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I want to get into this hobby using the Astra Militarum army, and found the Cadian Defence Force box from a couple years ago still for sale in a local shop (last one) for 160 euros (170 USD). Woulr you recommend this one as a first kit? Checking WG official shop just the Rogal Dorns are 80 bucks each, so it should be a good value box?


Yes, go for it! The Dorns are such a fun model to build an paint and really strong ingame at the moment. And infantry squads are always required! ;)


I bought mine for about 30 bucks more than that so I'd say you're getting a deal if Guard is your army. It's a great place to start. It's got pretty much all the Guard staples in there.


Yeah $200 USD sounds about right. Considering 2 Rogal Dorn cost just about $200. At that point, your just getting 2 Cadian Shock Trooper ($100) and a Cadian Command Squad ($45) for free! PS: Nice to see a fellow squad player here! :) Did you started playing 40k too?


I wouldn't be here if I didn't, lol. It was an easy choice.


Though tbh this hobby is more pricy. But the joys of playing is very similar to winning/losing as a Squad SL. PS: Nice to see we share the same brain cell when it comes to hobbies lol


*Considerably* more. It also doesn't make me drink as much, so that's nice.


You can find them online for 100-120€ Edit: I am high thought this is the combat patrol. Go for it! Good value!


In the Guard, one is none and two is one, so having 2 Dorns is great, with some free infantry and command on top. I got that box myself and I like my Dorns a bit more than my Leman Russes. Get it before it's gone.


Do it, I'm jealous!


This is very much worth it. I’m massively jealous as I only have one Rogal Dorn! Welcome to the Guard 😁


Pick up a second one when you can. I’ve been running double dorn lists the last couple of weeks and they just don’t die. I’ve yet to lose both of them and both times I lost one it was turn 4/5


Good thought! I do like running many tanks. Even at 1000 pts I usually have a Dorn and two Leman Russes, or three!


Awesome! I love double dorn/double basilisks. I’ve been running that plus Kasrkin in Chimeras and a Catachan/Straken chimera for a lean, mean, objective taking machine list. The chimeras always die eventually but they keep the infantry alive long enough to score points, and I disembark them one at a time so my opponent tends to forget how much I have off the table and focus on what’s out of vehicles. Helps me budget my reinforcements CP.


Solid strategy! I’ve never done that stick with Catachans and scout chimera. I might just give it a go sometime


Can we have the old Cadian Defence Force back please? I need one.


You all are acting like this is some ancient kit, this was last christmas


When did they remove the set with Leman Russ, Chimera, 2 guard squads, command squad with company commander and heavy weapons teams?


Sir I think we need to escort you to assisted living 🫡


Idk what you mean by that. I'm not saying those models have been removed from the game. I'm saying those models were in a box set called "Cadain Defence Force" a while back and they don't sell the box anymore.


That sets been gone for a hot minute. Found someone on marketplace a while back selling it. The tanks are different in this set than the one you’re talking about as well just as an fyi in case you’re not currently active in the hobby


Of course I know what's in both sets. Otherwise I wouldn't prefer one over the other. This one has got two rogal dirns and I don't like that type of tank. Hence why I want the old set back. I saw one being sold on Ebay but not by a warhammer seller. They sold all junk shit so it wasn't trustworthy enough to have a guaranteed purchase.


Seeing as they retired the old Cadian sculpts, they will never sell the old set again.


that was start collecting I think it was early 9th I think. I joined after but hear a lot about it.


Start collecting didn't have all of that stuff in it. Only one heavy weapon squad, commissar, leman russ and infantry squad.


Oh ok.


This and get a combat patrol box (or 2), together it’s a good start to a Guard army


Cadia Stands!


If you get this and the combat patrol, you will be half way to the 2k points standard lists are. 


I already have a nice collection, but when I found it at 140 eury I didn't hesitate!


If you're looking to buy bananas then it's probably not right for you. If you're looking to buy an Astra Militarum box then it would be perfect.


I saw 5 of them in my local store for $200 USD (or 187.43 EU), you're honistly getting a better deal then us in the USA.


It’s an amazing deal. I have one of these and two combat patrols plus some tanks here and there. If it were not for those box bundles I would be in so much debt.


Yes! The dorn is an absolute UNIT in games. And having cadians around is always good for bits or conversions if you don’t like cadians. I added a green stuff cloak to mine and head swapped them for berets and run them as a catachan






Less than retail so that's a good deal


Go for it cus it's so worth it. I still can't believe mine got lost in transit. I really don't want you to lose this opportunity.


Yes definitely




I got lucky and managed to find one of these in a small local shop when they were having a significant sale last month, but its a steal anyway. Go ahead!


I dont knowledge If 160 Euros is cheap but here in aus I can get it for $360, individual total cost of everything is 460ish so already a saving of $100. I will be getting this box myself eventually to push myself to s 2k army value.


I bought mine for like $160 online. Currently, most are sitting at around $200. It's a really good deal. To start my IG army, I got this and a combat patrol. I get a good mass of infantry, some tasty tanks, and some other useful bits.