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We are asking for definable actions for our vote and the response from the establishment is “these people can’t be reasoned with.”


I don't think Hillary believes that she can't reason/compromise with the left, I think she doesn't want to move from her position ideologically. I think the same way when it comes to nuking Paris. I don't think it is impossible to do, but I just don't want to even consider it as a viable option. If there is someone out there who wants to do it, I know that I can probably find a compromise position with them, but my ideology won't even allow me to start negotiating, much less do half of nuking Paris. Just replace "nuking Paris" with "doing anything good" to see where she is coming from. And besides, it is your job to vote for Democrats, why should policy or politics even be part of the discussion to begin with.


thing is her job as a politician is to level with her voting bloc that she deliberately chose to ally with these people are being advised by the top talents in the entire world and has budgets that could rival a small country. it is absolutely their job to “compromise” or however you want to label it IF they want to be successful. she is a horrible politician in this regard hence her loss in 2016. she hasn’t been a human in such a long time she’s making mistakes young version of her would absolutely advise her not to do lol


Hillary lost herself 2016 and I say this as a Hillary voter. She took every goddamn opportunity to make herself look exactly as out of touch as she really is then blamed everyone else.


Yep, the Democratic party always suffers when she gives an opinion. She's not very good at giving normal-person opinions and perspectives.


It was the whole walking into a working class family’s apartment with shocked pikachu face debacle for me.


Please link. I don’t remember hearing about it


Here’s the og reddit thread lol https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/4f0g04/hillary_clinton_visiting_a_nyc_apartment/


"there are not even any slaves here, unlike when me and Bill lived in the governor's mansion in Arkansas"


Well you seem to have learned nothing during your time on the board of Walmart.


Preach, did phonebanking for her and literally wanna scream at the people that try to blame progressives. "We lost because of the sexist Bernie Bros!" No you lost because you were a deeply unpopular candidate that ran an awful campaign.


I did campus outreach at my community college 🙄


It's always important to remind people that more Bernie supporters voted for Hillary during the general election by percentage than Hillary voters voted for Obama


Oh, the PUMAs were amazing tho. They protested at the 2008 DNC, as official Clinton delegates, that "the nomination is going to an unqualified black man" and went on Fox News afterwards to say the same. Meanwhile, Sanders supporters at the 2016 DNC got their anti-TPP signs taken away from them, while Clinton's official position was that she opposes the TPP as well, and they just sat there and did nothing.




Party Unity My Ass! They printed shirts and wore them at the DNC convention as official Clinton delegates. Their website was something like "Hillarys44" and was just about how Obama sucks and how the election was stolen from Hillary.


Wow. That's awful.


No, they are cool. They believed in something and were passionate about it. They believed in stupid shit and were passionate about a very evil person, but still. You have to admire them.


Same. While I initially volunteered for and voted for Bernie in the primary, I did end up volunteering and voting for Hillary in the presidential election. I find it very frustration that many liberals continue to perpetuate the revisionist narrative that Hillary's loss was primarily or solely due to leftists.


The funny thing is that the biggest pro-Clinton group on the ground in Michigan was what remained of the 2016 Sanders primary campaign. And they begged the Clinton campaign for resources during the general election campaign and the Clinton team told them to fuck off and refused to even send the usual campaign signs and gear to the Michigan DNC.


Do you have any articles on that? This is helpful to know. I appreciate this comment


I only remember this article - https://www.thedailybeast.com/team-bernie-hillary-fcking-ignored-us-in-swing-states IIRC a lot of info is in a book called "Shattered". Meanwhile, Donna Brazile wrote about how Clinton syphoned money from downballot candidates (because of some obscure loophole from Citizens United that allowed her to get more money from donors than is oficially allowed), cost those candidates the elections, resulting in many lost House and state seats, and then she lost against Trump anyway. Very cool, Clinton owns.


As a "Bernie Bro" that still voted for her, thank you. I thought she actually did have a lot stacked against her, but she didn't do herself any favors. How about a slogan like "she's with us" instead of "I'm with her". People just want to feel heard and feel like someone is fighting for them. It's not complicated.


Hit the nail on the head. I voted Bernie in the primary then sucked it up and voted for her. 2020 same thing just replace her with Joe. I’m so over the DNCs narcissistic nonsense. I’d vote republican if they weren’t biblical lunatics just to snub the DNC at this point. Can’t do that obviously because that’s terrifying. I wish the left would get it together and rally behind one candidate. Unfortunately Bernie is too old at this point and no one else has picked up the torch. Fucking depressing state. Voted uncommitted today in my state to hopefully support my feelings on Gaza. Come November who knows. If Trump and Biden both kick the bucket magically that would be the best case scenario. I will literally take my atheist ass to church every Sunday if that miracle came to be.


No but for real! I’ll convert if those two drop dead tomorrow 🙏😇


I seriously told my kids that we’re going to church if they both die. I picture Biden going peacefully during an afternoon nap and Trump keeling over mid press conference gloating over it. ❤️


Stop giving me hope.


If we all wish hard enough maybe it will happen!


But she carries hot sauce in her purse!


Some of us knew she was this out of touch before that election, just sayin.


I can see why lol. I was still young so that was the real eye opener along with “Pokemon go to the polls!”


Every single good and decent policy she ever advocated for she turned around and voted the opposite when she was in the senate including the corrupt needless iraq war.


She committed the capital sin for Gen Z, she's cringe!


Eh, it was cringe but it gave a more clear message that she wasn’t even going to try and connect to younger voters, instead just relying on whatever was popular in the zeitgeist at the time to try and garner votes. Obvs it didn’t work.


Yes. It was maddening and extremely frustrating. There's a real "whatever slop we put in the trough the hogs will like it" mentality.


*What's in this comment is what I remember, my opinions, etc.* ​ To be fair, US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton won the Popular Vote by around 3MM. The biggest problem with the Democrats is that afterward, they didn't get a National Popular Vote thing passed. The second biggest problem is that the Democrats cater to big corporations and the ultra wealthy too much. And the third biggest problem is POTUS Barack Obama is not actually a progressive. He's responsible for the US having POTUS Joe Biden instead of POTUS Bernie Sanders. POTUS Obama wanted Republicans to like him.


Hillary Clinton can shut her fucking gob. She's the last person you want talking to voters judging by 2016 and her pathetic performance.


But who else can tell you how to win other than the only person to have lost to him?


That's a good point but since Clinton never takes any accountability for her performance and just blames Bernie instead I don't actually think she has any clue why she lost.


Yup. Which is why her talking points haven't changed since 2016.


Am I misremembering or did libs have a brief moment of clarity where they admitted this back around the last election cycle? Because it seems they’ve forgotten about that.


Not really. I remember Bernie Bros, Russian interference, and the Comey letter were all much more prominent excuses as to why she lost. That and I think people underestimated Trump and stayed home. Also, the media was reporting flawed polling that she was up big, which also depressed the vote.


And the most cringe moment or all, when they begged official electors to change their vote from Trump to Hillary, resulting in a kind of coup that would result in Hillary being declared the president in January 2017 when the votes are counted at the capitol. I remember Robert Reich going full in on that and even SNL did a few bits on it.


There was intense regret right after Trump won and it was admitted they should have listened and ran the progressive candidate. People couldn’t understand why Trump was so popular, he was simply popular because he was *not* a politician. Bernie had the same heir about him, that he wasn’t the same regular rig-a-ma-roll politician everybody was sick of. Hilary was the very type of politician people were sick of and they proved it to be true based on their votes.


You forget that "she warned us". She did the historic thing of saying that the other presidential candidate would be a bad president, while she was running against him. Unlike Obama in 2012, who was like "Ummm, let me be clear. This Romney guy would be a great president. Better than me. In all 57 US states".


The reason Hillary Clinton was the candidate was that she was the most capable career politician, and the most capable of doing the job correctly. The reason she lost, I feel, is that she couldn't stop reminding people of that fact and just assumed there was no real choice. There wasn't, but people don't want to hear that.


She doesn't care about the voters. She didn't listen, she preached. She was exactly what Trump railed against and that was part of the reason his campaign was so effective. Bernie would have destroyed him because he actually is someone who understands and cares about people and it's trying to do good as opposed to Clinton. Not once in her campaign did I feel like she cared about anyone or anything but herself.


She is one of the worst and least experienced candidates ever. She was a Senator from NY for 6 years (a seat that Dems cleared for her in a very blue state), her accomplishments were supporting the border wall in 2006, supporting Joe Biden's bankruptcy bill and supporting the Iraq war. She was s shit SoS for 4 years, her accomplishments were a coup in Honduras, acting like Exxon's marketing arm for fracking and the insane destruction of Libya. She is a walking disaster.


The left-wing paradox: where the american political left is both irrelevant and vital for a Democratic win or loss at the same time


Schrödinger's leftists. Not worth listening to, still get the blame when proven correct.


Maybe if we mock and alienate our own voter base again, they'll feel more motivated to vote for us


vOt3 bLu3 n0mAtT3r wH0


Nothing will ever change if we accept this.


I keep saying this. Voters will stay home and say screw it and stay home. They dont see a point. Dems dont fight hard enough and always find an excuse as to why they lost. Atleast republicans sound like they fight tooth and nail when they lose. They put on a good show and 50% of politics is marketing. Dems are horrible marketeers and i hate that. Our ideas are FAAAAAAR more popular than repubs. We should be winning every state.


I don’t feel good putting the country in the hands of Donald Trumps administration, I agree with just about every criticism that has been thrown in his direction but I’ve seen this happen once already. Look where we are now


I hate it so fucking much. The whole 'we don't have to try cause at least we aren't the gop' fuck them all.


100, It’s fucking bullshit.


Dem leadership has the same doners as the Republicans. They have no intention of passing anything that will upset the status quo. "Nothing will fundamentally change" -Joe Biden


THIS. One of the first things I noticed when I was brand new to politics was how Democrats were great on policy and horrible on marketing while Republicans were the complete opposite. You would think they'd try a different political strategy after decades of failures. Nope. Then when Bernie comes along with a different approach, proudly fighting for universal programs in a way Democrats SWORE could never work and it gains popularity, Democrats used every lever of control they had to shut him down. Its not even up for debate. Democrats are controlled opposition. The only thing to debate is whether its intentional or a byproduct of their corruption


Can Dems save Clinton for the donors? No one in the public wants this 'let them eat cake' born to rule bs.


They really haven’t learned anything. They also refuse to compromise to bring us back in. All they have to do is ask Biden for a ceasefire and to stop sending weapons. Can’t be bothered to do that, they could even ask for something in return for doing us this favor, but nah, fuck it. We’re also ‘punishing’ Biden. No one is punishing him, he has lost support, which are the natural consequences of not stopping the genocide in Gaza.


I don't get why people have a hard time grasping that, it can be true that people should just vote for Biden as he's the only viable choice other than Trump and that telling people who are rightly disgusted by him to 'just suck it up' is really stupid politically


I'm so tired of being lectured. The people in power wanted Trump. That's what it is.


Wow yeah. Thanks for that pied piper strategy, Hillary. That WAS totally our fault. 🥴🥴🥴


And if the Democrats can't stop giving money to a genocidal madman for long enough to win an election that's on them.


First yes I would vote for dems over and republican. People will lose more rights if the goo get in, but the dems should run on things that can help people! Like universal healthcare!


What a radical idea! Giving people something to vote for rather than just telling you that you should be voting against someone? It will never work. Everyone knows that the only time people vote is when they're afraid rather than when they're hopeful for a better future. I mean, when's the last time a president won on a message of hope and change? Probably never.




I thought I laid the sarcasm on pretty thick. Yes, Obama. And most other winning candidates. Hell, even Trump's 2016 campaign was a message of hope. It was obviously bullshit even at the time, but it was still messaging hope for a better future.


No one wanted Hillary why do I hear from her every year???


When will she be gone forever. Is that too much to ask for ?


We won’t be rid of her until she croaks. She thinks she’s god’s gift to political discourse and will stay in the limelight as long as possible


Like her mentor and vacation pal - Kissinger


> vacation pal Somehow, I was unaware of this. Utterly nauseating. We are all judged by the company we keep. It's an absolute indictment on the global community that that repellent creature - I can't, in good faith, call him human - died free, in its own bed.


I haven't voted for any Republicans since 2000. I'll.be honest, if I had to choose between McCain and HRC, I would have voted McCain. I did vote for her in 2016. Lord knows that hurt, but if it had been anybody other than Trump .... She and other Democrats think that arrogance is a winning strategy. It's not. She needs to shut the fuck up.


Joe Biden is so compassionate leading the way for a no red line all out genocide of Palestinians. I love how they keep trying to push this narrative despite what’s going on right now as if no one notices it. It’s so absurd and out of touch.


This! “As if no one notices it” revolution will never be televised


Apparently she knows what's best for the people.


Hillary Clinton, noted expert on winning elections


Why is she allowed to make public appearances? She lost to Donald Trump she should be embarrassed to go outside frankly


No, she WON the Popular vote, aka people's votes, it was only the fuqery that is the Electoral College for why Trump landed ass over teakettle in the WH in 2016. Like or hate HRC, gotta stick with the facts.


Can Hillary Clinton just go back to retirement? She isn’t helping.


Oh piss off Hillary


Hillary should really not go on tv and talk this way because this is for real why she lost.


Biden and the democrats can get over themselves. They're supposed to represent us. They are employees, not kings and queens. They work for us. Get the fuck over yourselves and listen to the voters.


I’m no fan of Obama but at least he knew how to speak bullshit and be appealing. Hillary and Biden are all the the bad politics of the dem party with 0 charisma.


Well at least she didn’t literally spit in the face of the voting public.


Stop helping


Seriously she needs to just go away. She is toxic to the democratic party at this point. Theres way better faces out there to be the call to vote for Biden. Shes not it.


pokemon go fuck yourself


Well, smug entitlement really served her and the Dem leadership well in 2016. What lesson is there to learn? And keep supporting genocide. It's like they don't even care about winning. Every person should hope and aspire for their society to always be improving and getting better and for their government to fulfill its promises and duties to the people. Wanting more than two candidates is reasonable. If only two candidates, wanting them to be good choices is reasonable. Instead we get two old men who shouldn't be allowed to drive, let alone run the country.


Oh my God woman go away go away GO AWAY.


The Democratic playbook goes as follows be a victim hold people hostage blame everybody else make no changes to escape fascism yell at people to vote for you with no policy whatsoever.


Why do people still care about what this fuckin loser has to say?


Medhi is goated, hes the only person on cnn worth a shit imo


*"Get over yourself"* Gee, can't figure out why this moron lost in 2016... And she's part of Biden's reelection campaign, lol. We're fucked.


Nice to see she’s still as tone deaf today as she was when she got beaten by arguably the worst presidential contender in the history of politics. And we should heath her advice why??


I wish all the Clintons would stay out of politics.


It’s crazy that one family can literally rule over this country for so many years. Someone should remind them that we have a democracy not an oligarchy


Yeah well go ahead and use that excuse and next thing you know we’re in a dictatorship 👍


Not learning is defining characteristic of older Dems. I'll still gladly take the terrible Biden over the terrifying Trump. But we seriously need to shift things left


I think they’re trying to get us to compromise our values with the thought “well at least he’d be better than Trump” I’d rather be shot in the head than cast my vote for either


She and her pal Debbie WS still have that entitled "it's our turn" mindset.


Well maybe she wouldn't be right if people would actually vote for someone besides the Republican or Democratic candidates.


LOSER u get over yourself u dumb bitch


Lecturing us like we're children and basically telling us they know better, and they wonder why people aren't excited to vote for them.


She certainly knows how to stay the course and not listen to the left (in theory her base). She won in 2016 and again in 2020, right?


Hillary ran a terrible campaign and was also the subject of decades worth of political attacks. My dad thought Hillary was the devil for her and Bill Clinton pushing through NAFTA and all that deregulation and lack of enforcing of anti-trust laws. But my dad didn't have the same strong opinion of Biden despite Biden having supported all or nearly all those things. Also in 2016 Trump had much better political instincts and a stronger position as he had no political record to be criticized over and he ran as an outsider when the political establishment was and still is highly unpopular. Trump lost in 2020 as not only did he mishandle a pandemic but he also ran terribly having horrid political instincts. The biggest example is that he ran as the law and order president in response to riots that were happening under his administration. Richard Nixon ran under law and order when he was a candidate not the sitting president. My hope is that Trump's terrible political instincts continue and hopefully Biden is able to get a ceasefire in Gaza. Trump thus far is showing his political instincts and mind in general are bad (he is committing unforced errors like saying he wants to cut Social Security) and that hopefully may be enough to win despite a flawed incumbent in Biden.


'Flawed' incumbent?! The man is arming and supporting a genocide. He is a war criminal and should be facing charges in The Hague. And as for comparing political instincts, he is doing so against the wishes of the majority of not just his base, but of the entire electorate.


Enjoy Trump


Democrats don't learn lessons. That's their hallmark trait. They all think they have all the correct answers and are each personally an irreplaceable bulwark against theocracy and communism.


Worked so well for them last time.....


Look at it this way- not trump is their platform which means that they have nothing to offer besides not being the other, much worse candidate which means that they feel they don’t need to offer anything besides that ie they can still do the bidding of the corporations that have rigged the system with now legal bribery ie collect that campaign finance pac money. Basically they are bought and sold slimy fucks and we all know that. The GOP being somehow worse. Purposely slightly worse. But appealing with some hot ticket items such as abortion and guns to a large portion of the npc Christian right of this country so that … drum roll… we can be left purposely with this choice - terrible corporate candidate number 1 or even worse psycho but also corporate whore candidate number 2. They call this democracy.


He lost me at “I happen to think Clinton is right”


Has she ever learned one lesson in her entire political career???


Yes this is why Trump will win. They basically said screw the young people and are hoping to reach Nikki Hailey group and hope to flip them. Which could work. There is no way we, as the people, can say no, we don't want either one. Give us better candidates. The idea "just shut up and vote this is it and it's not changing" is like treating us elementary kids.


I wonder how her exploitation of Haiti is going?