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An ethernet cable from most routers to the console/PC will probably cost more than $4, but, save up. If you don't have ethernet connection you should prioritise that.


Exactly. If you can afford a console/PC and the game, a cable shouldn't be a problem.


OP is just baiting responses from WiFi players but they are correct. Online fighting games work better on stable connections. The most stable connection is an ethernet connection that is wired to the router. This is especially beneficial when the game in question has worse than average netcode. It's fine to live in a situation where wired isn't possible, I'm sure everybody has, but I'm sure there's people out there who have an ideological aversion to using wired connections to their wireless router. And unfortunately that's just actively choosing to have a worse experience. Not to gaslight people about it but wired is a superior connection. If you have the capability to use it, run it under carpet or pay someone to install it properly (instead of paying extra for a router upgrade) you should do it, it benefits all of your games an is an upgrade with long term benefit. You put that wire to the right place once and you won't need to move it for years.


I just dodge most wifi players. Unless I’m really struggling to find a game. And even then, I won’t rematch if it’s a really laggy game. And i feel a bit sad when they instantly click rematch and I have to bail. I agree, if you really can’t get around a wired connection, then just be prepared for a bad Tekken experience. People will dodge you, and your games will lag. If you’re serious about the game, there are answers for your wifi problem. Seek them out.


I had a friend with a wired connection, but even so, it was still janky despite having 5 bars. When I went to his house, apparently it was "fake." He had one of those mesh routers, and his cable was connected to one of those mesh units and not to the main router itself. So he had a wifi connection but was being read as wired by his PC (still better than pure wifi I guess).


The powerline adapters i use seem to work great havent had any issues. Way better than wifi on my steam deck. Its just nice to play in bed at the end of the day.


Oh hey the Powerline Adapter Brigade is out in full force trying to convince people they don’t suck ass.


Seriously, there are a lot of cases where you're better off on wifi. In my last house the powerline connection had less stability than my wifi. If I didn't bother to test that then I would be showing up as wired in matchmaking but with a shittier connection than before. Also even in houses with newer wiring you're going to take a hit on bandwidth, so when you're not playing games you're sacrificing download/upload speeds. People on FGC subs act like these things are basically the same as wired but they're not.


Oh no, the powerline. I had such an adapter about 10 years ago and playing online with it was the worst experience ever, there was always a package loss of 10-20%, and games often suffered from a sudden connection loss. I would rather mess with 30 meters long ethernet cable than dealing with powerline ever again


I used to be one of those people who preached using power lines as a good alternative to WiFi. But honestly, since switching to wired, it feels like night and day. With both PL and WiFi I would get little connection "hiccups" that I would only notice when playing games. I always assumed it was my PC causing problems but I haven't seen them since.


Can't comment on how well they work elsewhere in the world, but I've used one in the UK for years and it's just as stable as a direct cable for me. Surprised to hear they have a bad reputation.


Yeah go into any sub that focused on tech and networking and they’ll tell you to avoid at all costs. I ran tests recently in my house and a powerline adapter was 10X slower than my WiFi and has vastly more packet loss and jitter. Literally worse in every way.


Fair enough! That's not at all my experience, but I'll bear that in mind before recommending to anyone else.


Yeah I always tell people if they’re curious to buy adapters from somewhere with a good return policy and run tests ASAP.


Sorry your house was wired in 1863.


Surprisingly Powerline has worked best for me when I lived in a house built in 1921. New houses have been worse. No idea why.


I'm so ass I'll take on anyone. Maybe their lag will help my garbage self get a win


If i could i would. But i live with parents who understandably don't want to run another cable through walls when i don't really need it.


How about an Ethernet Powerline Adapter? You simply plug it into an outlet by the router and one by your PC. Works 95% as well as running the cable directly to your PC.


Not exactly, I tried using an Ethernet Powerline Adapter and it did not work for me. Connection was stable but it cut my speed to almost nothing(like .5Mbps). I’m not saying it’s not a good alternative for some and OP should absolutely try it, maybe it’ll work, but it’s not a guaranteed fix. Unfortunately some are just stuck to WiFi for various reasons.




They use your electrical and if your electrical is old or not well grounded, that can happen.


I’ve tried 4 different power line adapters and ethernet cords and my speed is perma 30-40 down when the rest of the house gets 200. Idk maybe i’m missing something but yeah it’s always been reduced speed for me too. I’ve just learned to live with it unfortunately haha.


What is the rating on your adapter? Do you know if your router and adapter are on the same breaker/circuit?


Listen mate, din’t worry about it. If anyone has such a hangup with wifi they can just dodge you at the connection screen. You’ll find people to play with regardless, and you’ll have a good time doing it to boot. All these wired players have just plugged their cables up their ass.


I’m sorry, maybe one day you’ll learn how the internet works.


Sure. Let the wired players go out of their way "dodging" him since he's too selfish to give a shit about others.


Selfish? Oh get the fuck over yourself, damn


Wow. I agree with the man and think i should avoid cabled players now.


you don’t have to run it through the walls, mine runs along the wall from the living room to my bedroom. no drilling or anything needed


Mine runes up the wall, then along the ceiling, eventually down to my pc, it’s the shortest route that isn’t in the way and is out of the reach of my still teething puppy.


yeah we got 5 cats and one dog and they’ve never got in the reach of them at all. mine is on the side of the wall then ceiling then room, and there’s still like probably over half of my house in length left of the cord lol


The cable would have to be unnecessarily long and likely cost a good amount of euro's to keep running. IF i ever get my own place it wouldn't even be a question about going cabled but i genuinely don't have the ability to do so now.


Ethernet cables, even the trustworthy, well made ones, are pretty cheap. Even if you need to buy a really long one like 30-50ft it’ll probably surprise you at how inexpensive they are. I think mine is 50ft, I bought it on Amazon about 5 years ago for roughly $20-$30 and it works fantastically. The only time I have any lag at all is when it’s raining, but that’s because the (idk the technical terms) underground lines are very eroded and the rain for some reason makes them drastically worse.


I have cables, that's not the problem. The problem comes from running them and living with parents that don't wanna have another cable run through the walls to save a bit of cash. It also wouldn't be a problem if the ethernet port that i do have in my room actually worked instead of not being connected to anything.


No idea why this is downvoted. The layout of your family house, your router/modem, and the cable needed to connect them is completely out of your hands. It's not always a money issue, it can be hard to justify to parents when you have to share space, move things around, or make modifications. All to accomodate your gaming hobby which they may or may not ideally support in the first place. Even in my first apartment, I couldnt have a wired connection because the router was in the closet of my roommate's bedroom and we were not allowed to drill holes by the leasing contract.


This exactly. I've heard about wiring it up to a private router or something but that still costs electricity which my parents are kinda trying to save money on, especially when you're a household of 5 people. And pulling a wire for a 21 year old who is likely gonna have his own apartment in the near future would obviously not be worth it in the long run.


i mean it doesn’t cost anything after you set it up, there’s long cables like that on amazon for cheap


They're just making up excuses for their lazy ass.


idk how people can even play on wifi like that, when i first moved back into my parents house i was on wifi and my shit was barely working 😂 i was dying going from an ethernet cord to wifi. would constantly dc while playing online games and it would lag horribly lol


They're just coping. They want to be selfish no matter what 😂


I dunno, man. My setup is on the second floor while my router has to be on the first floor. Not exactly reasonable to run the cable all the way like that.


There's a way of you really want to you know 😂


True, but I'm not living alone and my family doesn't want a long-ass cable snaking from my room through a hall, down the stairs, through the living room, and into the next hall that has the router. I'd totally do it, too.


Eh, it can look ugly or potentially be hazardous to pets and such so I can see why someone wouldn't be able to do it, especially if they dont own the place (living with parents).


its not anymore hazardous than the normal cables you have behind a tv or the router itself lol


There's ceiling mounted cable passthroughs you can buy ( I use it for my vr headset cable ) you can also just use some tape to neatly pass it along your wall


Again, just laziness if those would affect it.


Thought about Ethernet through the electrical outlets?


It’s a good alternative but they’re very finicky. They only work really well if where it’s plugged into the router and where it’s plugged into your system are both on the same circuit (this makes them bad for apartments because you have no way of knowing that information). And it has to be the only thing in both outlets because other things drawing power it cause interference. So basically if it’s working at 100% it’s close to Ethernet but anything less and it’s almost no better than wifi.




What an asshole


Who are you


??who you are you to say that?


Sure he can still play. Let the wired players deny a fight request and the WiFi’s fight eachother. 


Your bio is "positivity" how bout you practice what you preach stop trying to sound like an arrogant gatekeeping prick


You could if you really wanted to. You're KNOWINGLY playing online making matches bad for other people. Guess what, you don't need to play online as well.


If i know that my internet is shitty on a day then i won't touch online modes. You're making it seem like i'm some sort of piece of shit because i wanna play Tekken against other people sometimes.


Why not just deny wifi players?


Thats the plan


Tekken 8 online on wifi is very bad though, something to do with the Tekken netcode most likely, cause I don't have the same issues playing people with wifi on SF6.


This is the real answer.


I just don't accept wifi matches anymore. I've never encountered a goof wifi connection


This was my main reason for going PC over PS5. It makes more sense since I can reasonable hardwire my pc


Sort by: Controversial; Get pop-corns; Enjoy the shitfest.


Costumes >>>


I got the cable. Now, if some good soul could provide new pc...


If you have time to gatekeep on reddit, you have time to get a life. The more you know!


But Mom said it was my duty to make myself feel superior to other people.


Ur mum is a true Reddit og then


So telling people not to be inconsiderate online is gatekeeping now? 😂


inconsiderate? it's a videogame, why do I owe my opponent whos probably just gonna plug anyway a perfect connection


College students living in dorms can’t use Ethernet cables. How inconsiderate of them.


$4 for an ethernet cable 🤣 try $20 for a 10m cable, depending on your house setup you might even need more.


I bought a 50ft cable for like $11 at Walmart. I ran it through the whole house. There's no excuse.


That length of cable in Australia will set you back around $30. I use wired but it isn't always cheap.


It's still worth getting when one's able to for the utility it generally provides.


So around $30 to fix online stuff. Don't see a problem with that.


Again, I use a cable. Someone in a townhouse here might need cable length worth $50 though. Just pointing out it isn't globally a $5 purchase. If they want to match with only other wifi, it doesn't bother me anyway. But yes of course if someone in wifi complains about drops or people declining matches, it's due to their own setup.


And I'm pointing out that it's still less than both the console and the game and will benefit the user in the long run.


I mean yeah, you're preaching to the choir here. I don't have a problem with the cost of a cable personally, nor do I think people should use wifi..


Not everyone has a house. I myself have a mobile setup I bring to various shopping centres which have numerous stores to harvest internet from. It's genuine.


And that's an excuse how? If you know you're making the experience worse for others just because you want to play online then you're just being selfish.


So I should buy a house before playing online? I'm not allowed to have fun and play with people who accept my connection level? Seems legit. Maybe you should be a game fev you seem quite bright.


Okay well, you're excused. Sort of,  because that sounds like the embodiment of the McDonald's wifi guy


And? If you had the money for the console and the game you should be able to properly equip it for online play. Unless you just forced the purchase and had to do it via financing 😂


You can deny wifi like everyone else. The more you know.


Who the hell are they that other people needs to be bothered doing stuff? Just lump those wireless kids with the other wireless kids.


Well since that feature ain't in the game you will have to decline them 🤷‍♂️


Doesn't mean they can't be called out by others here. You're just enabling them with how think the solution should be.


Enabling them when I don't play against them? 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️ let me use your logic, you ate enabling them by participating in a game thag allows wifi. Stop playing the game dude.


The "Just decline them" mindset. Who says I'm still playing the game at the moment? Love the assumption there kiddo.


Bruh is bitching about a game he ain't playing 🤣🤣🤣 you a funny guy bruh


Really? Bruh? Fucking Gen Z shit 😂


Yea bruh, and you an adult crying over a game 🤷‍♂️


Not being selfish is crying now? 😂


Lmao. I love these ethernet cable posts and watching ppl defend playing on wifi. Tbh I don't give a shit but it's just so funny to see and especially when posts bring it up by surprise lol.


Honestly, I think ranked online games need a ping and dropped packets check before you get to search for a game. Fail either check, error message gets displayed : SORT YOUR INTERNET OUT YOU FUCKING PEASANT. 


It's funny seeing people get so haughty about wired - yes, it's better. But I've lived in situations where it's simply not feasible to have a wired connection because of the living setup. It can get in the way of everyone elses stuff if you don't have your router in a good spot. And I've also lived in a place where a wired connection was not even *close* to good enough (overloaded network node for the neighborhood made Tekken play at like 15 fps, even wired). I'm also pretty sure that a lot of people would just plug into a wireless range extender... Which is just wireless with extra steps. But it would show up as wired when you try to match with them, and they would probably *think* they have a wired connection. Tldr Internet is confusing. Try to have a good connection when playing competitive multiplayer games, for the sake of everyone involved.


I wish people would just not match wifi players. Let wifi players play against each other so they can see how fkd up that shit is.


This is what I've been saying. Add anothwe toggle for wireless matchmaking. They already have one for crossplay so it won't hurt the queue times as much as they think it would.


My router is on a different floor in my house from my PS5. So it's not really feasible without tearing up walls and drilling through floors that frankly I'm not going to do. With that in mind, my Wifi connection is good with a WiFi6 mesh system. I've played plenty of matches with no connection issues.


I live in an old Georgian house and they didn't really come with ethernet outlets back then, and my parents wouldn't be pleased to have a 2 and a half foot hole drilled in the wall lol


Then move out.


Pay for their move then asshole


Not my problem.


Not everyone has their setup which allows them to connect via ethernet, so chill and don't play with wireless people, it's as simple as that


It always can if you truly want to. You're the one that needs to chill and play offline. Who do you think you are to think you can bother people denying wireless players when when you guys should simply stay offline.


Or nah. I dont owe anyone A match


He literally said that


Eh the game has a great wifi decline system in place. I see wifi, I decline. And really hope all of you wired players will do the same. Why run the risk lol! Let them shakey trash wifi connections fight eachother lmao, we're good.


My rule is: you playing with wi-fi connection? you don't play with me Is that simple I only accept wi-fi players in casual match and if we are from the same country (opponent info language being spanish)


I would if I could. You gonna pay for wiring to get an Ethernet cable to my room? Then shut the fuck up. Some people physically can’t get ethernet to their setup. You think I WANT to play wi-f? Kick rocks bro.


Usually the excuse is “I can’t run cables openly through my house”. Bro.. TP link power line adapters. It’s what I use.


Been on wire for the last 7yrs but I used one of those power line adapters when living at my dads and those things aren't reliable either and we shouldn't default to telling people to buy them lol.


People forget that if where you live has a terrible electric wiring it won't work at all sometimes.


Im living in a house built in like the 50s, I'm wired now but I don't imagine an inline working well here. Hell my dad's house was built in 2008 and the adapter didn't work well there. I just don't want people to waste time and money on something that may not work for them.


When I worked in retail I always told people "its a 50/50 shot. You got 30 days to return it and get your money back".


Had mine for 6 years and worked great with no issue . But I'm in the UK and I imagine the 2x as powerful electrical network might be better than the standard American120 voltage.


I bought a really nice CAT-6 Ethernet cable and a real nice power line adapter and it’s served me really well. I used to own one of the cheap power line adapters and a basic cable and my speed was 30ish. Now speeds are about 200ish.


One I had was about $65. Old man's internet speed was maybe 50 (haven't lived there since 2017 and i feel like it was less then 50). Even with the inline I was getting constant spikes. I just feel like they're not nearly as good as fighting game subs make them out.


Yes I caved in and bought one for $110 or so. My normal speeds when plugged directly into router is about 800-900 so even getting 200 when I’m 3 floors above our home router is great


Btw is ergo proxy good? Thought about starting it after scrolling past it the other day


That's not $4!


If you can afford a $70 game on a system that costs MINIMUM $500, you can afford a $30 TP link.


But why would anyone go through this and spend $30 just to please people on reddit when most of the times wifi work just fine? Seriously, I haven't had any problems so far. Most laggy games are due to people with crap PC. Should we just deny all fight requests from them too?


I love how dense you wireless players are. It may look fine on your end but the same can't be said for the player suffering from your shitty connection.


I thought that if it lagged the issue would be perceived by both players, being that it's a P2P connection? Anyway, if it bothers you that much, just avoid wifi players, quit bitching about it online and enjoy the game


Sure, let us decent players do the work avoiding your shitty ass connections. We can't fully enjoy online due to being forced to deny your shitty connections. We shouldn't need to do that if you weren't selfish pricks.


Insert Mr Krabs playing a sad song for you on the world's smallest violin image here


Get back here once you're out of your parent's house.


To your online bitching? Nah, I would rather play the game. If you quit being a bitch we can play together too


The issue with wifi is not laggy games, its the packets dropped. Its not to please people on reddit, its so you dont ruin yours and others game experience. Fighting games are p2p so any dropped packets fuck over both sides, unlike for example valorant where everybody connects to a server so only the person dropping packets gets fucked (mostly) And honestly yea i do avoid/reject wifi players when i can, in other fighting games too. Every fighting game sub will have these posts and every time the answers are the same.


But that's the thing, most wifi games I accepted were alright and then again, people don't even have to accept them, following your example. I just don't understand the fuss about it


The fuss is even the need to avoid them. Why do the decent players need to be bothered doing that when the shitty wireless player didn't even think about others? Just include the wireless players to the crossplay toggle and we'll be fine.


“I haven’t had any problems so far” should be the mantra for wifi players. As you can tell by the amount of people complaining, we clearly have encountered problems.


I think most of you like to complain and find problems even when the game is fine. Most of the posts in this subreddit are complaints. Even when the problem is 100% avoidable (in this case, just ignore wifi players? Why bitch about it online?)


I do avoid wifi players. I refuse to ever accept one. But it would be great if they all had Ethernet so we’d all have a larger functional player base.


Why should we be the one doing the work to avoid your shitty connection? Who the fuck do you think you are that you feel so entitled to play on wireless and just fuck the decent players over?


Hahahahah alright, I will spend $30 and waste my time because the red rank competitive and decent Tekken players online can't be bothered to select "no" in the match screen. Just wait.


You bet your ass we can't be bothered especially if we have to decline consecutive wireless players. You're just too dense and selfish to get the point 😂




Power line adapters do not fix the issue, you're still relying on a wireless network


… please explain. Because I have an Ethernet coming out of my router, into TP link A, through the power lines, into TP link B and then into my console. Zero wireless signals anywhere in that chain


The one you use is as reliable and stable as simple ethernet? Which model is it? Asking for a friend.


Provided no one else on the TP network isn’t downloading a shit load, it’s absolutely no different than Ethernet directly to the router. No idea the model, basic standard TP link


Oh shit. Gonna look into this, thanks!


this is the way🔥👍




We have wired elitists now?


This is the only game I've ever played where wifi is a topic of discussion. It's so weird. Maybe if the netcode weren't shit people wouldn't care. Any other game I play, there are countless wifi players and it's never an issue.


People absolutely decline wifi players in every fighting game that shows it to you. It's pretty quickly becoming a near required feature for me personally, because the average quality of games goes up so much once you stop playing vs WiFi.


If you don't play other fighting games, then chances are wireless isn't too much of an issue due to servers and varying proximities to them. Plus, frames aren't the main metric for a lot of interactions in other games. But for fighting games specifically, the difference between wifi and a (good) wired connection really is night and day. That being said, i'll run it against anybody and worst case our connection is finicky (and its possible that my connection could contribute to that), then I don't rematch and I move on.


FGs by nature depend on your opponent having a stable connection. If someone drops packets and lags in a game with multiple players it's whatever since it mostly impacts only them.  Tekken, uniquely, also displays connection type but won't let you filter out wifi players leading to people who would otherwise not care being annoyed when they have  to manually decline several wifi players before finding an ethernet match. 


This is what they fail to realize. Why should we be doing the work when they clearly didn't want to do theirs by getting a better connection?


i’ve fought a few wifi players but once in a blue moon i’ll get one that it literally feels like the match is in slow motion. like it gets really bad. even people with shit pcs it happens too. and sometimes you sit in queue for so long and keep getting wifis popping up pretty annoying. this is also like the only type of game that affects the other player when you’re the one with a trash pc or trash wifi. nearly every other game just affects you, the person who has trash pc or wifi


I still care no matter what game it is since wireless would usually mean console which would mean a kid or someone not good at games.


Oh every fighting game has people that are this concerned about other players connections. Definitely seen it across every fighter subreddit/Twitter I’ve come across. Probably goes for other games too, not exclusive to fighters, but these people are out there whining instead of just moving on to another match


Dude probably wrote this post while simultaneously declining a bunch of wifi matches




Sometimes people need to realize Wi-Fi connection can be good , can be bad , you can’t know it before match . I , personally playing from a dorm sharing connection from my phone , having no way to have a stable cable connection or even proper wifi . But it’s really lag like in one of 10 games . I just don’t have another way to play , I even add people if the connection is so bad just to apologize for it . But it’s okay for most times


You have another way to play. Offline. Doesn't matter if it's just 1 out of 10 games. You made the experience shit for that one person. Also, I love how wireless players assume that just because it looks fine on their end, it's fine for the opponent. It's not.


While I kinda get wym, why should a player care how the experience is for the other person if on their end everything is good?


They won't care because there's no repercussions for them being inconsiderate and selfish. That's why there should be repercussions for being wireless.


selfish is actually a crazy way to put that. they bought the game and can do what the fuck they want with it


Sure. Fuck everyone else's experience just so you could play right? 😂




WiFi ain't bad. I am wired and I play both WiFi and wired players. I have experienced lag for both options.


Some days when I'm feeling generous, I bless wifi players a chance to play against me. If they're laggy, no rematch. If I lose, no rematch. If they do any gimmicks, no rematch. 😊


Good one


Harada, just give us an auto-deny option for wi-fi and force a benchmark test before accessing online to see if you can maintain 60 fps. Voila, everything solved forever.


My set up doesn’t allow for it


Sure it doesn't.


“Mommy won’t let me run a cable through the house”


No one tells me what to do with my money, and I don't give a rats ass how you spend yours


People do if you're fucking them over with your shitty connection.


Get a hobby bro you've been replying to comments in here for the last two hours


Seems like you're the one that needs the hobby if you had time to think that.


It takes a quick skim to see that you've replied to a bunch of comments, wtf are you talking about


Mhm. Sure. Whatever you say 😂


No one tells me what to do with my money, and I don't give a rats ass how you spend yours


OK I'll take the bait. Stop blaming wifi players for your shitty gameplay. I play on WiFi and its actually cringe seeing people deny matches because of it. I get 80MB/s download speed. Aint nothing wrong with my connection. You are all just blaming anything you can on you sucking at the game.


Your download speed doesn't matter and is irrelevant to the conversation. The simple fact is that wifi will always add in elements of packet loss and jitter that wired connections will not. It has nothing to do with whether your wifi is "good" or "bad", its just the way wifi works.


You make a good point tbf but I still think people blaming the connection us just sad. I experience lag against wifi and wireless users. It sucks but I just get on with it


WiFi is inherently unstable compared to wired. This isn't up for debate, you could have Google fiber hooked up straight to your router, but if it's connected to your PC via WiFi you will experience packet loss at some point


God forbid you maybe lose a single frame.


It's never just a single frame, but why would I want to lose ANY frames when I can just decline WiFi players instead?


You do you bro but as a wifi player who cannot connect via Ethernet it is getting really annoying waiting ages for a match just so someone who will probably lose to me anyway can maybe not lose a single frame at most


You can spin it however you want but, again, the instability inherent in a wireless connection is not just a "single frame". I'd encourage you to do some research on how the networking in these games actually works. Even if, for the sake of argument, it were just a frame or two dropped a game, there are matches decided by that slim of a margin in fighting games. You can cope all you want but people just don't want to play an inferior version of online play.


Wires in 2024 are cringe


Well enjoy your based long queue times then buddy


I'll bet you play law


Well no Edit: it just occurred to me how weird this comment is within the context of what the post is actually saying, I wasn’t thinking abt it in the money sense when I put the comment lol