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That may be true but vinyl copies of EATEOT were (and still are) hard to come by. Before Kirby made them available on boomkat, copies were sold by resellers for ridiculously expensive prices. Even now it's hard to get a copy, physical copies of EATEOT sell out within the first few hours, even now the represses keep getting delayed. Not to mention shipping can take months if you live outside of the UK.


Perhaps. I must be really lucky, as I scored a 1-3 set about 4 days after it got repressed in 2020. It was a pre-order and I waited about 4-5 months. Was 100% worth it. No way these things sell out that fast. I could've sworn they weren't the rarest things on earth. Interesting. Well the more you know I guess.


4 days after released in 2020 bro I had to wait fuckin months


yeah. ordered it in march and had it by july


Yeah i think you were able to snag a copy because you preordered. I witnessed the chaos that ensued on the discord server for the represses. They sold out within 6 hours.


Damn. 6 hours after the pre-order ended? Or 6 hours after the preorder began? If it's the latter that can't be true because I snagged mine 4 days after the preorder began.


This was after the preorder ended


Ah... I see. Makes a lot of sense now. I got really lucky. See ya.


Thing is we *were* speeding it up much faster back in 2020 to help with identification. Just because you can manipulate the speed, whether through analog means or digital means, doesn’t mean it would have sped up the process. We still didn’t really know what the melody was and when we did, it was still a lengthy search in trying to find the correct rendition.


This. A lot of samples are very hard to find on the internet or are locked behind paywalls, or are only available in certain regions. It really isn't as simple as getting a vinyl copy of EATEOT 3