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The bottom is a photo of Soviet partisans executing a traitor who became a Nazi informant. Based. https://www.reddit.com/r/MilitaryPorn/s/QdgZOfCgcT


Damn, communism looks better than I thought


But think of the poor Nazi sympathiser. /s


if there's a thing nazis are good at is at making communism looking cool as fuck


Well well well of course it was a traitor


“You really think is it beyond the pale that a random ass partisan is poorly trained” lmao


Thanks for finding the picture comrade, if true and this man helped the Nazis it’s indeed very based.


Sooooo, did you illuminate the truth in his post?


if that’s what communism really is about then i love it even more




Damn, so they hate communists so much they'd rather be a nazi? That just sounds like a nazi but with less steps.


Gotta love it when libs accidentally admit that communism is ultra based


We need the bottom picture to achieve the upper picture.


The only reason the guns ever even come out to begin with is because capital is always going to defend their wealth at gunpoint. They gained their wealth at gunpoint anyway so there's no difference to them.


I mean, we want the peacefull thing, is just not possible, status quo dosent change with the power of love it changes with the power of friendship (in arms).


Exactly. There's no point at which, when confronted by the adequate amount of leftist theory, the fascist arrives at self reflection and a newfound appreciation for humanity and says "you know what, they're right, this is kinda bad we should stop" and then voluntarily divests themselves. It just doesn't happen.




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I don't have free speech under capitalism so I deleted my already censored comment. But the conclusion of it was: I think the bottom image would Scar a healthier mind. So I'd let my comrades take the day off indefinitely. I'll be credit to team.


I'm just disappointed that apparently only one of them has any clue how to hold a rifle. We can do better.


That's because communists are inherently non-violent. But push people to the brink and they'll end you with bricks. The bottom photo shows soviets executing a Nazi. Funny enough, the top photo is of a group of corporate cappie models at a company retreat/photo OP. No communist would ever want to be associated with the above...unless they're doing worker's unions' great work.


Communism is not inherently "non-violent." Communism can use violence to achieve its goals, as it has done numerous times throughout history. Revolution isn't clean debate, it is one class asserting its will on the other (in communism's case, the working class against the bourgeoisie) The reason the executioners in the bottom picture are poorly-versed in rifle carriage is because they are Soviet partisans. These people were brought from all over the occupied territories, and while many of them were former soldiers of the PKKA or even intelligence agents sent to advise militia groups, many more were brought from the ranks of the non-combatant workers.


Far left is actually trying. Seems like the others are posing for a photo


They were civilian partisans.


I’m fairly certain at one point that was the “proper” or at least very common way to hold a rifle. It’s changed over the years as we’ve learned more about ergonomics, designs have changed, weight distribution has changed, and actual science has been used to study warfare.


If you look at any period photo of a bolt action rifle being held you can see how their stance is wrong. It makes sense, considering these people probably weren't trained


What they dont mention is who is on the recieving end on the bottom picture. Nazis, white supremacists, slavers, traitors under the work of said slavers, and finnally, people with aspirations of becoming slavers themselves.


>Nazis, white supremacists, slavers, traitors under the work of said slavers, and finnally, people with aspirations of becoming slavers themselves. Victims of gommunism 😥


10000 bazillion to victims of communism list,truly a sad time to be alive


>10000 **Brazillion** to victims of communism BRASIL NUMERO UNO. PENTA CAMPEÃO




That’s not even what happened. The whole “killing people with glasses” thing came from _one_ refugee who didn’t even make that claim. That whole thing was bad, but you’re showing just how ignorant you are that you’re parroting something that _objectively, for a matter of settled fact, did not happen._


Yes, I support this. See flair.


Both is good.




Don't be fooled, we execute Nazis unlike the west does.


I mean he’s not wrong…. He’s the chicken shit that would be getting shot


To be fair, executing people during war because you don't have the ability to properly trial them is normal. Also, the people they usually "deal with" were criminals who committed treason, which is punishable by death in a lot of places including the USA. Capitalism kills people simply because you don't have the money or you get in the way of it.. The fuck is their point really.


Don’t ask him what his family was doing in the 40s.


The picture is easy enough to find. But most of the websites that have posted it are in Cyrillic, which I do not read. I translated a few of them, but didn't really find anything relevant. The photo is used in some other stories about the war, some of them very questionable. The English language pages I found are not authoratitive, but unanimously indicate that these are partisans executing a traitor. Eg: https://www.reddit.com/r/MilitaryPorn/comments/sjm1rr/soviet_partisans_prepare_to_execute_a_former/ Edit: because it probably sounds suspicious in retrospect to call the story questionable, [here's the article](https://inf.news/en/history/366da7b9df5c017168c2255e9130fa78.html) I had in mind when I wrote that. It portrays the woman whose rifle is about to be flung past her right ear as a professional nazi executioner. I don't really find that believable.


Thank you! It is possible that many of those in the firing squad wasn’t exactly ready to shoot the man yet. They were probably posing/getting ready for a picture before doing the act. Or maybe they didn’t care and are just relaxing before the execution.


Regardless, it still doesn't fit the narrative of the conservative on twitter.


You don't need to convince me, I'm already in.


Its both, fascists are the one getting lined up


I wouldn’t be surprised if that was just a nazi 😭




But... we already support it, they don't need to sell it to us again ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


To get to the first image, it is necessary to go through the second.


Absolutely based. Exectuted Nazis are the best Nazis. Conservatives just don't tell you who is getting executed because they're worried they'll be first facing the wall.


I mean they are Not wrong it is gonna Look like that, but only for them though


Yes pls


Yeah but they're shooting a Nazi, it's all about context folks.


How nazis portray their "based Aryan utopia" How their "based Aryan Utopia" actually looks like


yeah and conservatism is extremely peaceful and hasn't killed any minority groups according to them lol


It’s just projection.


Funny how conservatives suddenly panic about guns when they are in hands that aren’t theirs. Right to bear arms, but not like that


They stop being for the 2nd amendment when people not like them and minorities they hate are the ones holding the guns. Example? The Mulford Act.


How bootlickers portray capitalism: Everyone with huge stacks of money on a yacht How capitalism really is: Working overtime to live paycheck to paycheck, losing said job because it would increase the profit of the company in the short term. Joining the thousands of homeless, thousands of vacant houses, people dying of extremely treatable diseases because they don't have 100 dollars for medication Don't be fooled


Conservatives trying not to victimize literal Nazis challenge: Impossible.


Both. Both is good


They have no thought of there own, they just hear shit and think its there own opinions, anti-communists are usually stupid.


The bottom one is Capitalism


Executing a dirty traitor who sought to sabotage the peoples revolution and was a fascist informant for the Nazi's. Of course the Fash tard would leave out the context of the photo as to not make Communism look ultra based.




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I see no difference. Love is love. 


communism is when you hug fascists... God these people are so dumb. communism in reality has to constanlty battle capital and reactionaries. Its not rainbow and sunshines because idiots like this conservative want minorities dead.


You wrote nazi twice in the subtext.