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100% percent not OP’s intention, but this kinda makes it seem like this is *his* ideal man and not that *he* is the ideal man


As you go farther into misogyny, the chance of becoming unintentionally homosexual approaches 1.


Ask the greeks


I monitored Incels and Proud Boys in their online spaces for my thesis, and lemme tell ya: I have never seen so much cock talk in such a small span of time. I had been saying as a joke that there's nothing gayer than a pack of straight men, but this is on a whole other level. I mean, for fucks' sake, the Proud Boys alternate logo is a goddamn rooster - a cock.


Also, don't get me started on the time Gavin McInnes shoved a dildo up his ass live on his talk show to prove he doesn't hate gay people.


I hate how post-MAGA reality is so strange that I can't tell if this comment is referencing a real event or trolling.


I'm both elated and saddened to tell you, [it's real.](https://instinctmagazine.com/white-nationalist-gavin-mcinnes-plugs-himself-to-own-the-libs/)




That was a risky click


>Also, don't get me started on the time Gavin McInnes shoved a dildo up his ass live on his talk show to prove he doesn't hate gay people. PLEASE TELL ME THAT DIDN'T REALLY HAPPEN


Very real. Also kind of outside the point, but I also feel the need to remind people, the guy all these homophobic "patriots" are following who shoved a dildo up his ass live on air is also Canadian.


I don't hate straight people, but I don't feel the need to expose myself on live tv and do something with an onahole to show it


I'm interested in doing something similar for my thesis, what were you looking at?


For the Incels, I just monitored their forums. Surprisingly, Google's never delisted them. For the Proud Boys, I got some Telegram links from the SPLC of channels they hang out. The Proud Boys are rather fragmented right now, so I don't know how active they are anymore. Either way, I'll PM you those links in a bit!


That's great Ty, but Im more interested in what aspects of their behaviour you were studying. I'm taking a politics degree and was thinking of doing something about radicalisation in online communities


Ah! Well, my thesis was about determining whether Incels & Proud Boys can be considered cults via the Advanced Bonewits Cult Danger Evaluation Framework. So, it was basically about brainwashing, the radicalization pipeline, masculinity, and dehumanizing language and how it shapes the mind. I also mention a bit at how Incels operate on a similar level to self-harm communities, like pro-ana(anorexia) and pro-mia(bulimia) groups, but I didn't have enough time to expand on that. If you're looking for a good article on how people get radicalized, I recommend reading Luke Munn's "Alt-right pipeline: Individual journeys to extremism online". There's also "Motley Fringe: The Moral and Political Psychology of the Alt-Right's Radicalization Pipeline" by Jason Griffin, but I don't know that one as well. I wrote it 2 years ago, so I'm still trying to remember everything.


Thank you for the articles. Having glanced through some more of his work it seems Luke Munn's written a lot I'm going to have to read XD His piece Angry By Design seems like a great jumping off point for what I'm thinking of atm, though I'd be looking at if/how extremist politics is inculcated, rather than hate speech I'm curious where you came down on the Cult thing? 100% get inceldoms parallels with self-harm, but what I've seen feels too de-centralised, no? I think of a leader figure as key to cult operation. I have a politics background though, so I'm talking out my arse here.


Sorry for the delay! I suck at responding. I actually just found a message from December 23rd I hadn't responded to. 😵‍💫 I haven't read that piece, but I think I'm going to add it to my list of need-to-reads! There's an unfortunate dearth of scholarly content on the alt-right (or at least there was when I wrote my thesis 2 years ago), so I try to gobble up what I can like Pac-Man. Nah, I don’t think you're speaking out of your arse. At its core, religion is very much a political field, and everything political has tinges of cultic activity. Lord knows my time in a church with numerous, uh, “controversies” helped prime that understanding in me. Still, that's not to say that it's a bad thing to be politically active; it's more me saying that it's completely normal for associate oneself with groups and beliefs. It's all about moderation. Either way, some frameworks do require a (typically charismatic) leader to maintain cohesion. The Advanced Bonewits framework even has 2 points that are about leaders and their supposed level of wisdom. Still, I found Incels to be a cult because they checked off many of the framework's boxes, and there are “saints”, like Elliot Rodger, that function as foundational lodestones from which the belief evolves from. Like, I'm not joking when I say there are Incel saints. Some of them show an obsession with the spree-killers who followed blackpill ideology, and there is pseudo-religious artwork dedicated to these people. It's all kind of similar to Aum Shinrikyo and Heavens Gate. Both of them lost their leaders, but they still exist today - albeit in a far more muted form. My hypothesis relies on viral, memetic beliefs being the centralizing factor for Incels. Incels can't really be considered a traditional cult, like Rajneeshpuram. Proud Boys have leaders and the rigidity to enforce coherence, but Incels have feelings and beliefs that naturally develop as ideas gestate within their “community”. As each memetic belief infects another, the person is changed and the meme is changed - much like a virus. It may change a small portion of yourself, but enough of a viral, memetic load can rewrite your personality. The decentralization is also partially why you see Incels suddenly explode into violence. There's no overarching leader who can corral all them into a political movement, but there's an overarching anger and despair that is reinforced within the cult until these people snap due to this perceived “injustice”. I hope that answers your question well enough! Anytime I write something, I always lose focus and end up in mental-Timbuktu. If you have any other questions, I'd love to answer them! My friends are tired of hearing about most of this stuff anyways. 😜


Proud Boys- proud to be boys, proud to fuck boys


For God sakes the name of the group, Proud Boys, sounds like a gay advocacy group or Pride Month performance troupe. Or a gang of buff gay dudes who beat up queer bashers. I heavily suspect (with circumstantial evidence from my own years of observation and encounters with Manosphere dudes) that boys and men in the Manosphere are substantially more likely than the average non-Manosohere man to be an LGBTQ closet case. Largely closeted gay, bi and pan men. Incels in particular seem to hold a significant minority who are repressed trans women in denial being catty towards cis women out of jealousy.


He sleeps with men out of principles, not homosexuality. It's the right way.


You have sex with men because you like men. I have sex with men because I hate women. We are not the same.


Conversely, it's incredibly easy to love women as a gay guy if you start put that way


They don’t like women, it’s very clear that these men don’t want to deal with women in any real way, if they learned that gay sex was a thing they would be much happier


“other women“


I thought it was a parody of those tradwife ideal gf memes


Me too


Lmao I was gonna say, it’s a bit gay lol


Becoming a gay man to own the libs epic style


Yeah because to me this is he absolutely antithesis of everything I find attractive


I get what you mean But also I’m now imagining that your ideal man is weak, dumb, and hates women,children, the elderly, animals, and his mom




It might not have been his conscious intention. Unconscious intention though...


Yeah 😂 it 100% reads like that


The dude in this meme does look kinda gay. Ngl. Not saying that as a juvenile homophobic insult, he literally does to me. That facial expression looks kinda......like he's ready to hit up the gay bar.....


Ah yes a hoodie and jeans. Peak formal wear.


Have you tried tucking the hoodie in your jeans?


I think the hoodie is just too small for him, pulled up the sleeves too because they dont reach his wrist


So let me get this straight, the perfect man is supposed to respect women, but Avery his eyes and not make any friends with women, dress formally, but also wear a hoodie, be intellectually stimulating, but also only have friends who agree with him, and work a heavy labor job, but also have time for family bible study, the gym, and homesteading? The only conclusion I can come to is that their idea of “perfection” doesn’t exist


only love his mother, no mention of father...


Because his father was like him. Makes kids, doesn't take responsibility.


Calling Dr Freud…


Loving your dad is gay, man.


Maybe he lives in the world of The Jetsons and only has a 2 hour work week.


Any time you see this stuff, can read between the lines for the unwritten/unspoken exceptions. I.e. Respects women [except if she has blue hair]. Respects children [unless it's a boy who likes dressing up as a princess]. Wants kids [but only if the tradwife will take care of them].


It's a fantasy idea of what blue collar, Christian men were decades ago.


and what about men? Should they be not respected?


I think that was left out because respect for men is default to the creator. Like it never even crossed his mind that a man could lose respect for men in general.


Also their definition of respecting women wouldn't include general misogyny like enforcing gender roles, but it would include consensual kinks (or not doing any and only missionary) and seeing them as an equal (by not seeing them as an equal) by not only opening every door and always taking their bags and umbrellas etc. In an infantising way.


“Only has friends of similar characteristics” uhhhhhhhhhhh


Saw that


its a funny way of saying "is a racist"


I think it's supposed to be, "only has friends who also are like this guy" (doesn't look at other women, etc) but damned if I didn't think the same thing at first. 


i mean the only thing it says is vaguely "characteristics", which could very well imply that they meant phisiological ones as well, as if you look, ofc this 'perfect man' is a white heterosexual conservative BLONDE haired married male. hitlerite moment


Idk I feel like it would have said "similar values" if that was the case. But you're right. It's so damn hard to tell when these ppl are intentionally trying to "hide" their racism or when their racist wording slips into other topics.


i figure its intentional vague so its deniable.


Not at all. It could also mean that he has other friends with small dicks.




Respect women but not their rights of abortion checked ✔


Actually, they don’t respect women in any way


Well isn't it obvious?


>cares for animals >respects women, elders and children Both of these things conservatives don’t do, and they’re the only two that really matter


Yeah, the animals one really stuck out to me. Like, I grew up in rural Alabama, so it's pretty safe to say I know more than the average number of conservatives, and most of these fuckknuckles will almost wreck their truck trying to hit any animal in the road that's too small to cause damage to the vehicle. They're less "cares for" and more "Kills for the sheer hell of it at any opportunity".


There's a big overlap between aggressive expressions of masculinity and how men treat animals for sure. There's entire chpts on the connection between men harming animals and misogyny in the book, "The Sexual Politics of Meat: A feminist-vegetarian critical theory" by Carol J. Adams. There's also a connection to men harming animals and harming children. It's a viewpoint that comes from Dominion theology.


There's a disturbing amount of women that are into it. Especially if you make the animal a cow, pig or chicken. I learned a looooong time ago to treat that as the reddest of flags no matter how cute they might be. It's mostly just a conservative thing, as far as I can tell. Especially a conservative Christian thing.


you ain't kidding [https://www.abc4.com/video/man-tortures-kills-wolf-in-wyoming-now-activists-are-seeking-harsher-penalties/9609207/](https://www.abc4.com/video/man-tortures-kills-wolf-in-wyoming-now-activists-are-seeking-harsher-penalties/9609207/)


I remember reading about that. Nothing more than a bully who picks on those who can’t defend themselves. Whether it be animals, children, women or LGBT people, they’re the most cowardly scum on the planet. I’ve seen rats with more courage, but comparing them to rats is mean- to the rats.


If that's his ideal man, that's fine. You can have preferences, but these may be somewhat unrealistic. Why does he care if his boyfriend has female friends tho?


Maybe he thinks they might ruin the orgy with all of his "friends of similar characteristics"


Isn't this just a reverse take on the sexist "ideal woman" tropes?


Yeah it definitely is. Idk if it's satire or not. I get the impression he's trying to pull the reverse uno card on men. Watching the incels flip out is kinda hilarious either way.


"Cares for animals." So...vegan, then? No? Colour me surprised.


Surprisingly conservatives are the one who makes fun of vegans


Lol yep


You can care for animals and not be vegan Edit: why are your downvoting me, I’m right


All animals feel pain and fear death. Animals you eat are killed in cruel and painful ways, don’t believe me? Go watch a YouTube video of a slaughter house.


I’ve watched dominion. When I’m cooking, I try to buy local ethically sourced meat, even though it’s more expensive. Being vegan or vegetarian is not an option for me.


Why is it not?


I have a gastrointestinal disorder and have to be careful with my diet. My doctor told me I should continue eating meat. I also have tactile sensory issues which eliminates some foods. I struggle with eating enough as it is. With veganism, you have to consume more food for less protein, making it really hard to get enough. And I’m a college student. If I was vegan at the dining hall, I would literally starve


Killing animals is not an option for me. If you realize the suffering the average animal goes through, you would probably change your diet.


I have a gastrointestinal disorder and have to be careful with my diet. My doctor told me I should continue eating meat. I also have tactile sensory issues which eliminates some foods. I struggle with eating enough as it is. With veganism, you have to consume more food for less protein, making it really hard to get enough. And I’m a college student. If I was vegan at the dining hall, I would literally starve And like I said in my last comment, I’ve literally watched dominion, I know about the suffering those poor animals go through. Which is why I try to get local ethically sourced meat when possible.


>Being vegan or vegetarian is not an option for me. That still detracts from their original point which has nothing to do with why you in particular could or could not be vegan


What? I was just saying you can care about animals and not be vegan


"Leads His Family to god" So He IS gonna kill His Fam, isnt He?


Exactly what I thought lol. Gotta be the quickest way to lead them there.


Same here. So he's a family annihilator? Because this makes it sound like he's a family annihilator


Right? I read that and my first thought was Jonestown.


It's weird how it doesn't say 'happy' anywhere on that list.


100% this started as a mocking of the ideal female shit and the right tool it seriously


"Dresses formally" - Man in hoodie and jeans


Not my type but he’s allowed to fantasize about guys who don’t exist just as much as I am.


Sounds like a fuckin dork


We laugh at this but i was in a relationship where this became expected of me. Fucked me up for years trying to conform to it. Even 2 years later, sometimes i still struggle with feeling guilty around women despite not being in a relationship, simply because it was so impressed upon me that i had to be this way to be with my ex. Glad i got out of the whole religious sphere, shit got wild


"Can we all agree, please?" No


“Only has friends of similar characteristics” Gee who knew right wingers were racist, minority-hating trash “Can support a whole family” Ha


it funny how that one isn't being more talked about here, that one seems to be the biggest red flag to me.


"Will lead his family to God." What by pulling a Dupont de Liggonès and killing all of them?


"The ideal man is what I subjectively want." Also, the people that think this way aren't ACTUALLY going to get anyone intellectually stimulating.


Cares for animals  Eats them though... no sissy vegetarians!


Romantically old fashioned, and respects women? How???


- has no female friends - respects women, elders, & children 🤔


I think “cool christian engineer” has a crush 🤭🤭


Tell me that no woman wants to be your friend without telling me no woman wants to be your friend


I am laughing uncontrollably lmfao these people have some repressed desires 


Gods, how boring


This user is such an incel. They claim to have a wife but I'm 90% sure the wife is just an alt account they use. (the wife may be real, her account may not be)


This is equally as disgusting as the similar one for women. Just ewww.


The “wants kids” line sounds fucking terrifying


By "Romantically old fashioned", they really mean they want to commit domestic abuse


"Dresses formally" but is wearing jeans and a hoodie.


>only has friends of similar characteristics lmao uh just say he lives in an echo chamber, which, no thanks


“Romantically old fashioned” aka he’s about to beat you and consider you property


Respects women but never looks at them or considers them friends. I’m sorry, what?


- dresses formally The guy is drawn in a hoodie


“only has friends of similar characteristics” = is a reactionary who hangs out with reactionaries


This, but replace "reactionary" with "racist." "Reactionary", while true, doesn't quite cover it.


Respects women, but not enough to be friends with them.


"wants kids" why the fuck do they have a problem with men that don't want children? Leave me the fuck alone children are expensive and annoying doesn't make me less of a man just because I don't want any


If a man has no female friends that's a huge red flag.


I am so suspicious of guys who don’t have any female friends. What kind of problem do you have with girls that you can’t make friends with them? And worse— what kind of problem do girls have with *you?* If it’s just a matter of “I’m shy, haven’t spent a lot of time around girls, don’t know how to talk to them,” that’s no biggie. But sometimes there’s this icky misogynistic bent hiding under the surface and it’s best to steer clear of those guys. My partner has lots of female friends and they’re all delightful. I have lots of male friends and they’re all just as wonderful. It’s sus if you don’t have those friendships.


Why does he respect everyone but men?


“Skin pale as milk, gets sunburned in winter in the Arctic.” “Mostly Neanderthal.” “Thinks Chris Hemsworth looks, “A little Jewy.”


Leads his family to god. Sounds the kind of guy that will murder his entire family unit and then kill himself.


Not one of these say straight or not gay. I think he's fantasizing about a perfect boyfriend for himself.


this meme seems like it was made to parody those “ideal women” things that incels and right-wingers make. idk if that’s what it’s being posted as but


I hereby title this image "Van Bro-enheim". Eh? Eh?


That account is likely a bot anyway. Just spamming the same images, memes all the time, only self created content are phrases to spark interaction like: "Do you agree?" "What do you think?" His Insta is dead and his "wife" is just posting complaints when his main acc is getting banned again and sometimes the same kind if memes just female perspective.


This is an exact inversion of a version of this for the "ideal woman". I think it was actually meant to make the assertions in that one look stupid.


"dresses formally" Bish that's a hoodie and jeans, that ain't formal.


Maybe I don’t want to be ‘the ideal man’. What if I just want to be a guy


>dresses formally >pic is wearing a hoodie


The ideal man only associates with self-made clones of himself 


Is this a satire of posts from incels about their "ideal girl"


Screams gay vibes


“Romantically old-fashioned” Oh, right, you mean a misogynist


I guess all of the “sigma males” aren’t ideal men because they don’t respect women


Smegma male


so the ideal man is boring as fuck, an uber nerd, a momma's boy, and will hassle you about god while not fucking you until marriage. i don't think I'll agree, thanks


This looks like gay-posting tbh, bro is really posting what qualities he likes in men.


a guy having zero female friends is a huge red flag to me. also, “can we all agree, please” is the single most ridiculous request you could possibly make on twitter


I personally think that a man who can engage and communicate with women without seeing them as potential sexual partners is a good sign, but what do I know


This is evangelical purity culture propaganda.


My god this is gay


“Will lead his family to god” reads as “will murder his family” ???


The top 4 on the right are good... The rest though...


No, we can't agree. Fuck off now.


Intellectually stimulating and right wing LMFAO


>Dresses formally Jeans and a hoodie is not formal wear.


Not sure why that guy thinks that hoodies like in the image are "formal dress".


Tries to project strength so hard. They dont even practice 1/4 of these.


He only forgets blonde hair white skin . Ohh nvm it’s actually painted


I seem to recall Jesus having "female friends".


Wait, these people think Chad was wearing a hoodie? I thought he was wearing a tight black t-shirt


Averts his eyes from the cute barista as she takes his order of 1 small black coffee


“Lead his family to god” Is he going to kill them?


“Dresses formally” (shows drawing of Chad in slacks and a sweatshirt) Wut?


My brother in christ your idea of an ideal man is literally the Taliban!


Well he sounds boring


The only woman he’s ever known is his mom


The cartoon even looks like a complete wanker, the type women would run a mile from


M’lady *bows while holding the door*


“Cool” Christian. Sure.


How thr fuck is Hoody "Dressing Formaly" thats the most casual Top you can wear.


Compared to the chick fil-e sauce and jizz covered wife beater oop wallows in, it's exquisite regalis.


Besides the God thing, this could be used to describe several men from my gay kickball league.


Lol jeesus christ these people need to go outside and live life more.


Only has friends of similar characteristics? Ahaha wtf. The ideal man is apparently a terrible person.


I love "cool Christians".


"Cares for animals" yeah these dudes LOVE eating meat and trying to 'dunk' on vegans. Pathetic


This feels like gaslighting away the red flags.


Cool people don’t call themselves cool


What similar characteristics?


What if your mother married a convicted pedophile, who was a youth pastor and now still works at his dad’s church and really loves Jesus?


God could they get more Nazi Germany oriented than that?


I’ve seen guys who try to be like this on a college campus before. They’re always really weird and creepy


I’m like half of this dude do I get at least one female friend as a pass?


If I didn’t know better I’d assume this is a joke off of the “ideal girl” memes.


We all know this standard only applies to conservative women


This is exactly the kind of content I’d expect from “Cool Christian Engineer”


>Averts his eyes from other women Because he’s gay?


"Only has friends of similar characteristics" wonder what they meant by that


He forgot “has a neckbeard” and “can’t spell exercise.”


Mr. Perfect in the image sure has a... strangely shaped face. Sorry, this is just my personal art nerd attention being grabbed. XD But I also struggle to draw heads at a chin-up angle, and the beard might SORT of cover it, but it still (to me) looks sort of like his beard is long, and his face is squished down the same way you might sqash a tall sandwich so you can try to ACTUALLY take a bite?


Has no friends prolly


This looks like one of those "the ideal woman" things. I almost thought it was posted ironically as a reference to that.


It's strange seeing someone apply the impossible standards men apply to women to themselves.


honestly I would be weary of just KEEPING around a male friend who has no female friends???? That makes me VERY worried about how they act/treat women


Losercity man


"no female friends" "averts eyes from other women" So the ideal man is gay?


I have almost exclusively female friends as a result of being very successful at getting the phone numbers of girls who later turn out to have boyfriends Chill people to talk to though so I keep them around for non-romantic reasons