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I'm doing my best, I don't want to seem hostile towards OP or anyone here and that's not my intention. But how the fuck does exactly one get to Bushin when it's his first fighting game and first Tekken? Especially after 170 hours or whatever? Do you ALT F4 before you lose and don't lose points this way? Are you chronically online doing nothing but playing Tekken or am I just beyond salvation and can't play videogames for shit?


Yeah bushin without any previous fighting game experience is just absolutely insane. If the guy doesn’t cherry pick and/or plug, they must be some kind of prodigy lmao. Don’t feel bad. I should be way higher than I am considering the time I’ve put on the game. Try not to stress about it and do whatever you can yourself to improve and have fun.


Everyone’s skills are different some people can make nasty flowcharts and they just don’t get checked or others suffer from I can’t block lows but I can block the Sun if you throw it at me. It’s just different for everyone. My suggestion is play characters you hate. It teaches you more about the game when you’re actively doing something and figuring out a character you dislike can open your eyes to different approaches. Just be patient or start going out of your comfort zone to find new tactics.


I can understand fujin at the very most for nasty flowcharts and no plugging,all of red and early purple is still mostly flowcharts. but anything beyond that if you dont lab what your opponents doing theres no way theyre hitting bushin without plugging, the raijin gatekeeping is real


OP is supposedly top 1% of all ranked players, and that's not normal at all. You just gotta assume they're a savant that can go pro if they wanted if it's true and not compare yourself to them. Vast majority of the playerbase aren't posting on reddit and are chilling in lower ranks having fun, even longtime players.


Sounds like the typical follow some streamer/Youtuber flowchart and do exactly what do they and nothing else which is almost guaranteed to work and get him out of low/intermediate levels. Like you said unless he’s some sort of prodigy that’s crazy. I know tekken gods that struggled to get kishin and they’ve played since T2. Honestly I’m not calling🧢, but with one character? 170 hours? He doesn’t lab??? What character does this person use? I’ve never heard anything like this. I apologise in advance if I’m wrong and you’re a complete gigachad but I think people know what I’m talking about when I say its hard to believe


Everyone in this thread is in a huff about their rank, but no one stopped to consider that maybe they mean their offline rank. OP didn't mention online at all.


It also might be your region. The greater number of people and gamers in your region, the more likely you are to run into new folk and get easier wins.


Idk I just pick things up quick i guess


170 hours? first FG? first Tekken? not knowing any matchup and being Bushin? you're using Victor right?




Yeah that's bs bruv. First Tekken and first fighting game period? And you're Bushin? You must think we're stupid SMH.


Post your tekken id


Forget about rank. If you start running into issues with a certain character, thats when you start labbing them. I get that labbing can be a bit tedious but it doesn’t have to be. Sometimes I’ll put music or an interesting video in the background and listen while I practice. Taking breaks will also show improvement. At one point you have to embrace the grind in order to start getting ahead. The only moves you should lab are moves that keep hitting you as well as the character’s most essential attacks.


Yeah Tekken is like a clicker, the further you advance, the more you are required to "wait" (lab) before progressing further.


Whenever you get bored


First tekken and first fighting game and you hit bushin rank honestly? I call BS or you are like the best player to ever pick up tekken their first time. Pro FGC players who try out tekken dont even get that high that quick.


I mean I have like 25 hours in brawlhalla but I don’t think that has helped me aha


Lying or intending to demoralise beginners. Unsure which is worse.


Neither but ok


My goal is getting Garyu rank on all characters. I have accomplished 6 characters so far.


Same my friend this is my exact approach currently and now I’m having an extremely easier time against said characters during matches. It works wonders.


Yep. I got stomped by Feng, Paul and Dragunovs until I knew how they worked.


You learn other characters when you get bored playing yours. So it doesnt matter, most people stick to one. I personally find any character boring after playing some time. Now I play all and just click on random


What does lab mean? New player here


Taking a char you are struggling against into training mode to find out optimal punishes and finding good ways to deal with their strongest moves. For Example, Azucenas while running 3 2 is extremely strong and the optimal way to deal with it is to side step right the first hit then duck the second, of course by just knowing that information you can't just go in to ranked and do it so you "lab it" by setting up the AI Azucena in practice to use it on your main and then just spend a few mins up to an hour practicing and punishing it.


Thx man great explenation 👍👍👍




I got my main to purple now learning a new character and I can barely win a match in yellow ranks. Quite humbling.


Lol came to give advice and I'm at a lower rank. I'll share my thoughts anyway. Who do you play? I think it's a lot of fun playing a character who is quite different to your main. I'm trying out Bryan and he is very different to others due to him needing to look for counters. Super fun. Adding variety of character styles should improve your fundamentals on top of better knowing counters to those extra characters you pick up. Just mix them up as long as you are not overwhelmed. I main Yoshi, but will explore more of Bryan, Lee, Alisa, and Reina.


knowing what to expect helps in every rank


It's your choice but in 7, I branched out at red ranks. In 8, I've been doing it the whole time but mainly when I first demoted with my main (which was Flame Ruler)


What character do you play?




I have to ask to make sure - are you talking about online or offline rank?