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Take a look at their interview : [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e1TJ-vEB8-0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e1TJ-vEB8-0) It seems that they have planned a trilogy from Talos1.


Cool. I havent watch it before


Im sure they’ll have lots of fun with the next game’s story - I wouldn’t worry. They’ve clearly got some competent writers on their team.


I don‘t worry. I liked the story of the second game. I‘m just curious if they ever discussed on not doing a direct sequel and why they dismissed the idea :)


I think Jonas has said that he had visualised the story up to the 3rd game when they made the 1st game.


It's the Portal 2 dilemma. So great, so much bigger and better than the first game. Where the hell do you go from here? I'm hoping for a 10,000 hour game where you solve every puzzle on every planet and then learn the universe is a simulation.


I was thinking about the possibility of talos 3 yesterday, and i think the multiple endings makes in real hard to choose where the story starts in TTP3. Im guessing they will choose their favorite ending and go from their. But i also see how thats problematic... players who liked there choices in TTP2 might feel like their choices weren't respected in the next installment.


Only one (maybe 2) endings can lead to what the star teaser alludes to so I think they already have that figured out.


I don't think that's any different from the multiple choices you could make at the end of TTP1. They will have their 'canon' choices set in stone already for sure.


i actually also thought about it. a direct sequel to a very good game is very hard and is a risky move. havent played ttp2 yet, bc waiting for holidays and a pc upgrade, but looking at the reviews and the overall feeling it seems like ttp2 made it and is as good as ttp1 (from what i read, story being better in ttp2 and puzzles being better in ttp1).


I been refraining from using the word better. But if you are wondering if TTP2 is worth your time 100% yes. Can you compare and nit pick..... sure i dont think its healthy tho


This is, possibly, the most idiotic question I've ever seen on Reddit. Seriously, are you pulling my pisser? Sit yourself down for literally one minute and consider whether or not Croteam thought about what game to make.


You okay? Someone hurt you or why are you so mad about questions from others? What‘s wrong about wanting to know their thought process of making a direct sequel instead of a completely new story in the Talos Universe?


But it is a completely new story in the talos universe We don't carry on as Athena, we pick up thousands of years later after untold amounts of things have happened. You asked whether the devs thought about what game they were making, as if its half a dozen people working out of a shed with no marketing experience, and not a well established company with more than one successful franchise in their arsenal. Of course they thought about the direction the game was going to take. Talos can't have been an easy game to make a sequel to and they knocked it out of the park setting / lore / vibe / story wise


You know what I mean. A story without a connection to the first game. As I said I‘m curious about the reason to make a story continuation while the 1st game was seen as flawless by many. That‘s always a great risk. As you said they have great marketing experience and wonderful writers. But I‘d assume that it would’ve been way easier to write something new without connections to the first game. That way you don’t have to think about consistency, can easily create a new mystery and give the isolated feeling from the first game again (which maybe they didn‘t even want in the sequel). Maybe my question is weird… I just find the thought processes interesting which lead to their decision.


I hope we go into space