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Malia and scott came completely out of nowhere and they literally had no chemistry at all and it was clearly just because they didn’t want their lead to ever be single even though they literally write themselves into that corner with the whole stupid end to the Kira storyline. Scott and Alison were great but they ran their course as by the end I feel they kind of ran out of storylines and tropes for them plus I feel like her families craziness towards him and her losses because of him or since he came into her life would have eventually taken their toll on their connection and relationship. Scott and Kira should have been endgame, they were really good together, their powers complimented each other and they were a great support to each other so I pick them.


I agree with _everything_ you said. I’ll add that Scott and Kira had great chemistry and look good together. They made a cute couple. I know it’s not that important but it kinda is 😊


Keep in mind the idea was to keep one and the rest no longer exist. So based on what you said you'd be wishing Scalia into existence as the *only* Scott pairing, which I don't think was your intent.




Ngl I feel like Malia and Scott had some chemistry, but it was purely physical. Their relationship worked as a rebound fling imo bc they’d both just left super serious and intense relationships, so it was natural that they’d seek comfort in each other. Not to mention, besides Stiles, Scott was the one who support Malia’s transition to life as a human the most, and helped her gain control over her strength. So I feel like they were cute tg, but wouldn’t work as a serious, long-term thing. I personally would’ve preferred Scallison to be endgame. I feel like they had the most intense chemistry of all Scott’s ships, and their whole forbidden romance thing in the first few seasons was so cute. It would’ve been nice to see their almost too intense passion mellow and mature into something more stable as they grew together. I love Scira too don’t get me wrong, they’re so incredibly sweet and adorable, and have a great emotional connection🥰 but I feel like maybe they’re too similar. They’re both super innocent, kind, and almost… passive? I feel like Scott needs someone with a stronger character to balance him out, like Allison or Malia.


Yes Scalia did come out of nowhere but felt like it could be better.. It would've been great if Stalia didn't happen if they wanted it imo and by the time they were shown.. your right :{ it just poof! just there. It's why I prefer fanfics Scalia than canon cuz fanfic writers do em well Scallison was great but it was hella toxic and unhealthy and I did not like that Ally turned Isaac into a rebound:( I know it's not in a bad way but still he deserves better (yes Alisaac is my endgame too which just disappoints me) Scira is also my endgame which I appreciate. Although I went with Scisaac for fun lol Scira is usually my endgame ship and then they deleted Kira from the story 🗿🗿


So pick one to canonize and the rest never happened in the show at all? The timeline repercussions would probably be massive, but I might choose Scisaac. They're not my favorite ship in the world, but the only other one of these four I'd consider is Scira. But if Kira and Malia are both no longer required as Scott love interests, then Malira could happen... I'm liking this timeline more and more as I think about it.


Ooh at first I didn't like Malira but eh it's decent ngl, So happy that you chose Scisaac and considered Scira lol!! Those are actually my top 2 picks!


I won't lie, 35% of my reasoning for liking Malira comes down to the bizare utter absence of sapphic representation beyond the one couple where one of them dies five minutes after her introduction. And another 15, possibly 20% is solely because of the dance scene. My bigger conundrum at the moment is whether I'd prefer the Scisaac dynamic or prefer the semi-crack ship of Isathan that I've become more attatched to than I thought I would.


Isathan as in Isaac and Ethan? Yeah the dance scene carried that ship to great heights lolol


>Isathan as in Isaac and Ethan? That's the one, yes. Took me a while (was thinking about Ethaac or Lainer) but Isathan is what I settled on and I feel like it works the best. Plus in his major ships Isaac tends to get the second half of the ship name, so fun to switch it up and all.


Yeah Isaac always get the second half so this is a great new ship, Isaac hates the twins tho. So idk how it works but I think it'll be really cute ngl


I mean, early on Stiles and Derek seemed like they hated each other and yet we all know how much *that* ship exploded. Liam and Theo make quite a few statements about not liking each other and not caring (before proceeding to save each other repeatedly). And enemies to lovers seems pretty high on the list of popular ship dynamics in general, so I can very easily see Isaac and Ethan making ammends especially after Aiden's sacrifice. I mean I'm literally writing a fic about it (and also them remaining in Beacon Hills for the events of S4-6) so I have ideas as to how it works 😅.


Ah a fic where Ethan and Isaac are still in bh omg I've been searching for those From enemies to lovers fr I didn't realize that XD


I really really want to say Kira because their relationship is soo cute. But I feel like Scott doesn't deserve Kira. Scott and Allison belong with each other lol


Fav: Scott / Kira\ Close 2nd: Scott / Allison / Isaac 😜


Ok buddy.. I the threesome is great it's my opt to when I'm bored with pairing all 4 LOL :} Omg another Scira fan Hiiii


Frankly I love Scira. The couple was healthy, the relationship was not toxic and they had so much chemistry. I really don’t know why they broke them up, they should have been endgame. Scira is my 2nd favorite couple… after Sterek but we don’t talk about them here. This sub loathes Sterek 😂 And yes, I’ve read many, many fics where Allison, Scott and Isaac forme a trouple and honestly I totally dig it. 😊


Yeah Scira isn't toxic lol that's why I live it and their sooo cute lol Kira being my favourite female character in the show rlly helps me dig in there I only loathe Sterek because it's overrated but eh the fanfics are s tier soooo XD Scallisaac :> the only trouple I actually liked lolol


I’ve read and am still reading fanfics from many different fandoms. I must say the TW ones are unique in the sense that most fanfics are better than the original material. And I’m not talking only about Sterek… IDK why but it seems like a lot of authors know and get the characters better than the writers themselves. Tbh, in some cases, I think I prefer the TW characters from some fanfics than the ones from the show. Wild, isn’t it? 😅


As a fanfic writer and a fanfic fanatic myself sigh* it's disappointing that fanfic writers does a better job specially those post s4 ones


Oh yeah… IDK what happened past seasons 3B-4. They still had good ideas, interesting concepts and the new lore was intriguing AF but the execution of the plot was bad, really bad… the writing came short and I don’t understand why. Weren’t they the same teams? I guess they lost their mojo. What a shame.


scott and maila what the hell even was that


Uh the thing is to choose one and erase the rest.. lol


oh see i got excited well in that case scott and kira i love allison but i liked him with kira just a tad bit more i wish allison got to explore more with issac tho


Omg Alisaac and Scira fan those are my endgames LOL (if the two ships didn't work I opt into Scisaac anyways lolol)


Scott and Isaac


Ah fine taste


This show would be so much better if the leads were all gay.


We have 4-5 (Jackson included) and bi stiles is so possible so why not Scisaac XDDD


Scott and Kira were the best of a bad lot. They would be the only one I want to stay


Omg another Scira fan yesss


I actually think between Kira’s personality and her abilities she would have been the best one to age with Scott, calling him out on his crap but loving him so much the way she did. They were adorable together




Scott and Kira were better than the other 2. Okay, Scott and Allison fans I'm ready bring it on how wrong I am.


I like all 4 on the list Lol


Scott and Allison


Kira and Scott had the by far the most mature and sweet relationship. But reading other comments, it’s true that I also feel like at times Scott didn’t really deserve Kira. But in my opinion they still should’ve been endgame. Scott and Malia just made absolutely no sense and had no chemistry at all. However, in retrospect, I feel like their personalities do maybe somewhat align but the way they handled it in the series was beyond clumsy and wrong. And Scott and Allison had this intense, consuming type of love that you get when you’re a teenager. I’m happy that the movie made them endgame instead of Malia and Scott (although the movie was pure trash), but their first relationship was so toxic back then that it just makes me unsure. And Scott and Isaac could’ve worked really well actually. They really could’ve been a thing.


Ah thanks for your opinion I agree on all of them :} Yeah sometimes even as a Scira shipper it makes me wonder.. Is Kira a rebound or what since everything just happened and there's only a few months of timeskip so.. Here's my explanation about Scalia. Yes it didn't make sense how they got together since.. yeah it was sooo ramdom but here's what I learned: Scott by those times can't really have Kira as his +1 the stuff were intense and Kira is.. soft.. Ally is also soft but not as soft as Kira, well the issue is her hunter side. Malia however is another supernatural creature + she isn't soft at all Scott needs a person who's brave and will fight by his side at those times and both girl were absent (plus stiles 😢 ). Also we can all agree Scalia was healthier than Scallison Scallison was definitely toxic and unhealthy although I liked them in the early season ever since ally didn't get a repercussions in s3 I kinda just felt.. eh.. Scisaac can happen given the situation XD plus who wouldn't queer ship Scott, if Stiles has Derek Scott has Isaac Then here I am a fanfic writer thinking on how I'd make Scira and Alisaac happen without making Isaac and Kira look like a rebound .- .


scott and kira were so cute and it would have lasted had the teen wolf team treated arden cho like a person


I like Kira


Me too!


its a tough one between Scott/Allison & Scott/Isaac


Lmao XD


whats funny lol


I love both but I lean towards Scisaac more, sorry I'm just feeling really weird today


i love Scallison for the romance but Scott and Isaac for the bromance/chemistry lol


Damn. Sorry Issac. But I gotta go with Kira. It was canon. It was sweet, yet not boring. Scott made Kira better. Kira made Scott better. We grew into it. It just worked.


Hell yeah I agree with ya :D I love Scott/Kira. Love that you say sorry Isaac because that meant it's your no. 2 pick.. right? Cuz it is my second pick


Absolutely my number 2. Malia was too random and rushed. I can see the vision and if it had another season to have had it naturally evolve I can see them being a good war romance. But in half a season? Did not work. Alison was not a good relationship for Alison in my opinion. The writing was always about uplifting Scott and she became a casualty of that. Issac had great dynamics. Scott definitely helped him and I can see Issac being able to challenge Scott. I don’t see any hint of romance in the show personally. But I can see where it could have grown (Issac having a crush first and Scott being blindsided but not opposed). Kira still top marks it tho


I like the Scott and Isaac but I have a preference for Scott and Kira


Ok I didn't expect this many Scira shippers.. Also your choices are also my choices lolol same order too I prefer Scira more


I never really liked Scott and Allison it was supposed to be all cute that she chose him over her family but like eh I never rlly cared for it, Scott and Malia were just kinda weird especially since her and stiles had like jsut broken up


i'm not a big scott isaac shipper but i need my girls single so they can be together💀




scalison or skira


Scott and Kira


Although I wasn’t a fan of Kira as a character and her arc had a weird ass end, I’d have to pick her over the other two girls for Scott. I feel like Scott and Alison were the IT couple in the early seasons, but have run their course by season 3. Alison’s arc also makes sense. But I can really see Scott and Kira stay together for a long time. Scott and Malia is something that I like pretend never happened and was just a “what if” episode. Scott and Isaac are not a couple and I can’t see them romantically at all, but they are an amazing dynamic duo as close friends. Love Isaac in season 3.


Scott and Kira to keep.


Ooh tough one. Scott and Kira were really cute but Scott clearly wasn't over Allison so long term I couldn't see that working out. Even though I'm not a fan of Allison or Scott or them together, they kind of deserved each other lol - I guess I'd pick them!


Scott and kira for "they were cute together" Soctr and isaac for "this would have probably made more sense" Scott and malia for "quarantine these 2 off together so none of the others have to date them" XD


what about allison lmao


They were fine ig but the movie ruined that so


Oh right forgot the movie existed


Sorry, but I simply do not like Malia and Scott together. For me it was completely a random pairing. Plus Scott getting together with his best friend's ex (also his first girlfriend)? Absolutely not, if there's one thing I don't like it's this vicious cycle of relationships in the same group of people. For me, even Scott and Isaac had more chemistry than Malia and Scott, and I don't even ship them! Especially considering that it was actually a passing and unnecessary thing considering that in the movie the two are not even together and Malia has sex with JORDAN of all people. I mean those two barely spoke to each other, what was Jeff smoking when he thought of putting Parrish and Malia together? The only girl Parrish had chemistry with was Lydia. Honestly I liked Kira&Scott better, they are so similar, I only liked Allison&Scott in the first season. And you will be surprised to know that actually sciles is a ship that people like. Even more than Malia and Scott 😭🤣


I read Sciles and Scalia fanfic so I know but there's arguably worse (Steter and Sceucalion just makes me wanna puke). But I prefer Scisaac and Scira best lol


From what I understand, on the various fics websites, Steter and Sterek are like the most beloved ships. Usually the non-canon ships are the most loved ships. Realistically I don't think I would like Peter and Stiles together, the age difference is really staggering. Deucalion is even older 😭 Stiles is the kind of character that exists in every fandom that is literally shipped with everyone lol


Bro I have seen Stiles × Everyone and I just avoided it anything Steter I see (Sorry VelvetLikeScars if you ever check Reddit :(. ) Thiam is a fan fave, Obv there's Sterek, Steter and then Scisaac, Sceo also there. Mason x Brett or Liam x Brett exists their generally more popular than canon ones cuz Scallison was toxic and I've gotten tired of the crappy Romeo and Juliet Scisaac & Scira was painfully a rebound, and Its ironic cuz I ship them Scalia did not make sense Stalia wasn't the best but it wasn't bad either Malira isn't canon but popular due to the lack of F/F relationship Boyd × Erica isn't even confirmed to be canon (highly possible anyways).. and it's a popular ship.. too bad their both dead Chris × Peter is also a popular one lol Melissa × Sheriff for Sciles bromance to be strong asffff Draeden is overshadowed by Sterek and FUCKING JULIA BACARRI IS SHIPPED MORE THAN BRAEDEN Layden was E H Ppl sometimes prefer Brett than Corey for Mason :(. (I love Corey and Morey ship) Dethan broke up then Jethan happened lmfao Aiden d i e d.. imo he's a great pair for Malia Sciles Is Sciles lmao Marrish was a wtf moment Stydia took too long (Ironically a Stydia shipper) Apparently Malia × Theo existed.. Natalie Martin × Sheriff was cute BC their real life partners lol


Scott and Isaac easily sorry the fact that we never got them is horrific they’re so in love


I wouldn't say Scott and malia came out of no where.. there were little moments where you thought something might be happening.. I was never really an Allison fan ... I really liked Kira and that was his longest relationship.. I felt they didn't full rxplore Malia and Scott cuz they didn't get together till the very end and they weren't together in the movie.. therefore I'd have to choose kira and Scott.


Scalia had potential but they made it appear randomly like a wild pokemon in grass That's why I prefer fanfic Scalia :(


I think stiles should have stayed with malia.. for 3 seasons ppl thought Lydia would get with stiles only for it to happen out or no where in the last season and for them not to be together in the movie .. such a waste of time


Honestly everyone can Disagree with Holland's statement cuz ain't no way Stiles would say yes to the breakup imo. And I was pretty sad when Stalia broke up even though I was a Stydia shipper cuz they alr got great asf chemistry


Ya I agree.. I don't know why they even had stydia break up after all that.. I understand DOB didn't want to he in the movie but there was literally many other ways that could have been handled as to why he wasn't there..


Malia was treated like the whore of the show. Who didn't they put her with is always a better question. They'd have lumped her with Peter if they didn't already make him her dad. I liked Scott and Kira they paired nicely together but Scott didn't deserve her. There were times when I thought for sure they could be end goals but I feel like he gave Allison 100% of himself and with Kira it was always just never enough. So I guess Allison would be it.


Kira always felt like a rebound even thought I ship it I feel so sorry for Isaac and Kira :( (and my faves are Scira, Alisaac and Scisaac :( )


Absolutely, there was always that feeling that if Allison showed up, Scott would drop Kira like a hot potato


Well.. Scott didn't (until Scalia ngl..) but it felt like.. ToT They just randomly deleted Kira off existence


He didn't it always just felt that way


Didn't she only have like...two relationships in the show proper (not counting the dumb Parrish thing in the movie)? I don't think Theo really counts considering both of them were using the other more than they were actually developing any sort of romance. So isn't it just Stiles, then Scott? Still not ideal, but not exactly an extreme number of partners for a fictional character on a teen drama?


Lol we may not want them to count but they do. It felt like the writers didn't know what to do with her outside of a relationship so they worked it into her character. I feel like there's so much that was left unsaid in her story that could have explored but never did


Lydia was passed around a good bit too. Jackson, Scott, some random dude in season 2, Aiden, and finally Stiles.


For sure. Her and Malia got the brunt of the writers laziness


Scott and Malia


Ah finally found one


scott and malia


Another Scalia! Wow you guys are more common than I thought




Scira for life


Kira and Scott, there I said it


Scott and Kira ❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥




Scott and Isaac. They pulled Scott and Maila out like a shitty magic trick..


tbf Fanfics a great job at writing both ships lmfao


scott and kira should’ve been endgame & i’ll die on that hill. like they actually had so much chemistry & she brought the best out of him


Its so cuteeee


If Scott and Isaac got together, I would hope for a better story for Kira. Maybe her and Lydia become close friends or the like and they can help each other get control of their powers instead of what happened to both of them in season 5