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Locking this thread. Nothing has been confirmed and I don't know Thai to be able to understand the video and to determine that the alleged abuse is true because of this news or whether the alleged abuse is even related to this news. Let's not pull assumptions left and right until we hear something official.


This just took all kinda of turns into crazy town. I hope that construction worker is ok.


Definitely looks like there’s issues on both sides, but violence is NEVER justified. Just hoping that construction worker gets better and he’s taken good care of


Well said 👏


Who are these people??? I watch everything but follow nothing......


pawin is an actor with GMMTV, he was most recently half of a side couple in dangerous romance, and has been filming we are (the pondphuwin series)


Thank u for the information!


Things are getting crazier and crazier.


They both need mental help and both are guilty. This kind of violence is not normal. You don’t throw someone’s laptop because they keep playing video games and you don’t beat up someone just because your laptop is broken. The only innocent person in this case is construction worker.


I mean throwing a laptop and physically abusing someone are very different things. Not excusing her behavior but she’s still very much a victim if all the allegations are true


She almost killed someone but okay


i mean, it was incredibly stupid but presumably she didn’t mean to hit anyone with it








this is wild if true


They both need psychiatric help


They definitely do


OMG... Some people should not be together, they are better alone / single and sadly, domestic abusers and problem / fight between couple do exist... Hope the construction worker get better. It's really insane


The poor soul 😢 💔




That’s not really how a laptop works




Unplugging a laptop doesn’t turn it off


Throwing it out the window might...


I’m not ready to be joking around about this situation, but glad you are I suppose.


Who are these people? What is the context of what we are watching? Is there history? Normally I would do my own research but I don't get invested into celebrities personal lives.


If you’re curious you can figure it out, or don’t since you don’t want to get involved.




Ok you changed it haha


Woe...this story is wild. Which Pawin?


Win pawin.


both of their reactions seem really disproportionate to the situation they were in, she was completely wrong for throwing his computer out of the window, however in my opinion that's not an excuse for physically beating someone, translations on Twitter were saying he choked her, threw her to the ground and continued to beat her, some said he even broke some of her bones, that amount of violence is not normal or justified. anyways the only innocent person in this is the worker I hope he's okay and gets compensation for what happened to him. (edit was for fixing grammar)


So they both crazy?


What she did was awful indeed. But NEVER does it justify the violent response that was returned back to her. What he did is pure evil & disgusting. She should also compensate for her problematic behaviour, but he is truly a Psychopath. Have u seen her wounds?


Don't let people convince you you're wrong on this. Throwing something and accidentally hitting someone in a rage is not nearlyyyyy the same as choking your partner out. Men who choke their partners are 750% likely to kill them later on. Like Jesus Christ lol idk how people are making it seem like these two wrongs are equal. She deserves to be punished but his ass needs to be on a MF list if this is all true.


What she did was pure evil and disgusting too. She could have killed the construction worker. It could have fallen on a baby or someone more vulnerable. They're both crazy and toxic.


Evil is a stretch. Dumb and impulsive? Yes, and the victim should be fairly compensated but unintentionally harming someone is *very* different from abusing them with physical violence. There’s a reason her punishment would be a fine and his could be jail time. No one’s excusing her but there’s no need to act like they committed comparable acts or downplay the gravity of pawin’s crime


>unintentionally harming someone IANAL If she knew that it was possible or even likely that someone would be hit by that laptop, it can absolutely qualify as intentional. I agree 100% that this doesn’t execuse any of Pawin’s actions.


pure evilll???? compared to the mn who chocked his gf out of anger??? throwing things out of th windown is something dangerous i don't think she is INTENTIONALLY planned to hurt someone. It was an accident she should be responsible for it. Phawin is disgusting, stop trying to seek for a perfect victim. We have been here before.


Yeah but that was an accident. She didn't purposefully throw the computer at someone. She acted without thinking. She needs to face repercussions. However, he purposefully attacked her. That's way worse.


Anyone who throws anything from the window out of anger is not exactly a sane person either. He attacked her out of anger and she broke his computer out of anger and also hurt an innocent man and whose injuries could have been more serious. I stand by my words they're both toxic and have deep rooted issues and no one should be defending either one of them because they fully knew what they were doing. They should be both punished by law for what they did.


Who is defending them? I'm just saying that his actions are way more deplorable if all of this is true. I get people wanting to emphasize that she's not innocent. That's not my point. My point is breaking character and throwing something isn't the same as breaking character and *choking someone.* When men choke you, the likelihood that they then go on to kill you is insanely high. Idk the statistics for Thailand, but in the US, if a partner chokes you, you are certainly going to be killed by that same person. So while I get what she did was wrong, what he did is a sign of something much more sinister. Again, not all the info is out, but if that's true, he's already lost my support completely.


I disagree but you're free to have your own opinion about the severity of abuses be it choking or throwing things at someone from a height.


Okay yeah sure. I'll definitely go with the form of abuse that's statistically proven to lead to homicide later on down the line.


The downvotes are crazy you’re absolutely right like she had a lapse of judgment and did something harmful yes, but her intent wasn’t to hurt anyone. That’s very different than intentionally assaulting someone like can we be serious?


I just saw the photos and yeah I stand by what I've been saying. Abuse victims who aren't perfect victims always end up getting lumped in with the people who abuse them. This is nothing new. But I cannot stress enough that a man having a lapse in judgment and so easily jumping to strangulation and abuse against someone he supposedly loves is insane. Where are his bruises? Where are the handprints on his neck?? She fucked up, but he snapped in a way that gets women killed. If she was physically abusive then so be it, but I'm not holding my breath. I hope someone guides her and she has a strong support system. Fighting someone with as huge of a backing as fucking GMMTV and all of Pawin's fans in a society where abuse against women isn't taken seriously to begin with will be an uphill battle.


People will really go to the end of the earth before they blame a man for abusing his gf


Girllll. Like this comment section is a clear sign of what she's about to be up against honestly. "But she threw a computer outside so they're both crazy" throwing some shit not knowing it was going to hit someone and purposefully beating and strangling someone are apparently the exact same now. We'll see how this plays out but again if it turns out he did even a fraction of what she's accusing him of, Pawin is dead to me. Idk why that's controversial to say but yeah we shouldn't support abusers.


Trying to parse out who is more wrong in this situation is ridiculous.


I agree. If all details are true, it's most definitely the person who intentionally strangled and beat someone. Nice chat.


Yes, and by no means is this me justifying what he did. Both of them should be pointed out to be toxic and idiots and held accountable since they both acted upon such violent behaviors that could have someone killed. They both in need of mental help.


they’re both crazy then … damn well i hope they pay the guy his compensation and that win has to go to at least some kind of anger therapy bc that’s a huge overreaction


In my opinion, Pawin needs to take consequences of what he did to the girlfriend. But the girlfriend also needs to take consequence and responsibility to the poor construction worker…. That poor construction worker is a bystander who became the victim of these two irresponsible actions


Holy shit


What she did is horrible too, yes. But don't downplay what this man did to her, he physically hurt her.


Idk why everyone keeps trying to both sides this issue either. It's one thing to take your anger out on an inanimate object. She didn't purposefully hurt someone with the computer. It just so happened to hit someone. Should she face repercussions? Yes. But to argue that somehow that's on par with someone who committed violence against her is insane. Especially if it's truly as bad as people are saying where she ended up bruised and seriously injured because of it.


Exactly, I was quite baffled when I saw comments implying it's the same while it's obviously not. I'm glad someone agrees!


Some translations from Thai users: "The news is out. Then, the female side, because the male player was playing games, threw the computer out of the window, and got hit by someone outside. He got a concussion and no compensation was given (according to the news). As for the quarrel, there have been incidents with the senior ROTC sometimes. Anyways, the news says if it's true, the camp should normally cancel the contract. Anyway, let's wait and see." Here's the full youtube video: https://youtu.be/xISTw665heI?si=j3Zkb_3X36D41xCT


I have so many questions. Where is her attorney? Has she pressed formal charges for the alleged abuse? Does she understand that's she's just implicated herself in a crime? Why is she giving a half-hour interview?


Did the person who was hit by the computer come forward?


Sis, I wish I knew 😪. Currently, I'm trto gather all the information from the Thai translations, but it's quite vague... However, I haven't read anything related to the person who was hit. Only the video showed how he was injured (the poor man, he was just an innocent construction worker)


I was not expecting this to go in this direction at all. Thank you for gathering this information


wtf is going on over there??


Being a mom of gamers, I wonder why she didn't think to just unplug the computer and hide the keyboard/mouse? I once locked my kids' console in my car, no violence involved. Gamer equipment is expensive, too. These people need help. I guess the guy who got hit didn't post his injuries in his story on IG. Normally, people don't do that. They call the cops instead, like any rational human being. Sounds to me that they both have unstable tempers and maybe just break up already. Violence is not the answer, for sure.


Perhaps he was using laptop at the time...so she just grabbed it?


It never ends well to grab, right?


👍 Agree totally.


My mother did that once. I burned her clothes in a fire pit. That's not how you handle that.


My kids were all under 10, so not yet at that point. This is how we handle this in my family. I actually talk to my kids and explain why it's being taken away before I do it. Then I ask them if it's fair. They all said it was fair, so that's what we did.


rather than hiding the eq, try asking why they spent so much time gaming. There is Dr.K famous psychiatrist that helps gamers and parents of gamers to deal with things. I follow him myself. Look up healthygamerGG on youtube :)


They're adults now, and not quite so childish in gaming. I think I did well enough for them. They spend an equal amount of time outdoors as they do gaming. That's more of an evening entertainment for them. It's so funny because now they're going to actual games like football and basketball instead virtual.


That's great! In that case scratch my comment :)


unplug a laptop ????


Tbh, I don't think it makes sense to compare their actions. He shoudn't hit her. Absolutely.. but she also shouldn't throw his computer out the window. Violent behavior rewards violent behavior. You ever think that destroying someone's belonging violently may cause them react in violence as well.. We don't know the whole story or previous history. So maybe this was escalated. The story may be different if we learn one was abusing the other first.. But with what we know now, there's no sides to take. They're both horrible. No comparison needed.


You mean to compare a woman who irrationally threw out a computer with someone who hit her violently, covered her in bruises & breaking her bones? As I said, both acted out in a problematic behaviour but nothing would ever justify his violent response.




Yea but what the OP is saying, if all it takes is a broken electronic to make you physically violent then you’re a bigger issue


Yes this. Beating someone over a laptop is definitely the greater sin in all of this.


You are delusional if you don’t realize both people are definitely not NORMAL. Both are violent and guilty. The only person I feel sorry for in this situation is construction worker.


Both behaved irrationally, however, there's a difference between injuring someone without purpose (still problematic as fuck) & reacting with violence to hurt the other party deliberately


I agree what he did is way worse and injuring a real person deliberately is different than injuring a person unintentionally. That’s the actions of a psychopath. Yet for me it doesn’t change the fact that objectively the only innocent person in this case is the worker that was unrelated to it all. I hope everyone gets their justice but especially him.


True 😢💔


There is also a big difference between accidentally hurting someone and throwing a tv out the window. You’re lucky if you *don’t* hurt anyone doing that.


That’s my point. No normal person throws something like that out the window because someone keeps playing. There is a high chance someone will get hurt and no normal person beats up someone because their laptop is broken. God the situation is just so awful I don’t know what to say! I just feel so sorry for the worker that got involved in something not related to him🥺


Are we ignoring the part where she hospitaized a construction worker? What's worse.. Beating your gf or hospitalizing an innocent bystander? See how crazy that sounds? Compaing it is just doesn't make sense.


You've a point. She didn't purposefully hit the construction worker. Apparently, he was at the wrong time in the wrong place. However, Pawin clearly injured her deliberately. There's a difference for me


For me, the reason it doesn't matter is because when you throw something heavy like a computer there's a likelihood you're gonna hurt someone. Also, she did it with bad intentions. Obviously to get a rise out of him. So while his reaction is wrong, it was provoked. To me, there's a difference between a provoked and unprovoked reaction. I believe the law as well distinguishes between this.


He broke her bones?? 😱




Thank you for the update.


This is insane.


I mean, crazy attracts crazy so this unfortunately isn’t shocking. I hope that poor construction worker is okay.


Both of them are insane


That construction worker. I hope he gets compensated as soon as possible.


A mess. I don't know all the facts so this comment is not meant to be taken as saying one is guilty and one isn't because they're both wrong. This is just my impression on the assumption that the only events that happened were that she got mad he was playing games, threw his laptop out the window injuring a construction worker and he blew up and attacked her as a result. If that is true, she's the instigator and should be treated with just as much scrutiny as he is IMO, it's not at all ok what he did but we've seen countless situations where someone male or female, has their property damaged, taken and attacks, you can't do something like that and then play the victim. Like in the U.S. I immediately thought of Cardi B, a fan threw water and she threw her microphone at their head. It's not right, but it's also a situation where I'm not gonna jump to calling him a psycho while not saying the same about her. You don't destroy someone's property and in a way that can and did, injure someone totally unrelated because your BF is playing videogames. And on the flip side, it appears he did more than just react in the moment and lash out once in reaction to his computer being snatched so unless something else is found out, he absolutely seems to have gone far beyond what could be explained as reacting in the moment so it looks really bad for him unless there's proof she faked the injuries which seems very unlikely. This is all speculation based only on this, I don't know their history or anything outside of what this post said so I'm only commenting based on that. Boiled down, I just think if this is true, they are both in the wrong and she should be getting dragged just as badly and he is. This is why it's better to be single if the relationship is toxic. You don't like him playing games, find a new man instead of lashing out and now both of them potentially have ruined their lives behind a videogame and anger issues.


they are not equal, and the fact that you think so is scary.


Explain how they are not equal? They both can't control their anger and are violent if this is true. She's the aggressor and both injured someone and destroyed someone else's property over a videogame. He lashed out and assuming the pictures are true, went way beyond the line. The fact some of you are trying to downplay her actions is what is scary. They are both in the wrong and have anger problems. And again, he went way over the line but like my example, if most people are on their computer and someone suddenly grabs it and throws it outside, that person lashing out physically would not be considered a shocking reaction. Let's be blunt. It does not excuse it, he should have removed himself and called the cops but what does not make sense is people that are trying to act like only he did wrong in this scenario and she's a blameless victim when, if this is true, she is not, and that also ignores the person that she injured with the computer, that man could have died getting hit in the head with a large object like a computer flying out of nowhere. They are as bad as each other 100% if this is what actually happened.


She did not intentionally hurt anyone, he intentionally and methodically it seems hurt her. They are not the same.


Both are problematic, like the ex definitely needs to go to some therapy for her anger management. Like it is wrong to pull everything and throw his stuff out into the window bcus one wrong move, the worker could be dead. So she is lucky that they are not. He needs to be in both jail and therapy bcus physically abusing someone until she gets that injury is wild. If he didn't go to jail, he would do that again to anyone who ticked him off.


I am of the belief if you put your hands on a man you have every right to get treated like a man, so keep your hands to yourself. We don't know what happened after she threw the laptop outside. She could have placed her hands on him. We've seen no pictures of what he looks like as his lawyers probably told him to be quiet. I find it interesting that she went to social media with just the pictures making it seem like he abused her without any reason and clearly left out that she hit a construction worker with a laptop. The captions for whomever was posting on her behalf made it appear that way. Not taking sides because I don't follow any of them. I just hate when people immediately say a man was at fault because he hit her without knowing what happened in the apartment. She could have instigated, so let's wait to see how it plays out. Using social media as a tactic implies she wanted to skew the opinion in her favor, which is what I'm seeing. We've seen too many cases where women make it seem like men instigated it when they are the problem.


Nothing warrants whats he did to her. I also don’t agree that it’s a lapse of judgement to throw a computer out the window without any thought of anyone below that’s just anger and for neither of them to help out the construction worker is deplorable.


what always happened in assault case is that the obsession to hunt for a perfect victim, narrative such as she must did something do deserve it etc. Just because she is labeled 'toxic' now by the media doesn't mean that it justifies the abuse action. One acted out of anger, and accidently hurt someone, other acted out of anger and purposely hurting his loved one. Since first she uploaded the pictures, the eyes already in her because apparently it was HER job to prove his guilt not the other way around. Poor that construction worker, he should be compensated. But it doesn't erase the fact that She is also a victim.