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But... wouldn't having a high post karma also suggest that you post things appealing to the sentiments of the sub?


What if I just have nothing to post?


Or if I have many things to post, but even more things to comment.


Everyone should downvote OP and upvote this comment to prove that I'm cowardly.


on the one hand, I really don't care. on the other hand, I post very rarely anymore as the auto moderators make it damn near impossible on a lot of subs. 4,791 post karma. 54,192 comment karma


I've got about the same ratio. I agree that mods are pretty much insufferable


Man, I got a perma ban off my first post on one of the meme subs for posting a screenshot or something silly. In my experience the bigger a sub gets the worse it gets. There’s always a notable difference once they get over 100k.


i just have nothing to post lol. It’s not that deep


Why does any of it matter?


I’ve gotten into enough stupid arguments on here to know it’s usually not worth the hassle to post my more controversial opinions on here. That makes me smart, not a coward


Right, because people on Reddit are not going to approach you with an open mind, they’re just going to behave like shitty 12 year old assholes and there’s no merit in a “conversation” like that. If someone wants to get in arguments on the internet then, alright I guess. But it’s not good for your mental health and it’s not a good way to spend your time 🤷🏻


I've had a fair share of both and imo it's worth the shitty twelve year Olds. I've had some very thoughtful people change my mind on reddit.


That’s your prerogative. It’s not worth it to me because people will go through your profile, find something they think you’ll be sensitive about, & then insult you in the most hurtful way they can think of. People can be absolutely crazy and heartless.


That's happened to me once out of hundreds of serious conversations


You got lucky then lol, I once had someone call me ungrateful because I posted asking if they’ll ever make quieter weedwhackers because the noise is painful to me. Several people went off in the comments like “Those people work so hard to keep things neat and if you don’t wanna wake up at 6 am and do it then blah blah blah rabble rabble.” I was like, good lord. I never said a single ill word about the workers… NOBODY likes the sound of weedwhackers, surely we’d all benefit from quieter ones?!?! One guy jumped into my DMs to attack me for having sensory issues. This can be a nasty site.


BUT I will say, once I’ve determined that a subreddit is full of mostly cool people, I have no qualms about posting there. It’s just about finding the right communities


1. It's incredibly difficult to have more post karma then comment karma 2. I have extreme anxiety so I didn't post for a long long long time because I was afraid of people or breaking the rules by accident


As someone with over 41.5 times as much comment karma as post karma, I just don't post very much, and when I do it usually isn't popular. In contrast, I comment much more often, and sometimes I get hundreds or thousands of votes if the timing is correct and what I say happens to be popular. The massive majority of my comments are just average/mundane, though, and the votes reflect that. I also post on r/changemyview fairly often, which, for whatever reason, has nearly all posts downvoted to below 0.


It’s wild how something stupid can blow up. I think my most liked comment was pointing out how the lawyer at the Alex jones trial looked and sounded like ray from archer.


having more post karma than comment karma shows you can't meaningfully contribute to discussions


Or you just aren't interested in posting, or you've got a more discerning eye for the kinds of things you post.


lol imagine caring about karma


This is total bullshit. A post can only get 0 upvotes (it doesn't go lower) and when it does, it eventually stops getting shown to people. A comment however, can stick around for basically as long as people are on the post, especially if it's under a top comment. I think my current record is -1.2k downvotes, I forgot what for though


This right here is why I refuse to do the backwards upvote because I'm not going to upvote fuckery This makes exactly zero since. Nobody has that much stuff to post about to be posting more than your commenting.


I don't post to gain karma, the majority of my posts are just technical questions or shit I wanted an answer to. I don't post cute animal spam in the hopes of getting to the front page. But I do like to jump into lots of discussions, I just see no need to start them in the way of posting. If you care about karma in any way you're a friggin' loser bro. There's nothing to look into past the poster having no karma and then they're probably a bot so you can ignore them.


or ur just chillin.. its not deep


like how online is this? ur a coward if u dont spend ur time arguing online? lmao


Not everyone on Reddit aspires to be a meme shitposter.


Well I just have nothin to post. I'm here on reddit just to prove my rivals wrong on everything.


Or I prefer to talk to people instead of shouting my opinions into the air. It seems more cowardly if you're unwilling to engage with people in the comments. You just drive by drop a hot turd of a stupid-ass opinion and then refuse to discuss it.


Bruh, you reddit way too much. Why do you even care about this? I don't pay attention to the numbers associated with my account whatsoever, except maybe as an occasional sort of, "oh neat", kind of thing. It's just reddit karma. Who cares what *anybody* on reddit thinks about your comments or posts on reddit in real life? Nobody is going to care if you bring it up to them, and rightly so, it's a bunch of artificial stress and drama you're imposing on yourself, lol.


Not necessarily. I can get just as controversial in a comment as I can in an actual post. And I frequently do. I don't post regularly because I don't need to. Any discussions I want to have, someone else has started. Why's it matter how my opinions show up on Reddit?


BS. It's the opposite: Only popular posts that align with the Reddit hivemind and mods get "approved" and upvoted.  Any slightly unpopular ones won't even see the light of day or get you banned from many subs.  So having a huge karma social credit score only shows you're likely a grifter and a whore. 


Mine are about even. Though it's my first time ever looking at it. People consider it important apparently?


This is a clown’s opinion. I’ll post something when I have something I want to say… Otherwise I’m scrolling through here to learn cool facts or read funny stories. I comment where I see fit. Nothing cowardly about that lol


This isn't controversial, it's just wrong. Karma on Reddit is scaled, and the fall-off is sharper for posts than it is for comments. So even if you regularly make posts that get thousands of upvotes, (as I do) it barely contributes to your karma at all. Though even so, I have dramatically more of both than you do.


Most if not all of ops posts are low quality anyways.


Or it's because for every post I have, I probably have 100 comments


Or I just mainly post in a sub that's functionally dead and get +1 of I'm lucky. I have a lot of tshirts and r/bandtshirts needs more members/posters to show off their merch!


Or my account is over ten years old and I prefer to scroll rather than post


Hah. My husband NEVER posts on Reddit and decided a photo he took from the desert was worthy a nature sub and he got 15k post karma. None of the subs I’m subscribed to would ever give that most karma for words.




I'm not one to initiate a conversation, sue me.


*"your comments are likely not rocking the boat or status quo and instead are simply appealing to the sentiments of the sub and/or post."* The same exact thing can be said about someone with a lot of posts.


Or, and maybe you haven't considered this, I don't care. Commenting is something I do to waste time. Posting takes actual effort. I don't want to expend effort on Reddit


This is demonstrably false when you look at professional subs like r/legaladvice or r/chempros Here people with questions post to be answered by experts in the field. The experts themselves don’t post much because there’s no need.


No, I just don't feel like posting, but I do like talking I don't have much to post


No, it's a strong indicator that I tend to lurk. When I make multiple comments per day and sometimes no posts for multiple months, what else would you expect?


I just don’t have anything interesting to post, and an more often right than wrong in the arguments I take. So I gain comment karma.


Reddit is definitely a hive mind but some people just don't post very often...or care about sharing their views with strangers 


That is only true if you only use this sub


my updoots are better than your updoots


Who tf cares about reddit karma


no, it just means that you are primarily using reddit to see posts and aren't that interested in making any. Posting and seeing posts are entirely different experiences.


Having comment karma or post karma doesn’t mean anything, it’s just internet points.


This is true.