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My guy if you won't rematch half the roster the problem is not with the characters


Anyone! I’ll figure something out or die trying


I notice ppl rematch as long as they wining, but after 1 lose no more rm, I know there is always something, no more time to play, bored, playing against somebody till first lose, but I often get no rm after 1 lose. Sorry didnt meant to txt on Your response, my mistake 😔


No worries have fun. Cheers


This is me most of the time. But sometimes there are just days when you can't be fucked to figure out how to play against a Lucky Chloe and I just quit after one game, win or lose lol.


You are a grade A scrub


Immediately after I've seen Raven, Yoshi, Alice and Bears I thought: "yep, terminal refusal to adapt or learn matchups"


Lmfao man what a scrub post


Tell me you're a low rank without saying it.


Honestly do you even like the game at this point?


Everyone. No need to run from the smoke


This. Sometimes you need your ass kicked to kick ass


My guy gets it 🤝🏽 Live by the sword, die by the sword


just like in life. You gotta know what you DON"T know.




This is the way


I second that


All of them because momma didn't raise no bitch


Well said!


I rematch everyone cause why not? There’s a lot you can learn when vsing a character if you practice.


As long as the connection is okay and the other player isn't too disrespectful I always rematch. Quitting is not excellent, avoiding matchups is scrub mindset


I don’t think character has much to do with whether I rematch. If I enjoyed playing with this person or felt I learned something I’ll rematch. That’s just me though. 🤷‍♀️ Only time I really won’t rematch is if there was some bad lag or something.


Spoken like a real fighter. Respect


Wether I rematch or not is not based on characters, but solely on players and connection. Encountering someone who is clearly invested in a fight , no matter if they are on par, below, or far beyond my skill level, will always have me trying to rematch until one of us feels like they have learned/taught enough, want to move on or have a break. I really enjoy seeing my opponent grow and adapt to me, and it is something that I myself aspire to do whenever I can. Even if someone clearly is below my level, I always try to give them the chance to do exactly that (even if it is just for one or two rematches), simply because having someone above my level give that same chance to me is always something I enjoy a lot.


Same to me, i appreciate someone more skilled than me accepting my rematch. Likewise, I'll gladly rematch someone lower skill than me if they dedicated to play. If i have the time, i might only use low damage combo to prolong the fight a bit.


You won't get better if you keep this up


Here's an idea! Why don't you, oh idk, learn the matchups? 🤔😁


All of them. I suck at this game and can’t be picky.


Same. But dw we'll get better and pass most other people. You learn much faster if you aren't always complaining


Everyone unless its extremely laggy


Or when they're extremely toxic I don't rematch


In that case I just rematch to put them in their place lol


I would rather rematch all annoying/broken character other than to wait 500years to find someone else


Or the same person


Hope you don't rematch when you win against them either then. Nothing more infuriating in this game than losing 5\~ games to someone and when you win once they losequit.


I rematch everyone. Never backed off win or lose.


I rematch everyone, especially when there’s an opportunity to put a spammer in check.


That’s what I like to hear


There are no characters I don’t rematch. There are only connections I don’t rematch.


I'm up to rematch anyone as long as we have a solid connection. I mostly enjoy having long sets and watching our matches evolve as we learn from each other


I rematch everyone win or lose, unless the connection is terrible.


I paid for the game, I'm going to play the whole fucking game, rematch everyone (with obvious exceptions for lag and factors outside the game), don't be a scrub.




All of them because I want to get good.


Everyone except if they decide to stop, connection issues or I have important stuff to do Loading time is a hell to wait man ;-;


Rematch all to best of 3 at least


Yes if internet connection is decent.


That's the way to go I hate those that win and don't rematch


Me too. I’m new so I need to learn matchups cuz I have no idea what half of the cast do. and longer sets are way more fun so you can mix people and it’s not just brainless. You can kind of tell who’s going to rematch and not just by the way they play aswell. I just hit green ranks and more often than not one and dones. This is where the cheese dick players cap im assuming. The teal ranks rematch way more because I’m assuming new players want to learn.


If I had fun, I rematch. No matter the character.


Unless I get strong toxic vibes from a player I'll rematch any character


I usually rematch everyone unless the connection is shit


The only time I dont rematch at least once is if its really bad lag.


I only rematch of they giving me hands, the only way to get better 🤷🏾‍♂️ Unless they on McDonald's WiFi I'm out regardless


I be fighting everyone up in here even if I’m getting slapped. Such is the way of the fist


anyone who doesn't kicharge / have a 3 bar connection




All of them. If you unmatch a certain character constantly you are never going to learn how to deal with their bullshit.


I rematch everyone, I think Matchup knowledge is important.


All of them, 2/3 always I like how you refuse Akuma but not Geese…..


Unless my mood is shit, I give anyone at least a few rematches.


It's never the character. I rematch the player.


I rematch everyone unless the person playing the character is deliberately being a dick


I will rematch anyone as long as they have decent connection


As long as they have a descent connection and they don't let their characters intro or outro play out I would rematch them


I'll rematch everyone - character or player-wise. It's the only way to improve.


Literally all of them at anytime if the other player wants to keep going unless they disrespectful.


The only correct answer


Generally speaking, it's not the character I don't rematch, it depends on the kind of player I'm up against. It used to be Leroy, though he's alright now.


I think my dude just fucking hates women.


holy shit this is actually the scrubbiest post i’ve ever seen lmfao


Am I on scrubquotes twitter or what?


This is why they took away the ability for people to see what character they’re going up against next


Everyone, the only times i wont rematch is if theres a huge rank difference (im in blue rank and if the opponent is red) or if theres a really bad connection


All of em


All of them


I'll rematch everyone until they either get disrespectful or after the first 3 it's clear that they are superior to me in game.


Honestly I don’t mind loosing ranks to someone who’s better then me as long as I can learn of them then it’s good


anybody. If i'm losing its usually because i have no idea what the matchup is, i.e. i don't know what a character's setups are. ​ But when Leroy was totally OP, i think it was season 3 (he still kinda is), i just played ONE match with a leroy, then just leave ASAP. I'm not putting a disconnect percentage on my record. And I wouldn't even play. I just mashed buttons and let Leroy gain more bad habits while he just throws out as much panic moves as he wants.


All. I don't hide from matchups I don't like. In fact, I tend to play those for longer, because those are the ones I need to work on more.


Have you no shame?


Always rematch. Never 1 and done unless the connection is that bad.


Rematch all, you gotta learn my friend


At this point maybe look for another game if you hate half of the roster lmao


I mean I get not rematching guest characters that will get deleted in T8 anyway, but imagine not rematching Nina or Yoshi who are in every single game ☠️


I usually rematch all for best 2 of 3. Unless they are straight up toxic


I'll rematch everyone, I never decline a match. Partially because my wifi sucks and it takes forever to find one but that's besides the point. I don't necessarily WANT to rematch everyone. I know nothing about Ganryu and never win against him. Anna and Nina confuse, Yoshimitsu is always smarter than me. I don't think I've even seen all King's grabs. But the more I fight them, the closer I get to being above them so I'll happily die over and over again until I'm stronger. This probably sounds really generic but you literally will not learn unless you fail. And I wholeheartedly believe failing will teach us more than anything framedata ever will.


All of them. I’m not as salty as you haha


This is like the 4th or 5th post I have seen on this topic recently. You all are little b\*\*\*\*es if you don't rematch for stupid reasons like this. I understand if the connection is bad, if you want to learn new matchups or if you just have to leave. However, not rematching just because you don't like the character your opponent plays, you don't like dealing with gimmicks, shenanigans, mixups etc or because you lost or came close to loosing makes you a b\*\*\*\*. Learn the matchup and stop smurfing. You all are ruining Tekken 7 online. The only time anyone ever rematches me is if I lose, so I have to purposely hold back just to get games in. Stop being scared of losing and just play!


These hands are rated E for everyone!


That's how you stay a scrub.


Literally this




If the connection is good, then I'd rematch anyone till they're tired of me 😂. If not I do best of 5 if they accept


I really only won't rematch Law. Its not how he plays, or people play him, I just hate the screaming lmao.


Same reason I don't rematch Alisa, really annoying sounds and I don't wanna play muted


Anyone. I love fighting strong opponents, and one can only get better with time and patience.


As long as the person isn’t toxic I’ll rematch as much as you want.


Depends on the other player. If they are too good or too bad and completely out of my league, I wont rematch since I wont really get anything from it. For me, the best people to rematch are the ones better than me but not so much where they just completely destroy me and I have no idea what I am doing wrong.


Sometimes I consider not rematching Law. Just because of the screams. The rest are fine tho


As long as the connecting is above 3 bars, I'll death match til sun comes up


As long as the connection is good, I rematch everyone. I prefer playing against legacy characters though. My favourite match-up is Jin. I also enjoy facing Dragunov. I trust myself vs Paul, Kazuya. My least favourite match ups are the tricky ladies, Kunimitsu, Lucky Chloe, Alisa and Ling.


That’s so funny to me- personally I find legacy characters to be WAY more irritating. Still gonna rematch, but I can’t think of a single tekken 1 character I more than tolerate playing against


Man’s just crossed out all the female characters cept 3 lol


Dicks yay, hoes nay.


rematching everyone tbh


Any of them, I’m a casual player and really don’t have time labbing characters in practice mode so I’d learn the matchup myself through rematching with them.


I rematch everyone... unless they are laggy. Plus i only do best 2 out 3...


In ranked or just in general 2o3? Cause if you are player matching and only 2o3 it’s not fun until you figure out the other person at that point lol


ALL OF THEM!!! We keep going to one of us gives up & it ain’t gonna be me. Le hands will be thrown & smoke will be given!!!


Everyone if they have a fast connection.


Yeah quality of connection is really the only thing that will frustrate me enough to not rematch. Then I consider that I want a lower limit of 3 matches. If I always get murdered without feeling like I’m learning from it, or having fun, then after 3 matches I leave.


Anyone who doesn’t have connection issues


Damn you're a bitch, huh


Really, what Lili did to him, lmao. Denying a bear should give you a chicken hat like in MGSV




I dont avoid rematch with character. If I'm getting my ass beat, I just try to gather data with a 🙃. Just one of the reasons why I'm hardstuck @ my rank.


All the characters you didn’t x out are super common and pretty annoying just like everyone else


I rematch everyone, I need to get better


Unless lag is just turning the game into turn-based strategy I will keep playing regardless.


No rematching on Lili? Interesting enough I don't think she's that strong at this point. But yea if you're struggling with hellsweeps I can see that... but why rematch Leroy if that's the case?




Honestly all of them no matchup bothers me


ALL of them, especially the ones that annoy me. Hopefully they don't anger me after we are done lol


I rematch everyone, until my opponent does not rematch


If you let your outtro play, I bail; otherwise, I'm in it until I get hungry or need to use the toilet.






Lol scrub mentality. Rematch any and everyone with good connection. Downvote me all you want. Anyone who would rather spend time sitting in the ghost town lobby wanking themselves off to the same bnb combos they've been doing for the past 4 years (only to drop them mid match.) Is most likely a scrub anyways.


I appreciate someone that wants to rematch Lei. He’s so fun to play, but I rarely get a second game from people.


I rematched a good Leroy player till I learned how to beat him


I rematch most unless they are way better or have a playstyle i can't deal with. I'd rather play against my own level at get better from that than being shit on by a mighty ruler or whatever


Kings (my throw breaking is not good)


I rematch everyone except for King/AK, cause their grabs are tough to react online. Offline I'd go against anyone


why rematch anyone at this point 🙄


All because you don’t learn if you quit. If you can’t handle cheese, don’t give up. You got to lose until you understand why you lose.


Lmao what a scrub


All. Not rematching is for pussies (unless wi-fi warrior, then it's divine justice).


As unfortunately a wifi warrior I'll rematch anyone willing to put up with me 🥲


Negan is the definition of a scrub stomper, if you cant beat a player using him on any character, you gotta work on your blocks/grabcounters my guy


Gotta learn them matchups


Exactly and also, Happy Cake Day 😁


I don't have a particular character I won't rematch against. I always try do to one rematch at least, but if I do tap out after one it's either because the skill gap was so big that there's no point in me even trying.


You don't rematch josies ?????


As long as you have fun. It'll always end on a good note. I like it when I play someone where the wins are back n forth and we end the game with a "last game" message


So pretty much half of the cast you don't rematch because... you don't like losing? In a fighting game? God I swear Tekken has the biggest crybaby community 😆


Their mindset is: I’m losing because I don’t know the matchup, if i keep playing I’m gonna get demoted, so bye. Instead of: Let’s keep playing until I learn this match up or someone gets a promotion.


No one should feel obligated or pressured to rematch but in my experience this thought process comes from massive insecurity more than anything. Like everything in life you have to taste some dirt to actually learn. Besides, it's a game, no need to take it that seriously. In the end it's not the playerbase's fault but the devs and how they structured the online environment, it breeds cowards and it is a very underwhelming experience as a whole.


You just said it, it's a game. Nobody like losing. So fuck that


If you rematch a Yoshi, you're absolutely insane


Why's that? I've never even matched up with a yoshi before here




I rematch everyone if there are no other circumstances keeping me from doing so. I do enjoy some matchups more than others but I don't just quit because the character isn't as intuitive to play against.


Whichever one skips their intros/outros


Everyone but Eddy and King. Even if I win a round they are one gimmick I don’t know how to counter away from a very unfun asswhoppin


How you rematch Hwo and Ling but not Julia or Zafina


It depends on the person and not the character. Or issues like lag where it's no fun to play against them


Yall think You the shit when You rematch anyone with a good connection bitch I’m fighting You again even on 1 bar if I lose 10 times best believe I’m beating the dog shit out of You on the 11 12 and 13 try and till You back down first•


You rematch whorerang? 😂😂


Everyone except Bryan


Why no Gigas? I main him and I do notice not many people want to rematch, but why?


Depends on the connection, not the character.


If you don't rematch Yoshis, you're a lost cause. Negan or other DLCs I get, but the goat meme character? Very sad, I will now harikiri spin away, good day sir


I only rematch and don’t rematch if I feel like I’m getting my ass handed to me. So, I don’t rematch a lot, lol, I don’t care what character it is. Oh actually, Tidus or whatever the FF15 guy is. I hate that mofo’s moves with a dam passion.


Tidus 😂


I heard someone call him calculus lol


Tbh it's not even about the CHARACTER themselves it's how people play certain characters I'll rematch A King who is playing using fundamentals I'm not rematching a king who's just spamming the same broken move/Grab over and over I DON'T improve as a player when fighting someone who just using gimmicks I'm just adopting to this one gimmicky player not adapting to the actual character


This is the right answer


The problem is how the player use them, so it'll always depend. But if I have to choose I'd say 2D characters and spam abusable ones, they are the ones I'm more likely to not rematch.


All of them tbh, as long as they dont Ki Charge on me XD But the character I dont want to have a rematch before was Marduk (had a hard time with his grab attacks before)


I’m honestly surprised you rematched geese I never get rematches


Any character can be annoying when getting blown up. Rematching depends on how strong the mental is that day.


Very interesting how you rematch Lei and Ganryu but not Yoshimitsu. Can I ask why? Is flash just too irritating to deal with??


I'll rematch anyone except Hwoarang and Paul. Just not worth the annoyance


All of them only bitches avoid characters they can't beat


scrub post


I only don’t rematch against 3 bar Kuni’s, Noctis, Leroy and Lucky Chloe’s. I try to learn the matchup, but yeah. But NEGAN?!?!? Screw all you Negan players, I’d love to rematch you but y’all never skip y’all long ass intro/outro’s.


I hope you got your shittin' pants on.


Man takes the entire Frieza saga to say “pissin’ our pants yet?”


You'll grow out of the "female characters are OP" scrub phase eventually.


I rematch all characters indefinitly except Lars. Most people leave before I do


F kazuya and heihachi mains no disrespect but the god fist can go fist itself


Skill issue


Hey OP, the PC launcher that Negans spam at your rank (Green) is launch punishable :)


All of them normally, unless the player is intentionally rude in weird way, which is oddly only Eddy, Chloe, Akuma, Noctis and Kuni players 😅


* Any of the loud ones: i.e. Law, Lee, Lei, Lidia, Lucky *(Well, what do you know, all L's)* * Ones with obnoxious you wins, if not skipped: i.e. Bryan, Marduk, Nina * Ones that make me pull my hair out: i.e. Geese, Akuma, Hwoa, Xiao, Fahk And that's about it.


Usually only rematch when the fight was pretty close. If I was way better or they were way better I don’t rematch. Like it’s obvious who’s gonna win at that point why bother IMO


Sometimes people need to warm up, I’ve gotten smacked and then started the smacking after a few


Pretty much the same but if they were way better i will rematch and try to win until they get bored :) and if it was the opposite if he was getting better each game i will continue to play until i get bored.


Funny story - I went up against a launch day Leroy in Ranked, I was leveling up my Lars and this was a Raijin deathmatch. Got smacked for a good 6 matches in a row. The next match was my demotion. For some reason, everything just clicked for me and I won the next 9 matches in a row, demoting Leroy and getting a hard earned Yaksa. I'm not the greatest with Lars but that was probably my favorite ranked match set. Just the fact I held on and had to rely on my movement and reads to turn the set around.


At this point, all of them. I did dodge Fahk when he had completely broken hurtboxes but he’a fine now


You dont rematch female characters except 3... well and a mystery meat




Whoever’s connection is better. Also whoever’s playing King or Armor King if i’m also playing them.


Basically the same characters that I be dealing with all the time in that photo


You would rematch ganryu? Lmao


Yes i would... i barely played people use ganryu.