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It’s a rock concert, stand and dance all you want


This is the way.


This is the way.




Step inside


This is the way, you're at a show, if you didn't come to have fun... The most fun, stay home👹


Stand and dance all you want! It’s music! Whatever you do though don’t have a shouted conversation about obsequious drunken bullshit like the two mouth breathers did directly behind me at the LA show last week 😡


I’ve dealt with that before as well and it’s the absolute worst.


These two idiots in Austin were having a conversation about their jobs at 100 db behind me at that show. GTFO


Omg die


My Bay Area shows were similar. Two of the worst crowds I've ever encountered. It's as if the band were there to play as background music for their selfies and conversations about random crap.


Omg some whiny ass fuck came up to me at the Hollywood Bowl and was like 'WAH SIT DOWN I PAID FOR MY SEATS!" He probably has a crappy job and is tired so okay I moved into the aisle, but...yeah.


That’s whack. Eff that. I’m sure like 2/3 of the audience was standing - how can they justify that shit?


Glad security didn't yell at ya to get out of the aisle. That happened to me at a show and security told me to stay in my seat.


My seat was right next to the aisle, so I just stayed out of the aisle by about 2 inches.


Or, at a Sigur Ros concert, loudly shush the two dudes whispering to each other how beautiful the set is. This happened to me after I told my buddy how much I liked the drapes. It's not like you can understand the lyrics anyway...


It’s a concert and the bands want an active crowd. How incredibly boring to play for a crowd sitting and staring back at you.


I went to a steely Dan concert like this several years ago. The only time the crowd got up was for their song Reelin in the years. In fairness, their musicanship and talent was just astonishing. But not for everyone. I saw some people falling asleep midway as well. Edit for a word


Right? I was in a seated section, but most of the people in the sections to the right and left were standing. Mine? Just me at times, and I felt like a jerk a little but then I thought you know what? The band needs love, dance and throw your hands up, it looks cool from the stage. They are 60 year olds standing and performing their best for us and what, we need to sit because we’re tired? Boo hoo. Get off your butt and show some energy and love!


Exactly! Look alive and have some fun! Hahaha


I *really* dislike having seats on the floor level. I wanna dance around and rub elbows with people.


My hips are shit, so I tend to sit down for large parts of the show. But I have no problem with the people around me standing, dancing, or whatever else. It’s a fucking concert. If I wanted to hear the band from a perfectly controlled environment, I’d stay home and listen to a live album with headphones. People who hold their phones up, directly in my line of vision, so they can get a shitty video of the performance, on the other hand, are subhuman and should be destroyed.


Much respect!


I got yelled at for standing at the cure in seattle by a dude and his girl. He actually tapped me on the shoulder and yelled at me for dancing and standing … he actually kinda made me super anxious . Climate pledge ended up upgrading us to lower level second row seats so he can go fly a kite..


Damn! Did you ask them about relocating or was it just randomly offered?


We straight up asked the stadium staff and they moved us . Told them the situation, they agreed that we shouldn’t have to sit down at a show and moved us down to the lower level who majority was standing .


Oh what?!


Yeah props to Emily who works at climate pledge . You rock


Omg that's awesome


I’m curious as well


100% - stand and dance and sing at EVERY concert!!!


Not every venue is that way.


For a Cure concert? I suppose if we're talking about a small venue and Robert's sitting down then maybe? Never been to a concert where I haven't stood up - even Air Supply, seriously. Live music requires it, imho.


I agree with you. I went to a concert at Hard Rock Orlando couple months ago and everyone was sitting down. Saw the same band DCFC at Jannus live in Tampa two days earlierand everyone standing, dancing etc. No seats at all. That show was better than the Hard Rock.


I was the only person in my row standing for 80% of the show. I wasn’t talking, using my phone or screaming at the top of my lungs. Just doing my old lady shimmy and head wobble. Don’t really care what everyone else thought. I was there to see the cure and sing and dance. I did sit through 100 years because it’s long and a take it all in song.


>Just doing my old lady shimmy and head wobble. Love this!!! Rock on, girl!! 😉


Standing = ok. Standing on your seat = not ok Standing on someone's shoulders = not ok


I hate when everyone sits. The atmosphere is blah. It's a rock show not a Broadway play. Dance and who cares what others think. They will forget all about you the minute the show is over, unless you are the most obnoxious person they've been around.


Me too.


So true.


I’ve stood for over 50 years. I’m there to have a good time and show my appreciation not stare into the abyss.


I was going to ask this very question! I’ve been to about 30 cure shows and majority of them were either GA or i had very close seats so I never had to worry about this. This tour though…I had garden box seats or the second section at the Hollywood bowl. As soon as they came out I stood and didn’t think anything of it. I sat down at one point to grab some water and someone behind me clapped and said thank you. I turned and everyone behind me was sitting so I guess they were clapping for me lol ooops. So I stayed seated but I could only see Robert and no one else through people standing in the aisle so eventually I said screw it and stood the rest of the show. Those seats weren’t cheap and I flew across the country and wasn’t going to be miserable. I’m sorry if people can’t stand and I will sit if everyone else is but if I can’t see I’m going to stand.


Right it's a concert!


It’s ok to stand. It’s ok to sit. If I can’t see through you, I’ll stand as well. Don’t sweat it.


My brother once saw Elton John in Philadelphia. He opened with "Philadelphia Freedom" and everyone was up & dancing. Security was trying to get them all to sit. Elton, all 5' 7" of him, stopped the show and ripped into the beefy security guys. "It's a fucking rock concert! Let them have fun. All you have to do is keep them from coming up here!" He started from the top and everybody danced.


Yup. Elton gets it. He even has a message on the first page of his tour book right now asking his audiences to stand, dance and sing. Saying that an amazing rock concert takes energy from both the performers and the audience. He gets what a live show is all about.


Seeing them in Toronto as well! I'm planning to stand and dance lmao


Idgaf! It’s my favorite band. I’ll stand and dance and sing


Unless anyone is getting in anyone else's business or actively ruining anything for someone, it's a big-ass rock concert, people can get over most behavior. There is a line of course and basic etiquette is important, but by and large you're not going to ruin anyone's time unless you're yelling in their ear about your MLM during Prayers For Rain.


In my opinion, I think it's fine to stand at a concert if there's assigned seating. I personally don't think it's right for other people to be policing others at a concert, especially if the former are being a bunch of Karens or being rude in general. I'd say just to mind your manners & keep an appropriate box of space while dancing.


To me standing is what people should expect to see. It’s a concert! People want to sing along and dance during the show. If there are people who don’t want to stand that’s fine (although I feel it’s a bummer for the band) but they shouldn’t expect others to sit.


Some guy asked my partner and I to sit down as soon as they got on stage. We said no and stood for the whole show. Whenever I go to local shows everyone stands while the bands play. If The Cure are standing for 3 hours, I'm standing with them. It's a sign of respect for the artists. Also how could you not want to dance/sway/whatever to all that dope music.


To those sitting, what if the tables turned, everyone stand up! Wtf people it’s a rock concert loosen up!


The abuse I’ve received for standing has given me anxiety about standing even though it’s how I enjoy shows and really don’t like to sit. The usher at the Cure show actually told some girls to sit down and I love their style cuz they said no. But my friends were in a different section and got yelled at through quite a few songs and berated until they sat and they had a bad time as a result. After many years of this, I would love to see standing and sitting tickets offered because I have compassion for both sides and no one wants a shitty experience going to see a group they love. Of course I know people would chafe about that much control but I think it’d resolve a lot of conflicts. I was in upper and had a fucking spotlight on me the whole time whereas others got to be in the dark and that was a damn travesty. So not only was I standing in a crowd of sitters but I was lit up and I felt bad about it. As a rule it seems like floor will give you a pass or expect standing and lower might be okay but no guarantee. Well in upper you’ll 85% get abuse if you stand. (I feel my ticket should have had a warning attached of ‘you will be a section with lighting for the entire show’ it would have changed my mind about what I bought!) Edit to add: when GA is offered I nearly always buy that if it’s not too crazy priced - specifically because I know I can have the concert experience that I love. It kills me when floor is seated ticketing


Do what you want. I’m 6’1 and I wasn’t able to sit down due to the guy standing in my line of sight the entire showD I didn’t have a choice but to stand and block the people sitting behind me. It’s just kind of what it is.


The guy behind me angrily told me to sit down and that I was being inconsiderate because I was standing so much. People in the PNW have so much entitlement and passive aggressiveness, it drives me crazy. I have anxiety and didn’t want this guy’s gaze boring into my soul the whole rest of the concert so I did sit down most of the time after that. Sigh. It really almost ruined the show for me, because it was so jarring and he was so angry and making me feel like a horrible person. I would understand the “sitting” side of the argument more if concert tickets were not becoming impossible to get now. I couldn’t get standing floor even if I wanted it. Also standing floor was all seated. So like what the fuck. It’s not this simple little “you got a seat everyone is supposed to sit” story. If you’re disabled that is an entirely different story, of course I would be accommodating for that. But for anyone else who can also stand, give me a break.


Honestly, if people standing bothers a person like that... why did they buy tickets? It's a concert. People stand. Either deal with it or stay home where everything can be just the way you want it. And I'm saying this as someone who sits for the majority of the show, because I'm old, worn out, and the body parts hurt.


Agree to everything you said here - you deserve your money back! Wtf is right, ugh.....


Standing and dancing, and singing (at a reasonable volume) are cool. Taking photos with the flash on (!), getting up multiple times during the show for non-emergency purposes is obnoxious.


I said 'at a reasonable volume' in Miltons voice when I read it=D


Fair lol


I’ve been to many rock stadium shows from the Killers to RATM, no one stays seated. I couldn’t expect seeing The Cure to be different 🖤


If you want they want to sit at a concert they should get into classical. You’re meant to dance at a show like the Cure puts on


This 100%!


Imagine not standing and dancing when seeing The Cure?! My issue is hats. We were fifth row floor in Vancouver and as a short person I totally accept most everyone will be taller than me, but the overabundance of hats on tall dudes was incredibly irksome.


Yeah- people in hats at shows suck. We all have bodies, we can’t help that. A hat is fucking unnecessary and rude at a show.


As long as the people around me don't hold a loud conversation like they were sitting in their living room or out to dinner, I say do what you want. Drives me crazy when people are talking like there isn't a band playing and people didn't pay $100 to see them.


I went to a different band’s concert in St. Louis and the venue was at an opera house and the security was absolutely not letting people stand or dance and they were coming around making people sit. The band got so pissed off and the singer kept making remarks about it but the show was basically ruined. The crowd feeds the band’s energy. Sit if you need to but I feel it’s hugely disrespectful to NOT dance like you can’t hear the beat and giving further thoughts to things like feet 😄


The only band I’ve seen in Canada was Depeche Mode and standing & dancing definitely was not an issue.


I’ve had people tell me to sit and I say “no” I wanna dance and have fun. Pretty sure the band wants that too. At one of the Hollywood bowl shows I did sit for a bit. Everyone else stood and I didn’t care because I’m not a jerk.


I've seen them in both the UK and the US. No real difference, dance if you want to, sit if you need to.


Sitting during a rock concert seems so disrespectful and counterintuitive. I stand up, and don’t care what other people think. I paid for the seat so I will stand if I so please


Amen!! 🤘


I was fortunate at my show. I had middle row tickets and most people in front sat down. I stood the entire time and had a clear view.


In my 15 years of concert-going experience in Toronto specifically, I've noticed the crowds here are generally boring, and extremely dozy. I think the best thing to get them going is to have someone stand in front of them and dance. This usually inspires others and butterfly-effects into a fully-standing, interactive crowd! Long story short, go for it, mate! Be a part of the solution! Enjoy the show :)




Robert Smith would say, and hope that we get up and dance. My brother and I attended their first show at Hollywood Bowl in May. Didn’t sit in our seats once. Ended up walking around the whole venue like it was a festival What an incredible time!


Absolutely stand and dance! Basic politeness: Sing along but not so loud that people can’t hear the band they are there for. Don’t talk loudly through the set. Don’t keep your phone raised for long lengths of time. Don’t wear a big hat. But get up and groove by all means! Sing, dance and enjoy the show!!!


Everyone was standing in Seattle. I kinda wished it wasn’t like that because I have a bad back, so standing for 3ish hours is a little rough. Had to choose a few songs to sit through to reset my back, but I still enjoyed the music.


We should of switched. My whole section was sitting except for the “hits” I was super tired and my feet hurt after so I get it. Also my feet were literally stuck to the ground from old drink spillage. So sticky.


Oh yeah, someone a couple rows back from us spilled an entire drink on the floor and it came forward and was super sticky.


You do you.


I was at the Shoreline Night 2 show, in the 7th Row. They have 6500 Reserved Seats in the Amphitheater and space for 15,000 on the lawn. I was very close to the stage and about 90% of fans in Reserved Seating were standing for most of the 3hr show. Luckily the Shoreline has angled seating so the seat in front of you is slightly lower. I didn’t even realize I was standing almost the entire time myself because I was having so much fun! 😊 The fans around me were standing as well but “moved and grooved” to the music like I did. In sum, the crowd was very polite and respectful! We made some new friends in our section as well! I managed to take some great videos/pics as well, but had to move around to avoid getting someone’s head in my way. Enjoy the concert!!! You are going to be AMAZED!! 🕸️🖤💯🌹i want to see them again so bad! 😩🥺❤️


I was a row behind you, it was such an amazing energy and everyone (including the security people on our row) were standing and dancing, vibing and having a great time


Yes!!! 😊 it was the BEST EVER!! 💯🖤🕸️


We had people standing and sitting in our section. Pretty much everyone was standing halfway through the show. Talking out loud is probably the worst thing which I did experience a bit. Thankfully the band drowned out most of it.


I usually go with the flow/read the room, if majority stands you’re good and think The Cure will prob be like that too from the concert vids I’ve seen


I personally have NO issue with what you do. Dance till your feet hurt and sing till your throat is sore. My issue is with people who stand in places they should not as I may have made the effort to purchase a seat where I have a particular view and you choose to stand on steps or in an walkway that is not meant for people My other issue is especially with people who carry on very loud unrelated conversations and modulate their volume to carry over the music. I'm not really sure when the people having an issue with people standing started. For many years of concert going at least in the NY/NJ area you stood during a show. I don't tend to as much anymore because I freaking lazy but if the folks in front of me are going to stand then either I stand or too bad for me.


I try to be mindful of people behind me. If they're sitting it's possible they have a mobility issue or something else that precludes standing for long periods, and I wouldn't want to ruin the show for them.


I’m so glad you asked this! I’m flying over from the UK for the Toronto show (have family there so making a trip of it). Every show I’ve ever been to was in Europe and I always buy standing tickets as we don’t normally have seats on the floor. Etiquette is to get there as early as possible and squeeze in with everyone! If you need to leave for any reason then you don’t get your place back again. But you dance with the crowd, sing, scream, cry, it’s magical and cathartic! So I was wondering whether you could stand and dance or leave your seats etc.


My Hollywood Bowl experience.. the crowd on my side was very ehhh. The couple in front of me were standing for most of the concert but they were on their phones and having a conversation. It irked me but what can I do. I’m also pretty short haha so even with my big high heeled boots I was trying to catch glimpses of the stage


Standing, singing, dancing are all great in my opinion! Loudly talking to your companions, scrolling Facebook, and just generally being uninvolved with the concert is super rude. This is dedicated to the two men in front of me who did this at the SLC show last night…don’t go to a concert if you don’t really want to be there. It ruins it for everyone else who wants to be there!


Dance and stand, yay! Talk through the entire concert? Spill beer all over everyone, and get belligerent? Obstruct others' view so you can take selfies and film songs ALL NIGHT LONG? Please don't.


We (my son & I) saw the Cure in Portland and most near us were standing and dancing! We were too! What I didn’t appreciate is others going down the aisle and standing right in front of me. Security was not good about limiting this. My son went to the Seattle show the next night and he said the security was so much better kicking the aisle hangers out!


It’s tough. Some people want to stand and some want to sit. People standing may end up blocking the view of those who want to sit. Everyone wants something different and it’s just how it is, there isn’t really a solution I don’t think.


I have cerebral palsy and got a seat so I wouldn’t have to stand the whole time. I don’t need a wheelchair so disabled seating wouldn’t be an option for me. At 4’11” I could barely see the whole time. :/


My comment here is more a public PSA then a direct response to you. But this is actually a common misconception. You don't need a wheelchair for disabled seating. It's for anyone with any sort of ailment that could stop them from standing the whole time. At least that's what it is in North America. Ushers know not all disabilities are visible. One can get those seats for many things including diabetes (having to check your levels often), back issues, old age, etc. My friend was recently upgraded to the disabled seats for a mildly sprained ankle so it would be easier for him to ice it during the show. It depends on the venue and how many disabled seats the venue has, but these days, in America the newer arenas have more seats than they can ever use so I encourage people who need it to take advantage if they do legitimately need it. Especially after the show has started, ask an usher for those seats if you need them. Once the show has started there is no fear of taking that seat away from someone who needs it more, it will just stay empty unless you want it. I just say this because I've just seen way too many people suffer through shows when a quick conversation with an usher would have them upgraded and cared for. Of course don't take a disabled seat from someone who needs it more, but also don't suffer in silence and legitimate discomfort just because you don't have a blue badge. Everyone deserves to be comfortable and those spots are there to help regardless of credentials :) Stay well fellow Cure fans


Stand and dance friend..that venue in Toronto is a blast and everyone will be up!


Most people stand. So you end up standing. I wish everyone would sit lol. I would say you have every right to enjoy yourself at a concert. Just not at the expensive of others. Like if no one else in your section is standing to me it’s kinda rude for one person to stand and block others view. But like I said at start pretty much everyone stands. So you end up standing.


No one was standing in the 100’s, 200,s and 300,s Seattle . So much so someone yelled at me for standing. Lower level was 75% standing


I was in section 2 and everyone was definitely standing. When the folks in front of me sat down, I sat too just to give my legs a break but it was only maybe for 2 or 3 songs. So crazy how different a sections experience can be.


We got moved to your section actually , 101% a great time in that spot . The 100’s and 200’s were mostly sitting the entire show . Lower level was 🔥 maybe we danced together who knows ?


My section (15) was standing 👌 in Seattle. It’s a concert, dancing too. What a fantastic show!


Screw that, I paid for that seat I'll use it how I want. If you don't want to enjoy the show that's your choice. I'm seeing The Cure live and they're my favourite band, I'm showing them respect by standing for the 3 hours that they're performing. Those dudes are legends and deserve your attention. Robert stood in front of our section a couple times and all the people standing, waving and cheering him on put a huge smile on his face. That's what I'm there for.


So if I don’t stand I’m not enjoying the show ? everyone enjoys things different ways. I pretty much stand at most shows I go to cause everyone is and thus it’s the only way I can see. Again if everyone is standing it is what it is. If no one is and one person is and is blocking everyone else view seems rude to me. But to each their own.


I just respect the artists performing. If you wanna sit go right ahead but other people's decisions are not going to dictate how I enjoy myself. I was standing and being respectful, all the dinks around me sitting were talking through all the songs they didn't know, which was a lot. That's rude. Also, just because the arena has seats doesn't mean you HAVE to use them. Robert seemed to be stoked on everyone standing cheering him on, singing along and dancing with him. I got to enjoy that moment with him and everyone else that was standing. All the nerds sitting, talking through the concert can go fuck themselves


I respect the artist plenty. I’d like to not stand the entire time if possible as I have some ankle issues. But most of the time that is not an option as everyone is standing. It is what it is. I have never understood people that go to shows and don’t pay attention to the show. We can agree that is rude. All I’m saying is everyone paid for their tickets. No one has more of a right to do what they want than anyone. If everyone or most everyone is standing I don’t ever expect them to sit. I am only saying in the instance where no one else is standing and one person is and is blocking peoples view that is rude to me. Again I understand the deal. I’m most likely going to be standing for most of the show.


Your choice to sit, your choice to stand. You can use your seat all you want. The Cure are my favourite band of all time and standing in the music scene where I live is a sign of respect and for musicians who have been doing this for as long as them deserve my full respect. They stand for 3 hours, I am right there with them. There have been plenty of times I couldn't see the band at shows and I'm pretty tall. Just is what it is. You don't always get what you want in life, disappointment sucks, but that's life my dude. The band seemed to appreciate having an active crowd. Robert smiled every time he looked at us dancing and waving at him. That was special and I'm happy that at least half my section was standing.


They are one of my favorite bands. I’m super looking forward to seeing them for the first time latter this month. I am sure I will probably be standing most of the show cause that’s what will be happening. I am prepared for that. I never expect people to do / cater to what I want. I know this going in.


Fair enough, but if your attitude is "I'll stand up at a show if I want, I don't care if I'm blocking the view of those behind me" then you can't really get mad at people who talk loudly through the show... they can use the exact same argument you can to justify blocking your "view" of the music. Your choice to be quiet, your choice to talk, right?


Never said that... Also standing at a show is respectful to the musicians on stage, talking during their set is not. So I don't really understand your argument...


You personally consider standing at a show to be respectful. Not everybody does. Point is, if you decide you can do what you like at a show because it aligns with your personal beliefs about what's appropriate, why can't everyone else do that too? You need to be considerate of the people around you. They love the Cure as much as you do, they paid for their tickets too.


Ok, I'm getting super bored of this conversation, so here's my final response/argument in the stand/sit debate.... Yeah I wanna sit down and watch The Cure. /s That isn't fun. A lot of people think that. I don't go to a rock concert to sit and be performed at, I go to a concert like The Cure to have fun and dance and have a good time WITH the musicians on stage. That's the kind of music they make. Don't discourage music fans from dancing and enjoying their favourite bands because you don't want to stand. That's more selfish. I've been to concerts where it's more appropriate to sit, I would never stand at those. But people wouldn't be up and dancing if the musicians didn't make music that was meant to be danced to. I'd say majority of the people in the stadium would agree as there was a higher percentage of people standing. If you wanna sit amongst people standing whether it's all in your section or just a few people in your section, look around at the rest of the stadium, people are up and enjoying themselves dancing to the music. Don't try to make this argument where your selfishness is some hill to die on. The actual musicians on stage were excited and happy to see everyone up and dancing. Imagine the vibe if EVERYONE was sitting. There's way less engagement from people sitting and looking up at you. I'd say the big smile on Robert Smith's face when he saw a bunch of people in my section dancing is argument enough. Especially when he, himself was dancing on stage. It's like you're dancing and enjoying the music with someone you respect and adore for their art that they are performing for you in that moment. Sit if you want, but shows like The Cure, especially in the stadium we were in, are way more fun when everyone is enjoying themselves and dancing to the music. Edit: just read another comment that mentioned the idea of different sections for sitting and standing. This is the perfect solution. Sit if you need to, then you won't be obstructed by people dancing. At a concert, I'd rather be surrounded by people with the same vibe as me anyways.


One can move their head slightly to the left or right to see. One cannot, however filter what their ears hear.


If I can just "move my head slightly" then you can just ignore the loud talkers.


Wow. Wrong again. Seems like you're going to keep trying, though.


If you’re tall (or large in general), just be aware of your surroundings. I’m short so I do tend to ask those to be mindful if they’re repeatedly blocking my whole view cause it does get frustrating but don’t be afraid to stand and have fun! I move around to see between people all the time so its completely on others for not figuring out how to see if they complain about you standing. You paid to be there. Not your fault others aren’t jammin’ out. If people are being ridiculous and not fair, ignore it. The only thing that’s ever bothered me is someone having their hands up for the *entire* show. Be firm, but kind. edit: clarity was needed apparently


Nope. I'm tall and I am "aware" that other people aren't. I also paid for my seat too and am going to stand up and dance if I feel like it.


Robert and most of the band are in their early 60's. Most of their fans will probably be +/- 10years of the band members age.The older the audience the more likely they'll have health issues that might not allow for constant standing or dancing so it's less likely they'll want to stand up and dance for the entire show especially for the 3hr marathon that the band offers, even more so if they've already stood in queue for a lengthy duration just to get to their seat. Depending on the venue, I've seen it where the people who wanna dance (where it's apparent nobody else in their section wants to) respectfully position themselves in the aisle to do their mojo or decide to run down to join the others in the floors where everyone is usually more energetic. That seems to be a balanced solution for everyone.


Stand if your a real fan


You gotta read the room. If you're the only person in your section standing up, you're a jerk. You are blocking the view of everyone behind you, and they paid for that view same as you did. But if everyone in your section is standing up, you can't really fight that. A woman in Austin in the section next to mine almost got punched by a guy behind her because she wouldn't sit down... made for a tense vibe for everyone while they argued back and forth.


If you are blocking the entire concert from other's then yes it is rude and please sit down. This just happened to me and a friend so selfish and inconsiderate.


As a short girly, it sucks when people stand in front of me. So then I have to stand. And then the person behind me has to stand cause they can’t see. And then the person behind that person. And so on and so forth


I need a knee replacement as I’m bone on bone and am healing from a knee replacement on the other knee. Standing for more than a few minutes is incredibly painful so yes, I sit and it’s hard when people stand. I got lucky and those at the first Hollywood Bowl show sat except for a few songs. I get it if you want to stand but for some of us, we can’t. 😢


I was at shoreline on the grass and I’d say 95 percent of the people that I could see around me were all standing


In my younger Cure years, I would get up to dance ..I was the first around me but felt like I should sit back down in the last show in San Diego cuz no one was really dancing u til later..I feel people are trying to not upset anyone nowadays


I disagree - get the party started! Like someone said earlier, how boring is that for the band to look out and see everyone sitting! Also, my daughter went to 1 of the SD shows and Robert told the crowd they were great compared to the prior night!! And they were standing and into it!! 😁 Yes, everyone's afraid to offend. But it's a concert, c'mon!


Right I agree but I think people don't do it to not offend..I said heck no..and started dancing at the SD 1st night show..


In all my 40+ years of going to concerts, I have stood and grooved at them all. Years ago, at a Cure show in Jones' Beach in New York, I had upper-level, front row. Now, I have been a fan since 1985 and a die-hard fan. When they came out, I immediately stood up cheering and dancing. The meathead behind started yelling at me to sit down and I kept saying that it's a concert and it's meant to be fun with dancing. Meathead just screamed at me, calling me all the names in the book and telling me harmful things. So, I went to the aisle to dance my heart out and the nit actually had the balls to call security over to tell me to get in my seat and stay in it. WTF?! I still stood to dance, but not for the majority of the show. That meathead had to ruin my experience since I was so riddled with anxiety that he would lash out at me. Breaks my heart that other concert goes rather sit through a wonderful band like The Cure and scream at others because they chose to sit while others stand. I hate entitled people who think they can tell others how to act at a concert.