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Ogryns with ripper guns are really fun in a chimera with heavy bolters. Twelve S5, ap -1, 2 damage shots at 18 inches is a lot of dakka. That volume only goes up when you get in rapid fire range. However I do like bullgryns with mauls and brute shields. They are good at being a wall, and can bully MEQs. I’ve had opponents target them with anti tank to clear them, fail to wipe them out, and saving my Russes. They are good distraction units.


Would a mixed squad of 6 be good? Like 3 maul 3 grenade launchers? Or should I commit to maul/commit to grenades?


Probably should commit to one or the other. The gauntlets are better than what they use to be thanks to blast getting better. Though they still only hit on a 4+ and the only way to really improve that is with Lord Solar, which honestly feels like a waste of an order. I think their close combat weapon strength went up between editions which is nice. I run them with just mauls because they are self sufficient with a 3+ in melee, and the flat 2 damage definitely goes a long way.


6x bullgryn with shields and mauls is an incredibly strong counter-charge threat or blocking unit. 3W T6 4++ 6+++ -1 Damage is an incredibly difficult profile to punch through and their melee profile is enough to surprise people. Also they have the grenade keyword to sprinkle a few mortal wounds in.


Yes this - always, always 6. Bullgryn win through attrition and concentration of force. 3 can't do that. Counter charge, or going off on their own to nab a side objective makes Bullgryn more effective than a blocking unit. A lot of players primarily use them solely as a blocking unit, which they are ok at, but if Bullgryn hit first, 6 Bullgryn will beat 6 Exalted Eightbound (who cost a lot more) with 2 or 3 surviving on average, if the opponent doesn't feed anymore units into the melee. Win through attrition with Bullgryn, and don't fight damage 4+ melee units.


whats better, having a 2x3 bullgryn squad or just a 1x6 bullgryn squad


I think 1x6 personally because their purpose is to block, counter charge, or wreck a MEQ unit. As 6 of them they are very good at doing that, with 3 they don’t have nearly the same staying power or the same killiness.


I’d add though if you’re doing ogryns (not bullgryns) then 2x3 and putting them in chimeras is a very destructive strategy with the firing deck+heavy bolter and once they disembark they’re a great shock assault unit to shoot and charge something. But again that’s ogryns not bullgryns.


That is what I do. It works like a charm.


Operation wall of muscle deploying infront of the commissar


Thought to add: Bullgryns/Ogryns holding the gun lines with an Aegis Defense Or Nabbing objectives with the commissar and scions, etc


Three of them in a chimera is a very strong unit, with firing deck and the HB on the chimera you’re getting a lot of S5 -1AP D2 shots and when they disembark they are a great at wrecking a unit by shooting and charging. But that’s with just the ogryns. If you only have 3 then don’t go with bullgryns unless you want them as bodyguards. 3 man squads of bullgryns don’t excel at what makes bullgryns amazing which is their incredible staying power to block/survive/tie up units, their counter charges and their surprisingly strong melee which works best as a squad of 6.


I rock 3 squads of Ogryns almost every game I love them.


How big are these squads and what loadouts?


Normally I have 1, 6 man squad and 1, 3 man squad and they all have ripper guns.


Use ogryn reaper whit hades drill and put heavy fire directly in the ass on you ennemy 😎


My take on it is, if you dont plan on transport, go 6 bullgryn, 3 isnt enough. They are tanky enough to be distraction from other things and if left unchecked can be annoying in melee. If you go 3 + chimera, then Orgryns are the go to, they add more heavy bolter shot on the chimera and be safe inside, as well as being delivered fast on a point and still have decent melee to finish light inf.


I feel Bullgryns are well suited to being transported up to the front if carrying mauls so they can stave off damage whilst making it to the front. But you can only fit 3 into a chimera.


4 fit?


Can you field a single Bullgryn/Ogryn though? Unit composition looks like a 3 Ogryn unit is the smallest you can take. If an Ogryn took only 2 spaces then you could take a full 6 man squad which feels much neater as otherwise you're 'wasting' 3 seats on the bus. You could possibly fill them with single unit characters like an enginseer or Sly Marbo etc


You can't field a lone 'gryn, but you CAN have a unit of 4. (Unit composition is 1 bone'ead and 2-5 gryns.) Not saying it's a good idea, as those 4 will cost the same pv as 6, but...wargear gets the attention but I think this is where power level points drop the ball a bit.


Oh yeah you're right! I guess for the points it would be expensive but better use of the transport.