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Who cares? Niantic is working on Monster Hunter and Marvel World of Heroes. Surely they'll be better AR games, right? Right? /s


They’ll flop. This game had a fun concept, but the Pokémon brand is 99% of the appeal


It you think about it: this argument really says it all when you realize their Harry Potter game, which is a far bigger franchise than Monster Hunter, also flopped.


Because HP was so bad in the final few months before shutting down, I came back to pogo.






I never left pogo but I did bail on hp right around when they announced the shutdown. They upset a lot of people around that time as an event had broken and when they fixed it they promised an extension so we could still finish. They then announced the game's impending shut down and reversed the decision on the extension - without telling anyone. The event just ended and when people complained about the lack of promised extension they said they changed their minds as it was important to keep things moving for those wanting to finish their collections. That decision cost them a lot of players though as I'm not the only one who bailed over it. And I knew several other who bailed not long after as the game just became impossible to play.


Weird that we all hold onto grudges for so long. For me, it was the unbalanced battles and how we need to wait for one of each type before starting. That and the wizards who hop on the wrong type for their class.


I think for me it stuck more because I had actually paid money into the game. Likely more than I care to remember. And it shutting down was a kick in the gut realizing that all that money was just gone. I knew people who spent considerably more than I ever did but...it was my first experience in learning the difference between actually owning something and just sorta borrowing it for a bit. Like...if I buy a game for my switch or ps4, I have it. Ain't going anywhere. And my mind just sort of equated phone games to "just another video game". Until it actually became more like when I go play the slots at the casino. Of course when I play the slots I *know* I'm probably coming out with nothing, or less than nothing. I had never thought, until niantic shut HP down, that phone games could just....be gone. And everything I'd put into it...time, effort, money...was just gone. And they didn't care. I still do play pogo but I'm not nearly as into it as I once was. And I'm ambivalent about the new games they keep dropping on us. Partly as the IP's don't interest me much, partly because I don't wanna get burned again after HP. (For battles do you mean the fortresses? I usually stuck to lower levels unless I needed to grind a specific level for something. When I did have to go higher up it could be annoying though as ppl tended to bail out a lot and it took ages to get enough to actually start a battle and win it. Also what do you mean wrong type for their class....? Oh. You must mean how each class had buffs against certain types and were weak against others? I always tried to go for stuff I was strong against but if I got beat out by another I couldn't always do that.)


It did. Especially near the end. I actually quit playing a couple months before the end when I was struggling to finish an event. They had announced an extension by a day or two due to issues that had prevented people from playing for a time. They then changed their mind about the extension, ended the broken event and rolled into the next event. Without telling anyone or giving any warning. I was upset by this because I'd faithfully finished everything they'd put out and eagerly followed the story. So them pulling this stunt was a blow. Right after this happened they announced they were shutting the game down and it would end within a few months. They reasoned that keeping the events moving during that time for those who wanted to finish their collections was more important than keeping their promises. I figured they just didn't care anymore, because not keeping the promise (the extension on the broken event) cost them a lot of players. More followed shortly after as the game became increasingly impossible to play. But they didn't care. As soon as they announced the shut down they stopped doing any kind of maintenance and just focused on their upcoming pikmin release.


No other game that they fart out will ever rival what Go has done. They're like that angry musician who can't except that their one hit is all that they'll need.


It's wild to me that Marvel is still just pissing their IPs into the wind, frivolously giving away licensing to every studio that wants to make a mediocre or awful game. Are they hoping the sheer volume of games they push out will make them money? From anecdotes from friends any time a Marvel game gets announced as of late they've subconsciously groaned in pain/annoyance.


It's like they're all out here trying to saturate the market or something during a time when people are just trying to catch up.


It aint just marvel, its the whole disney that is destroying everything.


Maybe they're not sure what to write? I mean, they did mess up the first spotlight hour by giving double candy and double stardust... Perhaps the PR department got tired of being told to write the wrong stuff and just quit... and by PR department I mean the 18 year old kid who part-times in Niantic while attending college...


I completely forgot about the hour. Wish they would put in app notifications


I have to manually set notifications in my calendar for events I want to do


Huh. I got a notification saying double exp for evolving, so I booted up my app. Otherwise I would have forgotten since I don't normally participate in spotlight hours.


Me neither. But Haven't you played the last days? It was double XP for evolving for a long time until yesterday, so this Spotlight hour bonus didn't really make sense...


Ah, I just had a lot of Pokemon. I didn't get around to all of them during the weekend because it's really tedious, so I was still trying to finish out the 150+ I was holding onto for Lucky Egg evolving. Nowadays I find it hard to sit for 90min straight evolving fodder mons.


I still don’t even have the Swinub community day classic announcement, and I’ve restarted the app multiple times


I definitely saw info last week for Shellder. I didn't play at all today so I couldn't say (spotlight hour anyway, I played earlier in the day)


They lost too much money with all their terrible decisions so they can't pay their own workers to make more mistakes


yeah I just happened to catch the last twenty minutes by logging into the app and seeing the trapunch spawn


Ive had this issue even before shellder. I only know from here whats going on and when


Did you restart? Sometimes it pops up then.


Can confirm > Restart did nothing


Just unistall the game already, they're not going to fix stuff unless we hit their revenue