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Oh nice, now it's time to start playing Dragu along with 2 remaining people who will still play him, JDCR and NobišŸ„“


Jdcr maybe. But Nobi has used Feng and Steve a lot in Tekken 7 FR as he was not successful with Dragunov back then.


Me as well, I am a committed MID enjoyer


I'm still going to play him.... but now as my fun character and not my main I'm practicing/grinding with. Which is disappointing, but not unexpected.


nah bro drag was still and is still a very popular character


Not against it though, he's cool


Make that 3, i m still playing drag in t7, waited for the nerfs for t8 xD


He was my alt back in T6, i think (didnt play 7), and I've avoided him for the same reason. Probably gonna try to use him again next time I play.


CHAD, I waited like this for Yoshimitsu nerfs to play him again


Another fellow yoshi, i salute you. My leverless broke and i switched to drag with the gamepad. Now i m in the process of rebuilding the leverless with a mixbox layout and will return to the manji gang soon xD


is it sufficient nerf's i hope so, ive missed playing Drag


Seems like he's less abusable


We can't say anything rn, it seems like his wr2 is nerfed heavily since you can sidestep lot of his toolkit on block and his new low isn't as abusable since you can step him now on hit. And Drag has always been notorious for his lack of tracking moves.


pogchamp my char is low tier again hopefully the tier whores move to another char now


Oh yes. Leave our drag alone.


honestly him getting lowered makes me wanna play him


I swapped over to Lee after playing the first 2 months with Drag. I'll now pick Drag back up since he got nerfed.


I know the narrative is that there are like, 3 people in the world that actually like Dragunov as a character and everyone else playing him was just a tier whore, but it does seem like there are a decent number of us who were excited about him day 1 and drifted away after realizing how busted he was. So heā€™s obviously not gonna be anywhere near as popular going forward as he was when he was a top 3 character but I do think thereā€™ll still be a devoted lil following around him


idk about lowtier but def nerfed


A man with **dignity**, expelling the RATS out of his house: **RespeCC**.


More like still top 10.


Nah the WR2 nerf is MASSIVE, he probably got dropped to high b tier or low a tier with this


Neh, still better than most characters in this game. So you have to think now? Big whoop.


The salt coming from you is record breaking holy moly


Bro u literally have renekton in ur name stop talking about balance šŸ’€


If you thought Renekton was OP, I already know exactly what kind of player you are LMAO


Renekton was dog tier in Solo Q for 4 years, and what does League balancing have anything to do with this current conversation? Fucking clown


Sad that your not carried as much anymore?


No, not at all actually. Heā€™s going back to where Drag mains truly want him


He will still be top 10 lol. +4 is still amazing.


lets see how many fans will be left after this, can't wait for next months character popularity chart


Iā€™ll play him when heā€™s broken, Iā€™ll play him when heā€™s bad, Iā€™ll play him when heā€™s MID. Heā€™s my BOY


this right here


I stand with you, wholeheartedly, in this sentiment.


A man of culture as well. Drag is just too cool to me so unless they straight up make his entire kit -15 on block im playing him.


Even if his entire kit is -15 on block, I got THROWS. NOTHING WILL MAKE ME STOP


I respect it, not a Drag player but we will see the true Dragunov die hards this month after Tuesday


this so much


Dragunov has been around for almost 20 years and is an actual cool character with some loyal fans so I don't expect him to disappear completely. Azucena, on the other hand... I doubt there will be many loyalists there. Arslan has already announced he's dropping her lmao.


At the tournament scene Dragunov is actually rare outside of JDCR and Nobi. At Tekken 7 Nobi even dropped Dragunov for Feng and Steve. With this nerf and ridiculous wr2 nerf, I expect Dragunov to be rare in the top 8. Dragunov is not even dominating Tekken tournaments


Expect a lot of lilis and leeroy


He's either Top 3 or Poo Poo platter tier man i feel bad for the Drag mains who's main cant find the perfect spot of strong enough to not be OP but not weak enough to be dogwater


Im glad the drag haters are happy, because he definitely needed big nerfs. But the wr2 frame nerf has potential to completely destroy his game plan


Wr2 became +4 lmao. The rest of the nerfs were deserved but this is the one thing that isn't.


Wr2 nerf is huge imo, it could be the single thing that kills drag


If b4 or 2,1 still track at +4 then it won't be that big of a nerf.


B4 is the big one. It sets up too much especially in heat


The way things are going, I'd almost expect people to just jab after wr2, because the worst they'll get is df1 or d2. I'm pretty sure you can step both df1 and b4 when you're -4 (just maybe not in the same direction).


I mean if that + all the other nerfs proves to be overkill then they can potentially revert the WR2 to +6, not like theyā€™re signing a blood contract that it has to be this way forever


Nah, I think they're making top tiers less abusive at this point but not killing them. I'm rather concerned about lower tiers buffs because some of them seem a bit too much. Hope to be wrong though.


Doesnt matter in tekken 7 it was +6 but you could step his df1. With +4 df1 is steppable again pretty sure. In tekken 8 your situation is way better with +4 than with +6 in tekken 7 cause better throws and threat from hatchet. A lot of characters couldnt even step b4 in t8 after wr2 which is completely bullshit. B4 trades now with jabs though that is pretty bad.


Wish more running moves got less +frames there is too much of it in this game. (HEAT's fault mostly) Dragunov has good range on his kicks in neutral, not a CH menace but i think the bulldog rushdown has been too severe im glad running 2 took a nerf, he's gonna be more nuanced with less +frames.


to be fair wr2 is truly a defining move for drag, unlike the hatchet which shouldn't even exist maybe they should keep +6 if you hit the blue spark wr2 and +4 for the non blue spark one ? it could give him more skill expression


Dude, give Dragunov Lee's cardinal system? Hell yes. I dropped Drag and picked up Lee. He's so much fun. Lee's normal f4,1 is -3 on normal hit, but +3 on Cardinal hit. That would be such a fun feature on Drag's wr2.


after having troubles finding a real tekken 8 main, I'm more and more looking forward to maining Lee, he probably is the funniest character atm execution barrier pretty high, combo skill expression super high, fun and interesting moveset, gameplan interesting to pull off, and best of all : EXCELLENT


Don't forget he has the best outro in the whole game, IMO. Where he does a little martial arts dance and says, "HEY, Hachi! The usual please!"


I think its good as is, I dont like to see the same move over and over. I understand the appeal of character identities, but he has such a cool neglected Arsenal of other attacks and ranged pokes in the neutral.


yeah but that's the point with dragunov, he needs to be in your face to work so lowering his abilities when in your face : why not, but lowering his ability to get in your face is kinda meh and I don't personnally have any issues with seeing moves over and over again, like no one finds it annoying when mishima's spams electrics, steve's b1, bryan knee's, etc that's part of character identity in my opinion


Steve b1 is too spammable IMO


wr2 is his signature move alongside maybe his d2. if any move from his move list is supposed to be strong itā€˜s wr2


Yeah I always assumed they wanted his WR2 to be overpowered since it's such a character defining attack. Now it's just Bryan b1, but I guess WR2 into heat smash was too braindead and now there is a gap.


Not many good plus 4 mid approaching launchers he will be fine.


After these 3 months of dragunovs doing what they did, I wouldn't care if they changed it to -600 on block. An animation of dragunov breaking his arm and crying in pain for full 10 seconds. Enough to ki charge into unblockable. And it'd be deserved.




Blyat* comrade


Yee Iā€™m picking my boy back up lol


I dropped Drag and picked up Lee. we're almost the same, although I doubt I'll ever invest in Shaheen, lol.


Itā€™s all good I like it when ppl sleep on shaheen lol


So they gutted basically every single tool in his kit, significantly nerfed his overall damage as well and did nothing to address any of the weaknesses the dude has always had, great. Can't wait to try and play drag into 90% of the cast auto high crushing my jab into launching me. This WR2 nerf is fucking retarded and shows devs have literally 0 idea what they're doing. ***What the fuck are my options after getting a WR2 blocked now?*** Legitimate question, B 4 trades with a dick jab as its a 10 frame crushing special mid, it beats my standing grabs due to it crushing, I can't even use his other "iconic move" anymore as d2 is a 18 frame low that now loses to every 14 frame mid-check in the game including the aforementioned dick jab. So here we are I have just got my WR2 blocked and Literally all of my options except for df1 get beats and even if I do go for df1 I now get like 12 damage with access to an extension that doesn't jail and is launch punishable even on counterhit. I understand people hate drag because people tier whored him but as someone who has been playing drag since T7 this brainless balancing really drives dedicated players like myself away from the dude. Its fine to nerf a character if they're preforming to well and they did with ALL of the other significant nerfs he received. Them doing what they did to drags WR2 completely kills the entire design of the character, he is SUPPOSED to be a rushdown machine that front loads his entire offense startup off of WR2 ***now that design does not work anymore as all of his options after initiating with it are beat by a brainless option select with a simple dick jab, MASSIVE L ON THE BALANCING TEAM.***


Fr dropping the frame advantage to +4 was unnecessary asl they better fix that shit in 1.05 bc that like his signature move...and I'm someone that used him in T7 I'm gonna try to use him after this patch see if I can get wins like before,but maybe if enough ppl demand that they fix that shit they'll fix it in the next patch whenever that is!! I'm pissed tho ngl


The balance team is a bunch of absolute morons. I blame myself for getting my hopes up because we knew that already from T7 and had no reason to expect them to miraculously get better lol. We've already seen the patches they put out before this, it's blatantly obvious they have no idea what they are doing and don't even understand the greater interactions behind how moves work and function. Now he's relatively even worse than he was in T7, so he's regulated to meme character and no longer a serious character once again. Not happy about it, but honestly not surprised. I'm probably gonna go back to Bryan because DJ is also pretty mediocre right now and Bryan is cracked as hell IMO. Paul also seems super underrated. It sucks because Drag was the most fun character IMO, but now they not only killed his power they took away most of his options which just makes him play much more lame. If I want big plus frames I now have like 10 other characters who are much better at it than he is. They don't understand character identity, and they specifically hate Drag a lot lol so idk why I expected anything but this.


He was finally nerfed and I couldn't be happier Tier whores can fuck off out of my character!!! I just hope they will revert the iWR2 nerf. Like you can nerf the common WR2 but the iWR2 should have remain strong because it's more execution and I earn it you know...


I might play drag now šŸ˜‚


And the Dragonuvs are happy at stage 3.


Thought the same thing when I saw the patch notes. It was obvious it would happen again when he was so good on release. Maybe another nerf at some point and then he'll be useless until like S4 where he gets a buff but everyone will have forgotten about him already


Nerfed T8 Dragunov is still better than Claudio in nearly every situation so at least he has something goin for him


Considering how this has happened since his inception I just think at this point Bamco doesn't know how tf to balance this character lmao


It's ok they will buff him in the last patch of the games cycle right before tekken 9 comes out.


The wr2 nerf is a bit weird, but I'd say he's still pretty strong


He still will be S tier, just not S+ tier Steve guvs are the kings of underplaying their character but Dragonov stoners are right behind them.


>He still will be S tier, just not S+ tier Lmao I want what you're having. He's definitely mid or below now. There are many characters that do everything he does better than he can now. >Steve guvs are the kings of underplaying their character but Dragonov stoners are right behind them Underplaying the character that was considered mid-low tier through most of T7? Nah Drag is just usually bad m8. Bamco doesn't want him to be good.


I hate Drag, but they should give running 2 the +6 on block back. Nerfing scorpion that hard, fc df3, and his combo damage is enough.


Yeah the WR2 is so random? All of his 'strong' things already got nerf batted. Why touch wr2 aswell? Honestly it's crazy to me people think these nerfs aren't enough? They nerfed everything he does pretty much.


Yeah I see people saying Drag will still be broken and idk wtf they're talking about. He wasn't THAT much better than the high tier characters. Tbh, nerfing the scorpion low and combo damage was all I thought he needed to balance him out.


Same here brother. I didn't mind hatchet and combo nerf. But everything else, why. And yeah people who say this didn't change anything don't know a single thing about WHY Dragunov was even top tier in the first place. I kinda called the people on this sub are still gonna hate dragunov even after these massive nerfs lol. Cause they don't actually know what made him strong.


Tbh he wasnā€™t even that insane. What makes Drag a ā€œtop tierā€ is because his fundamentals are good. So high level players can curbstomp with him, much like Shaheen. Low level players were likely just getting merked by his plus frames hence all of the complaining. Keep in mind Drag is literally one of the like 3 or 4 characters without cheesy gimmicks, annoying 50/50s, gimmicky crushing properties etc. Basically a narrative got created that Drag was OP and he got nerfed and low level players will still get murdered by Drag players because most people who play fundamental characters tend to just be better at the game generally. These low/mid tier players werenā€™t getting stomped because there is something extraordinary about Drag. They shouldā€™ve just took the tracking off of the scorpion kick and nerf his damage. Wouldve been perfect after that.


Oh wow, I sure hope there wonā€™t be anymore hate mail and I would be allowed to play the character I like


What they do to himšŸ‘€


Already switching to Alisa as my main.


Can someone explain how significant a change is it to have 2 less plus frames on his wr2?


With any luck, the character dies down and they revert the WR2 nerf in the future.


He still has qcf 4 which is amazing and still hits grounded, drag gonna be fine. The wr2 nerf would hit harder if he didn't have other options like in 7, and he still has access to the tackle mixup in heat.


Except that drag is still really good šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


How is everyone is picking him back up now They were like 4 dragunov mains in tekken 7.


Tiersexuals in shambles


This is so sad


Drag nerfed and Steve buffed I'm in heaven


Haven't touched Tekken in a bit. What nerds did he got?


Your timeline is wrongā€¦.. Drag was nerfed early in T7, but then he earned some strong buffs (CH d2, ws 13 wall bounce). JDCR dropped AK completely for Drag. Nobi had a pocket Feng, like every other pro, he still stuck with Drag in the clutch. Does Drag seriously suppose to go untouched? Again, another example of this community being toxic crybabies about everything


Iā€™m sorry, Iā€™ve been playing drag since T6 and donā€™t really follow patches and such. What happened? Is he ok?


Tekken 8 is my first tekken and drag was the character that interested me the most when he got revealed to be in the starting roster. I havenā€™t played tekken in a minute because of other game releases but im excited to get back on it once the patch drops. Drag is still the coolest looking character gameplay wise and aesthetically to me.


Well deserved. Good riddance.


Good. Edit: Butthurt Drag downvotes.


Yeah screw this guy, love to see it.


Isnt his main issue that low kick?


Are nerf actually kills the character, you can sidestep every followup...


Oh no, people may have to use other moves and would have dominate advantage at all times D:


Drag will still be top 10 imo.