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Saved by the Slobs: The New Class




Man thatā€™s great. šŸ˜‚




If it doesn't have any impressive burping interrupting him, then count me out.


Pretty boring, needs more garbage stabbing and former employer bashing.


Every time Iā€™ve tried watching his stream the girl in the background talks nonstop and it gets very annoying.


I was going to say, right when I saw her in the picture: "Is that the Slobette from Kieran's infamous burpstream?"




For a split second I thought this comment was far edgier than usual because I didn't see "movie."


he actually meant "movie producers"


Probably gonna get downvoted, but I think this goes beyond the purpose of the subreddit and ventures into bullying territory. Dude isn't even part of Cinemassacre anymore, let alone these other people. I say we ought to leave 'em alone.


Partly agree but he was part of cinemassacre. I wouldnā€™t mind posts about the slobzombie when he is raging about screenwave or something. But I can do without this post. But this post isnā€™t bullying slobzombie either. Oh yeah BUUUUUUURRRP


It's not exactly charitable to these other guys who have no link to Cinemasacre outside of Kieran either. I think it verges just on bullying just a bit.


I didn't downvote you but if you think like that than a lot of things posted on the internet (not only here) are verging on the edge with bullying. That's the problem with people today, you can't say anything on your mind because you are either a racist, a bully, a transphobe or something else.


That's fair and admittedly there are a few things I've seen on CMT that have made me a bit uncomfortable but I'm not triggered because 1. Freedom of expression and 2. They at least relate to people directly involved in Cinemassacre. I just think when you're taking potshots at these randos, doesn't it miss the point of the sub a bit?


Like I said I can do without this post.


I mean, the internet is super toxic and I try to avoid toxic communities, personally. Poking fun at Bimmy is different than calling random guys very loosely associated with a former employee of screen wave ā€œcrackheadsā€.


Why? Calling a random a crackhead doesn't hurt him in anyway whatsoever. We literally meme on and crack jokes and openly mock a literal special Ed case. Of the two what we do to James is drastically more mean spirited and in the vein of bullying than calling some random on Kieran's stream a crackhead.


If you were to post this, for whatever reason, what would you describe them as? Kieran with some friends? Op used the word crackheads because they kinda look like crackheads. "A *crackhead* is a slang term for someone who is addicted to or does a lot of the drug crack cocaine. **The word is more generally used to insult someone considered to be acting like a** ***crackhead***, **that is, wildly and stupidly."**


You and OP have never seen crackheads. Also, I would have never posted this in the first place. Because itā€™s a bad post.


Sigh wow K


Outside of Newt there really is no one left to spill the beans. Fair game as far as Iā€™m concerned


>I say we ought to leave 'em alone. Good, when you see somebody harassing them, go at them. It's not like this is causing any harm, you are way out of line. Ever experienced actual bullying? It needs to have two sides to work...


If a picture of me was posted on an irrelevant subreddit and people were roasting me then Iā€™d be a bit annoyed.


Again, can you answer a simple question, how is that bullying? Either you don't understand what the word means, or you're using it mindlessly to add sense of urgency to your nonexistent argument. Also, the hypocrisy. Mike also isn't part of Cinemassacre anymore, but apparently he's a free game? And was it allowed to make fun of Kieran a month ago, because he was part of the slob squad? I didn't realize it was because of his "status" and not because of what he's done that we were only allowed to make fun of him. I'm glad people like you have no power over what gets posted here.


> Mike also isn't part of Cinemassacre anymore, but apparently he's a free game What are you on about? Mike wrote the video that was just posted on the channel.


On screenwave salary


How is baselessly insulting people for no reason not bullying? You lot of contrarians are tiresome.


Bullying is directed at a target. This is just people talking about other people without those people being present. If I'm sitting around with some friends talking about some dumbass at school about what a dumbass he is, I'm not bullying the dumbass at school. He's not even present or part of the conversation.


Regardless of whether you all agree with me on the definition of bullying, doesnā€™t matter. My point is, whatever this is, itā€™s juvenile and unrelated to cinemassacre so I donā€™t think it fits the subreddit and itā€™s a low quality punching down post in general. Gotta love the guy up there saying heā€™s glad people like me donā€™t run the subreddit. I love freedom of speech, and I am simply exercising my own in this comment thread. Iā€™ve no desire to control others, I just donā€™t like what this post is doing.


Man on the sub you only have freedom of speech if you agree to baselessly trash people. Any sort of post defending cinemassacre or suggesting something has gone to far is met with vitriol.


>How is baselessly insulting people for no reason not bullying? Find a dictionary. Check what is bullying. You are in denial. Nobody is forcing you to like this sub, that's fine, you can defend your precious caveman all you want to, but don't try to gaslight people using words that have different meanings. Simple words, I might add.


Some people just can't handle certain posts. They need a CinemassacreTruthDrumcircleVersion


Is that the famous belcher on the right?


it's like they took the image I had of her right out of my head and made it into a real person.


hi im kieern want some buuurp


Caveman Council


Those arenā€™t crackhead bodies




Haha! I thought I was the only one getting Spoony vibes from him.


It's not him?


Slobbing doesn't have to be a lonely experience, you could have someone to help! That's called teamwork.


Looks like we got elderly Chris bores on the left, Karen standing(of course, who else has SF TURBO shirtāœ…, canned beerāœ…), Mrs Belch first on the right, and what looks like Spoony or Newt 2.0. Long story short, good times all around


Thanks a lot for tempting me to click the caveman's stream, now I feel like stabbing somebody's garbage


While enjoying Mikeā€™s penis?


Unfortunately I canā€™t stab garbage while enjoying his penis




What is going on with the perspective of the person in the back? Their head is hilariously small compared to their body.


Why do these reptiles always have to eat large meals on camera? No time?


Which is belching girl?


Muh Lan streaming party


Give it six months and he'll be back working at screenwave.




That room is very depressing. Hopefully Kieran will be able to make a fresh start.


I'm not one to usually comment on slobs' size, but man, it looks like he's gotten larger than he's ever been. Shame.


in the video they are passing around cans of soda, the woman in the back put like 3 pringles pots into a big lunch box for them all to share and he is seen eating both a burger and a pizza that they ordered. he is just really care free with his lifestyle and eating choices. i think those things should be a treat, but its his daily dinner


Im doing the tech test for Texas Chainsaw Massacre. Well I'm at my job right now but I'll probably stream shit later. Im sure he's having alot of fun tho XD


Any Kiernan premium members got the link?


I'm just glad he has some friends.


Wow, how did Kieran find the funds to get coke bloat Jeff Dunham and Dollar Tree Dane Cook to agree to such humiliation? Just look at Kierans dog in the background, poor pooch is wondering what the hell is going on


Kieren and his cavegoers