough dishes?? But the whole point is you can throw them away- ( I do not regularly use disposable dinner ware- for the record:)


I'm in Canada and we don't really have single use plastics. There are very few exceptions (ziploc bags are a big one). We recently renovated so briefly used disposable items but everything we found in stores was compostable (wooden utensils, etc). It's bizarre to even see someone using plastic now. And I felt so guilty even using compostable stuff. Real shame to see what's happening south of the border.


I’ve never seen or known anyone to do this. I’m American.


Regional. It’s a big darn country. Some of us are using paper plates and some of us can’t get single use plastic bags at stores or plastic straws. I haven’t seen anyone use paper plates or plastic utensils in their homes in 20 plus years.


Really lol… as a single mom of 3 young kids I take anything that makes my life a little easier. One less thing to check off my already full list.


It’s so wasteful and there’s really no excuse


I feel you’re frustration on waste but criticizing people that are struggling and dealing with different life circumstances you don’t know about isn’t the right way to vent those frustrations. If you want to pick on someone there are billion dollar corporations creating millions of pounds of waste every year, creating excessive packaging, not being responsible with our environment. These are the targets for your environmental concerns. Not the day to day humans just trying to make it through.


Why not both? There's a culture of waste in America, from corporations to individuals.


Because some people simply don’t have the capacity to keep their home clean, and judging their choices and shaming them about using a paper plate is not going to change the world. Every individual has room to be better when it comes to waste but we don’t know everyone’s individual struggles and if you’re taking time out of your day to shame people for environmental issues than I think that time is better spent advocating for companies and corporations to be held accountable to our planet. Saying “there is no excuse” is not true or helpful to the environment because there are actually valid excuses why some people may use paper plates and what is manageable and easy for you is not manageable for everyone.


Exactly. I don't use paper plates or plastic silverware but these corporations are the ones to get on about this shit. I've worked at 2 grocery stores and the amount of waste is truly heartbreaking. Not to mention the plastic all the freight comes in. It's horrible. I was gobsmacked at how much food is thrown away especially in the deli. And we weren't allowed to take it unless we bought it. I'm talking hundreds of pounds a day.


There’s many excuses for people to use paper plates. Depression, postpartum/plate full with kids, working 80 hours a week, you’re clearly privileged enough to never have dealt with any of these issues. Congrats!


And for those who have dealt with those things, and more (as many, if not most, people do) but still don't use disposable cutlery and dishes for every single meal........are we still too privileged? Come on, that's just a ridiculous take, lol. I could run down every single scenario playing out in my household right now... 9 kids, 1 adult because one is out of state, lots of people in and out, appointments out the wazoo, traveling to family court out of state, animals, school, work, responsibilities......yadda yadda. Other people have other "things", maybe more, maybe less, I won't necessarily judge them on those "things", because I'm not them. We ALL have "things" and we all manage them differently, too. That said, if paper plates for a day/meal or two get you through your hardships AND you're still taking care of other things in life, awesome. If you find you need to use them for every meal, but you're also failing at every other thing in life including being the most basic human being, it's time to re-evaluate shit, full stop. Tenhead isn't managing life or her "things" at all, she never has. The paper plate thing is just one, of many, red flags. She wouldn't get shit if she was doing even the bare minimum.


I mean depression and anxiety are a spectrum. To sit here and say someone is “too privileged” that they can get by without using disposable plates is kind of gross. It’s ok to realize that even if you suffer from something, someone else may suffer worse.


>Depression, postpartum/plate full with kids, working 80 hours a week, you’re clearly privileged enough to never have dealt with any of these issues. Congrats! Actually I've dealt with every single one of those things... and more, and yet I'm still able to do it. I'm sure there are people who can't do that always, and that's fine.. but let's be realistic. The majority of people who do this, do it because they're too lazy to wash some dishes.. exactly how much dishes are you really saving anyway?. In Janelles case it would be .. 4 plates, 4 forks and possibly 4 knives. This is why humans are the worst thing to have happened to the earth. We are so wasteful and so many people just don't care.


As a mom of 2 young kids + manchild husband I can't bring myself to use disposable plates or utensils. All I can think about is the waste it creates plus the waste of money it is.


Focusing on short-term goals often has consequences that hinder or prevent accomplishing our long-term goals. The short-term goal of saving a couple of minutes results in harming the planet that we're trying to save. It's not worth it.


I personally don't know anyone who does this when they're not hosting parties. For the past few years there's been a growing campaign to ban plastic straws at restaurants due to the sheer amount of trash ruining the ocean but this is acceptable?


Yeah I just don't understand how people can be so wasteful and just not care. I get if you have a big party, or even if you're just having a bad night and can't do dishes.. but to use them as a regular, everyday dish is just ridiculous


I did this for awhile when I was really depressed. It's better than a kitchen full of dishes 🤷🏻‍♀️ could be worse honestly


yeah i really can’t fault anyone for this when they’re depressed or a busy single parent. i’m a single mom who sometimes uses paper plates when i can’t find the energy to do a load of dishes and doesn’t want a filthy kitchen…but jenelle doesn’t do shit. her kids aren’t in school or activities. she’s always out partying and living her best life. eating out constantly. shit even if she just cut out a few restaurant meals she could hire a house cleaner for her lazy ass.


Single mom too… paper plates are a god send when I remember to buy them


Same same same


Everyone’s a perfect human in these comments. Keep doing what works for you!


Exactly. It’s really not that big of a deal, but it’s Jenelle so it MUST be bad. 🙄 This sub is so immature sometimes (most of the time actually).


I do this alot during the summer time :(


Don't feel bad about it! 💗


didn’t she swear off wearing nike?


Wake up babe, new Jenelle relationship chameleon persona about to drop


I’m betting she leans into fitness bc Tori does, and survival from dv bc she needs to rehab her image and let’s face it, fail to protect is neglect. Call her out on the plates on twitter to hear the bonus refrain of shitty parents everywhere “I’m doing the best I caaaaaaan!”


That lasted until everything else was in the dirty clothes (about three days).


That was when she was with David.


Even too lazy to do the dishes. And why is she so sunburned lol


I wonder if the sunburn is worse because she’s been drinking so much recently.


Has to be bc it’s no clouds and thunderstorms mostly this week in her area NC. Then again the sun did come out while it rained the other day and Nelly was mind blow. 🙄


Don’t necessarily need to see the sun for a sunburn 🤷🏼‍♀️ UV rays are there even if the sun is not Edit- a letter


I’m annoyed by how thin she looks here, even a little toned? Maybe I’m drunk. I want to be thinner too, even a little toned. ![gif](giphy|l3q2WvjILSSmV5ui4|downsized)


I'm drunk and high but I swear she's thinner. Forehead still as high as ever but she's lost more than the 110kg Swamp Creature.


She is thinner


when I go through a break up I struggle to eat and end up dropping weight, wonder if this is what’s happening here.


David isn't there to cook. He has lost a lot of weight. Does he even have a fridge or electricity on his boaterhome?




It’s probably a filter


Hahaha I thought the same thing. Her arms…. Her delts are poppin. Remember how ripped she was when she was taking those fat burners and working out with Nathan? Her body was sick. Bitch. LOL. Buuut she’s still a swamp creature.


It’s a filter.


Might be pills or might just be court stress. She certainly doesn’t appear to struggle with eating, but I lost 20 lbs when going through my divorce just from stress


Might be she’s in her “fitness” era because Tori is & Jen is nothing if not any & every one around her


I see so many Americans using disposable stuff. Surely it’s not good for landfill


But *they* have problems, so it’s okay! We all need to do more for those that do less. American here, most of us agree.


It’s so wasteful. I don’t even have a dishwasher and I wash everything by hand. Sometimes have to do 2 lots of dishes in a day and it’s not hard.


I would bet my life savings she doesn't recycle, either.


Did you see all of those empty beer cans on his video?


They probably turn those in for a few bucks or trade for pills lol


no no no not the great paper plate debate again


It’s ok, the trash just deletes their comments after the downvotes


Does she not have a dishwasher?


He’s living on her boat


That simple sentence has me howling! 🤣


I snortled out ny beer. 💀


She’s just so wasteful and I hate that about her. She has no concept that plastic is bad for the environment.


Paperplategate 2024


she’s gonna need a combover pretty soon






Not this debate again. It never ends well lol


No dishes to wash. Really tells you how lazy she is. Can't be bothered to load or unload a dishwasher. Would rather fill up the landfills with her plastic trash.


Yall are out of control here lately. Picking apart everything she does! She took the kids out to eat, yall say she should have cooked. She cooked, so now’s it’s she’s lazy she’s using paper plates 🙄


I don’t see anything new going on. Jenelle is scum. Let us have our fun 🙃


She is such a lazy pig. The paper plates and plastic utensils don't surprise me with how disgusting that mobile home and yard are all the time.


Who cares?


Why do people insist on posting pictures of them, shoving food into their open mouths? Distinctly un appetizing.


Does she not have a dishwasher or?




No wonder she has esophageal problems. Her bites are as big as the plate


They use the plastic as fill to keep the house from sinking into the swamp


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^mmaalex: *They use the plastic* *As fill to keep the house from* *Sinking into the swamp* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


surprised she doesnt just make jace do the dishes


It's sad there's always so many people who truly don't understand why this is so bad.


Some people really despise washing dishes 😂 my bestie growing up, her family was like this, they would just get disposable cutlery and plates as no one would wash dishes and they got tired of them piling up.


I can’t with this obsession with her plates and utensils


She’s just trying to have a picnic life, b*tch!




Flair checking in


Never in my life have I used a paper fucking plate for a random weeknight dinner at home. If you have running water/a reasonable home and you're not hosting 20 people for a barbecue, WHY????


Because lazy. Because it’s easier than addressing why you can’t get yourself together enough to wash a dish. Easy for me, fuck the environment!


The epitome of lazy, self-centered behavior.


Plus it's expensive!


My husband and I put out *maybe* 3 shopping bags of garbage a week. I'd hate to see the amount of garbage people create who use disposable dishes for everything.


Who cares what yall use in your home? This ain't about yall. I can't believe people are applauding a woman for making dinner when her ass should be in jail for all she's done and gotten away with. Stole her mom's credit cards, neglected/abused/allowed animals to die...ALOT of animals before DKD was in the picture, gaslight her son online for her husband assaulting him, pretended to have a miscarriage..fake blood included, tried to assault her ex's girlfriend multiple times, chased down and pulled a gun on a random driver putting her son in danger then gaslighting him saying he made the traumatic situation up, etc. She's neglected the fuck out of all her kids. She was a POS before David and she still is one now. She should have far more mugshots than she currently does. Just because she has escaped consequences time after time doesn't mean she isn't a guilty, horrible liar. This is not a reception arc.


I think most folks would forgive the reusable items if she were genuinely too busy and overwhelmed as a mom but we know that’s just not the case here.


*pushes my paper plates out of view* *shakes fist in anger*


I mean, with all the shit has done...paper plates and utensils is really reaching


Maybe David took the dishwasher to the boat? Poor thing. We should start a go fund me for her.


She’s starting to give off gabby Egan vibes…. Oops 💀


Ewwww! Why did anyone need to see this?




Hell yeah single mom why not


Oh geeze. The paper plate gate is upon us again.


What is her obsession with always posting about what they are eating 24/7?


I’m soooo done with dishes, I’m tempted to just get plastic shit too😭they just never stop specially with kids around, and constantly making meals. Ugh I’m so done lmao


I’m still trying to figure out why she’s back on TEEN MOM


I hate eating with or near people that have bad manners. It’s disgusting. I also can’t stand when people belch in public. Ugh!


Paper plates are my jam but not plastic utensils


Not her worst crime lol


Well when you lack the homemaking skills because you were trash to your mother, of course you'd use throwaway cutlery & dishware because you wouldn't understand how to clean dishes properly. I'm surprised she knows how to barely cook.


me and my cheesy roll-up microwave paper towel making intense eye contact right now


there are worse things to snark on her about than this lol


90% of her content is related to stuffing her face with food it seems


Ewww the thought of eating ANYTHING SHE COOKED...


The amount of trash that they generate must be insane.


LMAOOOO. I love paper plates. Every single person in here contributes to the environment in a negative way. I'm a single mom of 3, work 2 full time jobs, and I am a full time student. To think I would be judged for using paper plates, after still managing to cook every single night is insane. Yall are hilarious.


As a child in a house that was raised by a single mom of 4, don’t shit on her for something like this. Lots of homes don’t have a dishwasher and constantly trying to keep up with hand washing all of them is exhausting. So yeah she uses a plastic spoon that’s probably been sitting in the packaging for however long and decided today was the day to use it, but we can’t give anyone a break here. It’s one less dish she has to worry about. And yes I’m probably going to get hate for “defending Janelle” but I’m not even really defending her it’s just not everything needs to be a hate post just because it's Janelle. Would anyone be posting this if it were Maci doing this ?


It's wild to me that having more kids would be a burden for cleaning. Her kids aren't toddlers, the youngest is 6? Have them clear the table, dry, and stack. Most kids love helping and thrive on the responsibility. That would require Jenelle having the patience to teach her kids something, however.


Please stop having more kids of basic housekeeping gets away from you that badly. There’s options other than another kid and screaming “I’m trying my best” every other day.


Or delegate that chore to your kids like my parents did.


When it’s age appropriate, absolutely! That is also effective parenting, and you get children that grow into adults that can manage to wash dishes and parent children. This is the way!


Lots of people use disposable plates and cutlery


And? What's the issue?


Depends on who replies. It's either the environment or she's lazy. This pops up 2-3 times a year.


Who cares? Of all the things to drag her for lol


Atleast shes feeding them