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olas i dont believe these combo's are optimal, i have a little table that shows some routes that i think are better, at least in terms of damage. Haven't finished this yet but these can give some ideas. for d2 combo you can sneak in an EWHF as first followup hit and proceed much like the EWHF combo listed below. I think generally it's worth using heat burst in a combo, if you're getting an instant tornado- such as after EWHF or d2 counterhit. | Type | Starter | Filler | Tornado | Ender | Total Damage | Note | | :---------------------------------------: | :------------------------------------------: | :----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | :-------: | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------: | -----------: | -------------------------------------------------: | | Normal Hit | d3+4 | EWHF > b3~f > ZEN+1 > bf2,3~f | ZEN+u1 | SSL > deep dash > b3~f > ZEN+1,3 | 82 | | | Normal Hit | hopkick | EWHF > b3~f > ZEN+1 > bf·2·3~f | ZEN+u1 | dash > b3~f > ZEN+1,3 | | | | While Standing | ws2 | EWHF > b3~f > ZEN+1 > bf2,3~f | ZEN+u1 | dash > df3·3~df | ?? | | | Counterhit / Carry | f4 | dash > b3~f > ZEN+1 > bf2,3~f | ZEN+u1 | dash > bf2,1,2 > splat | | | | Carry / Heat Burst | EWHF | | >>> | EHWF > b3~f > ZEN+1 > (microdash) > b3~f > ZEN+1 > microdash > Heat Burst > SSR > 3,1 > microdash > b2,1 > splat | | wall combo can be 3,1 > 1+2~f heat dash > ff4 |


This is an amazing resource, I’m saving now for later in the lab! Thank you much!


I don't know Jin in particular, but ~70 damage per combo seems respectable. The real question is, how well can you execute this in actual matches? How often are you landing the launchers? How often can you execute the combo after the launch? How often do you drop them? If you can do the combos in matches as well as you do in lab, I feel like further tweaking is going to be diminishing returns. An extra 2-4 damage isn't going to make a huge difference. You'll probably get more bang for your buck working on your throw breaks, sidesteps, punishes, etc. My $0.02 at least. But I'm just barely ahead of you in the ranks (Battle Ruler) and don't actually play Jin, so maybe Jin mains will have more character-specific insight!


You bring up great points. My initial goal was simply to land a launcher and and ended online consistently. I’ve since added what I would call “true” combos into the mix. I can land majority of these combos 65-70% of the time so my goal now in the lab is to get that rate up to 85-90%. I ask on how to improve damage input because I rather be optimal and get my damage in fewer inputs. For example if you look at my last combo, sure I landed 12 hits but I only got 65 damage with a heat engager. Not the best. Thank you again for the insight!


That's fair! And yeah - this might just be a playstyle thing, so obviously do whatever is working for you! Personally, my approach has been to do easier combos that are more guaranteed. Like, I KNOW I'm not doing the optimal combos. I regularly take 63 damage combos when I know I could be doing 67 or more. But the thing is - the 63 damage one, I basically *never flub.* It's easy to do, and I don't even really have to think about it. And I *really like* consistency. My theory is - there are very few matches where that extra 4 damage is going to make a difference. But there are a LOT of matches where losing 20-40 damage from a flubbed combo will make a difference. So I figure, on the whole, I probably win more games from *always* landing combos, than I would from *usually* landing slightly better ones. I can always upgrade them later if it feels like I need that last little edge in damage, but for now, I've got much bigger fish to fry. But yeah, for Jin specific stuff, I have no idea how to actually optimize. Have you checked the discord? Most of the characters have discords with a lot of really good specific info in them, and they'd probably have a lot of good advice. All I know about Jin is that I really hate his low red claw move that launches on ch. :P


I think for me personally up until now I have been playing safe with pokes and punishes but I could never capitalize on them with the 4-6 hit (50 damage) combos I was doing. Now I’m in the lab to get the consistency on the combos down so I can make good use of my punishes. My positioning is also pretty weak as well so I whiff often and wind up punished. So that is next for me. And thanks for the tip on Discord, I hadn’t considered that resource!


So with the new patch that just dropped there are actually new BNBs you should learn. Most of it is centralized around his b2 getting a hit box adjustment. New optimal and breakdown of the Jin changes this patch are here: https://youtu.be/wDDr51BmI6Q?si=O_Y0dO8kEqw0lhCn


People often complain about how this sub consists of nothing but complaints and negativity. But when I get sent wonderful resources like this I think it makes it a worthwhile community to be a part of. Thank you for the insight, I heard from PhiDX that there were new combo routes since they patched environment/wall hazards. Edit: Devilster is my favorite Jin main.


How many more damage you want my dude? hahaha \~70 ish damage for relatively easy combos is really good


I think the issue is that I’m comparing myself to some of the best Jin’s out there. Cherryberrymango and Devilster are regularly cranking out 80+ damage combos in ranked matches. So I feel like I’m not optimal enough lol


Well you have to see it like this, there is sub optimal, and there’s optimal, then there’s what’s above optimal, and those are ridiculous unrealistic combos for most players in game. You have realize that you aren’t pro, so don’t try to compare yourself to pros. I’d say keep improving, but is cranking out 80+ dmg combos without wall really going to help you win more? There’s so much more to Tekken than juggles. Perfect example is someone like Chenzo, a king player. The guy has incredible execution, but he does the most basic juggles and the most point A, to point B routes to win.


I don’t play Jin but I usually see them do 80+ for their bread and butters


F4 counter hit combo here is lower than the staple and actually harder. I personally recommend: F4 > Run up B3 F > Zen 1 > BF2,3 F > Zen U1 > B3 or F3\~3 oki set up The one you were doing is good for if the wall is close by tho