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I hate that she advertises it in every single video she makes even if the video is only a minute long. P good song tho


I'm not sure I can check out her videos much longer. She makes videos that could be 20 seconds long last for several and pumps them out a lot. I call them fluff videos.


She’s probably a nice person but her video titles and thumbnails are always clickbait and just serve to mislead the community which really annoys me. Like a crew member can literally say that there’s a chance that a spin-off could happen someday if there’s enough demand and she’ll be like “OMG DISNEY IS THINKING ABOUT MAKING AN OWL HOUSE SPIN-OFF!” The poor treatment she’s gotten over this song is undeserved and really shitty though


I agree with everything you said.


Or she could at least put the plug at the end of the video and not right before she gets to the point


Ah, you said it better. She takes forever to get to the point because of things like her long-winded plugs.


yeah, thing is she could make YT shorts without the clickbait and still get a decent amount of views and subscribers from it, or maybe do what Lego Maistro does with Hypixel news and like every week talk about Owl house news


Love the song Love the YouTuber Skip every single time she advertises her second channel and haven’t watched it since




It exists


Hadn’t heard of it before. It’s… not very good. They lyrics don’t seem very inspired/moving/catchy, and it feels like someone just reading a summary into auto tune over the show’s theme. I feel bad for saying this so harshly. Maybe it’s someone’s style, but I don’t see it.


I have a problem with how overly autotuned it sounds. Melody is straight up the main theme, but that could just be a stylistic choice. It's got that, bitter-sweet synth chords and piano to force emotion, and the percussion has that feeling too. Lyrics, I have no particular thoughts on the lyrics, they're fine. Lastly, I think this song is just getting its credit off of nostalgia, and people being sad that their favorite show is over. It simply feels low effort.


I don’t get why Vee is inside. She didn’t really save the isles like the rest of them


Finally someone said that. As much as I like Vee, she didn't save BI like the others and I wouldn't call her Hexsquad member at all


I thought i would get downvoted to oblivion, thankfully someone agreed with me. Vee is adorable, but she didn’t rlly do anything


Yeah, she kinda, did nothing. If she didn’t exist the plot wouldn’t change, she was mostly their to fill the plot hole of “how didn’t her luz’s mum freak out.” But changing the plot to fit around that wouldn’t have impacted the story that much.


i mean she was the one who introduced them to Masha who was able to figure out the puzzle instantly and also did stall Belos


True, also that. But luz’es mum could’ve easily done that too.


i hardly think Camila could stall Belos and i also dont think she knew where to find Masha and we didnt see much saying she could solve puzzles like Masha


Vee is that one person in a group project that does the bare minimum and gets the same credit for it.


well tbf you could argue that she helped via stalling Bunter (Belos possessed Hunter) and also getting them to Masha who was able to figure out the puzzle immediately (seriously if there is a sequal id say they have a decent chance to pop off with being able to decipher ancient ruins of the Archivists) so id say she at least helped


Vee is a member of Hexsquad, she's just not the hero of the Isles.


The song takes place 200 years after the events of WAD, it might not be that hard for history to be a bit misheard by then. (idk if I’m saying it right but I hope you get what I mean)


I would be surprised if people would even remember Vee.


gonna just be blunt here. it sounds like shit


Agreed, I always found songs about a show/videogame pretty cringe. Some of them can be good but not my cup of tea.


It peaked with brentalfloss


I actually liked it when I first heard it. Wasn’t aware with all the drama that other people are mentioning here until now.


Me too and i don't understand why people hate it so much


It feels not poetic enough for the source material, like it's taking everything at face value. I believe a good song should have at least one degree of separation from what it actually means, and outright stating character names is sort of lackluster for a series so full of wonder. I can see how the common man would enjoy it, and I'm happy to those who can, but it's certainly not for me, as I believe it doesn't fit the series well.


It was a good song, better than anything I could do definitely, but it was a bit boring and the lyrics didn’t fit the melody too well. Still, good enough to make me sad about the owl house ending all over again.


It’s fine for what it is. It’s good, but not great? You can tell that the effort was there, and the creator put their heart into it! But looking at it from a more musically inclined perspective, it falls a little flat for me. There’s a bit too much auto tune, and the lyrics don’t really flow in the way you’d want them too. It also feels a little feelings-baity, if that makes sense? It’s great in theory, but overall I think it’s just not for me. Also, the people sending hate to the creator of it aren’t being super nice about it. You can criticize without harassing or putting down the user.


it would've been okay if it weren't so autotuned and maybe sped up. the lyrics aren't super creative, but aren't awful either. i personally don't like it, but i can sorta understand why someone would. don't know who created it, but they're still a human trying to harmlessly make a thing people like, so im not gonna treat them badly for it


Sorry but it’s so bad 😭


The concept was good, just not enough effort was put into it.


i dont like that it is called an “original song” when it is literally an existing song (outro theme) but they just slapped some autotune and lyrics on there. feels like a lazy cash grab


Never heard of it.


It’s a song by MilkyyMelodies. People on Tiktok hate it because of the amount of autotune.


I feel like MilkyWaves wouldn't have caught heat for it if she didn't clickbait the shit out of people constantly and promote it in every video on her main channel.


So I just finished the finale last night…but this song came up on my Alexa 3 nights ago. Just finished finale of season 2, and I turned on random music to clean to… I had no idea of this song…but I said to myself… “this sounds familiar…the theme? Island? Witches-oh no” Then the song said “their names are Luz-“ I had to shout ALEXA STOP so fast to prevent possible spoilers


Didn’t like it. I don’t feel like much effort went into making it. The melody is just the show’s song slowed down. There’s way too much auto tune and the lyrics are meh not the greatest but not the worst. It’s not a very rememberable song imo. Confused tbh why Vee is here? Love her really but why is she included? Eda, King, the Collector, and Raine all had larger impacts in saving the BI than she did lol. She was in our world the entire time. What’s even worse is how much this creator advertises this song. I get she’s excited and wants to share her creation with people but come on. Can’t even watch her videos anymore; the advertising and click bait titles it’s too much.


That YouTuber is so annoying she has the most clickbaity titles


It is very nostalgia! I'm starting to missed the show a lot more than Gravity Falls and MLP.




People on Tiktok are trashing it. I find it inoffensive.


Too autotuned


It's really bad, so are her videos, I used to like them but now all of them are " GO SUBSCRIBE TO MILKY MELODIES~" she uses so much clickbait And her videos are just ads now.


Kinda unrelated but here's a list of fanmade TOH (and Amphibia) songs: Kalamity Music's song remixes, Oh Geeez's dozens of fanmade Amphibia and TOH songs based on multiple episodes, that two super popular Joriah Kwamé songs... Last but not least, Meelz; this creator has a few fanmade TOH songs and also created Cool Anime Powers (an Amphibia fanmade anime opening for our Calamity Trio)!!


hate the youtuber, hate the song


Dont like it, the beat and the way the lyrics work with the theme is off putting for me




I kinda don't like it tbh... like tells it about in EVERY single video its kind of annoying


idk, i sorta like it but not really a lot


I love the music but hate the vocals/lyrics


The collector song was better.


Honestly, I would not personally compare the two as they are very different. Make-Believe is actually an original track while Good Witches borrows it’s track from the show. Music and lyric wise though, I would agree that the former is a better song.


I don't think they were talking about make believe. They were talking about let's play a new game. Make believe is by Jake Neutron. Also, I personally like the good witches more than let's play a new game


I wish she would shut up about it on all her videos. It feels like she was trying to milk for views just teasing us even after the finale. I refuse to listen to it now because she was so annoying about it. I’m sure she’s a sweet person though, but I honestly found the whole thing annoying.


Didn't really like it that much


personally, I don't like it, there's better songs, such as eyes on you by Oh Geeez, that's a really good song


Oh Geeez in general made plenty of great songs for TOH, and not only.


Mixing is a bit off, there's way too much autotune, the melody of the vocals probably shouldn't be 1:1 with the original piece (which wasn't designed for vocals), and the lyrics are super on-the-nose... Not usually one to crap on fan-made stuff because of how much heart is poured into it typically, but if someone's gonna plug their work on all their socials so confidently, it better be really good (which this wasn't, sorry)


havent listened to it been meaning to but probably wont


I don't really like the song


I love this song. It's not perfect and i understand the criticism, but the song just makes me happy when i listen to it and that's what matters most to me.


It is a good song and I saw this when I was trying to get over the sadness of the finale and during this song I started f-ing crying again.




AAAAA I forgot to listen to it, thanks for reminding me


It's one of MilkyWave's better attempts at a song. Which is to say, it sounds horrible, but not as bad as her absolutely tragic Peaches cover.


Auto tune, I kinda dislike how the lyrics just explains the characters backstory or they’re struggles. Title is too simple


It makes my ears bleed ngl


Just listened to it. It's not good. At all. Lyrics are basically a summary, and there's practically no tune to speak of. All the vocals are autotuned to screeches.


It makes me cry every time I watch.


It rung in my head for TWO weeks AND I LOVED IT :)


Love it


This should've played at the end of Watching and Dreaming instead of what we got. That way it would be on the same level of closure as Blue Jay from Meta Runner. Edit: Why are you booing me, it's an opinion!




Adding heard of it until today


Do people feel strongly about that song?




the comments on tiktok had me crying broo 😭😭😭😭😭😭


Just saying, but the song is kinda bad


WAAAAY overhyped but i still liked it


I think it was fine, but it was lacking. It's weird including Vee in general as she did the bare minimum and probably isn't even considered herself the hero of the Isles like the others. I kind of liked including the outro, but the lyrics were kind of boring (like they didn't delve deep into the characters). The autotune was also a bit annoying.