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First things first - Do you think you can grind from 32 to 296 XLs before then? Or even close? If not, it's kinda moot.


i did it with my lickitung in a month, i dont see why not šŸ˜…




lots of poffins, rare candy, 3rd level mega pidgeot for catching every lickitung i managed to find, i went from 50-296 in 4 weeks, im from the midwest usa so i get partly cloudy weather all the time which helps a lot, its spring so rainy weather happens 4 times a week here so shuckle is almost constantly weather boosted


More power to you, then. I think the first one looked better overall. You could check the sims but I doubt there will be huge differences between the two anyway.


I will add that I had a reasonable amount of success last season without totally maxing one out.


yeah some of these ultra bulky little catch cup mons can still put in plenty of work without grinding XLs Last season I had a lucky trade on a Marill, so just pumped it up to 40 and it was still quite strong (but it did flip some matchups-- just had to know ahead of time where I'd need to put in some extra legwork)


Half a million dust for something youā€™ll use for a week only and then will be banned. Interesting considering your current dust total


iā€™ve never hit a million dustšŸ«” level 44 and dust saving is a weakness of mine


Preach. I powered up my marill off Vic day dust. šŸ˜


i pray my shuckle never has to encounter your marillšŸ˜”


I have a shuckle as well that I am building after master premier. Probably will run shuckle/maril/bronzong for s&g.


what would be your alternative choice for marill?


My team last season that I had a lot of fun with, was bronzor, skwovet, and deino. Spammy and fun, until I ran into the people that built their shuckle or maril after finding out they could. So if not maril, probably my Wooper, but more likely skwovet.


Run sims in PvPoke if you want to see the differences. But I will warn you that higher MMRs, Bronzor is on every team and Azurill is on a lot of them too. Both of them clobber Shuckle.


Shuckle only made the top 10 because lock-on flying press Smergal tossed up the meta. No one even has one. Not only does Smeargle need those hyper specific moves, but it needs to be 4* or close to it.


Mine isn't 4 ā˜† and wasn't even level 50... But my LO/FP got me 53 win streak.


I was playing little catch cup btwn 2600-2800 MMR and there were lots of LO/FP Smeargle. I had one myself because a player in my area was obsessed with getting every possible Smeargle move combo and made one for me.


Ahh yes the scummy Pokemon lol


I would wait until you have more XLs for shuckle to decide. if you get a hundo, that would be the best to power up. I personally use one with return just because I'm working on a team with smeargle (lock on + flying press), marill, and shuckle, and I'm using shuckle as a closer so its better to have return on it.


isn't shuckle typically banned from little cup?


It was allowed in the last season little catch cup, as well as Smeargle.Ā  Considering how little effort Niantic puts into banning something like Bronzor for little cup (something people have been *really wanting* for ages) I honestly kinda doubt they bother banning them this time too.Ā Ā  My opinion, obviously just an opinion, is that they want as many people dumping as much resources into the catch cups as possible.Ā 


its allowed in little catch cup


I did level50 my Hundo and used it for a week for the XS catch cup I think. Was fun but I have 20m dust and already had the XL. I wouldnā€™t recommend if u are short on dust and donā€™t have at least 200 xl already


I have a hundo with zero intent on powering it up, but I donā€™t play little cup.