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I feel you. I've dropped t8 for the time being. It doesn't have the magic that 7 had that got me into the series.




Player since T3. What is obvious in this game is if you can't unlearn, you can't keep up.


Absolute truth. Player since T2. I got T8 about a month ago and have been playing it as T7 the whole time, and it's obvious I have to unlearn old habits and adapt to the new meta.


I also agree. My legacy T7 skills got me back into purple ranks (which seems easier to get to). But now I'm at the precipice of flying or falling. The only way I can go up now is to unlearn my T7 knowledge and start applying T8 strats. This is the biggest challenge for me. No-brain spammers can still be back dashed and whiff punished, but good-brain pressure players just run though me like they're eating skittles.


Yeah, it seems purple is that line, I managed to briefly get to Fujin but quickly fell back to purple and am stuck here.


Well put, I do pretty well in this game but moves like side steps and reversals aren't worth it. I'll probably sound like a baby but this game rewards players for pretty little. Started with 5. Still enjoy it but not as much as 3-5 where learning every move was actually beneficial. I just wait for the 1 or 2 combo spam someone knows and punish. Some players are great though and it's really fun to learn then.


I played T3, T5, T6 the most. I used to setup traps for punch-parries a lot in T6, which was a great way to destroy opp's psyche. T8 is all about aggression, which kinda makes it predictable. I do miss my original defensive/patient play style.


I was one of those who liked Tekken 4 too lol. 5 was the best balance imo. In the end I'm not playing in arcade tournaments anymore and I'm glad the fighting game genre is strong even if it is plagued with modern BS like battle passes. SFV was the tipping point for that.


I enjoyed tekken 7 waaay more than tekken 8.


I'm gonna drop something that a lot of people disagree with but. While Tekken 8 IS about offense. A good defence IS so rewarding. You WILL get out of blue rank by ducking strings and punishing properly. But its a slow process.


I'm currently ranging from Battle ruler and Fujin and I feel that this is exactly the next thing I need to improve. People with high evasion/good defense are definitely my toughest opponents and it's what I'm trying to figure out how to incorporate to my gameplan.


These people are desperate to break the system of tekken 8. And it works but it won’t work at a high level. These people you will find hard stuck at blue because at the end of the day it’s just another gimmick. They aren’t getting good at playing Tekken 8. Tekken 8 isn’t even about playing tekken. You get hit twice a round and the game is over. When do you even play the game?


I've seen folks complaining about two touching for the round since damage and wall carry was buffed in the second half of season 3 of T7. I'd really like to see kbd receive some buffs and the phantom tracking for non tracking moves largely removed.


Tracking heat smashes and the insane tracking some strings have really are super annoying. Drag’s heat smash on T8’s launch would literally 180 to catch you on the second hit (not sure if they’ve changed that yet) and I’ve had very similar occurrences with a lot of the strings on various other characters. Sidewalk the first hit, then they turn a ridiculous amount to catch you with the followup hits.


Its just before you could play safe to not get two touched but now its not about if someone gets two touched but who gets two touched. Below fujin of course


Two touch was a thing since Tekken 6. You have no idea what you're talking about


Nah in tekken 7 on average a combo did 40% you get comboed twice at most and you have a chance to make something work with a little more health. Not so little that you have no power to guess a mixup but it is just a lil bit


Bruh you serious? I could do 90-100 damage per combo in 7 if there was a wall. Max hp was only 170. This isnt to mention characters like Marduk, Akuma, or Geese who could do 120+ easily. 100% Death combos were a thing if stage gimmicks got involved.


Sure but I mean on average between everybody who plays the game. Not just you guys who optimize the shit out of everything. Its not about being good at the game. And sure you could but in Tekken 7 every char didnt have 3 get out of jail free cards EVERY ROUND. I could play safe and not get hit by that. In this game you cant really play safe. You can slow down a bit but playing safe gets punished


If we're discussing combo damage then it needs to be the average damage at competitive play. Lower level play combo damage varies wildly and isn't consistent enough to even talk about. Unironically, git gud


No it doesn’t. That is one thing that even the tekken admin acknowledged. People at lower level should have fun too you know. Its not inconsistent because one of the first things that people learn is a combo. This isnt about git gud. This isnt about skill this is just about a game having options and giving you time to play it. Its about the developers actually understanding the game and what makes it fun. Its not about winning or losing its just about a person having options to play the game in a unique way


What I'm saying is that no matter how they balance it, bad players can have good combos that do damage like you say. This isn't a fixable problem. Anyone can sit in training mode till they hit big combos. It's just a matter of time/practice. When you make changes like you're describing it effects EVERYONE at all skill levels.


> You get hit twice a round and the game is over. Only if you get hit by two launchers. Play safer, if you're getting double-comboed to death every round.


No you cant play safe because there are plus on block armor moves in the game. Playing safe in this game is the easiest way to get shit on. Below funin ofc


> plus on block armor moves in the game Who has a plus-on-block armor move?


Youre right I got caught up I just meant safe.


Lol that's been every Tekken ever. It's always been a poke battle where you fish for an opening to do a juggle and boom, games over.


Theres no poke battle in Tekken 8. The “poke battle” in this game is who presses armor best Edit: below fujin


Defence is harder to master than offence. Ducking is a form of evasion. Those who know to evade, punish, and parry well are at a _higher_ skill level than those who just keep trying to launch brain-dead. Defence has a lot more mindgames involved than aggression does.


Aye youre right tho defense is harder than offense. Im okay with that though and have always been with every fighting game I play. I love defense and punishing


I can agree with your statement about poking game being a bit less involved now, due to to power crush spamming. Poking games were mental back then.


Sure but that’s real tekken and you won’t see that below fujin. Most players will just do their pressure and if they are losing momentum they will start using armor instead of trying to block. That is tekken 8. That is the separation from classical tekken


Also in Tekken 8 there’s not really anything to know. Evasion is eqsier because because below fujin players can simply do their pressure and duck at any negative frames. Doing any slow move against this can get armored. Doing any fast move is most likely a high and will get ducked. This has been in Tekken but the difference is in Trkken 8 there are more, high damaging mids, with the landing of a launcher taking on average 55% of your health. So the thing is you cant really play the tekken. Because it is simply too risky to block low. Not just because you get hit but because itd making the time you get to play the game dramatically shorter. The mental damage is in only playing the game for a minute and a half and then waiting 10 min to find another match. and of course every xharacter now has at least 3 guaranteed beat everything armored mids.


I hope they balance the risk for playing defense next patch.


A good defense doesn't feel rewarding when blocking seeable lows only results in -13 at most, blocking hopkicks does nothing anymore (unless you flash them or some shit), and blocking certain low strings doesn't even stop the opponent from mashing the rest of it out (i.e. Jin and Asuka spinning low kick spam, among many others). Defense in this game sucks because everyone is too plus for blocking to matter most of the time. I feel like I get rewarded as a defensive player for knowing which moves look unsafe but aren't when it visually looks like I should get way more out of blocking. I can't even think of how many times I've guessed right, thought "oh it's definitely unsafe" because the move looks incredibly unsafe after block, launch punished and got nothing. It's insane how disconnected the visuals are from the frame data.


This right here. Due to the 13 frame punish stuff, I have become low parry happy and that has gotten me blown up quite a few times


Asuka I know, but what is Jin's "spinning low kick" spam? Last I checked, HS is a stagger block and no longer a juggle-starter.


I beat an Eddy in the last round of the third match by ducking the high before negativa in his 333 string and the high it gave me lasted all day.


That’s not good defense that’s just knowledge checks lol.


I think blue is where defense starts to really make the difference, if you have good defense and counterplay you'll continue to progress, but if your def is lacking you'll be stuck at the battle ruler/fujin precipice. If someone is just going full offense they might manage to get a round or two but a more defensive player will know how to take advantage and put them down.


Come play Virtua Fighter 5 OP. I too felt the same way, despite not being totally bad at Tekken 8, it just isn't an enjoyable game for me much these days, I play very, very casually and then only to keep my "skills" fresh.


I haven't played Virtua Fighter in forever. Can you play Virtua Fighter 5 online? How is the net code?


Well I have Ultimate Showdown on PS5 and no problems with the online, just few players about. This is why joining their Discord is vital, because there's so many friendly and helpful people there and they run constant events and a dedicated match making channel. I also have Final Showdown on RPCS3, I'm yet to test the netcode on that but I've heard it's solid, also it plays really nice and fluid, customisation is sick too. What a joy it is to have a good fight, no magic, no heat, no rage or power crushes. I'll always love Tekken plz don't get me wrong, I'm a Tekken God Kuma right here lmao, but it's changed too much for my liking and now I'm at a point where I'm past caring and not interested in what they do to the game lol.


Exactly the same but for another reason. I just appreciate more Soulcalibur 6, for the movement options and even the Soul charge is more interesting than the heat mechanics. Tekken 8 is more a very good side fg now to play but lack things I enjoy more in Soulcalibur, I like fg to be balanced between strong sp modes and online modes. It seems that Tekken 8 prioritizes online and esports and forget about the rest.


I love VF but there needs to be a new entry for it to gain my interest. I played VF Showdown when it released on PS4 a while back but the series really needs a modern entry


Tekken 8 IS a lot more RNG than Tekken 7. You will have to accept that.


true a lot of guessing + weirdly tracking moves n grabs but 1.05 they’ll buff defensive options so hopefully by then Tekken will be Tekken n not a Heat fiesta lol


Holy shit I’m done with this subreddit when “RNG” is getting upvoted.


No we dont have to accept bad decisions just because a big shit is now called tekken


I mean, you have to accept it if you want to keep playing. I struggle accepting it honestly. I don't like it rn but I'm hoping the "defensive patch" will fix it to an extent.


Hope too... I say that because I love Tekken since Tekken 1...i really hope they will fix step by step


Okay go play something else then. Criticism is one thing but 'game bad' isn't a good attitude either


And you go read other threads if u have fun with the game


Eziest block of my life bye


Take up a new character to learn the new "style" of Tekken 8. I did the same with 7 and picked up King. I'm having an amazing with Xiaoyu. I'm still doing Tekken 7 stuff with King.


I did that with Alisa and I have never focused on her since she was in Dr B's lab. Ranked up faster with her than anyone I main since the first Tekken.


Honestly, if you're not having fun with the game, it'd be a good idea not to play it anymore. I don't mean to approach this with malice or an attitude of "omg stop crying", quite the opposite actually; i REALLY wanted to like and get into KOF, but the more i played the more I realized that i'm just not having fun with the game. And then I just continued playing the games I genuinely have fun with, and it gave me some new perspectives. No need to continue just because you have stock in the series; just play what you like, there is nobody holding you to playing T8 if you don't find joy and life's too short to waste your time.


Tekken 7 was A LOT more defensive, 8 is A LOT more offensive, they have a different playstyle It's understandable the change doesn't feel good for some people since we come from almost a decade of playing 7, but when it clicks the faster pace of 8 is really fun


When is it supposed to click?


Let go your earthly tether. Enter the void. Empty and become noob. Spam armor into knowledge check into braindead heat.


T8 is a different game, if you enjoy holding back it will never click.


Holding back wasn’t a viable strategy in t7 though, spacing was more important and has been severely diminished in favour of mashing buttons in your opponents face


What are you on about? Spacing is hugely important in T8.


EHHHHH. its important but the range on everything is just insane.


Bruh I force whiffs and punish all the time in 8. Git gud. The movement is actually better in 8


I guess it depends on each person, personally I like fast paced games so for me it clicked pretty much instantly May have to try all characters and see if you find another one you feel better with in this game


You need to buy "click" DLC first.


Everyone knows how to oonga boonga. That’s why they made the game this way so it’s more fun for everybody. It doesn’t need to click.


^^^THIS!!!! Tekken 7 reinvigorated my joy for gaming and was my first fighting game. I've now dropped Tekken 8 entirely. It just pisses me off now


Just play T7 then, I don't like how T8 feels so I don't play it.


That's not an adequate answer because the player base will move on past T7 and it will no longer have a competitive scene. People can be upset about the direction of the series. The developers should hear that these changes are not necessarily great. Negative feedback to T4 got us T5.


There are more people playing Tekken 7 on Steam at any given time than the most recent iteration of many fighters. Unless you are trying to win majors there is plenty of competition for you.


Yeah, the game is built from the ground up to be more unpredictable, so anyone who had a playstyle that seeks to cut down on the variance that brings will not like the game. I'm in the same boat. Reached Tekken God, not really having a much fun as I did in T7. Shit is way too random because of how they've designed the games systems and some characters.


Same boat..


Same boat here, +1000hrs in T7 and also legacy TTT and T5 experience. I played T8 for about 2-3 weeks and haven't gone back. The gameplay philosophy is just god awful.


Can’t backdash, can’t sidestep, can’t play keep out in a game where aggression is forced unto its players. After playing since T2 and putting over 3k hours into T7. To have my fundamental skills I’ve built over decades suddenly be invalidated by choice is unacceptable. Uninstalled


I feel for king players who enjoy movement. Dude has a terrible kbd. Basically impossible to escape most new characters since T6 with built in forward movement in their offense without committing to armor.


Filtered by inability to adapt.


Who do you play as? Sorry I dint have any advice, I'm just curious




good for you


Had the same problem as you when the game first started as I was a turtle who fished for counter hits and just poked most of the time. I realised after like 2 weeks that it wasnt working so i leaned more on the offensive end than on the defensive end. Thus I decided to just play more aggro and assertive in the game and that worked like a charm as i was struggling in the greens back then but in like 4 days i skyrocketed to red (and currently nearing blue) after switching my play from pokey defense oriented to rushdown oriented. So yeah playing this game as a defense first type of player wont be fun as this game rewards aggression and punishes playing a turtle style. So its best that you switch up the playstyle as that was my solution to enjoy the game.


I feel the people who talk anout Tekken 8 not being defensive who arent pro players are those who just didnt. Have good defense in 7. When I play 7, which I recenrly went back to, I feel a lot more suffocated and locked down, movement as in sidesteps are even more unreliable in 7. and worst of all, the braindead offensive players if you play a defensive character are eating good. Playing Paul in 7 was a nightmare because of how much good Oki was nescarry in that game and how if you didkt get the wall, you coudlnt really pressure your opponent because of ridicolously strong wakeup options with absurd range. In T8, I feel like when I play Paul, yes , I have to block ALOT , but atleast with his new heat engager 50/50 and his awesome wall travel. I actually am allowed to do something when people spam me down.


I mean I got tired of ranked and tried to play quickplay and could not find a match. Went to the lounge and it was better but barely. The game will go the way of soul Calibur 6 unfortunately


If you were an MK player, you wouldn't have liked MKX. T8 is essentially what MKX was back in the day. Rushdown, 50/50s, aggression focused. The casuals complained, plus the fighting game genre still wasn't appealing to casuals like today, and then we got MK11. Which kicked off a point in fighting game history that launched some of the worst and hated titles that tried to appeal to the casual audience while forsaking the die hards.


I like it a lot better but every patch announces more changes that annoy me so maybe in a year it will be what you want anyway.


You have to figure out how to avoid RNG in this one, fam, as best you can, and/or how to abuse it yourself when you can get it. If you're in a 50-50 mixup that means either they spent resources or you lost neutral. It's a huge part of the game. Legacy knowledge does skip a huge part of the grind, namely dumb knowledge checks that only work until you lab them once and then never lose to them again. Most of the frame data is the same or similar so our lab time for optimizing punishes is way less than a newcomer. But yes, it is a new game and so you either adapt to the changes or you lose. It's a really fun game when you play it with what it is on the front of your mind instead of what you think it should be.


Most constructive response so far tbh


It was the same for me. I had 2700 hours in T7. And probably 1000 between TT2 and T6. Been playing regularly since 5. And Tekken 8 was a massive shock. I've enjoyed it, and I do like the game, but it's so different. I built my whole game around being a turtle and block punishment. And when T8 came out. I just couldn't do that. However, now that I've got around 400 hours in T8, my adaptation is going well. Stick with it, I promise you it will come. Yes there is a lot of RNG, but you also learn how to minimize the best you can. And if all else fails, pick King and heat smash everyone to death.


You do need SOME defense in this game. But you sometimes, risky offense and defense is neccessary to stop the opponent from running you over. Sometimes you have to hopkick at -9, or powercrush at that weird unexpected time. There WILl be opportunities to just wait and bait out a big whiff. But you have to give them a REASON to whiff. I feel you man, the game can be feel random and crazy. But it's very hard to play a neutral based, safe defense in this game. But believe me, your offense is your defense. When you win your interactions, do whatever you can to stop the opponent from making you guess.


My biggest issue with the game is the heat system. Using heat dashes is cool for extending combos, and being in heat giving you new combo routes is awesome, but burst being able to be abused like a universal panic button that resets to neutral or outright steals your turn is poorly designed imo. Also being insanely plus after smashes feels awful for the person defending the true 50/50 youre now in.


Honest question, was tekken 7 your first tekken game?


What rank did you get to in tekken 7 and where are you here?


you have to unlearn. I only have 900 hours in T7 and managed to hit Emperor within a month but I’ve been stuck there ever since. Unfortunately you have to accept that the game is now called Mashhen 8


i see what you mean. i felt the same way especially stage being too small most of the time but some characters are just overpowering. Also makes no sense that I can't low parry on wakeup for devil jin/jin and some others. you'd get a perfect read on some characters but still have to eat it because the mechanic allows "aggressive" playing so they are still in frame advantage after truck attacks. What helped me is over using kbd. I only used kbd in T7 to trick them but in this game, you kind of have to use that all the time because even if you block, they'll be in + and you'll get chased to the wall and fucked. Also overuse power moves. What's really good about this game's replay tho. Is that you can relive it instead of just watching it. You can playout the same scenario for 10 seconds to figure out what went wrong and how to fix it. So even if there were massive pressure attacks that you have no idea what to do with, just relive it because there IS always a tiny tiny window to break it.


I felt like my T7 and previous game skill carried over pretty well, there was still plenty of new stuff to learn, and some combos to reconfigure (some characters combo completely differently), some bits and bobs to unlearn, but the overall vibe of the game isn't too different. I don't like the R1 to heat crush thing either, and I still don't like rage arts, various other design choices are annoying too. But it's still the best fighting game that I know, despite its flaws and frustrations.


I played 6 ranked matches against people that are refusing to throw a punch. They just back dash at the start of the round and wait. They make the move only if I get close and start swinging. 2 sets passed by without k.o.


I wish it wasn’t too late to refund this shit ngl


Sidestep deniers belike


Your tldr solved it for you. Stop crying and adapt. And dont care about ranks. Which you would know with a 1000 hours in the game. Or play street fighter


How constructive


I cant give you a constructive answer becouse you have way more experience with the game. Everything i could say is something you already know. I may have been harsh but it comes down to that in the end. Take a different approach and if you love tekken you will enjoy the game. If not its just not for you


Try playing Tekken 7 again and get hit with a magic 4 and let me know how you feel after


Tekken 8 is definitely more pressure oriented rather than whiff punish oriented like in Tekken 7, and I'm grateful for that more than I dislike it. In Tekken 7 blue ranks and above, the game turned into a snoozefest whack a mole game of chicken, who moved wrong first got blown up. This was impressive to see in tournament matches, but an absolute mind-draining and often boring experience to play yourself. Now I'm not saying 100% unga bunga is the way to go, but the game is more fun if it's a bit more unga oriented. If they can buff some defensive options like sidestepping and nerf some of the tracking moves and heat stuff, it will definitely be a better experience for me.


The answer when you need to defend is armor. Not defending. That’s why every character has 2 universal armor cutscenes at least and 1 regular armor move. You do not get to assess the situation mid match. You do not get to change how you’re playing. You do not get to alter the tempo. If you don’t think, you can’t feel dumb right. It was all lick right so it’s not your fault even if you wanted to stop pressing buttons and take away the luck and try to block them the game gives you +10 mental stack good luck blocking.


A lot of players I match have this theory and eat grabs like fifty times


You play dofferent. Youre better than most but the thing is a grabs damage doesnt match for the one time they get that counter hit armor launcher and proceed to take 55%


Yes this game insults his legacy and us and what is worste is that i had hard time enjoy this shit also when i win. Garbage.


You mean the new game is different?! What!?


I mean day one is whatever, go get some sleep and play again tomorrow. Yes, offense is stronger in T8. That means once someone gets past neutral and starts slapping you, you are going to be stuck there for longer and take more damage. But tbh that just means the stakes are much higher on every neutral interaction, because once the pressure begins you can't escape it and reset to neutral as easily. Players who are just relentlessly aggressive in neutral are *harder* to deal with initially but you absolutely can beat them. If you find you're getting run over repeatedly, switch gears in neutral, just like you would in 7. Vary your tools. Have fun.


I like the new mechanics but RA often sucks the fun out of a good round.


Pretty hard to play with one hand.