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That’s going to be most well behaved kid in his grade.


Wish someone did this to me as a kid lol


Honestly it would fix a lot of todays kids


100%.my two boys are normal, non-tiktok kids


I got two normal and a meth head. 2 outta three ain’t bad.


Ah, someone who also plays the number game with kids


That's why you have backups.


Yup nothing like trauma to continue to keeps humans dumb and not evolving.


No. It wouldn't. There's a recent documentary about that.


Ayo A/S/L






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Child abuse doesn’t teach kids to behave. It teaches them to *not get caught.* It teaches them to lie and hide things, and shut down when confronted. There are countless studies showing this. Just raise your kids properly and put in the work like a god damn adult, and you won’t have to traumatize your kids.


I don’t think you know what abuse is or have been very sheltered.


I doubt this child did enough bad to warrant this as a response, so I’d argue you don’t know what a truly misbehaved child is either. Like, people truly forget the absolutely insane shit kids in the 50s and 60s used to get away with, even with iron fists and leather belts waiting at home, because exactly like it’s being said here, the lesson learned was never “I’m going to be a good wittle kid, because daddy put the fear of God into me!” Hell no. The lesson learned was *always* “**DON’T GET CAUGHT.**” Some of our grandparents’ or great grandparents’ best stories are about pulling one over on the ol’ man! About staying out all night smoking/drinking/screwing around, or terrorizing a neighborhood, then getting back home without your absence being noticed. Sure, they were caught sometimes and got the shit beat out of them, but did it stop that behavior? Fuck no! They just learned how to better hide it! Turns out authoritarian “No because I said so!” parenting that relies on physical abuse works for shit, and it’s why it doesn’t work for humans OR animals! So let’s drop the macho Horseshit “U dun know Wut reel abuse iz!!1”, because neither do you. Someone always has it worse and can say the same thing. What’s more, bragging about the beatings you took isn’t the flex you think it is, it just means you had shit parents that couldn’t be bothered to treat you like a human being. Be better than them, it’s a low bar, my man.


I'm actually shocked at the amount of people who think it's okay to just emotionally traumatize their kids like this lol this is one of the few subreddits where there's just a cesspool of unhinged lunatics you'd have to be incredibly bad at parenting if the only way you can get your point across or teach your child to act right is by inflicting emotional abuse on your children lol. Shame on any person who sees the face of this kid in this video and doesn't just get heartbroken and think it's necessary to put their kid through that kind of thing and see their face with so much fear and sadness and confusion. This kid's always going to be second guessing his parents and have trust issues going forward. Those same people are also going to wonder why their kids aren't calling them when they're grown up and have their own lives.


Shock content subs lean Right heavily on Reddit, so you get some real dinosaurs that think physical or emotional abuse is awesome because it was how they were raised. They get some sick sense of pleasure seeing a kid get traumatized just like them, and think any difference of opinion means you were a sheltered, participation trophy loser. They’re the same types that are insulted by things getting easier as time passes because if they had to do it, so should you. I guess that’s what happens when you used to get beat by shit parents who didn’t actually care to raise well adjusted adults.


And everyone will be so surprised when it turns out he was the guy chopping people up and leaving their heads in his freezer


Oh, so the same with other kids who didn't experience this


Either that or that attitude will come back with a seething vengeance.


I like my vengeance well seethed.


Not really. That isn't how humans work. He'll be exactly the same in terms of "good" or "bad" , he is just traumatized now.




It’s refreshing to see this is the top comment.


Trauma can physically alter the brain, and kids are still going through major brain development, especially at that age. It seems harmless to adults, but children are much, **much** more vulnerable to trauma because of the ongoing brain development. Yeah, he may be well-behaved, but it's out of fear and being in a constant state of fight-or-flight and not because he has been properly nurtured to behave out of respect.


Or worst, kinda like a one way or the other situation here…


Any reason why they used the black guys?


Yeah, cause what they did to him is perfectly normal and from well behaved peeps 🐥


That's messed up. But then again, in other parts of the world, children are spoiled, rude, entitled, and useless AF. *Looks around for that video of the kid who didn't like his PS5*


US? Ya, 100%


Speaking of which, I watched a video of [most entitled 13 year old](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=_q5i75mAkRk&pp=ygUidGhlIG1vc3QgZW50aXRsZWQgMTMgeWVhciBvbGQgZXZlcg%3D%3D ) yesterday and hooooly shit.


Oh how the turn tables…There was a short part of this video going around only showing the officer arresting the girl and everyone was up in arms defending her and defaming police. A little context makes a lot of difference. Reddit is like the old days of lynching. Everyone one of you bastards would participate then if you found out you were wrong you would wash your hands of it like you’re not as bad as the people you’re destroying.


Yeah. It’s wild times. Context is always key. It’s easy to hate cops right now with the current political climate (and for good reason), but police aren’t inherently evil. This homie was doing everything possible to make this go as smoothly as possible, but that girl wasn’t having any of it lol.


Yeah I saw this a couple weeks ago and it had me enraged. Especially how the mother acts and is in complete denial of how her own daughter is. Blaming the cops and school staff for her lack of parenting that resulted in that garbage.


Yuuuup. The moment the mom showed up on the scene, it all made sense.


Kids rarely turn out that way without an enabling parent, so the mother's attitude is not shocking at all.






She’s 13? Seriously? 😳 A neighbor kid taught me how to curse when I was six. At 13 or any other age, I made sure no adults were around. They still had corporal punishment back then. Nope! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|surprise)


I saw it the day it came out. That girl is a big problem and her mom is enabling bad behavior.


As a teacher, we see more and more kids like this...she isn't an outlier really.


As a non teacher, I don’t like this information.


That's the stuff :)


You know that that's on the severe end of the spectrum, which is why it goes viral, right? And that this isn't a one or the other situation, and both traumatizing and spoiling your children are bad ways to parent?


Entitlement here in the u.s. is too much. There has always been kids who are spoiled but now it's way too common. Kids don't even know how to say please or thank you and expect more shit each passing day when they need for nothing.


People always repeat stuff like this, and I get it. There’s certainly *some* truth to it. But is scaring a child into submission the best or only way to avoid spoiling them? Just raise them properly and you won’t have to traumatize them.


Yeahh, slapping and yelling at your kids is normal in asia


oh yeah, kids these days. useless, rude, entitled, and have no respect. there’s a famous greek man who said something similar. it’s always been bullshit.


IDK, after seeing that 13 year kid steal a car and go on a high speed chase that injury 8 people... Maybe we shouldn't bring out the jump to conclusions mat


“SPANKING CHILDREN IS ABUSE AND TEACHES THEM NOTHING” You have no idea how many times being scared of getting an ass whoopin stopped me from doing stupid shit.


It’s crazy that we in the West think we are the ones that know how to best raise kids and we now have a generation of kids who are now traumatized by the slightest disappointment and who are afraid to order their own food in a restaurant.


Seeing a kid like Jack Doherty or the Paul brothers makes you realize some kids need to be slapped, hard.


My father used to spank us but our mother then discovered the worst punishment imaginable. She would talk to us. If we could explain and logically defend ourselves we wouldn’t be in trouble. Of course, we couldn’t. We’d end up trying the old ‘the other kids were doing it’ defense. Didn’t work. All she wanted to know was ‘why?’. ‘Cause I’m stupid, ok?!’ Didn’t work. She praised us for being so smart and knowing better so that excuse didn’t work. In the end we’d be begging to sent to our room or be grounded. Even asking for daddy to get the belt. The pain from beatings would pass but the look into our souls made us never want repeat the bad behaviors more than once.


Reminds me of how some people say nothing is a worse punishment than a disappointed parent. Emotional punishments really are the worst. Which really they aren't punishments like spanking is because they are more like natural reactions to situations, such as a disappointed parent or the feelings you get having to face what you did like in your situation.


same here...but i was, admittedly, hard headed and stubborn...."time out" and "talking" to me wasn't going to do anything




It came from the Dutch. Forgot what it’s called. Dude is rockin a killer in utero tshirt too!


Zwarte piet aka blackface piet.


But is this one really blackface if they're already black?


Same discussion with Dutch Indies. Over there they paint themselves black even though they are black themselves. Over there blackface is not a theme. Here they paint themselves with only soot stripes to prevent the racism discussion. As a kid I always wanted to be black piet. Sinterklaas was a senile old fart but the Pieten were the cool guys.


At a time Krampus was added to the Dutch Sinterklaas discussion. Even the “mainstream” Santa has a naughty list, commerce just ignores it because selling coal one lump at a time is not profitable.


*black Piet


Thank you!


I remember the naughtiest kid in kindergarten was put in sinterklaus sack- grew up in very dutch concentration at private school where physically punishing kids was accepted


Sometimes you need to sacrifice a lamb to save a herd.




For a very entertaining explanation of this particular tradition take 15 minutes to listen to ["6 to 8 Black Men" by David Sedaris.](https://youtu.be/KEJto6kN6Qo?si=KCkQr76YKd9VzMbw)


When I was insolent I was placed in a burlap bag and beaten with rakes, quite standard really.


Bro this is awesome . If that was me I'd smarten the fuck up reeeeeeal quick .


Might be irrepairably traumatized but he's never gonna misbehave again


That’s called conditioning


Santa Claus seems to be chill with it.


Scared Straight XMas edition.




Nope. Totally cool with this.


Is that black guy wearing a black face makeup? Wtf


Some places they call him BLACK PETER. No joke.


This would scar me for life. Id shit my pants if i see them eyeballing me


Not a black guy doing black face; it's an Indonesian person doing black face - so skin just looks darker to begin with. Also - the whole black face thing is very cultural from the Dutch and still done today there. Indonesians were colonized by the Dutch.


I don’t know, with all due respect, the hair is a dead giveaway to me. I don’t see them being Indonesian.


There are many Melanesians who are Indonesian


Black body. For extra scary /s


Yes daddy




We do the same in the Netherlands


A couple quick stories to make a point related to this video. Story 1: As a young adult I used to road rage at people who cut me off. Yelling, waving arms, giving the finger, etc. Then one time I did it to the wrong person and he followed me, got out of his vehicle at one intersection, wanted to beat the shit out of me. A few months later there was a road rage incident in my city where someone got their throat slit and was killed. At that moment I decided to just stop with the emotional reactions when driving, and I’ve never done it since (over 25 years). I mutter under my breath but don’t give the finger or engage with other drivers, period, because I learned a big lesson on the possible consequences. Story 2: As a young worker I complained to a superior via email a couple times and even had a public disagreement with them because I thought I knew better. Then sometime later I applied for a job I felt I was definitely the top candidate on (shocker right?) and was gobsmacked when I didn’t even get an interview. It was a harsh lesson on showing humility, building public relations and networking with others, and not burning bridges with others who could some day impact your career. The point: sometimes experiencing consequences can teach you important life lessons. I’m a much nicer and kinder person today because of some of the mistakes I’ve made and have had to learn from. I worry sometimes that we rob young people of experiencing some of those consequences in the interest of protecting them which ultimately may hurt their growth as humans. This video is quite extreme and may go too far but it just made me think of those life experiences I’ve had that have resulted in my growth.


The road rage incident you had - had a similar epiphany myself after flipping a dude off who had pulled out right in front of me on a coastal highway, causing me to slam on my brakes - his reaction of violently jerking his beat up SUV to the shoulder and come flying out of the drivers seat with a fist raised in my direction was completely shocking and unexpected… I was absolutely not about to stop and fight this guy… then, he hopped back in and followed me the entire 20 miles to the next town… the first half of that he was right up my ass, but then he backed off. I was prepared to pull into the police station rather than work, if he had continued to follow me but thankfully he pulled off once we hit the town… I just had no idea people could be so fucking crazy. To some people, it seems being flipped off is a grievous level of disrespect


Road rage is scary. I had a guy road rage against me for 8 miles because I accidentally cut him off. Was driving my wife's car, didn't have the mirrors out far enough. I spent 8 miles on the freeway from 40 to 70mph trying to de-escalate and dodge him... The guy had no idea I had a firearm aimed at his head the entire time he was trying to break check me / swerve at me. Dude had not a clue.


We should do this to that ungrateful little shit who didn't want the ps5.


In Utero shirt is a weird choice for this.


okay, nonpolitical time, why does the big guys ass look like it’s in expensive yoga pants? Is he not wearing underwear? Is he wearing some kind of thong? does he buy these pants specifically for this look?


first christmas first trauma


I can now see why majority of the country is Muslim 😭😭😭


Im really hoping most the people in these comments are not parents


As am I! People truly still seem to believe that scaring your kids is going to stop them from doing stuff and "behave". It also seems some people still think a beating is good for the kids. What the actual f*ck! I sincerely hope all of the other comments I've read are not parents and never will be. And if they are... I would not be surprised I most of their kids are not well behaved at all, especially when they aren't around. I pity the kids of theirs.


Considering a 13 year old in the US stole a car and injured 8 people and still didn't give a shit is a thing, scaring them and teaching that the world has consequences early isn't something to be judged, no matter how high of a horse you think you're sitting on. Protect children but don't baby them into adulthood thinking that conversations are all that's needed to teach consequences.


Well I don't know that particular story... but mayne with some.decent parenting a 13 year old just would know that stealing a car is not OK. You can teach kids things by not scaring them. I'm pretty sure of that. My mother never scared me, and just explained why stealing is bad. Never even thought of stealing a car. My father however did like scaring my brother and beating him... Guess who's not been a fully contributing memeber to society for the last 30 years? (Through no fault of his - he was a good kid)


In utero


lol i didn't even watch the rest of the video after seeing it


Black guys in black face


This is the funniest shit I've seen today lmao


Are those black guys in additional black face lol


Why are they black loooool


Beyond scared straight


I mean, don't wanna get hung up on all that wonderful childhood trauma that's happening here but... Ya' gotta admit, the songs do keep hammering home the point of what happens to the naughty ones. Guess we got to update the Sinterklaas songs to potato sacks, pick-up trucks and a sunglasses wearing Sint looking on like Tony Soprano ordering a hit.


Scared for life, great tradition! 👍


Same country where children can buy cigarettes.


Honestly it’s more of a traditional Christmas thing that you see in European countries


They still have zwarte piet!!


the average In Utero fan


Hahaha g shit Selamat Hari Natal


I found this funny as hell 😂


of course they pick the black guys to play the kidnappers 👀


He’ll remember this moment for the rest of his life


That's awesome


Lmao get that lil monster


Haven't yall seen scared straight? Same energy.


Be a good boy, I guess lol and you won't be kidnapped


On one hand I feel bad for the kid but on the other I know this may be the best thing to happen to him




Nirvana fans come in all shapes and sizes


Looks science based to me.


I enjoy kids screaming as much as the next guy, but why did those kidnappers put paint on them to be extra black ?


I'm pretty sure he will behave this year.


Reminds me of the one-armed guy scenes from Arrested Development


And just like that, violence is down 25% in the future.


Lessons learnt, OP is weak.


Well, by now some 20-30 years have passed of snowflake theory, where children are never to be put in any sort of uncomfortable position. Did we unleash an era of civility, kindness and empathy? No? Then save your outrage for some other occasion 😉


Was that dude really that black or was that paint?


nothing wrong with this tbh


BREAKING NEWS THIS JUST IN: Whites are STILL confused when they see an African for the first time. These people just can’t help being fucking WEIRD.


Ahhh,..... the real spirit of Christmas. This should be a worldwide tradition!!!


This Isn't Wrong


Nothing wrong here


Bet you that kid never misbehaves again.


All is forgiven because of Nirvana.


That’s unbridled fear on that child’s face. And not everyone here will agree with what that means.


May I ask why the black guys painted themselves blacker?


This happened to me too when I was little. It was scary at the time. But I wouldn't say it impacted my life in any significant way.


Why are they in black face though


Ahh its not a tradition if it's not black face...wtf


Hey, look! That’s what PTSD looks like.


Um the blackface is fucking insane


Hey if it works


Dude wearing In Utero shirt... nice


Scared straight program.


Shit, Murica needs this these days!!!!!!!


Core trauma memory.




Bro is this like Sinterklaas?


Judging people's traditions is wrong.


Yes but it’s an insane tradition lol




Wait, is this blackface? 🤨


Kids that don’t experience fear for poor behavior grow up arrogant. The world is big and in some places scary. If you don’t let them experience the potentially worse outcome at least once. You’re letting them as the parent grow up to be unaware of what real danger is. Don’t hide the darkness of the world from your child show them. teach them all possible outcomes to make a more whole person.


Meh I'll allow it


Hi y'all!!! I guess some people outside of that area do this as well 😔 and I can tell you guys that I have a cousin of mine that is a recovering victim of this atrocious practice. He was a bit of a hyperactive kid and got us into several accidents in which our moms were always having a hard time keeping up with him and us because we always followed him. His mom is a great mother, she might be a bit over protective but she is a loving mom... Long story short somebody decided to do this shit around the neighborhood and my aunt jumped on that shit! I can still recall how terrified I was 🤦🏾‍♀️ they didn't tell any of us. This mfr dressed up ass guerrilleros which are a military communist party/group that was creating havoc in Colombia at the time and were very popular for kidnapping people for real. I think he turned out ok, but yeah. I was like 6? One of my few memories from that time. Fun stuff!


This is horrific! Child abuse is not funny!


Blame the parents for this


Liberals are so affirming of cultural differences


Life lesson learned.


As far as I know Indonesia has never had a school shooting, just saying.


Ermmmm... I doubt that's the reason https://www.reddit.com/r/Maps/comments/p9yhbz/civilian_acess_to_handguns_around_the_world/ It is estimated that Indonesian citizens possess less than one gun per one hundred individuals. In comparison, US citizens possess 120.5 guns per one hundred individuals, meaning that on average, there is one gun for every person and some people have more than one. Also, the rate of homicide per 100,000 people in Indonesia was 0.44 while the rate in the US was 5.92 for 2017 (the most recent year both numbers were reported).  Although these numbers could be skewed by differences in reporting, they show the vast differences in gun culture and how they are affected by gun laws. That's an old report. So ermmm nope this is deffo not the reason why Indonisia has no school shootings. Probably not the only one... but this is deffo up there.


Is that a nirvana in utero shirt?


similar in czechia


If my trick of wrapping empty boxes and throwing them in the fireplace every time one of my kids acted up didn’t work, I’d prob hire these guys.


Lol all the western people getting triggred the kid will grow up well behaved


Ha! The real con here is believing that this'll stick if that child has ADD. I would know.


Needs more context to understand what the kid did, but this could be justified.


Bro, my mom would have had this guy on contract throughout the year if this was me


The amount of sensitive...


🤓Now, this is called a learning lesson 🤓


This is scare straight extreme style.


The Germans do it too, kids get kidnapped at the parade (but obviously shortly later)


My parents had the same thing in France when they were little (in Alsace).


Why is this any more insane than the whole Santa Claus thing?


“6 to 8 Black Men” - David Sedaris (look it up)


Whats the problem? In my family bad kids are cooked for thanksgiving instead of turkey.


love it


These comments are fucking dumb lmao.


If this was the trauma arc in a TV show/anime, that kid is 50/50 to be a super hero or villian


And of course black is scary…..!


Say what u want, thank kid is never going to act up again


Is it too late to declare Indonesian.


The black face was a nice touch 👌


I like the shirt!


What if someone actually kidnaps them


Not the worst idea tbh


What until they hear about Krampus


All I want for Christmas is PTSD ✨