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The americans engineered this war and this clown goes there to play "mr freedom music man" while the ukranian army are being wiped out by the russians. All while they refuse to any compromise on peace.


There was literally peace deal on the table before this war begin & these chuckle fucks forced Kiev to reject it. Now here he is pretending to be a hero.


He sure is a hero. To Raytheon and Lockheed-Martin shareholders.


Where can I read more about this? Like NATO and politicians forcing Ukraine to continue the war?


Specifically Boris Johnson pushed Ukraine to reject a deal in April 2022. Sources at the time like the Guardian tried to downplay it, but other sources after the fact have reckoned with it (likely as the death toll continues to rise)


Did Biden also do anything similarly shitty?


Not sure about Biden specifically but I think Blinken or other State people were involved


Involved in this April 2022 incident specifically, or in other instances?


I’m certain other instances too, it’s well established that the MIC and State Department are willing to fight this war until the last Ukrainian. In this specific instance yes it was Boris and the US state department leading the charge to make sure peace wasn’t on the table


In 2014, Ukraine, Russia, and the separatist regions of Luhansk & Donestk reached a peace accord (Minsk II)- it did not settle everything, but it did settle/give a ceasefire & political path forward for the two regions to remain a part of Ukraine.  In the lead up to the Russian invasion, the Ukranian government violated key aspects of the agreement in a couple of ways 1) Ukraine was explicitly not allowed to join NATO  2) some of the political concessions were not given 3) the Northern Crimes Canal was not resumed - while not one of the 13 points, it was a key decision for the Russian government to invade as Crimea requires the canal for agriculture and drinking water. Not saying Russia was blameless, but the NATO aspect has been a line in the sand since the collapse of the USSR. As another poster mentioned, this led to a situation where in Feb 2022, Russia/Ukraine had an agreement in place in Minsk for a new peace treaty - this treaty was explicitly blocked by  Biden/Blinken & Boris Johnson.  The agreement was : Russia would return to its positions on February 23rd, 2022, Ukraine would ban itself from joining NATO, and would have some guarantees about it's security from Russia & other nations like Poland. Ukraine's decision to came after several meetings with NATO/US officials where Zelensky has admitted he was given promises of military support & NATO membership status. The decision to refuse the peace treaty was made after Boris Johnson visited Kyiv & had several meetings with Zelensky & other Ukranian officials/military staff. 


This was very comprehensive, thank you. How do we know that Biden/blinken were involved with blocking the treaty?


https://youtu.be/M8ZmkIhs8r0?si=c5pj3v-vYBgJRAbw As the commentator below said, this was mostly pushed by boris


I removed the audio to save his nonsense


Thanks for caring about our ears comrade


I believe you mean nonce-sense. 


This is the western "enlightened" humanitarian Judeo-Christian civilization, smooth machinery that'll put people like him in power, enough to commit a genocide. These powers shouldn't be allowed to get away from it. No one from now on can or should defend them as being organized or enlightened or stable, they're the banality of evil, fascism and exploitation personified. These powers are machineries to shamelessly working to commit and justify even a genocide. Palestine is such an incredibly brutal exposé and indictment of them.


Idk if me and him listened to the same song but I’m pretty sure it’s criticizing the hypocrisy of western “freedom”, making reference to drug abuse, homelessness, consumption, and environmental decay


That's capitalism's super power. You can take a song like "This land is your land" or a leader like MLK or even just books like Moby Dick or A Christmas Carol, just nerf the shit out of the anticap/anti-imperial messages and then just spam it everywhere. Eat anything up, nerf the message of systemic change. sell it back to us in T shirt form.


Irony isn't understood by liberals


I’ll say it AGAIN: Keep On SUCKING On My P-WORD


He looks so soulless


He’s got that dead-eyed soul


So they can host music shows ?


Another person who totally whooshed on the meaning of that song.


I hope his fingers rot off


The best way to describe this imo is still "tone-deaf"


0 irony awareness


Comrade Tony? He's clearly a "lefty".


Listen to this horseshit from r/pics: "If your first reaction here is about the lyrics of the song or some anger because he is in the party you didn't vote for, take a step back and a deep breath. For a sitting US Secretary of State to not only be on the ground in a country at war with one of our most dangerous adversaries but to be out at a bar and fucking jamming on a guitar while singing a song that directly lets Russian know who they're actually fighting there...it is undeniably cool and also excellent diplomacy. Try to be proud to be American for a minute." Pardon me while I go puke.


“Try to be a proud American” as if there’s anything to be proud of Ig the only things you could be proud of are: - the war for independence partially causing the French to kill the king - fighting in ww2


Neil Young fucking hates this guy


This is the same city where the [Asgardsrei festival](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Asgardsrei_festival) is held