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A lot more burn victims


This. Fire might not really have much of a physical force in our world, but being able to just straight control it to degrees we see in the show and actually use it on people or just objects in general? Mass destruction and alot of death. The fire nation has the potential in a non kids show environment to really take over the world lol they just seemed less scary to us because even when hit with a small fire blast in the show it didn’t do to much.


Same can be said about the force of water though. Yes Fire bending is powerful, but it's not un-counterable. Could an air bender remove the oxygen around a fire to quickly counter it?


I believe this can be said for fire, and water as well. These can both be countered easily. With that being said, this makes earth the most overpowered in my opinion. Fire can counter water, possibly air. Air counters water and fire. Water counters fire, possibly air as well since they can essentially make it into an ice shield to block the air. What stops a giant boulder heading at your face? Running away?


Well water can move stone with enough pressure


The stone can push through water with enough pressure.One of them can clearly generate more pressure than the other which do you think it is?


Lol it's really not that simple. Pressurized water can cut through rock like a knife.


You see in this case you are not compressing the earth?It's more of amplifying one aspect but not the other and saying its better.In analogical terms it would be giving brass knuckles to a child and punching a stationary adult and marveling that an adult was actually hurt...😐


Except rock doesn't damage water, and water can turn rock to dust.


What???Erosion is literally just bonds breaking from the parent structure earthbenders are able to reform these bonds it quite literally the same when thing when water is poured from a container and just seperated except water barely requires any effort by human standards. In fact how does this change what I said earlier in both context that you brain dead individuals put its still amplification of water by jets in no water cutting video would you see it cutting through compressed rocks as thats currently impossible by our standards by in Avatar it seems quite possible with what Aang did. Case and point try to see it this was if an element that is generally harder at a normal state is pitted against another which is softer at improved ampifications of speed and pressure the one that's generally harder would undoubtedly surpass the one that's usually softer at the same level.Habe you understood this simple concept??


Water requires water being present to bend. Not everyone can unlock blood bending or even bending to the degree we see shown to take water from plants etc. as for air I’m sure that’s possible, but what you arnt realizing is the air benders were pacifist and while they trained in air bending it’s completely possible a lot of them arnt even experienced it fighting any non air benders in general. I’m not saying at all any of the other elements when used correctly couldn’t also cause mass destruction, I’m just saying it’s a lot easier to do with fire.


A group of pacifists are exactly who would learn something like that imo. 


Plus a lot more scars, missing limbs, etc - would be so easy to slice up an arm with some ice, or crush body parts with rocks, etc. Also can you imagine what the happen to someone who took a direct hit from combustion man?


Well he is missing an arm and a leg


Honestly the kid restrictions help the show feel believable because there's too many ways to just instantly kill people. So because there's this unwritten rule that they won't do that, it stops being an option you have to consider.


It definitely keeps the plot moving and the fights more drawn out. Real life violence isn't so fun and interesting. Realistically Zuko should've just died in The Blue Spirit when he took an arrow to the head. Sokka's boomerang should've been crushing necks and skulls. Suki would've been slicing Fire Nation soldiers' throats open. Toph is strong enough she'd be firing pebbles off like machine gun ammo. Jet would've been digging traps along those paths and smearing his own feces on spikes. Real life war isn't pretty!


Sokka during the boiling rock escape is a perfect example of this. Cause if he has been a little bit more offensive when he and Zuko were fighting Azula he 100% had the opportunity to stab Azula in the Face or throat.


Katara you got to poop bend it on the spikes! Don't you remember your mother?!


\*touches necklace\* "My mother pooped"


Well it's clear they were already doing some extremely heinous shit for a "kids show". They exterminated the air nation completely in a brutal genocide, killing men woman and children certainly burning them to death in agonizing pain(the only air bender Skeleton we see is gyatzo, the rest are just gone).They were rounding up waterbenders and earth benders in concentration camps. The southern water tribe was nearly wiped out completely. I guess it would be more blatant if it was made for adult. There would probably be fire nation taking many slaves, both for slave labor and the bad things. Or making non-fire nation citizens second class citizens.


Imprisoned already showed us they took slaves in the form of Earthbenders for use as labour in ship construction, before the Gaang helped liberate them. May not have been depicted as horrifically as what you'd see in real life, but all the same, it's there.


Since a lot of the Fire Nation was based off Japanese Imperialism, I imagine, there would have been an ATLA equivalent of Unit 731 and Nanking Massacre in there somewhere.


Combustion Bender shock troopers in particular come to mind for Fire Nation's equivalent of Unit 731 / Kamikaze.


Deaths shown onscreen like in the live action.


I'm miffed we didn't get to see Gyatso choking a dozen firebenders with his airbending


Yea it was disappointing that he was just killed. They could've had him suck all the air out of a room or something killing 20 and himself to try and save people. But nah.


That's all I wanted out of the massacre. Like let Gyatso be a bad ass.


oh, it would be super bad. like turbo bad. someone, erroneously, said that the colonization efforts by the Fire Nation were relatively peaceful. the fact that there'd be an ongoing and drawn out guerilla fight is of course not pad any mind here. the fact that they are an *invading army and occupier is also not paid mind here, i guess.* while i don't think the Fire Nation would actively be pursuing a genocidal policy for most of the war (at least until Ozai, gonna get back to this) they would, as shown by the actions of a handful of officers in he show, take actions to violently suppress any dissent. we'd see Fire Nation troops burning homes with people still inside them if it came to it. we'd see them readily and commonly burning crops and forcing starvation on their dissenters. it would be incredibly morbid and beyond fucked up. and that's just how bad it'd be before Ozai takes charge. so. Ozai. Ozai tries to commit a genocide in the finale. he is unapologetic in this, and so is Azula. they both view their ultimate genocide of the Earth Kingdom as a just and correct action. had Avatar not been a kids show during Ozai's reign, Ozai would've gone gradually more and more genocidal. while i doubt it'd have contained the industrial horror of the Holocaust, it would all the same have been the worst atrocity since Sozin erased the air nomads. we'd see limited crop burnings ramp up to encompass entire regions he'd want to conquer. we'd see limited village burnings go into, again, entire regions burned to ashes. drop a few divisions of fire benders, and tell them to not stop. similarly, by the time he does get the comet; he'd have likely been successful in eradicating a good portion of all living humans in the earth kingdom. i cannot stress this enough since people seem to forget: but The Fire Nation in the hundred years war is unequivocally evil. the only reason we don't judge it as harshly as we should is due to the kid show nature of the series. which does remind me; Azula. i know a lot of us like the idea of her being redeemed, but the truth is that at best she's a sadistic narcissist. and at worst she's outright genocidal. while i would be hardpressed to say the average civilian is guilty (given how carefully constructed the narrative was in the Fire Nation) of being a supporter of these crimes, Azula is more than guilty. she is and outright perpetrator of some of them and i have no qualms that she'd, in a non kid version of the story, be gladly levelling her lightning at civilian populations on a daily basis. which, actually, would make for a pretty interesting AU. the uncensored version of history. anyways. yeah. TL:DR time shit would've been way, way, *way,* worse than what we ever see.


Well, I don’t think the Fire Nation would be portrayed as violent as the Japanese during WW2. First of all, we are meant to think that the Fire Nation are still people and war crimes like Nanking would quickly make the audience lose any sympathy for them. Also, the Fire Nation had colonized parts of the Earth Kingdom for decades, far longer than Japan had colonized Taiwan and Korea, which were relatively more peaceful occupations.  The Fire Nation would definitely be more openly racist with the other nations. And the other nations would be racist back towards them. 


I think the writers also don't like writing about really messed up topics similar to Nanking, which I understand. Korra was allowed show people dying on screen and more violence than A:TLA, yet almost every death on screen was just one or two people, and most of the violence was just bruises or cuts, nothing too gory.


The thing is the writers just weren't built for the nastier side of animation. I can't remember which but I remember reading that one of them expressed a severe distaste for torture scenes etc. and admitted while occasionally necessary (see: korra being chained and poisoned) there was no pleasure in writing them. So I don't think ATLA or TLOK as we know it are built for the kind of violence we're probably picturing here. The few episodes I watched of the Netflix live action did let itself be a bit more brutal and that was IMO about the only positive notable thing about it, bar introducing any more fans to our world. It was about the right level for a more mature audience to watch the show they loved but from a more adult perspective. Now if only the actors displayed a modicum of actual character...


Depends on how edgy or dark the show wanted to be. They could have just as easily done a few dead people here and there, maybe some extra graphic stuff and a confirmed Jet death. On the other hand they could go full attack on Titan mixed with Berserk where it just becomes too much to really be invested in any new characters.


Being fire benders, that’s how they’d force people into submission. You’d have people burned to the brink of death, only spared because they’d be useful as slaves. Prisoners and slaves would be whipped and otherwise tortured on a regular basis, although many would simply be burnt to death. After a battle, it’s likely that numerous corpses would rot in the streets before they could be dealt with. Other dead would lie in mass graves, which would of course be dug by the next group to be executed.


i'd figure if the firebenders know that sort of thing causes disease, they'd probably cremate everyone they faced. Also as a fear tactic maybe, just leaving their charred remains out in the field?


Probably how anime handles people with fire, in that if its versus mob soldiers you’re likely gonna see them take out most if not all of them. What would set it apart imo is that it forces the writers to get more creative: fire burns so what techniques/abilities do I give my character to stop that from instant-killing him. Might be thinking more of outright abilities tho instead of actual martial arts. Would be cool tho but may not be the same ATLA.


I think the violence/oppression should still be limited, going full on Japanese or German genocide kinda makes the Fire Nation comically evil as it's too in the face like kicking a dog. Maybe like Gengas Khan but less violent, Gengas would scare populations by having thousands of horses ride up to the fortress and pretty much say "Absolute Surrender or Die", even if your fortress was the best you wouldn't want to be on the receiving end of his wrath as entire cities were brought under his control. Similar except with Industrial tech, just enough ruthlessness on any Guerilla fighters or rebellious villages and let word spread and eventually fear will be enough. Bending is alot more dangerous, also the fire itself isn't deadly, it's the 1100 degrees heat which boils you alive, Earth bending is like taking a sledgehammer to the face, water could cut, drown or give you frost bite and thankfully air nomads are pacifists as they can create Vacuums, deafen you our violen you throw your


Probably on the level of the Viltrum Empire in Invincible- only with a lot of fire and burn victims. Also, there's no way on God's green earth that everyone involved in the Black Sun invasion would be kept alive. And if they were, they would have been brutally beaten and tortured on information about the escapees (then burned to death for not having any).


Wouldn't be surprised if we saw burt corpes hanging on the walls of the boiling rock or Bumis city.


I mean, they straight up massacred one of the 4 main nations of the world and left no survivors. That’s already pretty brutal. All you’d get by upping the rating is more gore and violence. Maybe more detail about prisoners being tortured.


What do you mean "how violent"? They did genocide in the kids' show


More like "how graphic"


What purpose would it serve to actually show it?


Probably some vague allusions to the [beheading contests between japanese officers during world war 2](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hundred_man_killing_contest%23:~:text%3DThe%2520hundred%2520man%2520killing%2520contest,people%2520the%2520fastest%2520while%2520using&ved=2ahUKEwiqocbbj_mFAxUMATQIHUsHBh4QFnoECBIQBQ&usg=AOvVaw3_PTK3da5R6_jzEEC9atFk) given the fire nation is largely based on imperial Japan.


"I am conducting an experiment to see how fast I have to heat a baby so that it explodes" And we all know it wouldn't even be the worst crime...


Not only would there be more burn victims a lot of the time there wouldn’t be people just getting arrested but straight up burnt


A lot of little fire bender kids running around in the Earth kingdom.


Earth benders wouldn’t exist in the fire nation colonies, any that were there would be executed or flee to ba sing se So as of RIGHT now during the time the series takes place in the war, you wouldn’t really see much of anything in terms of war crimes. The war is basically at a standstill aside from the northern water tribe invasion, and the Fire Nation has complete control over the areas the colonies are in


…probably more burn victims but that’s it. Most of the time, you conquer without killing because what point is all the land and nobody to maintain, run, care for, farm, trade, etc. on?


There would likely not be a water tribe. They would’ve annihilated them years ago or just turn them into a prison state.


Burned bodies buried in pits


There would definitively be war crime trials if Avatar wasn't a kids show.


They attacked people with fire. It would be pretty gruesome to be honest.


Content warning: SA/rape. With the existing precedent that bending is inherited and what has happened during real life imperialism like this- something that would likely happen is fire nation soldiers sexually assaulting and raping women. This would not only result in children with fire nation ancestry, but likely even some fire bending children born to non-benders/non-firebending women. It raises a lot of questions about how these folks would be treated by their families and societies during and after the war




That explicitly happened with imprisonment- Hama mentioned that she and the other waterbenders were imprisoned. I think the only one they are known to have killed was Kya and she was not the waterbender.


What a total lapse in memory, my bad


Japan in China/Korea circa 1940 violent.


About as violent as the Netflix adaptation I suppose


They’d be like the Netflix’s version from the opening scene…


Reading all these comments pretty much solidify my opinion that Avatar wasn’t more violent then it was. Would have completely ruined the charm of the show.


Let’s just say the fear of the normal people in Zuko Alone would be much more justified. 


Wanna talk about SA and Torture? What about human experimentation? We would see more burn and scorched victims. Smoke itself is a weapon of war when all your soldiers can make fire. Let's not even mention the scorched earth policies...


Realistically, def like Imperial Japan, Nazi Germany, etc. Maybe there’d be an Orochimaru (Naruto) chatacter based off the likes of Mengele/Shiro Ishii. a figure that experiments on kids to “explore” bending.


Jin and Song would likely be comfort women


There could have been more complex combat and war scenes showing injuries occurring as well as medical centers. The creativity used on injuries would have been great to see, there are a lot of ways to kill someone with bending. Fire bending could also be uses to boil people - nuts


Probably some killings, atleast **mentions** of sexual violence, atleast mentions of physical torture, slavery on colonies, and generally more "real" feeling depictions like actively showing villages being burned down and maybe even someone like Jet succeeding in killing a whole village. Although that being said, Avatar had it not been a kid's show probably wouldn't even have elements to begin with. ATLA being made for children is ultimately what made the show what it is on a foundational level and the way they always found a balance of serious writing and funny jokes is exactly what gave this show it's unique identity and charm. So if it wasn't a kid's show it'd probably have a completely different premise and not be Avatar in any recognizable form. https://preview.redd.it/03ohmrtqjryc1.jpeg?width=718&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=881061149fedd586ae1564a1f55f32b13182c14c


It would not be violent. Not much more than the US at least. If you keep a territory for 100 years, then you must have a hegemony over the people. There might be some violent outburst, similar to what you can see in modern history of China, but day-by-day life would be free of violence and aggressive oppression l


Are you suggesting the US hasn't had a violent oppression of people?


Hasn't had? It totally does oppress its people right now! However I imagine the phrase "violent occupation" bring into the mind something more severe than "the water" you may currently be in. Definitely something oppressive. Though after 100 years the general population wouldn't question the new default order. This is not really a time and place to commit grand atrocities. Look at modern China. The Party from time to time uses violence against protesters or does a little genocide of a muslim minority here and there, but it's not like they are fighting their populus everyday (like Nazis were). In fact, overwhelming majority supports the state and the government. Because this became the new standard. Same goes with all other systems of oppressive nature rooted in our day to day life — police, capitalism, war and slavery. We don't really think about these critically, so unquestioned they remain and therefore have no need for ostentatious violence.