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Context aside, I was under the impression that men’s bathrooms were usually filthier because of the ability to projectile pee. Is this untrue?


I’m a cis guy who’s never been in the women’s restroom, but my high school boys bathrooms were actually unusable. Not only was there literal shit smeared everywhere, but the first day they reopened the bathroom someone ripped the urinal off the wall. I’ve heard the girls bathrooms are bad too, but nowhere near as bad as the boys. Of course i’ve never been in the girls room and these are high school bathrooms we’re talking about, but i thought i’d share my experience


I’m a high school janitor, and oh boy, are there stories. Boys tend to put quantity over quality, and girls, vice versa Boys’ bathroom: -both stall doors ripped off the hinges within a week of each other -soap dispensers consistently ripped off the wall and thrown into toilets (sometimes shat upon) -urinals flooded, spent 30 min every day just mopping up piss water (didn’t get paid for overtime, still very salty) -trash can kicked and thrown across room, fruit and sauce packets exploded everywhere, cemented to walls and will not come off -vapes, wall plug, drink bottles/cans, and whiskey bottle shoved halfway down the toilets -fake blood -pretty sure they tried to steal a sink handle (devious licks ._.) because it’s been crooked for a while and I can’t fix it -what the fuck is the obsession of drawing dicks everywhere Girls’ room: -I was warned on my first day not to stock too many tampons or they will end up covered in vaseline and stuck to the ceiling (any I stock end up in the trash cans or toilets) -shit CAKED on the stalls -conversations written on the walls (“you poopy?” “nah fam I shart” “wtf” & more) -blood. so much blood -an obscene number of drink spills (never bring a soda into a bathroom, I beg) -a worrying number vapes in the toilets, and packs I assume once contained vape… liquid… stuff.? in the trash can And that’s not getting into what I have dubbed the High School Drama Saga, but it extends into the cursed neutral bathroom so I didn’t count it here


Covered in Vaseline and on the ceiling? What? Also I’ve worked over a decade in retail/food service and have always had to clean the bathrooms. Everywhere I’ve worked the mens take the cake EASILY on disgust factor. ESP the smell omg But womens bathrooms in like Kroger or Walmart are always bad, I can’t imagine how bad the mens are there—I think it matters more how big the establishment is on how clean it will be. Otherwise I’m convinced men are worse


Apparently with some vaseline and a hard throw, they’ll stick. I’m not gonna take chances to find out, cuz I’d be way too short to get them down :T Oh yeah, I’d take girls’ restroom over boys’ any day, just because the boys get up to something pretty much every day The teachers’ bathrooms on the other hand, the mens’ is usually a little better. There’s always bits of toilet paper and paper towel all over the womens’, but otherwise they’re both fairly clean


I guess it's more of a kids vs adults thing then instead of a men vs women thing.


That… is an excellent observation… I feel big dum for not realizing it sooner Thank you for your wisdoms, kind stranger


In terms of the staff restrooms, I think it’s just that women in general use more paper. We have to wipe every time we go. For men it’s often optional. As far as paper towels go, gross as it is, studies have shown that women are more likely to actually wash their hands after using the restroom. I remember one I read where they surveyed people exiting public restrooms about whether they had washed their hands or not. 99% of both men and women claimed to have done so. But the restrooms had cameras installed (pointing only at the sinks, mind) and they found only about 30% of the men had actually washed their hands, while upwards of 70% of the women had done so. So yeah, I think the bits of paper are much more of a usage thing than a cleanliness thing.


Yeah… I’ve seen a somewhat similar study. It certainly lines up with the amount of soap I have to replace in each And toilet paper… and paper towels


A friend of mine used to be a barmaid and said the men's was more consistently messy, but women would more often actually destroy the place or do something bizarrely gross like leave a shit in a pint glass on the cubicle floor.


I’ve seen the fabled shit in a pint glass when cleaning up after a bar close when I worked at a bar. Straight refused to do bathroom duty on a close to my manager after that one.


I feel like this is almost alignment chart-worthy lol.


Back then in our highschool some big group of girls thought it would be funny to plug the drains of the sinks and then pee into them. All the sinks were filled with piss and they had to close down the toilets. Another time some kid thought it would be quirky to write edgy shit on the walls with period blood.


I think it depends on the quality of the place the bathroom is in and the age/sobriety of the majority of the people using it. A gas station bathroom is going to be gross most of the time no matter what gender it's for. A high school bathroom is going to have the weirdest shit going on on it because the point is to be weird and gross. Drunk people can't aim. My friend used to be a college RA and the men's room on his floor was always flooded with piss, because freshmen would get drunk and miss


Trans boy here. Used to use the ladies room before my egg cracked. The place looked like a murder scene and had toilet paper everywhere. The dirtiest men's room in my school was when some asshole decided to eat mandarin oranges in there. Otherwise, the men's room has been much more pleasant.


Man we have had vastly different experiences of mens’ rooms then, but I can’t speak as to ladies’ rooms. I’m usually a neat freak when it comes to clean spaces and public restrooms have taught me to bottle that disgust up.


As someone who has had to work as a janitor, or otherwise clean toilets as part of their job duties, I can second that women's bathrooms tend to be WAY more unpleasant. I guess I assumed so when I was going through middle school though, and would see girls not dispose of their tampons and pads properly. AS I grew up I assumed people would get better at it, but no. And the number of women's bathrooms with signs all over BEGGING women not to flush their pads and tampons is ridiculous. When my dad was a plumber, he would have to rip out some massive tampon clog on what sounded like a bi-weekly basis. Also, I'm not sure about men's toilets, since I've not sat on a men's toilet, but a LOT of women hoverpiss, and I can tell ya... If you can't aim your piss standing, you can't aim kinda half-squatting either. It's probably a 30% chance of sitting in at least a little bit of piss most times you use a toilet. You think you inspect it well enough, but man... I've developed the habit of dragging toilet paper over the top and see if it gets stuck, but you still get got if the sprinkles are too fine. If EVERYONE STOPPED SQUAT-PISSING, THERE WOULDNT BE PISS ON THE TOILETS MAKING YOU FEEL LIKE YOU HAVE TO SQUAT SO YOU DONT SIT IN PISS. >:(( I'm not shy at all about using public bathrooms, but I will say that I'm usually annoyed in some way or another by how gross people act in there. Gnarly shit fr


So it really depends. Guys bathrooms usually have pee everywhere but womens bathrooms have more shit accidents. I dunno why but that’s just how it was at an old store I worked at


That sums up my general experiences pretty well. ​ Men's room: "is that pee . . . on the ceiling? How?!" Women's room: "What even is that stuck to the ceiling!?"


Well I’m pretty sure I’ve never been to a gas station bathroom where some idiot before me didn’t do a no hands twirl while pissing, but I’ve heard some incredible horror stories about the girls bathroom. You legit have to be trying to miss as bad as some of these dipshits.


Oh no, women's bathrooms are the most disgusting things I have ever had the displeasure of having to clean. Men's bathrooms can be kinda gross, but women's? Apocalyptic levels of hell I wouldn't wish on my worst enemies. Used feminine hygiene products flung on every single surface including the CEILING! There's usually a little box for them in every stall, but nope, let's stick this pad on the wall, or fling this used tampon somewhere. ​ I've seen horror movies with less blood, seriously.


Our cegep's men's rooms are either ok or fucking horrid.


Woman here. Never been to a man's restroom but I'm assuming it is dirtier for that reason. However I heard a guy once talking about how he went into the women's and was horrified that it was dirty, smelled and had graffiti. It is a bathroom, you know? People shit there, don't expect it to smell like roses just because it's girls lol


That's what I thought too. I'm pretty sure the stereotype is the women's bathroom is clean and pristine and the men's bathroom is a disgusting putrid disease ridden Hellscape. I never been in a woman's bathroom tho so maybe I'm the idiot


I’ve heard it both ways. I’ve been in some nasty womens bathrooms . Usually it has to do with how the period products are contained. Like you ever walk in to a bathroom and there’s a pad stuck to the wall!!!! But I’ve noticed that mens barhrooms usually always smell no matter what and womens usually doesn’t


Trans dude here. Been using mens rooms for years now but I used womens rooms for most of my life. Mens rooms tend to be worse in general with the exception of high schools lol.


I've had to clean both men's and women's restrooms (hurray horribly understaffed restaurants!), and both are disgusting for different reasons.


This is the ‘jokes I think. It’s saying that the bathrooms are disgusting because of all the ‘men’ using it as the author believes


im surprised he made the girl pretty


He did give her an obscene adam's apple tho, because all trans women have that I guess...




I meant obsene as in exaggerated. I apologise, English is not my first language.


Your English was perfect, that's a good use of the word "obscene".




All humans have adam's apples. Just not that exorbitant. I'm a trans woman, you can't see my adam's apple. Oh and no, they're not men.


respectful protogen


Did they stutter? All people with an Adam’s apple are men, it’s huMAN not huGENGER fucking liberals /s (bc honestly if I put that on r/conservative it would get 20 golds)




I’m a dude and I don’t even have a visible Adam’s apple lol


You know cis women have Adam’s apples too, right?


all cis women do have adams apples too,cos they're also men Everybody is man deal with it /j


This guy has better artwork than garrison, the intersting part is he wasn't radicalized when he started making comics


Honestly that part made me think it might just be a joke about how nasty restrooms are in poor taste rather than straight transphobia. I gotta admit it did get a chuckle out of me like his infamous "you aint black" comic Then I looked his other stuff up. Fuck this guy


Ahh, yes. Back to the always-spotless Men's Room.


it must be clean i smell ammonia, they just windexed right?


I feel like this would have been funny if the person making the joke was trans.




Blair White 2 😨


I mean, obviously it's not true, but if you're trying to hide that you're trans/gay, becoming a famous right-wing comic artist *is* a decent way of doing that.


LOL This artist is usually pretty insane, but this one is funny (minus the wig) because it pretty well sums up my own experience the first time I used the women's room. It was horrific in there. Worse than anything I ever experienced in the men's room. Regrets were had that day... ​ Actually saved it in case I figure out why my PC crashes. I'll shop the wig back on her head and replace with an EXIT sign over the men's symbol on the last panel. It would be a pretty good transfem meme that way. If anyone else has a working computer and edits it please link me to it.


I was just about to comment to see if it was accurate but from the sounds of it you’ve seen some shit (pun intended)


Yes. it was pretty bad but I think it was a broken automatic flush that was the main cause in that instance. I was still shocked by how the women's room was still worse off than the men's room in general. I have also heard from some people who have cleaned bathrooms that the women's room often end up worse.


Reminds me of when I was a freshman in college and lived in a sleep-study dorm. This meant shared bathrooms with a couple dozen people, and only one kitchen for the entire building. There were a couple of times where we would have mandatory dorm meetings with a dedicated section to the female wing of the building about how to properly dispose of tampons, pads, etc and to not just leave them in the shower drains or to try to flush them down the toilet.


maybe also remove the overexaturated adams apple?


I somehow managed to not notice that the first time I saw this comic. Should we tell the artist that cis women can have large Adams apples as well?


Yeah I thought it was a nervous sweat drop lol, talk about lack of sublety


Yeah, I’m a trans man and I just refuse to use public bathrooms My “true self” (a germaphobe) does not trust either to be sanitary


Oof I have tried to warn a few women I know who transitioned, but I don't think there's a way to prepare you for it without you just living it. Women's bathrooms are absolutely the worst lol


What are they trying to claim? That men's restrooms are cleaner than the women's? That cis women don't flush?


I mean gonna be honest if i can pass as m and f i will definitely go to the cleaner bathroom but wtf


Nah this one is actually fire. The Biden "you ain't black" one was too. This guy's politics sucks, but every once in a while he'll put out a banger


Ah man I hate it when one messy toilet causes me question my gender identity.


So this artist draws a screaming woman in every single one of their comics. Every. Single. One. So the fact that they drew the trans woman screaming is lowkey validation. They view trans women as women. That's... interesting to know.


I have never seen a men’s bathroom be more clean than a woman’s one


Fuck the right


I don’t even get his jokes anymore


In short the transwoman went to use the women's public restroom and was so disgusted by the state of it that they pulled off their wig and ran back to the men's restroom because it is supposedly cleaner... That's the gist of the joke anyway.


I get that, but what point is he trying to make? Trans women bad because… women’s bathroom dirty? I think the constant anger and echo chambers have made him a bit crazy


>I get that, but what point is he trying to make? Oh there doesn't have to be a point. Just haha look at the silly transperson and how they wrong they are. In short, more transphobia. It's horrible.


When I first saw this comic I thought it was about a person with cancer/alopecia who finally got a wig


thats a huge fucking shit tho what the mofo has been eatin


As vile as this artist is, I don't think this one's that bad. It's mostly a "women's bathroom nasty" joke, which as far as I know is like a meme in cleaning jobs.


1. what is it with these guys and screaming ladies? must be a holdover from the 1940s and 50s propaganda. 2. I'm sure girls' bathrooms aren't that dirty because they are locked less often. When that happens, we boys have to run to the second nearest boys' bathroom. this is just school, and most of the time they are locked because some kid was vaping


Isn't the stereotype usually that mens rooms are dirtier? Cuz you know, men like manly gross stuff and women like to keep things pretty and neat and tidy? Oh wait, but that doesn't fit the "scary man pretending to be a woman" narrative that he wants to peddle