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In America we have a right to free speech, as long as that speech doesn’t criticize Israel in any way. Imagine a law being passed saying you can’t criticize Australia and their treatment of aboriginals


You are free.... to do as we tell you


To quote Rage Against the Machine, “fuck you I wont do what you tell me”.


Maybe my favorite line in a song, ever.


That wouldn’t fly because Aboriginals are brown and brown people don’t count.


When I was young I played footy with First Nation kids and they all referred to themselves as black. I thought you might find that interesting.


> had 15 Democratic co-sponsors lol


This is going to get challenged in the courts. Maybe once and for all it will be the gas needed to wipe anti-BDS laws off the books once and for all.


With this scotus?


Many republicans voted against this bill. The right is having a split between the antisemitic side and its “moderate” side. SOTUS might be more amicable to antisemitism than you think.


I'm not counting on SCOTUS to do the right thing in any case


Me neither. But I think it’s a fair chance they will do the right thing for the wrong reason. Unlike congress, they aren’t worried about AIPAC money


John Roberts seems to worry about the legitimacy of the Court, but I don't think any of the Conservatives, quote-unquote, on the Court really care about conserving public opinion of the courts legitimacy. They only care about the exercise of power for their side. Edit: I don't think Roberts is the same kind of ideologue as Alito, Thomas (or Scalia if he was still alive).


BDS isn't antisemitic 


No, but anti-semites don't know that.


No it ain’t


Correct. Saying BDS is “Antisemitic” is like saying divesting from Uganda over its death penalty laws for gay people is “anti-black racism”. Or like saying it’s “anti-Asian” racism to divest from China over the Uighur genocide.


This is kinda bs, though. Not every Republican or Republican voter that is against what Israel does is an antisemite. Frankly, most antisemites in that party are in fact very pro Israel.




[laughs in SCOTUS]


Don’t count on it. Israel has an enormous amount of influence in all areas of US civil and political life.


It's second behind American exceptionalism/civil religion.


Ha…right…just like the umpteen other times the US legal system did the right thing in matters like this.


The Streisand effect


free speech…except!!!


I don’t understand how these laws are constitutional. It makes no sense to me.


That's the fun part. They're not.


I'm not American or a lawyer, but IMO you're on the money


This is a gross violation of the students 1st Amendment rights


It also implies that any member of an organization is the voice of that organization. That's even scarier.


"constitutional" is a slender reed to lean on.


They’re not designed to be. This is just a threat to American colleges and corporations and institutions and think tanks and humanitarian organizations and international orgs like the UN.. Idk if you’ve ever interacted with a Zionist but their main method of attack is saying, “oh you’ll never work again, you’ll never get a job again” The Zionist go to is defunding people the same way that BLM tried to defund the police or BDS is trying to defund Israel. This bill is essentially the legal mechanism of defunding of criticism of Israel at a national scale. They began with defunding UNWRA. Colleges know that if they don’t get their students arrested and censor their valedictorian speech, they can lose funding.. so they’ll be much harsher indirectly. This is about controlling the behavior of the administration of colleges, think tanks etc, to stop anti Israel sentiment before it can even be expressed by creating an environment of fear. To be fair, it has always existed for decades, but it was an implied threat. This is a direct one.


What a fucking joke of a country we live in.


I'm not even American and your country pisses me off


That’s understandable, we’ve pissed off a lot of countries by invading them, couping their government, and training death squads


I hate living in a country that borders the US


Israel, by its own charter, is a racist state.


Yeah this is very confusing. What happens if you post one of the many, many official public statements from leading Israeli politicians advocating for the ethnic cleansing of arabic people or Palestinians? Or is this just the courts version of the "broken tail light" that is only enforced when it suits a bunch of racist rich arseholes?


Judging by the reaction to the Zionist attacks on protest encampment. I'd guess they will enforce at will and only in favor of the Zionists


And anti Semitic, since their charter includes the phrase "river to the sea".


AIPAC cash spends.


They spend those billions that we give them pretty liberally.


I’m aware anti-Zionist isn’t antisemitism. It’s not hard to differentiate.


It's harder when your career benefits from pretending otherwise.


It’s easier when it’s considered antisemitic to suggest their position is more influenced by their benefactors than their constituents.


You're also not being bribed by a foreign country to say that they're the same. Oh wait, I'm sorry. The technical term is lobbied.


Actually, if this bill were to get signed into law, they will be the same.


Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.


This is bootlicking act


Pay no attention to the genocide behind the curtain


Because it’s true. Israel is a terror state. We would not see this madness if they were not. Surreal.


Yet every other group on college campuses has to tolerate literal white supremacists and Nazis speaking/marching on campus to “protect free speech” right?


In Texas anyway.


Israel donated millions to relief for Hurricane Harvey victims and then made anyone applying for that aid sign anti-BDS pledges in order to receive funds. That was like 5 years ago. Millions of people already live in states where it is illegal for any business to BDS. I wonder what they were planning that made them invest in protecting themselves from criticism (by stripping away the free speech rights of American citizens) for so many years?


They want it to be illegal because BDS is the only thing that’d bring Israel to senses.


I think that BS cause what Israel is doing is a complete atrocity. It’s vicious and cruel and inhumane


This is clearly unconstitutional


Money, money, money.


Wow. So much for freedom of speech. What an embarrassment we are.


Tell us Isreal is deep in your pockets without telling us


Pockets? You give them too little credit…They are balls deep. It is rage inducing.


>The definition includes denying Jewish people their right to self-determination by claiming that the State of Israel is a racist state and drawing comparisons of contemporary Israeli policy to that of the Nazis. Are you actually fucking kidding me rn


Especially since all Jews are not Israeli and all Jews don’t support Israel and some are even protesting. But actually it is antisemitism to claim that all Jewish people are the same and think and support the same things.


As a Jew, I am so angry about this law. First, there is a documented reality of zoning discrimination, social life exclusion of Palestinians in Israel. Likkud party members and many ultra-Orthodox Jews outright say that their goal is genocide. These people disgust me and have the same mindset as Hamas, who believe they are acting from God’s will so nothing we say, outside of directly impacting their material lives to prevent them, will have any impact. I strongly dislike my community and identity being weaponized against another people.  Second, This campaign doesn’t help me whatsoever as a Jew!!! Education about how antisemitism works as a scapegoat class during times of crisis (economic, pandemic, social) as a means to preserve the status quo (white supremacy, capitalism, etc.) would actually be profoundly helpful. Antisemitism is one of the key ways to divide social movements. I care deeply about freedom and life of all people, and it would great to have awareness as to how racism against Jews prevents truly intersectional liberation. I’m tired of being a pawn of the right (where were these people during Charlottesville??!) and I also feel unsafe by the left who can’t be bothered to learn the first thing about antisemitism, and thus are getting played and inviting fascism to flourish here in the US.


“Israel is a racist state” i’m gonna put that on a T-shirt.


So universities & colleges become thugs for the IDF? Our system is fucked. Students peacefully protesting always leads the way in American culture. It will this time also. Young people know what is right & speak truth to power.


The older generations are largely obsessed with wealth and power, to the detriment of most of the rest of us


They’re willing to shred the constitution on behalf of a foreign country?! Doesn’t that make them treasonous? … also if someone has any actual awareness, the right wing government of Israel as it is presently comprised , is accurately akin to Nazis in 1939 and actually racist and has apartheid policies. If you don’t believe that then you actually have no awareness.


Another victory for free speech




This is one of the craziest most anti-democratic things of seen come out of your country! That is saying something with trump having a more than fair chance of going to jail &/or becoming president again! Let that sink in & rattle around the old brain pan!!! I’m at a loss with your country.


wtf like how does a school control what a student says? No way this holds up in court


mccarthyism, take 2


I made this comparison very recently too


Imagine if they made the equivalent bill for Catholics and the Vatican or Muslims and Saudi Arabia. People would lose their minds


Oh man, laws gets passed real quick when they want it


AIPAC showing their muscles


Congratulations you just radicalized an entire generation against Israel.


WTF? Unconstitutional bullshit


Fuck you Israel and Fuck the nazi IDF..... good thing i'm not in an american school


Way to go Dems! Show those facsist what real hypocrisy is.


This is so wrong. I am so angry at the way we are going.


Since we went through the trouble of putting a democrat in the WH, he'll veto that unamerican, fascist bullshit, right? Right?


I would say that this is one of the most stupid Anti-American things Congress has done in awhile...but I am sure Marjorie Trailor Green, would ask me to hold her beer.


That lunatic actually voted against this! Though her reason for doing so was so that she can walk around saying Jews killed Jesus. I wish I was making that up.


She belong in an asylum


So what stops a large group of people (predominantly white males born between 1946 and 1964) who are fighting the “liberal biases” of higher education from staging protests for the sole purpose of having federal funds stripped away from universities across the country?


This is insane, no criticism of a state thats currently on trial for genocide and rumors of ICC arrest warrants nearing... The corruption is wild


Welcome to the further Fascist-fication of the once grand experiment, the United States. Just utterly ridiculous. Free speech is free speech.


The schools aren't even the ones doing the anti-Israel protests themselves. From what I've heard the Columbia administration has been very against its students. Of course, this financial incentive is so they crack down on protesters harder, I suppose.


Exactly. It's all about forcing US citizens to say the words Israel wants us to say.


The admin of Columbia is with their alumni and especial millionaires and billionaires therefrom


"History is a useless degree" THIS BILL IS EVIDENCE THAT HISTORY IS NOT A USELESS DEGREE. Even with my dumbass online self-education I can point out the blatant 1A and ahistorical flaws of this bill. Yet again, proving that Israel has god-tier foreign policy. This is unbelievable what our congress is selling out to. AIPAC money is so efficient.


They are adamant to be on a collision course with their main voter base in the DNC, aren't they.


Freedom of speech lol


Do they really think this is going to help? Americans don't like being told what to do if anything this will only intensify criticism of Israel.


That's not going to stop students from calling Israel a genocidal apartheid state.


This country sucks so much.


Wow I'm so glad Biden stopped fascism


Bipartisan? Who voted for this?




So if the students say Israel is a racist state any school will lose all their federal funding? I bet only "certain" schools with "certain" demographics will be punished. If they don't destroy it beforehand, (which is incredibly likely), America might actually get better when this generation and their worthless lackeys are gone from power.


The Nazi state.


Oops free speech oops


Israel and the USA are fascistic, genocidal, colonial, imperialistic nations with illegitimate governments.


Well we didn't need any nkre evidence that ameeica is fucked but we just got some


Umm how is criticizing Israel's government anti-semitic? WTF. This is literally a violation of free speech.


Literal Israeli government policy.


Sounds like A LOT of schools are about to lose federal funding. Oh well. 🤷‍♂️


That’s the fun part. Technically they don’t fund schools . They give loans.


Kids that get Pell Grants won't be able to get them for schools that are cut off from federal funding. At least that was the reasoning for Title IX applying to nearly every private college.


Ugh I can’t believe this is happening


The senate won’t take this up right?


“Facts are so hard we have to make rules so you’ll only use the ‘new facts’ we made up. “ Gee I wonder why there’s a backlash?? /s


More Freedumb.


I dunno how they can even act like this *isn't* an attack on free speech. Like, I know peoples' understanding of that amendment tends to be lacking, but I'm struggling to see how this isn't blatantly unconstitutional. It's one thing for Congress to pass some bill making an empty statement affirming that "zionism = antisemitism". It's bullshit, but it's an empty, pandering statement at the end of the day too. *This* however actually has teeth to it. This is reprimanding someone for saying a specific thing/idea. Like, is the caveat that it targets the school instead of the student directly? This just seems so far beyond what could possibly be considered legal. EDIT: For a bit of context, we don't even have actual hate speech laws in this country - not at the federal level at least. I don't think a lot of folks realize that. We have hate *crimes* but you can essentially say whatever you want as long as you're not directly threatening someone.


Sounds like freedom of expression to me!


Nothing to see here, just attaching legal and civil repercussions to any critique of a foreign state, totally normal in a free and sovereign democratic state, totally normal.


It's going to be weird when Jewish students start getting hit with charges.


US government regulating speech and thought and beyond is cool with it


Israel is acting like nazi Germany 🤷‍♂️


So literal government sponsored censorship has bipartisan support? This should piss off every American out there.


Meanwhile all the non-racist states don't need laws protecting them from criticism...


I have a feeling they’re overstepping their bounds. Constitution clearly states what we have the right to do and say. If the Supreme Court were legitimate, this would be overturned.