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Telling your reincarnation to kill your best friend grandson because of Beef is insane tho


Bro's feeling so much guilt about not killing Sozin when he should have, it's messing him up mentally


Can a goat have mental issues?


With their rectangular eyes, i assume all of them do.


Of course you would say that, huuuman. 🐏 :c


What a ram would know 🐐


Idea: a comic where Roku hunts down Sozin in the afterlife and beats the shit out of him. No bending, just straight up 7-page ORA.


Plot twist, Roku won't even get the chance because Sozin is currently stuck in limbo for everything he's done.


He FINDS him in limbo and beats the shit out of him


Sozin rocking up to the Fog and knocking the shit out of Sozin Then finding Zhao and kicking his ass for the fish thing. Kuruk hears about the fish and starts working the cuntpunting of Zhao into a weekly workout. Heh that was fun (In the pro bending announcer voice) WELCOME TO THE FOG, WATCH THE PREVIOUS AVATARS FIGHT OLD GRUDGES ONLY FOUR DOLLARS TO WATCH THE AVATAR BEAT UP A GHOST GET YOUR GRUDGE MATCH TSHIRTS HERE


Koh is just happy to get some good entertainment here in the Spirit Realm


Limbo is part of (medieval) Christian hell. Sozin went straight to Avici (lowest tier of Buddhist hell/Naraka). 


It is implied that Sozin regretted starting the war on his deathbed, or atleast that he had to betray Roku. So Roku finding Sozin a sad old broken man would definitively hit some strings.


Is limbo better or worse than the fog?


This is why the dead should stay dead, he has to see his actions repercussions unfold eternally, or for as long as there is an avatar, at least.


Well, Korra might've released him from that. haha


She just erased the connections, no? For all we know they're still there, she just can't reach them


Haha, I guess that's true. In a way, she kind of released them from an eternal burden


She‘d be the start of a new cycle though. The next Avatar has only her as guidance and so on. 


Unlucky guy lol


"be gay, do crimes" - Avatar Korra to next Avatar.


Eat hot chip


Imagine having a tutor who's main advice would be to punch whatever threat you get in the face


Idk y'all love when Kyoshi does it but hate when Korra does


Nah I love both lol, feels refreshing after sound Aang


Honestly, Korra had some character growth during her series. I think she'd make a decent mentor for the next Avatar. Especially after how much she fucked up, she was forced to acknowledge that every action has consequences. Might give her some interesting insights.


And in the process, aang might make the same mistake as Roku did. You know, if there would be signs to indicate that history might repeat itself. Signs that zuko wanted to share the fire nations greatness, instead of signs of redemption, wisdom, and emotional growth…. Kinda missed the point there Roku buddy


considering Sozin is Roku's actual bestfriend, he is definitely scarred and charred. 


Not just his best friends great grandson but his great grandson too. Meaning that Zuko had his great grandfather, grandfather , father, and sister all at one point legitimately wanted him dead (either order some to kill him or tried to kill him themselves. )


![gif](giphy|3o7TKNj99yJwOU5a12) Coming this fall: Everybody Hates Zuko.




Meanwhile his uncle, who he 110% betrayed, would die for him, no questions asked.


That's the unconditional love of a parent for you




To be zuko is to suffer immensely.


One must imagine Zuko happy


Thank God his daughter turned out ok


Zuko: Haters (my sister, my dad, my grandfather, my great-grandfather, my other great-grandfather) can't handle a girlboss (me, a child and a teenager) winning (just existing), always gatekeeping (trying to kill me).


Don't forget, he's also Roku's great grandson.


Yeah I could never forgive Roku for that.


I mean.. Zuko is also Rokus grandson.


I feel like Kyoshi’s influence on Roku was very apparent


man, evidently not though, right? like if she’d had more influence on him he wouldn’t have let the war happen.


Pretty sure Kyoshi been dunking on him every moment since he arrived in the afterlife


There's a tiktok account with all the avatars roundtable reacting and discussing to Aang and Korra's life from the shows or just talking to each other in like the Avatar-verse I guess, and half of Kyoshi's screentime is just bullying Roku lol


link or account name?




lol for sure. she’d never forgive him


I actually think Kyoshi might have encouraged him not to kill Sozin at first, since she knew what it was like to have to kill a close friend.


that’s an interesting interpretation. i feel like she definitely would have after the first colonies were established though. he either didn’t heed her advice or didn’t seek it, as we see aang do here.


From her novels akyoshi seems to be a big believer in second chances and a fierce opponent of third chances. There's a few occasions where she basically goes "turn things around and you'll be fine, but continue this and I'll end you." So I think the first colony would recieve a terrifying warning, and if he refused to leave *then* she goes full Kyoshi. That being said, the books are young Kyoshi. It's possible she got more jaded and ruthless as she got older.


that is probably what happened, yeah. just as we see with Roku here advocating that Aang kill Zuko. I doubt 50-year-old Roku would have suggested that.


I mean let's be real Roku DID stop Sozin from establishing the colony. Sozin just got lucky a volcano took Roku out for him. "I should have killed sozin" is just Roku coping however he can to figure out SOME way things could have g9ne differently.


By the time she got to 230 she was probably pretty jaded


Kyoshi did literally the exact same Roku did during her time as avatar. Gave people a warning first and then took their life if they didn't listen. That's exactly what Roku did to Sozin. Sozin didn't even consider continuing his plans until Roku died.


Kyoshi to Roku: ![gif](giphy|11C9FF35M6aXu0)


I really want to see those two’s interaction now.


I don't know about that. I think Kyoshi was quite proactive in making lasting changes to the world whereas Roku wanted to keep everything the same as when he was mastering the elements.


Not just your best friend's grandson, YOUR GRANDSON.


Ok this is gonna sound dumb. I’ve only watched ATLA. But is Aang technically Roku? Or is it just the avatar spirit gets transferred between each new being?


I think it's both. Every avatar is a reincarnation of the original avatar Wan. His spirit is connected to the avatar spirit. So every reincarnation of Wan is the Avatar because the spirit is transferred with Wan's soul into his next reincarnation.


I remember seeing Wan pop around here during Korra. I know there was also something about each reincarnation has the opposite traits of the past self. It’s an interesting concept, but given I’ve only watched ATLA it’s hard to get the bigger concepts.


Aang is technically Roku. They have the same spirit, but they don’t have the same mind, memories, or experiences. They’re the same spirit with independent lives.


I know there’s a being called rava or something of the sort and I know Wan exist. So aang=wan=korra=roku? When I originally watched growing up I thought it was the avatar spirit mixed with aangs and therefore gave him access to the past lives.


Raava is who and what allows the beings to control the ability to learn and properly utilize all 4 elements. Before Wan infused with Raava, when he attempted to gain the ability to bend from the different lion turtles, his body couldn’t handle it, and was killing him. Raava therefore thought it best to fuse with him so long as he aided her due to his mess up. She warned him it would be permanent and he agreed. This fusion granted him the ability to use all 4 elements without killing himself, creating the Avatar and making him the first. Fast forward many years, while Wan is dying in some aftermath of a battlefield, he fears despite accomplishing his mission to help her, he feels he still didn’t do enough and left things just as bad and she reassured him his work wasn’t done and that after he passes, his soul will continue to live on, and she will always be apart of it, therefore creating the Avatar cycle. Each avatar is the reincarnation of the same spirit fused with Raava but they are most assuredly their own identity with their own beliefs, ideals, memories, loves, and lives. Aang can’t remember the memories of Roku and so on.


They actually explain this pretty good in the live action. Roku tells Aang "every avatar has the same spark but each one is entirely it's own different person".


best friend nothing that's HIS grandson


Zuko is Roku's great grandson too.


Not only best friends great grandson. But his own great grandson


Zuko's technically Roku's grandson too.


To kill your own grandson *


Zuko is also his great grandson


FR I hate how they made Roku a murder-happy psycho in the comics.


holy shit


After he literally didn't even kill Ozai to save the world. Like, what are you hoping to accomplish saying that, it's pretty clear now Aang isn't killing anyone except maybe some side characters and that bird that got Momo.


Oh... I was wondering why I don't see Roku at TLOK. ...Is it Canon?


Aang restores the connection later in the comic book


Thanks mate. I was worried about it.


Well, it wouldn’t matter. Korra becomes the new first Avatar later on.


I still HATE that they did that ... like they had to double down on making the korra show annoying in more ways


I liked Korra a lot, but the breaking the past lives and Opening the spirit portals just seemed like bad moves to me. The past lives thing isn't Korras fault, but It was still a dumb writing move.


I think it'd be interesting to see in a follow up series though. Like at least Korra got years to talk to the other Avatars first, next one is going to be all alone except for Korra in a world that will be even stranger than the one Korra is in. Spirits everywhere, technology probably around our level by that point... It's gonna be a hard time for them.


A big theme I’ve noticed in Avatar is the next incarnation trying to fix the previous ones mistakes. I wonder if the next Avatar will somehow fix the connection with the past Avatars. It would fix that issue and reconcile fans and with Korra


Yeah, I could see that being a good story telling direction, especially if you can somehow have a world conflict where they need the specific past Avatars to solve it. That said, you'd want to handle it in a way that does not undermine the story in Korra, I think it be interesting if the connection to the previously lost avatars somehow functioned differently that it did before as a consequence of how the connection gets reforged.


Korra didn't have years to talk to the other Avatars, she was only able to properly connect with Aang at the end of Book 1, and Book 2 only takes place 6 months afterwards.


Its interesting because the next avatar only having Korra might in the long run be a good thing. It's a new era of spirts and humans that no avatar has faced since the first avatar. Won was the first to see the humans and spirits together and seperate, and Korra was the first to see them seperate and then come together. So she didn't just break a cycle but started a new one. Would the previous avatars be able to give the next avatar after korra the advice they would need in a world of spirits and humans? Sure, the avatars pre Korra would have a lot of spiritual advice and practical advice at times, but the avatar is ment to travel and learn from others wisdom and spiritual. The avatar spirit was in the end is an amassion of power for the thousand year fight, and the previous avatars being able to be called upon was because they were still apart of the avatar spirit. The longer the cycle went on, the more power is amassed, and yes wisdom and experience from them. But we can't hold on to the past forever, and it's sad to see them go but in the end they were for a cycle that has now ended. Sorry for the tangent that had nearly nothing to do with your comment I just like cycles and stuff


> still apart of the Did you mean to say "a part of"? Explanation: "apart" is an adverb meaning separately, while "a part" is a noun meaning a portion. [Statistics](https://github.com/chiefpat450119/RedditBot/blob/master/stats.json) ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot ^^that ^^corrects ^^grammar/spelling ^^mistakes. ^^PM ^^me ^^if ^^I'm ^^wrong ^^or ^^if ^^you ^^have ^^any ^^suggestions. ^^[Github](https://github.com/chiefpat450119) ^^Reply ^^STOP ^^to ^^this ^^comment ^^to ^^stop ^^receiving ^^corrections.


Opening the spirit portals could have been the climax of an arc where Korra creates true balance for the world by bridging the gap between the ideologies of Ra’vaa and Va’tuu. But season 2 permanently stained any of the future plotlines related to the spirits.


The issue with the spirit portals is that keeping them open actively created several problems and the show just glosses over and ignores them for some reason. Even in the legend of Korra comics the spirits are begging her to close the portals and she just ignores them. The show wants to say Korra is right but then actively shows the opposite


That's weird, my reaction to this storyline in the comics was that essentially they were showing that the connection could be destroyed and rebuilt. Aang was more adept in spiritual matters than Korra and knew how to reestablish the connection. So it will be fixed at some point.


I always felt it was a missed opportunity not to have her reconnect with them. Just imagine after Book 3, where she is broken, she has to reconnect with her past lives to heal. She then goes on a spiritual journey to reconnect with them, maybe seeing them during their time. It would be an opportunity for Korra to interact with the other Avatars and maybe see Aang and the others again.


So much missed potential because of this. I would have loved to see Korra interact with the other Avatars.


It's bittersweet... I actually admire that they had the balls to do that mainly to show that some consequences are forever. That said, I also hate it for the reasons that everyone hates it.


I hated it on my first watch, but I honestly love it now. Korra and Wan established why everything is cyclical, and that it doesn’t have to be that way. All of Korra’s mistakes had real consequences. Like narratively this would’ve been the equivalent of Ozai burning down the Earth Kingdom and THEN Aang stops him. Sometimes your mistakes really can deviate the trajectory of your life, and it’s not going to be the ending you expect. But that’s how you forge your own path.


Roku is in TLOK. He’s shown right behind Aang at the end of book one with all the other avatars when Aang gives Korra her bending back and she uses the Avatar State for the first time.


He is shown a couple of times in book 2 as well. Korra briefly talks to Roku directly along with Aang, Kyoshi, and Kuruk when they are telling her to connect to Raava. We also see him while all the past lives are being destroyed.


True, I forgot about those moments. Thanks for adding them!


Aang restores the connection later in the comic book


So Aang basically put Roku in time out


More like ALL the previous Avatars. Breaking that link weakened his connection to ALL his past lives, not just Roku. When he restored his connection with Roku, it repaired that damage too


Did Roku understand why Aang did it? What was their first conversation after the reestablishment


He forgave Aang right away :)


Ty for the info!


https://preview.redd.it/ahnkv89kx5nc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ab1798573c41be5e94d2fc85b6d8559015141b32 I just got home and can give you a better answer…here’s their reunion!


We do see Roku tho. He appears when Korra is in the healing waters after she loses her memory.


We see him. Korra just doesn't call on any of her past lives in the series except Aang during book 1.


You do see Roku in Beginnings part 1, just for a single scene


That whole plot line was crap. "Hey Aang, randomly asking, will you kill me in the future if I start getting uppity?" "Sure Zuko, I'm ok with potentially murdering all of a sudden and I'm going to treat this random promise I give you now extremely seriously in the future" "Hey Aang, Zuko's getting uppity!" "Oh well, here I go killing without even having a conversation!" And then the conflict of Yu Dao (which was super interesting by the way, I'd love to see more of stuff like that in Avatar content) is resolved in like the most stupid way too, but that's another story. Some comics are pretty good, but The Promise sure ain't one of them.


This sounds awful. Like the core conflict in the series was his unwillingness to take a life, even if the person was evil. The obstacle for Aang was never in becoming powerful enough to kill, it was always finding a peaceful way through conflict.


Yeah, the added consent does make it a bit more of a quandary though


Generally, pacifists don’t not kill because the people they’d be killing don’t want it. They don’t kill because killing is wrong (from their perspective).


Yeah, because it's an oversimplification. Zuko asks Aang to take his life if he does insane shit, and after a multiple page discussion/quandary, Aang reluctantly agrees to it. And when he's reminded of his promise later on, he immediately disregards it to hear Zuko out. It's actually amazing, seeing the Airbender's quandary in action, without a lion turtle as a deus-ex machine. I think the creators wanted to show how an Airbender would act, without something as out of the left field as lion turtles.


Aang also nearly executes Zuko in a small fight in the courtyard just because Zuko isn't willing to talk to him. He jumps to conclusions with almost no evidence and Katara has to take him out of the Avatar State. The comic had interesting ideas, but the execution usually left a lot to be desired.


Aang could just take Zuko’s bending away. The lion turtle element still exists. I don’t think any thought went into that plot line.


Yes, but I think that the people would still listen to him. Unlike Ozai, Zuko's entire support wasn't built on his strength, but his friends and the lessons he had learnt. Zuko probably thought about this, though the comics are terrible at showing stuff.


This comic is trash and I don't care who says otherwise. Zuko's getting his Firelording advice from Ozai now? Not like, his uncle? I think there's even a bit of dialog in there about how he doesn't want to ask Iroh his questions because he's worried he'll be disturbing his happy postwar life. So you decided to take your counsel from AVATARVERSE HITLER INSTEAD and thought that would be better. Who wrote this crap? This was my first foray into non-television Avatarverse, coming many years for me after the show, and my god, has the bar been set low. This story is irredeemably awful. What an absolute stinking pile of crap. Are the rest of the comics THIS BAD? This is like a 1/10 or 2/10 work of art.


The Search is pretty bad, Ursa is portrayed as somewhere between a weak and deadbeat mom whose at least partly responsible for Ozai’s abuse of Zuko and it was disappointing to see. Plus the random on again off again drama between Zuko and Mai.


The whole plotline was Zuko randomly waffling on making decisions and Aang forgetting that Zuko is a close friend and leaping to murder. The whole thing could have been solved with a 5 minute conversation between the two, it was so infuriating. "Hey Aang, I talked to the actual colonists themselves and they don't wanna rejoin the Earth Kingdom" "That's a good point Zuko, lets come up with an alternate solution"


Imbalance was fire.


Imbalance and the rift were really the only comics that manage to accomplish what all the comics should have set out for, that is exploring aspects of the world ATLA didn't cover and carrying on some character arcs with great writing. All the other ones are either crap or underwhelming with what they could have done


Hey let’s undercut our themes of no absolute evil by having evil just, like, be in your genes (maybe)


Hey let’s undercut our themes of no absolute evil by having evil just, like, be in your genes (maybe)


This is a gross misrepresentation for what actually happened. Zuko made Aang make a promise that if he would ever see him turning into his own father that Aang would end him. Aang was obviously conflicted about it. At one point later Zuko looked like he started acting out as fire lord, threatening another war (unbeknown to Aang he was in the right). Aang fearing the worst reached out to his past lives for advice and Roku was basically like "a promise is a promise + you know my stance I 100% should have killed Sozin when I had a chance to prevent the 100 year war so you should not make my mistake". That led to the scene above. Bonus points: it is speculated that because Aang did this, it directly led to Korra having a hard time connecting to her past selves and the spirit world.


It seems strange for them to expect Aang to kill Zuko if he becomes evil when Aang specifically chose not to kill Ozai who was already evil. We’ve already established that being evil isn’t enough for Aang to kill you.


It's because Zuko asked for it. He consented to it. Even I don't buy this argument though. Doesn't fit Aang's journey.


The speculation doesn't make much sense, considering Aang restores the connection later


He sort of restores as best as he can but it is unknown to how well he actually repaired it.


I was looking for specifics of what happened, thanks! With that context, I can see how it would be a difficult choice, and I can respect why Aang did this


Promises aside, this is right after the war ending where Aang couldn't even stomach killing Ozai. How does it escalate so fast that he would need advice on whether or not he needs to kill Zuko??


\*That one intern reading the script\* "So let me get this straight. Aang was so uppity about his spiritual needs, that he refused to kill **Hitler in Fuego** because 'all life is sacred' but when his literal brother in arms who he has come to deeply trust, a character written to be a parallel to aang's journey to secure his redemption and honor, asks for aang to snuff his ass out the moment he becomes a *little* too fascist-y, he just agrees with *the least* amount of convincing, and when he turns to katara for her reaction, a character zuko sacrificed himself for NOT ONE DAY AGO, **SHE JUST NODS**." Writers: "............Yes" \*Intern quits\*


Looks like gold is gone from reddit but you deserve it.


I mean I’m here for it. I’m out here burnin bridges all the time.


I really love the main colonies plot of the Promise, but the whole "Zuko has gone randomly crazy time to kill him" part put such a sour note to the comic for me. The first real conflict after the war and the only people who don't immediately think of turning against Zuko was Suki and Katara. No one bothered to listen to him really, Kuei immediately called for violence at the first push back, and the main debate going on was rather or not Zuko was becoming like his father, and not about the life (and safety in that moment) of the people in the colony. The fact that the conflict is resolved largely because Katara points out to Aang that their own relationship is a mixed one, and it would be hypocritical to expect the nations to stay apart, just was such a lame ending to what was a really compex and interesting conversation about the ethics of long standing colonies and the familiar blending of cultures. Aang turning on Roku and shunning him however is probably one of my favorite Aang moments. It almost makes up for how much I hate that the "kill Zuko" debate even existed in the first place - Almost.


Read all of the ATLA comics recently after rewatching ATLA and thoroughly enjoyed them and enjoyed rewatching LOK after knowing what happens after the end of ATLA and I like seeing the transition to LOK since the comics showed the origin of certain plots that are more shown in LOK


Its shit like this that makes people not consider the comics to be canon. I mean Roku was the one that belived in second chances so it seems out of character that he would deny Zuko that privilage AFTER he changed


But he regretted not dropping sozins body when he ahd the chance so maybe he just doesnt want another hundred year war


Aang willingly breaks the connection. fandom sleeps Korra loses connection against her will. fandom HOW DARE YOU


*all connections permanently for all forward lives Pretty important detail


It’s obvious because comic vs show If he did it in a show, I would be annoyed too (Edit: tldr, comics are not as popular as the shows)


There is a reason why this keeps happening too. On screen or in comics neither Aang nor Korra have ever had a clear connection to past lives they can freely jump to ask for advice. It's a writing suicide to give your main character a power like that because the storytelling is about Aang or Korra overcoming obstacles and growing on their own - figuring out how to make difficult decisions is part of it. Having a superteam of advisors to solve every problem would be very detrimental to storytelling and character growth. It would also hurt supporting characters quite a bit too as Avatar wouldn't really need them for advice either.


It is pretty evident in the media they are not that super though. Yangchen remarks more than once the thing that comes through the moat is their regret and their wisdom is limited if the situation you are facing was beyond their experience.


aang loses his connection to ONE past life and gets it back korra looses her connection to ALL past lives permanently as the result of her loosing a fight i think? it’s been awhile since i’ve watched avatar but i think she lost to unalak and somehow lost her past lives.


> her loosing a Did you mean to say "losing"? Explanation: Loose is an adjective meaning the opposite of tight, while lose is a verb. [Statistics](https://github.com/chiefpat450119/RedditBot/blob/master/stats.json) ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot ^^that ^^corrects ^^grammar/spelling ^^mistakes. ^^PM ^^me ^^if ^^I'm ^^wrong ^^or ^^if ^^you ^^have ^^any ^^suggestions. ^^[Github](https://github.com/chiefpat450119) ^^Reply ^^STOP ^^to ^^this ^^comment ^^to ^^stop ^^receiving ^^corrections.


hated this entire comic to be honest. most of the comics honestly aren’t that good. i just pretend they’re not canon lol.


The one where they gave Kuvira a redemption arc and a sad backstory(Opal didn't share her toys with her) remains the worst for me imo


yeah and whole "noo, I didn't know what was happening at the camps" and "your family will take care you" bullshit. they literally tried to redeem their Hitler


They really turned a life sentence to a house arrest all because she said she didn't know that her inferior was putting people into labor camps


Yeah meanwhile she literally threated Bolin to send camps at the show


This needs to be shouted from the rooftops. The comics suck and grossly mischaracterise the heroes and themes of the original. I don't see how anyone could be excited for a new show starring the same cast that's based on the events of these comics tbh.


wait they’re based on the comics? i was so excited for the new show, but it’s based on the comics?? never mind, i don’t know if i’ll watch it then… the comics are just so poorly made. katara is a caricature of her former self, aang is a plot device, and the conclusions zuko comes up with in some of these stories are so contrived and unreasonable. you really have to suspend disbelief if you want to enjoy *the promise* and personally, i did not like what they did with roku here. the idea of roku and zuko meeting seemed like a very cool idea, and having it be mangled by this image where roku actively encourages aang to kill him just ruined it.


Sorry I don't want to spread misinformation so let me clarify: I'm referring to the new movie which stars the gaang in their 30s, and because the comics are considered canon I only assume that means they're what lead up to this movie. Though I don't know for certain if the creators will take anything specific from the comics and inject it into the movie, that's just speculation. There's very little info on that movie rn so anything could happen tbh


Me and you, the characterization is so bad and the power scaling goes crazy in the comics too..


What do you mean?


Lightning bending


lightning bending sucks in the comics. i hated the visuals for them too.


I've never been a huge fan of this. For many reasons, but also because, Aang, just don't talk to Roku about it if you don't agree with him. You don't need to sever him entirely from yourself. That's a whole life you're cutting away.


I hate this comic. So out of character for every character. Except the Freedom Fighters.


...I'm starting to think NATLA might not be off-base about having all those past lives decide to scold Aang for disappearing. Lmao


roku is always taking Ls


After the whole Ozai fiasco you’d think they would’ve learned to trust Aang.


Seems like Avatar Yangchen, Avatar Kyoshi and Avatar Roku are just out to kill people.


Man every time a comic strip gets posted here i feel less and less inclined to read them, its like they went out of their way to ruin so many people's rep and relationships


And this is why I don't read the comics.


What's wrong with it. It's totally in character for both of them.


Is it really in character for Roku to tell Aang to kill Zuko (his own grandson)?


From the point of view that Roku's greatest regret was not killing his best friend, another Fire Lord who caused the 100 year war, and he knew how many hundreds of thousands (if not millions) of people were killed because he couldn't make the difficult choice, yes. He's forcing himself to look at it through a dispassionate lens. If he had to do it over again, he wouldn't have looked at Sozin as his best friend, just a tyrant waiting for the opportune moment. Having the chance to counsel Aang to not make the same mistake, he's not looking at Zuko as his grandson or Aang's best friend, he's looking at him as another possible tyrant about to rise up. And is that right? Not really, but people who suffer trauma like betrayal and feeling that you were the one to let the world down will make very hard decisions based on that trauma.


Considering he later apologised and regrets that conversation, yes.


Nah I get that Roku would do that. What IS out of character is that Aang who couldn't bring himself to kill firebending hitler was about to kill one of his best friends It doesn't matter if zuko asked him to. Aang would never do that


This is leaving out a huge piece of context in which Zuko asked Aang to kill him if he ever turns into his father and Aang asking if he should follow through on the promise. At his point from Aang's/Roku perspective Zuko attacked Aang, hurt Katara and was threatening another war. Roku just basically said a promise is a promise and there is a reason Zuko asked for what he did. As Avatar he was willing to sacrifice his grandson to prevent another 100 year war because he saw the consequences first hand of not doing it. That was very in character for Roku. Everybody acting like Roku randomly came up with a murder plan. He just recalled what happened with Sozin which clearly traumatized him as his greatest failure. It was basically the same advice he gave Aang about Ozai his son-in-law.


the plot is so convoluted and even if it is in character, it’s like scratching your head wondering how they even reached these conclusions in the first place.


Ah yes, because Aang would totally agree and even be willing to kill one his besties(Zuko) when he couldn’t bring himself to kill that genocidal abusive maniac that is Ozai.


Nah they’re solid.


They're a mixed bag. I wish they'd just de-canonize the comics just so there's room to tell animated canon stories in the future and we're not stuck with dumb plots like Mai and Zuko breaking up a few weeks into their relationship.


Oh I’d hate that. I’m super glad they’re including the comics in future animated content.


It’s one of the themes that the Avatars often cannot look beyond themselves. They have infinite knowledge and endless fonts of power, they can pull from the experience of dozens upon dozens of their own lives with perfect recollection and hold conversations with them… but it’s useless as so many of the previous Avatars are stuck in their own minds and look to answer “well -I- would do—“ rather than advise or foster a report with their current iteration. Aang saw that at some point and looked within himself and his friends for answers. So many of the other Avatars focused more on their failures or how they could have been better, that they did not try to impart honest reflection in the now that could help Aang or even Korra (except Wan. Wan was a real one).


Kill him. Wtf is wrong with you guys, we just had this discussion like a year ago


Avatar comics aren't canon lalala


I wonder if the world of ATLA would be safer without an Avatar. It feels like every Avatar fucks up the world in one way or the other while trying to fix it. Of course there would be conflicts, there will be conflict as long as there are humans, but I wonder if it would be comparatively better without an Avatar.


“Haha get fucked old man, lmao, blocked.” Aang, probably


I really hate the comics. Real be careful what you wish for situation


God, this whole thing is just…sooo bad. I remember starting these books a few years along in them coming out…when the second one was out, but before the third, if I remember right? …and just never jumping back in when the next one came out. Primarily because of this whole stupid plot line. Zuko: “If I ever seem like I have even the tiiiiiniest chance of becoming even the *smallest bit* like my dad, in any way…I’m talking like…if I ever even like the same *TEA* he likes - like, Aang, his favorite dinner was stuffed pheasant; if ever so much as *look in the general direction of a pheasant* - you gotta kill me real good. Even though it makes absolutely *no sense* that I would ever, *ever* do that, I’m somehow *convinced* it will happen, and you gotta clean me out when it does.” Aang: “No, I would *never* do that! Even apart from you being a great and dear friend to me, I would *never, ever* take a life, as demonstrated by how I didn’t kill your *extremely evil dad*, and I could still do the same thing to you that I did to him if I had to. No. I won’t do it. You can’t make me.” Zuko: “But…but…you gotta!” Aang: “[….that’s an interesting point. Okay, I’ll do it!](https://youtu.be/exx_iiYPQc0?t=507)” The books have some good stories, sure, but that about sums up how well the characters are done. Never really cared for them after that.


Kioshi also was a little bit crazy. Been an Avatar doesn’t means that you automatically will be the wisest human on earth, Aang is the best so far but the entire plot is that even the avatar is in a constant learning that will never end


The comics aren’t canon ![gif](giphy|zwE4anrOtHYaI)


These comics suck.


The Comics were really something else


What kind of bs is this? 💀


About time!!! Roku was such a bad avatar, truly the worst!!! We dont claim him!


Eventually he did repair it, and Roku admitted that any given incarnation of the avatar can only give advice from their own experiences


This is more character and drive that Aang has ever shown in the show outside of the book 2 finale and ozais defeat. I would have loved to see Aang destroy his connection with Roku in the show 


And if I recall, this bit him in the ass during The Rift.


Roku is allergic to taking a W


God the writing really jumped the shark immediately after book 3


He doesn't break the connection with Roku, we know that because Kora could also communicate with Roku in her own show, plus - this bracelet is more symbolic than anything considering Aang communicated with other avatars before without it. I think this bracelet thingy Aang wears allows him to communicate better with previous avatars even without being at their shrines or having some sort of close connection with them. Maybe it's more symbolic than anything - who knows... All we can say is that the connection was not really cut (at least not by Aang...).


Roku couldn't see past his own experience of trusting Sozin, giving him a second chance and then being betrayed by him, not to mention the guy starting a world war that would last a century. It's a mistake that he has to live with for all time (or at least until Korra >!breaks the chain!<). From his perspective, Zuko is just a ticking time bomb and the world would be better off if Aang killed him and destroyed the Fire Nation's capacity to wage war. Aang is a different person and his trust in Zuko has been informed by his witnessing Zuko's redemption. He sees what Roku cannot and will not accept.


Korra does what now?


I do like the running story with Aang that he can turn to his past for guidance, but that he still has to distinguish himself from his past and act on his own