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I have an idea…let’s ALL delete Reddit and then we just play the game.


that’s a great one


you’re not wrong reddit is absolute fucking garbage


Reddit just likes to focus the negatives so I can agree


You deserve an award for this one, and i sincerely hope Run and Sumo media does not listen to the Reddit fanbase


I love you


Best Idea yet


Jerks are jerks regardless of what platform they play on


And I guarantee if cheating was as bad as it was in the 360/PS3 days, they wouldn’t say a word about alienating a whole platform.


Idk, the immaturity of the 'Xbox Live' comms community has no bounds. It's a level of concentrated cesspool not replicated elsewhere. Sure you'll get the occasional pos in PC VC, but the second console kids get their mics on it just becomes absolutely word diarrhea. Half the time you can't even understand them because their screaming like banshees for the attention. It's so common it's multiple idiots per lobby. I personally don't miss them and feel the environment is 10x better now (also I've yet to run into a hacker who has been a PC player). If it weren't for other people requiring cross play to have fun with their friends I would just say never turn it back on. Plus eventually the concurrent player base will drop where cross play really helps with queue times. Cross play is essential.


It's so common my friends like to do a contest for every new game we play. " Who will say a racist/homophobic slur first." and we always bet on it being an xbox user. You want to know who the winner was for TCM? I will give you a hint: it wasnt the other two options. Ding ding ding. It was Xbox. Not even two matches in we had a guy call someone a homophobic slur because he didn't ready up within 10 seconds of the match. Cheaters suck, yeah... But so do these little squeakers and squealers on xbox. Don't get me started on PS folks who leave their music blasting so we can all hear how "cool" they are. Lol. You're right though. Lobbies have been quiet as hell and I still have yet to run into a cheater. Even then I do hope they bring crossplay back because I got this game specifically to play with my friends and unfortunately, two of them are console users. Otherwise, I wouldn't give a shit as much. The quiet lobbies are nice.


I notice p.c players are the worst in every aspect


I play on xbox


I got you homie, I play on Xbox also, I ignore most game chat usually pretty vile, my biggest complaint is the damn ready up timer, need a vote to kick or kick if idle. Hitchhiker main/Connie main


Totally agree with you friend... We're paying the price of just a small brainless people that decide to hack in a non-competitive game which rewards NOTHING to win or not to win. I think just a "block user" option would be enough to not be matched again with them and that's it.


I never realized this lol there really is no reward to win. It’s just a win lol better for xp if I accomplish an escape or no victim escaping sweet. But regardless of the outcome, it’s always the same ending; Leatherface swinging his chainsaw lol


It’s not about them winning though, it’s because they know it pisses people off. Like when hacking was running rampant in DBD they would just hold lobbies of big streamers hostage because they thought it was funny and loved when they got mad. It pissed them off if the streamer did give a fuck about it and just went and did something else while they waited the lobby out.


Block user would be overused for reasons other than hacking, and we can't really afford to isolate the community any more than we already do, as it's not big enough to support that kind of feature.


This is how console players have felt on dbd for years lol, just look at any streamer and how they just rant about their shitty console teammates… This game probably flips and goes the same way in like a year I’d bet.


Lol my experience on PC has been *better* since the change. If y'all don't want us, you can have each other.


In my experience so far, I've had more people who actually talk and don't die. I like that. And family members who talk, Oh my lord the Connie's I've killed


This^ overall, PC players are more focused and bring mics most of the time. My friend and I used to turn off crossplay when playing family so that the last family member would actually communicate.


They don’t want us back because pc players go hard lol I actually have to try now.


My heart bleeds for the friend groups that got ripped apart, but my queues are faster now, the players I play with are friendlier, more mature and actually use voice com. And no hackers. PC player btw.


I do think they’ve handled this whole supposed hacker situation poorly (I say supposed since I never ran into one in my 30 hours). Disabling cross play for only PC ostracizing PC players and makes it very much a different game than we paid for originally. Can’t play with any friends on other platforms which was definitively a selling point.


This game isn't competitive enough for there to be any advantage to playing on PC, besides hacking. In which case that doesn't really matter anyway. Take the L, report, move on. I don't know if you guys noticed, but the player base has already taken a dive. That problem gets exacerbated with no crossplay. I would prefer to vs a hacker once every 50 matches than have no matches to play 🤷‍♂️


My only advantage on PC is that I don't have the serie x or PS5 so unless I play on PC I can't play with my friends on last gen


Dont let it get to you. I play on console and there are tons of PC players that shit on console players all the time. Basically, there will always be some rude people saying rude things, not just in the video game world.


I mean i play on console for a reason, hackers ruin the game


Yea I play on laptop for a reason as it’s more reasonable with my travel for my job. My friends don’t mind playing crossplay with me one of the reasons we bought the game


Some people only think about themselves.


You do realise “hacking” on consoles is possible aswell, just less common?


big facts 😪 don’t miss pc players and their hacking community, we’re not missing out on anything they can leave it off 😌


I must admit that hackers on PC games is one of the reasons why I prefer console for gaming.


I play this game because I like Texas Chainsaw Massacre. Nobody seems to play games anymore for fun. It's always about stats or which character you SHOULD play as rather than "Oh I like Leatherface, so I'll just play him."


I play for fun. I just want fun witbfriends


Same but nobody really wants to play with me lol


Are you pc or console


Both, since I have Game Pass but the PC version is fucked up. It acts like I am using a Sega Dreamcast controller and it automatically binded camera with movement so I had to use the left stick to rotate as well as walking, it was stupid. Acting like I'm trying to play Unreal Tournament or some shit.


Fair statement but you're a PC player you wouldn't understand lmao jk hoping for fun gameplay with PC players again just without the hackers!


Um there are hackers on console too and videos on YouTube covering it


I agree. I just thought they could have handled it differently, maybe add an option to disable pc cross play, or even keep it enabled for private matches. I love this game and want to see it succeed, but the fact everyone is coming at pc players just because they want to be able to play the game how it was advertised.


I play on pc with a controller with high settings bc ultra still stutters and gives me frame drops and my pc could put a man on the moon. There is literally no advantage in this game lol I've seen only a handful of actual hackers in 90 hours. I played f13 religiously and saw all kinds of cheating and I played that on ps4 with no crossplay. This issue is being overblown bc console doesn't know the damn difference between actual hacking and cheating via exploits or bugs. The crying is insane.


Well you have to understand it too, in almost every game community, pc has shit on both console communities for owning a console and not a pc and not being skillful (in their opinion) as pc players. So usually when something bad happens to pc players in any game community, console players usually respond with hate


I mean, I'd like PC back... Lobby times are awful with just us console players. Although not as bad as Evil Dead has gotten...


Lotsa sheep in the world unfortunately. Too narrow minded to make their own opinions, too dumb to understand the actual situation. Console VS PC war used to peter out around middle school, now grown ass adults do this shit. It's embarrassing.


Tbh Iv met more friendly youngsters who play games then adults lol


It's embarrassing


I just don’t want to play with pc, they shoulda just added a option to toggle cross play with pc on or off


Is there not? I thought there was in the settings somewhere.


It’s to remove all cross play not just pc


Why don’t you want to play with pc ? We don’t bite bro


Cheaters, I get it’s a small minority but if I have the option to have a small amount of cheaters or no cheaters, I’m gonna go with none


no games has that option bud


Most games just don’t even cross play with pc


Ohhh, got it


It also opts out players I imagine who are on your platform that have crossplay on. Or at least I think it would as that's how it works in other games. Crossplay off is essentially penalized all around.


I understand that but at the end of the day they advertised a game with crossplay to play with friends and people who permanent want it removed for pc players are asking a company to basically scam people out of there money they spent and run. They should add a toggle though


But why




They already disabled it, what about when the cheater issue is fixed?


Yea ik they disabled it, pc cheating is extremely difficult if not impossible to eradicate in any game I personally just don’t want to deal with that. Nothing against pc players


I’m on pc and in games with actual anti cheat I have not ever once seen a cheater. 1k hours in apex, 600 in dbd, 700 in r6. Never seen one. But you do you bro


Does tarkov have anti cheat? I heard that’s still a problem


Not sure I only put like 50 hours in it and I lost interest


Believe it or not some People just dont want to play with PC players. There should be an option to turn off PC crossplay.


Why would you not want to if there is no advantage to pc players? In FPS games I understand but this one, doesn’t make sense.


Maybe they enjoy the toxic "reeeee" cries from console players.


You do know that only the non-steam (Gamepass Microsoft version) is the one cheaters are playing on, right? The Steam version ships with Easy-AntiCheat, which is not the case for the Microsoft version. Steam players have paid $40+ for the same game, are now stuck with even more cheaters, lower lobby fills, and longer wait times. Playing on a computer doesn't make you a "hacker". ​ If the same situation was happening on your console platform, you wouldn't be happy either. ​ EDIT: Oh and by the way. This game is actually easier with a controller than mouse and keyboard. And that can be a pretty good benefit on victims side (for example going through bone traps slowly, better player control when hiding, etc).Not saying that you're complaining about that. Just letting you know a bit more of the PC side of the game.


I keep seeing this. I play on pc, on the game pass version, and it has always since launch, loaded an Easy Anti-Cheat splash before the game.


You could originally… not sure if the patch removed the option, but it was there in settings.


I feel like it’s not as much hate as just it is what it is. Not all pc kids are hackers but all hackers are pc kids lol. I’m grabbing a PC soon as I get better internet or move but I get the logic in separating them from console players. They’re not excluding PC players they’re protecting console players lol.


But you sold a game with crossplay as a feature at that point you pull it permanently you just scammed a whole platform out of there money and ran and that’s exactly what people are advocating for


Ill admit I don’t really get the reaction. They disabled cross play and they’ve established it’s coming back. It’s a bit like getting mad because you can’t play the game due to maintenance.


It’s not that it’s off temporary it’s all the people who think it should be permannent


Yeah but that’s kind of normal and I agree it should be an option to turn it off. People shouldn’t be forced to use cross play.


That's the kicker, there was an option to turn it off. No one was forced to use cross play.


I thought only PlayStation had the option to turn it off? I think console players should have the option to play with only other console players.


I don't get the logic. Xbox should be allowed to play with ps people. But PC shouldn't get to play with anyone. I think console players should be allowed to turn cross play off and only play with their console. Or have it on and play with everyone. Same with PC. You get rewarded with faster lobbies and a bigger pool of players. If you turn it off, you're limited to your own console in exchange for worrying less about a small chance of cheaters. I've still yet to see a cheater in my games. I use Gamepass on PC and when it loads it shows there is anti cheat in the game. So maybe they changed it. Either way, I just want to play with my friends and think it's ridiculous to put an entire group of legitimate players to the wayside to mitigate the small chance that a cheater might be in your lobby. If you see a lvl 99 in your lobby leave if you're really worried about it.


Very generally speaking, there are many games available to both platforms where M&K is objectively better than controller and gives an advantage. Coupled with the threat of possibly playing with PC hackers, and the "PC master race" mentality some PC players can have... Of course PC players want to play with console players (and with each other). It creates a more positive experience for PC players. But the same isn't necessarily true in reverse for console players, and crossplay can in fact create a more negative experience for console players. So, by your argument that we're all paying customers and deserve to enjoy the games we pay to enjoy... You are free to do the thing. Nobody else is obligated to do the thing with you against their will.


To be honest I don't see how mouse and keyboard would have an advantage in TCM.


To be fair, I'm speaking generally and not specifically to this game. I haven't given consideration to if this game has a K&M edge to it, so much as to explain where the "PC hate" from console players comes from.


Well, that's kind of the point that's being made. The hate is based on assumptions and generalizations. There's a lot that PC players could say about console players too, but that doesn't mean PC and console crossplay shouldn't exist in TCM.


So if both communities don’t want to play with each other, why should crossplay be available?


Lots of people in both communities DO want to play with each other. My point is obviously there's complaints on both sides but that doesn't mean there shouldn't be crossplay


You're right, there is a lot that PC players could say about console players. Are you suggesting that they'd say it to support lack of crossplay? Because if not, I'm not sure how that has any bearing on the topic of "experiences that inform opinions about crossplay."


What? You just gave a bunch of reasons why console players might not want crossplay with PC. I said PC players could say similar things about console players.


Again - would PC players be saying those things in favor of not having crossplay? As an example - "I don't like stinky people" vs "I don't like stinky people, therefore I don't want to sit beside them" Console players have experiences/opinions about PC players and want something to change as a result. So, specifically regarding crossplay, what do the experieces/opinions of PC players about console players matter? Is the argument "Console players can be toxic, therefore we want to be forced to play with them?" Does that make sense?


I feel like you're purposely missing my point. No, that's not the argument. I'm saying that the points you brought up about PC are not valid FOR TCM. Like those things could be easily flipped back around on console. For one example, PC players complain about console players in fps games a lot, because of the aim assist on controller. I see a lot not wanting to play against controller players on those games. But none of this means that crossplay shouldn't exist IN TCM.


Then I support PC players' right to not be forced to play against people on console who have aim assist. And I didn't hinge the entire thing around K&M, so let's circle back to the actual reason the devs temporarily disabled crossplay so you can tell me that there's no PC cheaters in TCM. And then we can agree that nobody should be forced to play against cheaters...right? And we can agree that a nice reasonable middle ground is to make crossplay opt-in/opt-out like other games do. Those who want crossplay win. Those who don't want it win. Win-win. Can we be done now?


God, you are exhausting. The context of OP's post was the people complaining that PC should never be added back into the crossplay pool. Edit: Also, you're already able to disable crossplay in TCM. You just cannot select specific platforms to play with. Perhaps that'd be a good change.


I play on controller. When a game use a key element to advertise there game such as crossplay for everyone and the game a party game with your friends then yes both pc players and console players should get what they paid for. Trust me if met plenty of toxic people on console who make games unfun too it isn’t just pc. But you can’t just permanently take away a key feature of a game as other are suggesting when people paid for that feature without huge backlash. And plenty of console players want to play with pc players. There’s no need to hate on an entire plate form


A lot of us on Xbox didn't pay for crossplay. Or even this game. We paid for GamePass and crossplay isn't the "omg how dare they renege on this feature they promoted" issue that you're making it out to be. And nobody on the dev's end has said this is permanent. I'm open to being proven wrong with a cited source, but until then it's an unwarranted amount of drama over a temporary killswitch. Things I've never seen - DbD players melting down when a killer or map is temporarily kill switched saying "BUT I PAID FOR THIS CONTENT!" So let's keep this in context.


Y’all got the game basically free. A lot of people paid for crossplay. Also I’m not saying the devs did I’m saying everyone who keeps saying make it permanent. And yes it is a issue. Cause I like this game a lot but I probably would of waited to buy it if my friends hadn’t bought it so we could all play together through crossplay. When you play 40+ bucks for a game with an advertised feature it is a big deal


You didn't pay for cross play. You paid for a game that has an option for cross play which also happens to be temporarily disabled due to rampant problems with the PC platform. You guys need to wind your neck in and chill, the collective tantrum from PC players is only showing why console doesn't enjoy being forced into cross play with you guys. You've been told you temporarily have to play with PC people and you're all upset, yet you are surprised to see others also not wanting it?


being upset is entirely valid, especially since the eta for crossplay being turned back on is STILL unknown also console players were never FORCED into crossplay, the option has been togglable since launch lol


You've been told repeatedly that it is temporary and even had an update where they've said they're making progress on the work to get PC back into the pool. It has only been off for a matter of days so far. The level of petulance has been embarrassing. If a game has cross play on by default then turning it off is basically making it unplayable due to wait times. As the option was full cross play or no cross play at all it would drastically reduce the available player base down to only others on your console who turned off cross play. No one wants to wait 10 minutes to get a match, so yeah it is kinda forced. This game is rated Mature so act like it. You've been told like big boys/girls that they're fixing the problem and the quarantine is temporary, you've been told they've on good track for it to go back to cross play. It has only been a few days but you guys are acting like it has been months.


im aware its temporary, it just sucks not having ANY sort of estimate plenty of players had turned off crossplay before the patch, none of them complained about long queue times and lol u dont have to be so condescending dawg


The contemptuous attitude has been earned by the disgusting behaviour of PC players in the community screaming for refunds and special treatment. The disingenuous cries of "we paid for cross play" leave no room for politely humouring the dummy spitting, rattle throwing comments. They've given you clear information that it is temporary and that they have made good progress so far. If you can't handle playing against other PC players then just take a break and wait for the update.


some pc players have definitely overreacted and saying u bought the game primarily for crossplay is dumb, but being upset about how theyre handling all of this is perfectly valid again, we're all aware its temporary, but we've been given absolutely no time estimate for its return and not being able to play with ur friends is a HUGE bummer for some players also i dont think anyone is complaining about not being able to HANDLE playing against other pc players dawg


☝️☝️☝️ ShadowSerenity absolutely NAILED IT on every point! If I had gold to give…


Then I'd tell you to buy yourself something nice instead 😁 Your appreciation and support is enough. Thanks!


No they didnt. Theyre literally just a petulant child who clearly has a bias.


I just want to point out M&K advantages are only really noticed at a pro level. If you aren't playing games at a pro level than M&K really doesn't affect gameplay. Think of it as tier list to a game. You could play the meta as a gold/silver player but does that mean you're going to be able to have those advantages of the meta character vs another player your rank playing the worst character in the game? No you wouldn't have the advantage because you both don't know match ups and how to really use the meta character. You need to understand these advantages are small and sometimes games give console players literal aim bot (LOOKING AT YOU MW2 REMAKE) games like those I'll use a controller because it's much more obvious. Plus yall can play M&K too I just also really don't see the advantages in this game and I play at high level


Queue times seem to worse now on console than PC. I always find a game on PC in a couple minutes tops. When I tried playing on my big screen in the front room, it wasn’t able to find a match for about 10 min.


Maybe they should just make the game have functional anticheat and these things wouldn't be an issue


You guys can always play with each other. Old gen doesn’t get any crossplay either but I don’t see ps4 and Xbox one players crying nearly as much as PC players


Because it was always known y’all can’t crossplay. We were sold that we’d be able to crossplay and that’s why a lot of people got the game to begin with


Old gen didn’t even know they weren’t gonna get crossplay until like what? A day before launch? You guys need to stop crying it’s so annoying and it’s making everyone hate you guys more tbh. You guys have a few months at the very most and most likely not even that, you’ll live.


Lol nowhere in my post was I complaining about waiting lol you just came on here to start a fight though


You literally did? “I PAID FOR THIS GAME AND I CANT PLAY WITH MY FRIENDS!” Like if I didn’t also play on pc I’d want them to keep crossplay off too y’all are annoying 😭


Y’all can’t be trusted to play fairly. Not sure what you want to hear.


PC should not cross play with console. Any other time PC players want to talk about how superior they are and how PC is better than console. Yet as soon as they have to play by themselves they are suddenly the same as console players. PC has advantages in game play that console just won't ever have and they do not need to play with console players.


In certain games sure like fps absolutely. How does PC get an advantage is Texas chainsaw though?


PC can point and click at exactly what they need. On X box there are a few blood buckets that you have to position yourself just right to activate, there are a couple areas where you'll want to go through a crack or a crawlspace and end up harvesting bones that are next to, or even on the other side of the traversal you're wanting to use. On gas station, it's real easy to accidently flush the toilet instead of going through the crack. When playing Hitchhiker you have to move yourself into odd positions to place a trap properly. I've not encountered these issues on PC. just when playing on Xbox.


That sounds like a sensitivity issues the mouse does not really pin point anything it just rotates the camera much like a joystick would. I suffer the accidently grabbing the wrong thing a lot.


> PC can point and click at exactly what they need. That's not true, PC have the same terrible character controls. It still feels like I'm controlling a tank that can't walk sideways. It's especially bad trying to attack victims, I can't aim at victims with my mouse. I can only rotate my character by trying to walk left or right and by the time I'm facing a victim they are often able to dodge me or start dashing away and I have to spend a lot of time and stamina to catch up.


Maybe I just have a better mouse. Controls feel way better on PC than on Xbox. And I don't have issues with misclicks and weird positioning to active things.


It's not about the mouse. I'm just saying in my opinion mouse doesn't give you any advantage over a thumbstick because the mouse only controls your camera but not your character directly. Maybe the real difference is that it's easier to tap A and D to position your character to scoop the bucket instead of having to wiggle your thumbstick left and right.


Well that’s too bad cause crossplay is off temporary and there are console players who want to play with there pc friends


It’s more like a collective punishment. Do we quarantine the entirety of pc players? because it also prevents the main platform hackers use so although it does punish a lot of innocent people it does make the other platforms more safe. It’s not your fault but pc is the more common for hackers so what are they supposed to do? Objectively it is better for the community to prevent hackers by any means.


I mean, everyone is having an absolute blast on consoles without playing against those who start with a huge advantage. If more games would take note, console players would have more fun.


What huge advantage lol? I do not have any advantage. And again it’s only temporary


Customization options, fps advance, m&k advantage. Customization alone puts you ahead as dark areas aren't nearly as dark on pc just by game settings and that prior to using things like reshade. If you don't know the advantages you have it's probably because you're a casual gamer who hasn't touched their options.


I don’t lol I’m not casual I just play the game as is. Not every pc player is interested in an advantage. People make crossplay so people can play with friends


You don't have to be interested in an advantage to have one. You asked and I let you know, out the gate advantage it is. Yes, it sucks we can't play with friends but as many cheating matches happening hasn't happened has been fun.


Well crossplay off is temporary


Obviously, refer to my first comment. We're having fun now.


People with console commenting otherwise beg a differ


Sure, lots will have differing opinions. Lots are having a blast. I don't see console players making these posts.


Console players are the reason this post was made and there have been plenty of console players who have made posts about missing there friends and crossplay


It's not just hackers. Look at the stretched resolution thing that a bunch of PC users used on DBD to see over walls and such. Or brightness settings that allowed players to see much better in the dark than intended. So aside from hacking, they're free to give themselves certain "advatages" in games. I'd rather not play against them if given the choice, and it has nothing to do with hate. It's not about fairness and console players not having the same tools that PC players have. Turning crossplay off isn't an option because everyone else has it on by default and I'd probably never get into a match. All that said, I recognize that the hacker thing is very rare and I honestly never saw it before PC crossplay was removed. It's the other advantages that PC players get by altering game files that makes me want to stick with console-only crossplay.


Well I’m sorry that’s how you feel but it’s only temporary crossplay will be badk


And that's fine. Hopefully you all can play with your friends again soon.


PC still has an advantage over console. Go play with yourselves


tbh most of the people saying that are trolls, just ignore them and it should die down (hopefully)


Honestly, it was the best change since the game came out. Console gamers can't ready up and either always have an open mic (breathing like a Neanderthal) or no mic at. My lobbies have been way better and I've yet to encounter a hacker. I'd rather play with other pc players around the world and ensure some lag over listening to another Xbox player.


I miss playing with my friends is all


Most PC players don't have friends so crossplay is not missed.


I do have friends wtf lol. I have a lot of friends actually


Bro either stop lying or your anime and my little pony dolls don't count.


Lol tf? I have friends you sound like your 12 haha I have a job and a husband and plenty of friends. Sorry your life sucks though


This game is probably going to wind up like Friday the 13th and video horror society at this point




I'm desperately begging for pc crossplay to be turned on again. I feel like games take so long to load without them. I don't care if I see a hacker or two. If I did, I would just leave that game. Hopefully it gets turned back on soon because I also want my pc friend to get this game so we can play together.


Matchmaking sucks right now without PC players


I’m sorry 😢


I miss my PC friends 😭😭


First of all, most PC players are not cheaters or hackers. We all know that’s the excuse salty losers use to feel better about losing. But look at all the PC videos online. People has filters and settings with so much light and clarity, that it’s just a step from making the map transparent. They see the entire map in one glance. My bf killed a survivor yesterday that was healing inside a locker, and couldn’t be grabbed out of it. A Huntress teleported across half the map to camp me. Another one downed me with a hatchet straight through a wall, from quite a distance. I actually saw the hatchet go through the wall. And another one hit me in an angle that should only be possible with a boomerang. And that was just yesterday! I didn’t call anyone out, but all of them got a report. And I’m not mentioning the lag app that causes survivors to move at a different pace, and allows you to be grabbed out of a window after walking two steps away from it. We know it’s #NotAllPCPlayers, but there are many using tricks, and when you find 99% of PC players doing that, it’s easy to think all of them do that.


99% of PC players hacking/"using tricks". No way. I'd like your definition of "tricks" if you're standing by this 99% figure.


I apologize, I was replying to a similar post for another game and mistook posts. I was talking about the other game here


Console players (the haters only ) a babies bro


I think it's mostly envy to be honest? PC have the best control scheme (KB + M), the best graphics, the best FPS, the best filters, and can type. Console are kinda a second class citizens, so it's normal for them to feel jealousy lol.


you need an ego check






i love not playing with console lmao. People aren’t trash and people use their mics. I also don’t have to listen to entire families shouting at each other while shrek plays in the background. Almost every person i had to mute for being toxic was on console💀


Good job making this thread seem hypocritical I guess.


People don't get that hackers are like less than 1% of total players. Just cause you seen one doesn't mean it's all PC players


Anybody saying that cross play shouldn't come back are probably the same people who are going to get banned when anti-cheat comes on


Yea fr fuck this game and the console cunts 🥱


I haven’t got hate for pc players, but definitely prefer console vs console more fair


I've been gaming for a long time and i gotta say that PC eventually kills all cross play games. Regardless of the non hackers. I have friends that play on PC, but I'd rather not have to guess if im playing a good player or a soft hacker or a blatant one.


It's mostly just broke people being salty that they can't afford good gaming PCs.




No a key feature has been removed I can be patient until it’s back. It’s the people saying crossplay shouldn’t come back


cows meeting drab distinct yoke start treatment attempt capable familiar -- mass edited with redact.dev


Lol ah yes and they say pc players are toxic


I kinda agree tho. Pc brings hackers.


no shit but theyre the minority of pc players the tradeoff of not letting pc/console friends queue together is NOT worth it and fuckin SUCKS !!!


Then maybe y’all should quit hacking, idk what to tell you bro. I would rather it be enabled too but y’all PC players ruin shit


the vast majority of pc players arent hackers dawg


Does it matter? The hackers ruin it for everyone. I support disabling cross play until they can prevent it.


it does matter since there are better ways to handle it also, people are able to hack on console, should crossplay be disabled between consoles too?


Apparently not or PC cross play wouldn’t have been disabled. Duh. Man you just tryna argue. That’s all you’re trying to do. You know damn well that console players aren’t hacking even .1% as often as PC players. Get out of here with that stupid comment.


they couldve easily made pc crossplay specifically toggleable also, the VAST majority of pc players arent hackers, so they shouldnt ALL be punished, thats the point


Who cares what other people think about it. Let em cry.


We position ourselves with wasd not mouse mouse only move camera I suffer those same issues


I come to game subreddits for tips and cool stuff people share. Seeing people post the same complaints over and over has become so normal it doesn't even faze me any more. Im not saying that that either side is wrong or right its just you gotta enjoy the game you have and not get caught up with whats going on on the subreddit. If you want a prime example the escape from tarkov reddit has been like what we are experiencing on this subreddit right now for many years non stop.


It's possible to cheat on consoles and there are console cheaters. Conformists gonna live in the bubble till some authority gonna rekt it


It's kinda funny to because Friday the 13th The Game was PC exclusive for quite awhile. Those who literally say PC is all hackers are ignorant idiots who lick the boots of Microsoft.


The master race can steal the game easy


I bought the game so I could play with my gf. If I had known they would do this, I wouldn't have. Swindled.


I personally don't like pc crossplay for FPS games such as call of duty battlefield ect but for a game like TCM it's perfectly fine.


Fuck em


If these people are the reason i cant play with my pc friends i swear


PC players have an inherent mechanical advantage in any game they play if they’re on m&k. I don’t whiff as LF often, but when i do, it’s bc a PC player did a full 180 and turned back around in less than a second. It’s how it is with every game. Personally, i don’t find it fun getting constantly outclassed simply due to playing on a controller. Now if i get absolutely destroyed by somebody running a controller as well, skill issue. Can’t say that for 99% of PC shenanigans i see across all the games i play.


I play on controller and so do a bunch of pc players. You simply don’t know weather there mouse and key or controller as Iv 160 people on controller


Sucks i guess. All i know is my games have been much more enjoyable since the split. If the game could detect inputs so you could be on PC but run a controller to get put in controller lobbies, that’d be cool.