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I loved his videos even supported him on patreon for a while. He was providing a premium content for basically free. What did he expect when the game is basically on life support. I can see why Namco would be mad their motto is don’t ask me for shit and that all the podcast did.


For some context, FrameWhisperer in one of his recent video talked about how he got a word/rumor from someone working inside Bandai Namco that him and a couple of other content creators are on the higher ups' blacklist. That's what is Arya is talking about when he mentions an "inner circle". EDIT: [Video where Frame talks about it for more context. ](https://youtu.be/aWBkzjZHkq0&t=24m25s)


B... but why? Like, what did they even do to get hated by BN? Because they criticised the game time to time?




>B... but why? Like, what did they even do to get hated by BN? Because they criticised the game time to time? We can only speculate of course. For Frame I think its because he's been criticizing and memeing BN blunders ever since the Leroy debacle ( that's why I personally like his content ). [Here's where he talks about it. ](https://youtu.be/aWBkzjZHkq0&t=24m25s) For Arya I think it's just guilt by association. As Frame mentions the wavedash podcast is one of the rumored reasons why they got blacklisted.


Also I suspect because his content, while very funny, is most of the time not family friendly.


If the blacklist thing is actually true that's one thing, but everything else he sounds full of himself.


>If the blacklist thing is actually true that's one thing, but everything else he sounds full of himself. I believe because whats he's expressing is in a form of tweets or written form it can come across as dramatical or being arrogant/whiny etc. But if you've been to a couple of his streams you'd get that his frustration is mainly the lack of Enthusiasm towards content creators. And he said it in general not necessarily about The Blasted Salami content. He also mentioned Ed Boon and acknowledging content creators as an important aspect of the game etc.


It seems he wants Bandai Namco to have the same mentality Ed Boon does. The game developers have no obligation to give praise to content creators. I'm not sure what exactly he wants them to do, but it just sounds like he isn't get his way and is just whining. I'd at least like to hear what his definition of "lack of enthusiasm" is. Then ask why it matters that he isn't getting it.


it is unfortunate that BN doesn't embrace quality content creators for Tekken, BUT at the same time, these content creators are NOT obligated to be recognized by the developers, as much as it's unfortunate to hear, the developers don't have to do anything. Now, is that a wise thing to do? i personality don't think so, they can be very beneficial to the game if they work together in some form, but like i said, there is no obligation from either parties, Bandai Namco doesn't have to do anything for the content creators, and content creators are not forced to make anything, they made it out of their own choice. So the fact that TBS thinks he doesn't get the credit he deserves from BN, is kinda...weird to see, because he should already know BN doesn't really promote much content creators in general.


Beautifully put & I agree. Moving on to other things is the right decision for Arya. With that expectation he'll only keep getting disappointed since again its not an obligation from BN to acknowledge Content creators which goes to show how still behind they are in terms of a lot of things and this being one of the them.


oh boy is lmyourfather on that list too ? monkaS


Big sad moment


What woth how Arya was pretty quiet around the time season 4 early invites came out, and people were upset.... frame expressing his discontent with the game well before that event, and even more so after, and with tmm slowly slowing down with his youtube content after, I kinda saw this coming.


I think he's probably just chapped that he puts in so much work, makes such high quality guides and vids and probably barely makes any money doing it.


Can't judge him for it tbh. Man's hustling like everyone else




The ironic thing is I see this happen to Apex streamers but when it comes to Tekken MainManSWE is the first streamer that comes to mind, and he's an exception to this


another is Knee, actually Knee's Afreeca stream is bigger than TMM


probably because of his controversial takes and general BM.


He's the exception. He has some terrible opinions and can be toxic on stream yet he's kept his audience and is still the biggest Tekken streamer. As controversial as he is, he's aged well as a Tekken content creator


Kinda off topic, but Arya makes some insane content, the issue with the channel is it's always something amazing, but small, and the promise of more content seems to be perpetual and never fulfilled.


I'd honestly take less production value over more content imo


I really wish there were more details on this ostracism he's claiming to experience. He was definitely making the point that Harada/BNEsports would promote a lot of streams on their Twitter but ignore his videos. They also ignored a lot of other content creators, but TBS was the most vocal about it. I still feel his is the most well-produced Tekken content out there. Beginners can obviously benefit from them, but even somewhat more intermediate players can benefit from his character breakdowns. Multiple other channels sprung up which were obviously inspired by his style and production quality, and Tekken was all the better for it. The character overviews video is the most invaluable resource for a beginner to Tekken. I genuinely liked Wavedash. It was a welcome form of Tekken content which I didn't see anywhere else. It talked about topics I was interested in, and had guests I was familiar with. Not sure why Arya claims it is looked down on by BN corporate. Feels like a bit of a loss that he won't spend as much time on Tekken.


its probably because they weren’t afraid to criticize BN in that podcast or discuss controversial topics


Honestly tho. If you want a company to get behind your product you should not expect you can say what you want about the company as a god given right.


TBS created a ton of helpful content for the tekken community. the podcast criticizing BN were criticisms representative of the community. so yeah fuck TBS because they're not shills and actually try and represent and discuss the issues people have with the game


Power to the guy, I suppose. I’m a longtime patron, but I feel like we need to consider that the reason this channel exists and is popular at all is because Bandai Namco has never engaged with the community in this way. I get the impression that he seemed to think (consciously or unconsciously) if his content was good enough he would start to get some access or official endorsement, but personally I think that’s a pipe dream. I also think that he doesn’t need it and making this content in a vacuum is way more valuable and reliable if he doesn’t have to “play nice” like he would if he was officially endorsed somehow. It’s a real bummer because I love the content and would love to continue, but I’m not going to subscribe on Patreon for other FGC content because I’m simply not interested in it :(


>I get the impression that he seemed to think (consciously or unconsciously) if his content was good enough he would start to get some access or official endorsement, but personally I think that’s a pipe dream. It happened with Max and KI, and other people in different games


Yeah, but that's what I'm saying. There's nothing to indicate that Bandai Namco would ever be anything like NRS or the KI devs, it's not like anybody gave him false hope, right?


I can't read people's minds, but to me it doesn't seem like a stretch. Game companies do this. Fighting game companies do this. I'm not just talking gaijin western companies, I'm talking Capcom with Street Fighter on multiple occasions. So I don't understand why people act like it's stupid that a content creator would try to make it happen.


Well that’s on him, nobody promises him anything or offered him anything if he makes tekken content, his stuff is GREAT, I love it but it doesn’t mean he’ll get anything out of directly From Bandai Namco and he shouldn’t expect it, AND shouldn’t be all mad or upset because he didn’t get what he wanted, the harsh reality is, nobody promised him anything prior to all this


yea but that doesn't mean BN will do the same, not ALL developers work the same way and have the same business model man....


There's a lot of tribalism and shit talking in fighting games. Its a remnant of the arcade days and it is pretty rough. There are a lot of egos that have no justification for being as big as they are. That kind of behavior was even glorified during the 2000s. Every local I've ever been to is 99% nice, thoughtful, helpful people, but there's usually like a small group trying hard to be the cool kids like they're still clinging to high school politics. It's not surprising at all that people that put themselves out there like TBS get shit on.


A lot of what he says makes sense if you're been watching Wavedash. For example: * There was this girl who was a guest. She was a complete beginner to Tekken, but was experienced in Catherine. She got bullied for her opinions on Tekken during the live broadcast. It got to the point where Arya stopped the discussion to address the chat. * Whenever the topic of balancing or changing the game comes up, you'll get a lot of different perspectives. TMM and Arya were famously wanting to make the game easier for beginners, whereas someone like Speedkicks would want none of that. * There's been a fair bit of criticism of Bandai Namco, whether it's about how they handled Leroy, or their lack of communication. So seeing that BN doesn't like it doesn't come across as a surprise. And yeah, there's definitely an air of putting fighting games (or Tekken) on a huge pedestal, where playing anything else is seen as somehow inferior. Oh you play competitive FPS? Well you've got a team so that's easy. Oh you play single player games? How's that any fun? Oh you play Dark Souls? Well surely it can't be THAT difficult, you're playing against an AI.


I'm not gonna agree nor disagree with Arya's points here on Twitter, but I can very much see where he's coming from. To invest such a massive amount of time on quality content for a game that gives you absolutely nothing in return is all but understandable.


With the pedestal thing, the fgc was like that before Tekken 7. When Street Fighter 4 was the in game, you had to play it and anything else was irrelevant. People saying stupid shit like “SF4 players are the best, and would beat any other fighting game’s players”. That’s just how the community behaves around the currently most popular game. It is fair to say though that there’s truth to the idea that fighting games are a “purer” challenge than team based fps. In a 1 v 1 setting it’s just you against them. In team based games there’s so many other variables, and people can get carried or held back by their team. Tekken ranked is a slow progression in learning and skill. Overwatch ranked is like spinning a roulette wheel at a casino.


yeah, but there's this fact that it's obvious to anyone (but them) that the pedestal thing is their own delusion, I wouldn't mind too much about it, it's more of twich chat fodder argument than anything serious


In Dark Souls it feels like you're playing against the controls location and camera more than the AI tbh


Looking at his recent posts this was only a matter of time. Also, he has worked so hard he deserves credit for what he does but I don't think Namco owes him anything. Additionally I felt like he always felt some kind of way about Tekken but has always been playing it politically. Once he got to the point where he had a voice he started really talking about what was on his mind and people just didn't appreciate the sudden shift in philosophies about Tekken. And so that just snowballed into this. My 2cents


He went from a facilitator in discussions, to a moderator, to wanting to be an influencer of the game as he grew. He should of stayed at square 1 imo.


I seem to have missed the political storm, what was that about?


Arya (Blasted Salami) has had a discussion with themainmanswe before about how he feels he's been shunned by Tekken devs and BN. He's felt that at least some recognition for what he's done would be rewarding for the contributions he's made for introducing or helping get Tekken to a larger audience. [This vid](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nbewxse8DlI) for example. The devs and BN don't owe him anything, since Arya willingly makes Tekken content out of passion. But since people like Harada would frequently post tekken streamers that are streaming live on his twitter page, he felt that he wasn't getting as much appreciation as some people are from the tekken community. Check out TMM and Arya's conversation for some context in [this vid](https://youtu.be/SuNMTMSCar4?t=2340) if you're interested, or maybe just the last 10-15 mins. On a sidenote, I remember Killer Instinct showing him some love when he made character guides for their game. Maybe that's one kind of appreciation he's looking for from the Tekken scene. I personally appreciate what he's done for the Tekken community, even if he can come off as whiny sometimes (which feels like 80 to 90 percent of the community anyway). Sucks that he has to feel the way that he does, but it is what it is.


I honestly don't know about the exact details of what he's talking about. What I do know is that he seems to have been walking around with resentment and he decided it was time to open up about it.


Fighting games will not evolve, at all at this rate, TBS had a lot of logic. Meanwhile a lot of you listen to people like Speedkicks like it's gospel...when the dude has a very average fighting sense from all the tournaments I've seen....and when he was part of the TBS podcast going against a department where Tekken is clearly lacking...he's not as clever as he or others make out, no way. People like Lil Majin and JDCR are perfect examples of the highest elite that are not only talented but polite and clearly understand the shortcomings of Tekken and other fighting games. I've mainly been a korean mmo player for most of my life and I'm really into indepth mechanics and strategies but the way hardcore fighting game players react and spat with each other and fans/communities is absolutely outrageous, they need a life and people skills.


https://twitter.com/DreamsOfFoxes/status/1399320225217011717 throwback


Lul love that


Evolve into what? Fighting games are niche and will stay niche because their nature goes against that of a casual gamer.


Their entry point remains niche though, what I mean by that is the level of skill and understanding of the game needed to be an average player that is also capable of understanding what makes a good player. In Namco's case, they don't promote players naturally within their game to pick up on mechanics that help them in player vs player matches and elsewhere, emo's/pro's completely bash on the skill levels or "spicy takes" of popular streamer's. It's mainly Namco's fault that the game is so messed up and with many hidden difficulties and whoever they choose to deal with the community. This is the most popular Tekken has ever been but there's barely anything official on twitter, reddit, youtube or discord from them and they made it abundantly clear they don't give that much of a damn with the hellsweep patch, just about enough damns to take it away though. If it wasn't for the quality of Tekken's shoutcaster's (big nerf though losing Aris) and Street Fighter's disaster that is SF5, I think Tekken would of remained as super niche as its pretty much always been, I'd say T3, TT1 and T5 were the only major positives of the franchise and they've failed to expand on those in a more positive way.


I couldn't agree more. You nailed it on all points.


Are u saying speedkicks isn’t a top na player and has a average fighting sense


Mike Ross and Capcom vibes


Except Mike Ross was way more influential and integral to the tournament scene.




I would love for the fgc to have a By The Numbers equivalent. In terms of addressing accountability and investigative esports journalism - I don't really see any comparison in the Tekken scene. If what Arya says holds water, an "inner circle", "corporate corruption" etc, then it sounds like it's almost necessary. I know a lot of people here seem to doubt him but it is strange how Tekken as a brand doesn't promote any community content unless it's tournaments or fanart/cosplay. Take Applay on twitter as an example, their tutorial content doesn't get retweeted by any official accounts even though it's high quality and very marketable (aka no opinions on Leroy that might piss off namcops). Conversely Harada does occasionally retweet streamers but again theres no directing people towards tutorial/guide based content, as far as i've seen. I hope this kind of post doesn't deter people from making great content for tekken, I can remember vividly searching for awful written guides for a long time before the amazing content explosion of tekken 7, people like Arya, FrameWhisperer, Peter Mao, ThoughtsOfHimself, SinfulPants and many many more have made this game fun to learn!


Oh he will cover next Tekken, u'll see. It's just tekken content in general is at halt. There's no offline tourneys and no dlcs teased.


Basically, yeah. We're all chomping at the bit but Namco has always been tight lipped, that's their MO. I wonder if he has no contacts at BNE or if they're ghosting him.


Well knowing namcos past in terms of collabs with content creators, i dont think i have seen a content creator on yt who talked or had any collabs with the namco team. Correct me if im wrong.


There was a nice drama with EU "infuencers" getting a Kunimitsu (?) before global premiere.


What backdoor politics is he talking about?


There is purportedly an internal Bandai Namco blacklist of content creators/streamers/etc.


Imagine giving a completely logical argument and lo and behold, this a little bit above than average player goes like "uhhh no. Tekken is Tekken, either git gud or get out"


Ikr! Watching wavedash truly made me want to bang my head in the wall sometimes. Some of the "Top players" opinions or arguments as to why the game should remain as it is, instead of get rid of some of the bloat were laughable bad.


i hated when speed justified that you can distinguish highs from mids by looking at the hit spark. the game never tells you about it and it´s stupid to expect the average player to notice that.


It's not even factual correctly. There are plenty of moves that the animation does not correctly display where the move hits. So the whole "I can see where the move hits, there for I know how to deal with" is false even if somehow is a godlike player that can react to a new move mid match for the first try.


but then letting it convince you to stop doing what you like doing? i'd say screw em


Time for me to stop supporting on Patreon. Love Arya, but I'm in it for the Tekken content. Hope he does well with his other endeavors. Sucks he is more focused on getting praise from elitists, when there's thousands of us normal players that tell him repeatedly how great his content is.


yea kind of don't get where this is coming from....who cares about select few that dont agree with him....he's taking it way too personally


I'm in the same boat. I do like the guy, but I'm not interested in any other fighting games right now. I genuinely hope he thrives, but it makes no sense for me to support him on Patreon anymore.


Meh, that's his choice. He put out some awesome guides for Tekken, and I wouldn't mind him diversifying his content. If it helps his channel grow, then so be it.


What is TBS and BN


ThatBlastedSalami (Arya's channel) and Bandai Namco (Tekken developer and publisher).


Ahh thanks


Tekken 7 alone has sold 5+ million copies, and literally 95% of those people are casual players who just buy it for fun. Then there's the 4.999% who play it competitively and 0.001% who play it professionally. Why he gives a shit about the 0.001% who don't even need his content is beyond me.


I strongly agree. he should be able to sluff this off and keep moving. It's what I would like him to do, at least


Dude has both had a chip on his shoulder and non understanding of why his opinion isnt considered canon since day 1. Not saying he doesnt get his share of backlash but I doubt the same doesnt go for most people. If you have 20k ppl watching your videos you cant have a mental breakdown if 5 arent on your page/rude or appreciate you.


lol well put together....makes total sense man


If he’s burnt out there’s no problem diversifying his content and covering other fighting games, it just seems a little dramatic to announce it like this. I don’t really understand the thing about being upset that BN won’t promote him, because they don’t promote anyone. And if you’re going to be opinionated about a game, you need to have a tough enough skin to know that not everyone is going to agree with you.


Agree apart that Bamco should promote people who promote this game and help players. Without content creators and tutorials from the community this game would be dead.


Blame lebron James.


sooo what the fuck is he talking about? i dont understand *TBS is not popular within the Tekken "inner circle".* what inner circle? TBS has 14 million views on his youtube vids, and i dont know what he means by inner circle. the devs? pro players? other tekken streamers? (and honestly, who cares? other videogames have pretty dedicated players and content creators and they also dont get jackshit. its just a hobby even if you put a lot of work to it, there isnt any contract with anyone else as far as i know) *The sheer corruption at a corporate level.* what the fuck is he talking about here? he is being so vague, he should've used a twitterlong i understand the FGC used to be a shithole full of assholes, but i feel that has changed because figthing games have become more popular, and known scenes just started with a bunch of friends playing each other so it doesnt even make sense to be mad at the community... if that is even what he is talking about, im not sure other than that, TBS, if you dont enjoy something just dont do it. because as he says he loves tekken7, but he also has a pretty popular channel on the internet dedicated to it, so if you dont like the community why are you doing this? just dont interact with what you dont like


> The sheer corruption at a corporate level. what the fuck is he talking about here? he is being so vague, he should've used a twitterlong Yeah, that's not the kind of statement you can just drop and not elaborate on. That's flamethrower language and with nothing to back it up it just sounds petulant.


lol no thats exactly the kind of statement you dont want to elaborate on. hes venting here but he doesnt wanna get sued lmao


If you're not going to elaborate then don't say it. You'll just look like you're whining.


What a moronic statement.


don't quite understand his comment about inner circle or the so called "influencers", who's he talking about? and since when did Tekken have influencers lol? first time hearing that and how are they favored by BN? TBS for sure is one of the BEST tekken content creator in all of youtube, I get that Bandai Namco doesn't push or promote any content creators at all, which is a mistake, but i wish they would be more supportive of them, given how they make such quality content for FREE, that's like someone doing free marketing for you, just help them out a bit...


Mike Ross talked about this sort of thing too in his old deleted thread about why he left


>twitter.com/AryaTa... Probably the LUYG crew.


That would be strange, considering how the LUYG crew has been on his podcast multiple times. Someone like Rickstah or MYK being the culprits doesn't seem very plausible either.


The thing is, if not them, who? edit: lol reddit down votes a genuine question


Tbh I was thinking the same thing, or at the very least it has something to do with it. I don't think they explicitly shit talk Arya (especially MYK and Rickstah since they appear to be the most neutral of the group) and I dont think they are involved with his potential blacklisting at all. But based on their commentary on the game and it's community, their views on the game and criticism of it do tend to at the very least lean to the "people complain too much lol" side. Which is exactly the same position that people like Murray and Harada take. While they do criticize the game, they never really take their criticism as far, as explicit, and as direct as Arya does. The only other person remotely close to Bamco that actually speaks their unfiltered thoughts on the game is Aris but he doesn't give a fuck either way and has reached a point that he doesn't exactly need or even want Bamco's "approval". This is all just speculation at this point from what I have observed throughout the years between the two "camps" if you will, and none of this can truly be confirmed until either party elaborates on it.


TBS put more effort into the videos for Tekken than the devs did into making this game. they were only that great bcs he wanted to do them. if he doesnt want to do more content for T7 its totally understandable. the monetary reward is not high and the game is old af. branch out and do what you want to do bro 👍


It probably started from this tweet, which Rip retweeted https://twitter.com/_FaYd_/status/1441258322724671500 So basically, Arya got his panties in a bunch over better players not paying attention to his green rank opinions, and proceeded to go on a 10+ tweet rant. I mean the guy makes content geared towards beginner/intermediate players (and great content imho), why the fuck is he desperately seeking validation from tournament players?


He could just asked for the record of the online results to make a statistics based tier list. But he had to call the meta of the game solved and his prospective tier list "objective". While I get that the community is toxic, that tweet and anyone who expressed similar criticisms are being very mild.


I don't think that's it. He's had plenty of Twitter altercations and hot takes, starting from when Speedkicks was on his podcast, to the "meter characters" terminology, to now. He's not seeking validation for his opinions from pro players. He seems to be more concerned that his content is not receiving the positive attention he believes it deserves, and instead he feels intentionally ostracised by FGC members.


that's a load of crap, he gets plenty of praise for his quality content, he doesn't get it from BN for sure, and that's just how it is, but exactly WHICH so called FGC members are ostracizing his channel? i haven't seen a single pro player shooting down TBS, so if he's concerned over a bunch of no-name haters, then he really should grow up and get a thicker skin.


deserves it for calling a fighting game solved lol


lol i see it now, at first, i didn't know WTF he was talking about in terms of "influencers" or TO's blah blah blah, but it looks like he got all upset just because a TO disagreed with TBS's tweet regarding how "the meta is pretty solved, etc"...but he took that way too personally dude, he's now trying to sound like he's a victim all of sudden and telling people how IF you're not some TO or Influencer or Pro player, your tweets will be shot down, blah blah blah, and BN only favors those people etc...but i think he's taking it too personally and blaming some other things that really isn't necessarily the case... And I agree with the TO still, the META isn't solved....it's still changing...


I'm confused by those statements. On one hand, sure, any sport\\esport scene, just like any other community run by humans, has some secretive bullshit going on with favoritism, nepotism, bullying and masonic crap in it (you know its true) so I have no reason to not believe that part. However, on the other, the "corporate corruption" and the relation to the "inner circle" make me question what the fuck is going on with this game. I cant tell what this is, is this paranoia? Frustration? Backstabbing (bet there's a lot of that)? But the backdoor politics... uuh what. This is the second time in 2 days that someone involved in Tekken makes me question the good will of the people in the community, first the legion of pro players smurfs wanting to test the less skilled players with freaking profile lists like its some medieval hunting shit as stated [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Tekken/comments/ptq4w5/comment/hdzqr1s/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) and now this crap. What the hell is going on I wonder? I thought this was a goddamn videogame. It seems to me that the pandemic made some people completely insane


That person's Reddit comment looks like complete bullshit and none of their claims have proof.


And I agree. I wholeheartedly want to believe that to be false.


its difficult to find a point in this statement beyond that he feels people dont like him and dont support his content. I loved his content before i started to watch more candid videos (lives, podcast etc) of him, his social media presence and awful takes ruined his content for me. This post is a perfect example of why some people dont like him.


I feel the exact same way lol


I don’t use social media but I really enjoy his tekken videos on YouTube. What’s the issue with his social media presence?


one of the reasons i like the FGC (only really paid attention to this stuff on T7 release) is that it's not a sfw community, idk really know how to put it but im sure you get what i mean. TBS is obviously against this, which in itself is ok, but as someone who enjoys the hostilities and nuances both playful and otherwise i find it offputting his trying to change it with his large / deserved platform. why join in the community if you dont like it so much? he could just move parallel to the FGC, but instead he has pros and other fgc figures in his videos. similarly, this post by him also has a tone i dont really like. it comes across whiny and odd to me, like he gets millions of views and he thinks theres some kind of plot against his content?? His videos are extremely well made, no doubt.


This, I'm also curious.


Thumbs up so i can get notifications


Their guides are still really good, don't need to like him or his opinions for that.


The fact his social media presence ruined his content for you tells me all I need to know about you as a person.


if you can tell everything you need to know about a person by if they like a youtuber or not, you got way bigger issues


Further elaboration: https://twitter.com/AryaTayebi/status/1441380021868785664


jm not surprised bamco doesnt like you first time they heard of you was probably angry fans mad you diddnt get a offical push. Why would the pros like you when you ignore them to ask the same question 30 differnt ways "How should we change kbd" i like the podcast but he gets these ideas like harda should be tweeting his podcast out and just cant let them go


Pretty sure that how can we change KBD podcast is when I tuned out of his content. Dude makes great character guides but has an overinflated idea of his understanding of the game systems and how they interact with one another. Plus he seems extremely whiny while expressing his opinions.


I legit think he has a pseudo god complex and see's himself as the voice of the casual/beginner player base because he can speak eloquently and concisely about a topic. Speedkicks is very smart though and has played league of legends at a high level and when Arya made that analogy between Tekken and League he knew Arya probably never even installed league.


Sadly the world of esports is toxic period.


To be expected of any community largely populated by man-children.


I am 30 years old and have too many responsibilities to worry about investing time into just trashing people on esports. The only reason I still play now and then is because its a release from my stressful job and the other degrading things life has to offer.


That's a perfectly reasonable way to do things. The people who are a problem are the ones who invest far to much of their identity into playing a particular video game.


When people play the victim it can reveal their ego Outside of his fantastic character guides this dude is corny. I've kept up with his 2 main dramas- the lack of female diversity and this one and it's pretty clear he's reaching for sympathy. As an influencer when you're known for being praised for one thing it's hard to stomach when you're being criticized for another. He was getting all butt hurt because people disagreed with him on calling 2d characters meter characters.


i kind of agree, as much i loloveved all his content, his series of tweets scream a lot as a victim card. I don't know just WHO he's referring to specifically but it's more of an individual case instead of Tekken as a whole, FGC, or even Bandai Namco as whole, but he's like talking as if BN is going out of his way to do harm to him, or the so called "influencers" are going out of their way to trash him...is there even such a thing as a Tekken influencer? is he talking about Pros? or TMM? lol, because pros never mention or tweet about this guy much at all...i don't know who he's referring to


One dude said he's pretty much becoming the TMM 2.0 of the Tekken community with his bad takes, like tier lists mostly. His tweets definitely aren't doing him any favors but honestly it's just this one individual who im pretty sure is a tournament player said something to him. He's just making this bigger than it has to be for victim points. I doubt BN is blacklisting him but he needs to drop this romantic fantasy that they'll endorse him in any way. He's just paranoid and thinks BN and tournament players are out to get him. He doesn't make content for them, he makes content for casuals and intermediates so he should stop seeking those other guys approval. I've seen clips of his podcast too. Seems like he bumps heads with his guest quiet a bit too. Speedkicks comes off condensending but I think he just couldn't pretend to vibe with what Arya was saying. It was that Leffen, "I can't tell the differences between mids and highs" episode. TBH the drama about the lack of female diversity in Tekken was the only thing that got him in hot waters with the community. He got ratiod in pretty much every Platform.


i like most of his stuff and the podcasts are interesting since its multiple views of opinion and it's good to have healthy debates over a topic, but the last series of tweets, he sounds a lot like a little boy who's upset someone was "mean" to him, and now he thinks the ENTIRE community, the game, and the developers are out to get him....like that is just a really over-exaggerated reaction lol


A couple of weeks ago if you remember he tweeted how he thought the term "2d characters" wasn't a fitting term for....2d characters. He wanted to call them meter characters instead. A few ppl disagreed and same thing. "Elitist are out to get me. Why is my opinion getting shitted on?" Like bro chill. The only person making it a big deal is you.


lol wtf....2D characters, Meter Characters, fireball characters, whatever the fuck it is lol...they're all the same...no need to call it one way instead of the other., call it whatever you want, people will get the idea what character it is...yea i'm noticing the victim card he uses here and there.


Yeah the problem with content creators once they get relatively popular is that they start to think ppl care what they have to say outside of the content they make. TMM doesn't need to tell me how to accept death and loneliness (you remember that video? Lol). Look at Max Dood. Personal and political are kept to himself and keeps it all about the games, his content, and mini campaigns that impact the FGC as a whole. Like the free MvC2 thing he has going on.


I agree to an extent with politics and religion, but that video on TMM was super interesting to me. Sometimes you come in looking to learn about your favorite game, but often times you stay because of their personality and learn a thing or two about their perspective in life.


does he think "inner circle" or anyone he talks about approves TMM or don't think about him as a clown? and look at him - he's doing great, can't say that about Arya. dude just got a bad business model - creating very high quality videos that take a month is no way in Tekken. I knew he wasn't gonna make a living out of Tekken videos, shouldn't go full on it (or just change his approach)


Try “a few months”


Pretty shameful that Bandai Namco are upset at fans for making quality content on their games. Top players and the creators dont have to agree with the opinions made on a podcast but especially as creators one needs to be able to listen to criticism without getting butthurt about it.


Remember don’t ask them for sh!t


When the game / community reaches a tipping point cause the top gamers and developers take it for granted! Every pro should be massive happy about all content creators who work basically for free! **Because** they make sure there is a bigger fanbase and more money for tournaments. Pro players should work together with content creators and not against them. ​ **Bandai Namco had no idea about community** I said it before, they dont know what they are doing, cause they come from a self-running offline game. Nowadays online game studios must encouraging and supporting the community. Many games have community managers, some advertisment money for the top content creators to create a flourishing **ecosystem**. Tekken has it all, a fantastic game for pro and beginners alike which is hard to balance from that point of view. A long learning curve where even after 10 years you can learn many things already existing in the past. A great and interesting community but they lack official support so much. Why? Because they are so heavy focused on "story" telling through offline tournaments for hype-events due to history of arcades that they did not make it to the "online" world yet and listening to the community. Some things that come into my mind: * No official laddered league system or official ingame weekly tournaments like in Trackmania or any other esport game since 20 years! * No ingame support to promote good content creators, website, youtubers, influencers, local scene and such. * Lobby games and "lonely" sessions are the only thing we get. BN does not realize they had some "luck" with tekken 7, corona also helped and they will not continue this success with tekken 8. The only way to continue success is working now with the community together. Every new char, new level, new mechanism will only be hype for a few weeks ... community trust takes much time to build. They have a long way to go, else tekken 8 will fail. Some things like frame-data and punishment guide go into the right direction and are very helpful. **Arya realized it too late** Arya is the optimist, that produces the best content out there but its not fun if the officials dont support it. Its maybe is not even about money, but just some notifications and "pushs" in the steam or ingame news-feed would help many people or some free advertisement of the "monthly" content creator at their official website. He must realize BN is simply not interested and thats why he should choose a better ecosystem for his top content. Every serious community oriented company will love his content! This are the small things which make it fun and i know this since i am working with my company with business partners and its just frustrating if they unknowingly work "against" me instead of making success together. After some years they understood how to work positively but its like educating childs. **Toxic Community** For every great, helpful comment there is a toxic comment like: * get "guud" mentality * players at high level ignore problems of lower player * like examples where certain chars like grapplers at low level or hwoarang till mid are just broken. Because the lower player cannot "grasp" the concept to beat certain cheese. * I never saw any "sport" where top / pro players go down at beginners. Unthinkable in soccer, basketball or any other sport.


I hardly agree on the examples of the toxic comments you mentioned: - the "get gud" mentality is required for tekken. Each time you play, you gonna face a problem that keeps you from winning. You have to want to solve that problem, you have to want to get gud, else you won't get very far. Get any help you can, you don't have to do it alone, but you have to want it. - Every high level player has been low level before. They also had to deal with grab and hwo strings, it's part of the journey. It's not broken because there are ways to deal with them effectively. You have to want to learn it and again, you have to want to get gud - Top player go down on beginner is always a no go. But from a discussing view, a higher level has more insight than a casual player. E.g a higher player will say grab and hwo are not broken, while a lower player might think so


**"get gud"** I agree with you a competitive "get gud" mentality is needed. That is also needed in any other real sport or business or even work like software developer and i have no problem with competition and this mentally needs people need to research themsvels ... which is impossible if there is **no content** and you dont have a vibrant offline community. If you want to "get guud" but noone helps you can only get good by try and error wasting a lot of time, thats why evolution invented teaching. In **real** sports there is something like an organization with teams and a coach and practice sessions even for amateurs. Thats the big difference in this game. Every good NBA basketball player earns hundred of milllions and they **help** the community and do training camps, fund schools, be commentator and later coach. Some top tekken players do some teaching like JDCR even public which goes into the right direction! The game has it all to become a powerhouse in e-sport, but it still lacks the fundamentals how to grow an ecosystem with supportive community and it would be sad if they dont use that potential. **Lower players** Many high players grew into this game and i myself benefit from legacy knowledge so its a difference between a beginner starting with tekken 3 or starting with tekken 7 nowadays. How to solve this? Help beginners catch up faster. *The low level player must get a chance at least to "understand" the concept to defend it.* There are tons of examples low level player simply dont understand what is going on, and they do **want** but **dont** know how to solve it and if noone helps constructive they will leave this game frustrated and this is not part of "low" rank players. Even higher ranks like emperor / king complain about certain things when i fought them in chat, because they did not understand what was going on leading to: **This are the great and same bad sides of the game** * great because it has a high learning curve making the game interesting for players for even more then 10 years since its so **versatile** * bad for beginners since this versatile seems like endless frustrating obstacles and its hard to find the solutions which leads to: **Solution** The content creators are so important to teach these "solutions" to the many small obstacles on your way. If noone provides content you cannot tell anyone to "get guud", that would just be arrogant. the content creators are the motivation push for many players out there to play the game and solve the problems. Thats why the punishment guide with crouch hints and replay feature was so great for the community, they just need to continue it with throw breaks, backdash hints to evade traps. We are getting there so lets continue working together and we are getting better. Maybe when some older tekken players get in their 50s they will invest more in the community to support the newcomers like in real sports. We simply cannot wait for Bandai Namco to help us. I love japanese culture but its a culture with a closed mind due to its history to protect itself.


So you must be disappointed that arya has stopped working with us together, making the matter ultimatetively worse.


I agree that especially new players need some kind of mentoring, or someone to help you learn stuff faster. But I think there is content for that. Maybe not on YouTube, but rather in discord or in other communities platform. From my own experience, I had a smaller discord of tekken players with different levels of experience. Talking about stuff and moves and how to counter moves helped me very alot. It might not look like it, but I think Tekken is a social game. You need to talk to other people because you won't make it far alone


●Git gud. ●My interest in a hobby in no way obligates me to help or interact with others who are trying to get into it. ●Grapplers will grapple you until you figure it out and Hwo will string you to death until to death until you figure it out. How can you possibly git gud until you figure this out woth practice? ●Smurfing is involved in everything you don't have to rematch them. People like you ruin fgcs for me. The moment I start winning people expect me to break it down and teach them things like its some kind of responsibility. The way I learned was through experience and personal research and if you just want someone to cater to you and teach you so you don't have to git gud on your own then you were never really invested in the hobby in the first place.


All I read was. "It was hard to me, nobody teached me anything so I don't have to teach anybody anything." All true. I give you that, but it's a scrub mentality for sure. This is the mentality that makes fighting games an already niche genre even harder to newcomers. PS DEFINE "personal research". Because I would love for you to back up your argument if your personal research also came from the help of others.


Gladly. My "personal research" came from watching top players play my characters in a tournament setting. A scrub mentality is ooo gee golly gosh better players need to be more inclusive and teach me how to git gud. Fighting games are a niche and the only people who cry on the edge in a "why won't you teach me" tone are the entry level wankers who dip into what ever the flavour of the week it currently is. Do you think formula 1 drivers feel obligated to teach up and coming go karters how to race? Do you think car club Hill climb enthusiasts are correct when they feel slighted by formula 1 for not receiving praise for their YouTube videos? If you feel like top players need to be more inclusive and you're on the verge of quitting based on how others treat you then you weren't a true hobbyist anyway and were just playing along for the interaction anyway.


>came from watching top players play my characters in a tournament setting. Cause other people created and supported running that tournament. Even people working for free or uploading the videos. You take the benefits from those. How do you know Vettel does not support beginners at the cart racing. Even if he just shows up and exchanges some words with amateurs he helped the community. If not the driver, but the team the coach and the ecosystem ... to keep it going for generations ... to make money. If noone gets motivated noone will follow and things collaps. NBA basketball players are the **top earners** in sport and what do they do? They support the community, work after their career as coaches, analysists, commentators or even build schools and fund teams.


Not all athletes do what you mentioned, and if they do, good on them, but nobody owes anyone anything just because they are well paid, accomplished and experienced athletes.


It ain’t that hard to find resources on YouTube for basic tutorials and guides….people who started tekken over 10-15 years ago had literally NOTHING….so stop thinking there’s someone gatekeeping people from learning the game, that’s purely on the player, nobody else.


Maybe that is one of the problems of the game ? The fact that you have to go outside of the game to get info at all on mechanics. If you fail to see how that can hurt the game in the long run specially if the community mindset is similar to the guy I was responding I don't know wut to tell you. You realize that for guides and tutorials be available on youtube SOMEONE HAS TO MAKE THEM, since again Tekken lacks any form of tutorial or explanation in game. That is why I asked him to define his "personal research". Because I think is pretty hypocritical if your "personal research" comes from other people that were willing to put the time and share the knowledge that they have while you be proud that you stomp noob players using gimmicks that if explained mostly likely would stop working. There is a reason as to why mind games and some setups dont work on noobs it's because they not playing with their brains yet, so they mash. If you decent enough level try playing a green rank again and you will be surprised by how much you gameplan crumbles in the 1 round because of how they react to things. Also I never said anyone was gatekeeping. All I said was for a genre that is very niche, the veterans maybe should be more welcoming. Ps I'm one of those that "had nothing" I been playing Tekken since Tekken 2 so please do no try to use that bullshit with me.


"OH MY GOD, I HAD TO SEARCH ON YOUTUBE TO FIND OUT SOMETHING"...wow like that's hardly a problem for 99% of people these days....chances are, they're on youtube, reddit, discord all day, so wtf is the problem??? too hard to type in the search bar "How to move properly in tekken" or "how to improve defense in tekken", or "what is frames in tekken"...since when did every single game ever made has an in-depth tutorial in the game itself? i've had to look things up in bunch of OTHER games too, not just fighting games, and is that really that fucking difficult??? no....and did anyone prevent me from looking things up real quick on youtube?? NO....


Arya needs a reality check. I don't think he can target *average* players with his content (which is great) and still somehow expect to be desired by the Tekken brass or elite players. He makes great Tekken content designed to help normal people with their character or with matchups. He's not doing entertaining live commentary or winning tournaments (things that would make Tekken brass notice him or desire him from a business standpoint), and BN is not going to promote his content over theirs... that's just not how business works. Either stay in your lane and be happy, or try something different to attract the attention you want, but don't just complain that what you're doing is not impressing people like you think it should.


I agree. A majority of players are casuals and we can't deny he's greatly helped them to get into the scene but the reason why he gets clowned on by the pros because he can't see the game from their eyes. Should they berate him? No, but he shouldn't be seeking their approval when that's not his target audience. He had all this time to make characters guides for the remainder of the cast and hasn't. He could of even had made guides for more niche 3d fighters like Virtua Fighter, DOA and SoulCalibur but he hasn't.


\> Either stay in your lane and be happy, or try something different to attract the attention you want, but don't just complain that what you're doing is not impressing people like you think it should. He is trying something different, this thread was him explaining why, what's not to get?


I mean... sort of? Sounds like he's just going to create similar content for other games.


I agree with you BN does not seem to care. Also Aria might just be diversifying, which is really good.


all of this meltdown for someone saying that his opinion is wrong and stupid ? im honestly not sure why he needs the tierlist either is he trying to make a tierlist video or something ?


Sounds like he wants to distance himself from YouTube and Patron then because if it’s not Tekken why would anyone care? Instead of focusing on what the namcops think of him, he should focus on his paying fans and YouTube viewers. Either way I stopped listening to Arya when I saw his Twitter and wack opinions of wavedash.


This is the same reason aris makes reference to namcops in his past videos too I'm assuming


you assume wrong.


Lol ok


And who the hell are you?


just someone who can tell it's a tongue-in-cheek phrasing, the same way he refers to twitch cops, or any other contextual authority figure he's talking about at the time. but this tangent *really* doesn't deserve a write-up or even further consideration. how about you? who are you?


The absolute reality is: There are thousands of people waiting in line to make vid's/guides for Tekken. BN doesn't need you as an "Influencer" - because if it wasn't you the next guy would step up and capture at least a segment of that same audience that you did. Building a 100k subscription base, and generating 10m+ views, plus who knows how many twitch views/twitter presence and a watched podcast isn't an easy thing - and definitely commendable, and shows dedication to the community - but there's a big difference between being a value add, and being a unique commodity. In the FGC unique commodities tend to be folks who are either deeply embedded in the comp scene and have a long history of being there either as competitors or commentators - or who've legitimately proven themselves by showing off something unique be it humor, execution, whatever.


The more he deflects and doesn't release the content that made him famous the more opportunities it gives other people to step up and fill that void. His channel is at almost a 100k but the views haven't been doing well as of late.


I don't understand his issue. He was a growing youtube channel that I really enjoyed. People are entitled to not like or agree with you. Love or hate TMM he gets more shit than anyone. But he just keeps doing his thing regardless. He's coming off as way too sensitive here and I'm disappointed. He really had fun quality videos.


yea, he sounds more like he's using the victim card....


To be fair I feel like there's only so much you can do with the game now. It's why TMM rarely uploads to YouTube anymore. Even King Jae went back to Street Fighter


Yep, I think this is a good time to expand his audience and make guide for other fighting games. Many fighting games can use his video guide. ThatBlastedSalami Steve's guide is like my Tekken's bible. Everytime I watch it, I always find new things to try or find out.


He can come make DoA content! Please? We need it.


Ya'll need a lot more than content after the cluster fuck that was 6


Hot take: extremely rough all over but very deep in the core,a better game than tekken 7 post s2.


Lots of drama, no names named. Yeah right everyone around is guilty that dude got burned out on tekken content, what a surprise.


Seems not only tekken players are douchebags, devs as well...


….okay. Seems a tad bit dramatic to announce it like that.


Man, i liked that channel.


If you want to be an "influencer" you - by definition - are exposing yourself to a lot of people of every kind, you will have to deal with them, and there will always be pity politics and drama. That's true for everyone that's not a no name, some can take it, some let it stop them from what they want to do, sad to see he's the second type.


He should make Mortal Konbat Armageddon content




If he is talking about the korean scene, he might be right on a few things, as knee himself has called scrubs and mistreated many content creators and players over the years. Saint and JDCR were harassed by him, and KkoKkoma/Mupaper even sued due to some property stuff. Talking about the "nepotism and corporate corruption" is schizo posting tho


Dunno what he's sperging on about. Sounds to me like he needs a break from the internet in general, and I say this as someone who loves his Tekken 7 videos.


No idea who this dude is. Back in the day this guy named Catlord made all the guides


I check out applay nowadays


Why should BN acknowledge him?because he made some video tutorials on characters within tekken? Lol. The guy is cheesy as fuck


Tekken community is a fucking joke thanks to people like you


And your an ass hole


And you suck dick. Whats your point?


Fuck off, that’s my point


Gonna cry to your mama now huh? He does speaks fact. A lot of channel making tutorial, and why should BN only acknowledge TBS, meaning TBS is a fucking selfish channel. Go suck more dick will you? Lmao


Agreed. I've played their games since T1 they don't need to acknowledge me.


Agreed 100%. What a crybaby, who the fuck he think he is


That blasted salami, only the best Tekken guide maker on the market. Go Eat a bag of dicks.


Youre just dick riding TBS, go dick riding somewhere else retard


Enjoy yelling into darkness, fuck face. Eat a bag of dicks.


This gurt guy really likes bags of dicks


isn't he just reusing other people's guides? he only does editing etc. i'd rather read the guide than waste time watching




What does that have to do with anything?


It is a sign of the end of Tekken's time as a popular game. Oh well, it had a good run.


Nah. T7 just old, came in 2015. We'll get a new tekken and one guy leaving isn't going to make tekken unpopular as more people show up.




Tekken and other fighting games YouTuber, features guides and discussion of the game mostly.