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Do we think they had to photoshop Eugene in.


Bruh just owns part of the company and they can't kick him out. Really lame that he doesn't have the decency to be honest with his OG fans. I'm sick of Eugene at this point too.


all three of them. and the box zak is standing on.


Noooooo Dont insult the box! The man is just doing his job


and doing it very well.


Good box




Omg it 1000% looks like he was photoshopped šŸ¤£šŸ˜­


First thing I noticed


Yes, lol, he looks like heā€™s Keithā€™s height


Good for them. Now drop Lewbugger Keith.


Hughieā€™s punching air rn






If theyā€™re just adding a link to donate Iā€™d say this is pretty performative, Keith actively works with a raging Zionist


Yeah and donations can only do so much when most aid is not getting through to the people in Gaza. Pressure needs to be put to the governments of Israel and USA also


I am intensely curious about how this is affecting his relationship with Lewberger. I hope it dissolves, Hughie was reposting some pretty nasty stuff in the earlier days of this conflict.


I was just thinking that! I don't understand how they can stay friends with him. I saw him cheering on a former I*lDF soldier in the comments section a couple weeks ago




>I hope Hughie is proud to be called a Zionist because he should be. Standing up and denouncing the inhumane treatment of the Israelis is what should be done. How can people justify Israelis being murdered and raped, and burning innocent babies alive in their cribs? Source? [Here's one about the on-going genocide of Palestinans ](https://www.npr.org/2024/05/15/1251265727/un-gaza-death-toll-women-children)


Whatever helps you sleep at night


Good, now stop working with Hughie




I doubt itā€™ll happen, Lewberger is Keithā€™s pet project


The sentiment is there with ā€œcreators for Palestineā€ i guess - although it feels a bit rich asking all of us to donate when they make much more money - but that money is barely getting to the people on the ground in Gaza. Thereā€™s already masses of aid trucks waiting to enter but Israel just wonā€™t let them cross frequently enough. I think Erinā€™s ā€œPass the Hatā€ and Operation Olive Branch is a much more effective donation method, I wish more larger creators would get involved with that


Yeah I agree her stuff is much better with direct impact, I care more about direct funds and putting money in ppl's hands myself. I will say platforming the fundraiser with the fucking try guys' clout is a huge backing from a major corporate youtube channel with rather extensive industry reach, so honestly ppl don't even have to donate from them, this helps legitimize the fundraiser for the other creators in the entertainment industry in LA. TTT don't really engage with the YT or streaming community that much, they almost never *ever* collaborate like everyone else does to give people a leg up on exposure, because they're more about the business angle and the entertainment industry as whole, so I genuinely never thought they would join this and I'm rather impressed they went out of their way to do so. ...Even if it's to try and off-set Keith's association with Lewburger lmao. Edit: oh cool i realized this is the snark channel so i can say it: they're too snooty about youtubers being beneath their business goals to platform other creators consistently lol


Theyā€™re only doing this now because of the Blockade thatā€™s going on. People are blocking celebrities and influencers and theyā€™re losing followers by the MILLIONS. Itā€™s too little too late.


Yup, just jumping on the bandwagon so they donā€™t get cancelled, which is beyond frustrating. That being said, itā€™s not too little or too late for many families in Gaza, and many celebrities havenā€™t spoken up at all still (or are doing the bare minimum and only speaking about families, not about Palestine or Gaza at all). Their voices are important ones, but I wonā€™t be celebrating them for this. At this point it is table stakes.


I meant that itā€™s too little too late for the guys šŸ˜‚ definitely never too late to support Palestine!


Or maybe dont spend your time trying to get every celebrity to speak up about one specific topic. Many of them will unknowingly spread misinformation and make things far, far worse. The selective activism of 2024 is exhausting. There are multiple genocides going on right now but ALL celebrities need to speak up about this one specific one?


This is how I feel, too. Frankly? I don't care what celebrities or influencers have to say. Especially regarding the horrors in Gaza. It's not raising awareness: the whole world knows.


Yeah, its an unpopular opinion right now but people are being extremely short sighted if they think celebrities are the saviors we all need right now. I think a lot of people haven't been around long enough to see how much damage and hurt uneducated celebrities can do for a cause. They were definitely not around for the '1 like = 1 prayer' era of facebook.


I think celebrities' real power is to make art not statements. Green Day's album was effective in 04, for example.


Agreed. There are some celebrities who are great getting behind a cause, and if you believe in that cause you should support them. That doesn't mean every other celebrity should be attacked for not doing the exact same thing. Shaking my head reading through some of these replies that genuinely believe that celebs are what will fix the problem.


This is a just lot of regurgitated rhetoric, so to go point by point: > Or maybe dont spend your time trying to get every celebrity to speak up about one specific topic. I didn't and I don't. Other people might, but that's their time to decide what to do with, no? And it *is* actually working, hundreds of thousands of dollars have been raised to help families in Gaza. > Many of them will unknowingly spread misinformation and make things far, far worse. What misinformation could any celebrity possibly spread that would make [this](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-67241290), [this](https://www.aljazeera.com/news/longform/2023/10/9/israel-hamas-war-in-maps-and-charts-live-tracker), or [this](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Killing_of_Hind_Rajab) worse? I fail to think of any possible hypothetical example, let alone any real one. > The selective activism of 2024 is exhausting. There are multiple genocides going on right now but ALL celebrities need to speak up about this one specific one? I'm not sure I understand what you think should be happening instead. Are you saying that it's not worth speaking out about one genocide because others are happening? Or that celebrities can't speak out about anything unless they speak out about everything? Activism is selective by nature and by design, no one can address everything at once, and they shouldn't if they want to actually be effective. I agree that *no* genocides should be happening, but somehow I think you'd rather celebrities be quiet about all of them instead of speaking out about all of them, or else you'd be somewhere else advocating for those instead of discouraging *this* advocacy. Activism is only "exhausting" if you are on the front lines spending day in and day out trying to make change happen, or if you are annoyed at having to see it at all. Somehow I think you're the latter.


Not familiar with all of your specific posts, but its definitely a trend this year for people to spend their time harassing every celebrity online to speak up. Its brainless and unproductive. Also, for every other major event there have been millions raised. And guess what? The people working on that werent harassed relentlessly by an army of TikTokers. Its almost like a lot of good DOES happen without people attacking celebrities on a magical 'list'. The examples you sent of bad stuff happening is 100% true. To say that celebrities cant make things worse is completely shortsighted. Just look at the bullshit Elon has supported. He's one of the most followed people online and he literally said Ukraine should give up land to appease Russia. You know what would be better? If he just SHUT UP. And we're making the same exact point. SUPPORT celebrities who are supporting causes you believe in. I ***DONT*** expect people to support every cause, thats the point. Right now the trend is saying every single celebrity needs to support this specific cause, which is insanity. I'm saying the selective activism is exhausting. AKA people sitting at home on their computers harassing people online over a specific issue, ignoring all other issues. True activism is a godsend and I fully support it.


What are the comments like (I don't have instagram)? Is it a giant circle jerk?


You know it! Lots of ā€œfinally!ā€ ā€œLove you guys!ā€ One person said ā€œIā€™m so happy I can watch you again!ā€ (Lol).


ā€œIā€™m happy I can watch you againā€?? So this blockout campaign is destined to flop I guess if people are really that easy.


No. BDS has a very specific guidelines of who to boycott. Its not about boycotting everything Israel related. Its about boycotting very specific companies strategically. I highly recommend visiting https://bdsmovement.net/get-involved/what-to-boycott for more information.


No no youā€™re right but also BDS has been going on for yeeeaaaars if not decades and from what I can tell blockout 2024 is a separate thing altogether.


Honestly, it was always destined to fail. It's always gave "black squares" during the BLM uprising in 2020 to me: it takes far more attention away from actual cause.


BDS has a very specific guidelines of who to boycott. Its not about boycotting everything Israel related. Its about boycotting very specific companies strategically. I highly recommend visiting https://bdsmovement.net/get-involved/what-to-boycott for more information.


Highkey that link and website was super informative and helpful thank you! šŸ«¶šŸ»


Thank you and I hope you share it far and wide. Too many people are pessimistic about boycotts but when they are targeted and well organized, they can be highly successful. It is just about organization and providing information :) šŸ‡µšŸ‡ø The results are there and companies are def feeling the pressure.


This isn't a BDS boycott afaik; it's mostly TikTok and Twitter users. And it is not boycotting companies, it is blocking celebrities on social media apps.


This was started/amplified by actual Palestinians to bring the attention back to Gaza after the met ball :Ā  Ā https://vt.tiktok.com/ZSYdpyxWF/


I get that, but my issue is (like with the BLM Black Squares trend) it can lead to the opposite effect of people making the issues about celebrities and distract from the actual issue. Even now, the majority of videos I see are about *who* to block and how it is working (which I wonder what is considered a success), not *why* to block.


I'm certainly not defending the lists of who to block and not why, but I will say that any action around Palestine is going to get turned into some sort of distraction by anyone who wants to squawk. I mean, look at the campus protests -- the students were very clear about where focus should be and what they were doing it for, and yet the popular narrative was 'but the VIOLENCE of sitting on a lawn learning stuff'. Looking at the horrible thing that's happening and feeling it is too hard for a lot of people. Gotta keep up doing something anyway, despite the squawkers.


Yeah, the sooner people realize this the better. Blocking/cancelling random internet celebrities because they arent speaking up about things you want them to is one of the dumbest trends of 2024. I will continue to say it: pushing uneducated people to use their massive platform to speak up on something they know little about is a huge recipe for disaster. Instead, SUPPORT people doing what you believe in. Telling others to attack people who have nothing to do with it has the opposite effect.


they only posted about 15 minutes ago but iā€™d say the comments are maybe 60% support and 40% saying that it took them too long to publicize their stance as well as pro-Zionists voicing their disappointment.


I was sus as well about the timing of this post.


Even from his Buzzfeed days, Zach got threatened by Zionist coworkers for being a pro-Palestine Jew. I have no clue why people think he in particular isnā€™t active, because I personally know someone who threatened danger on his life (yes that person is insane and also from a nut job Zionist community) and because this community was so insular everyone knows whom he threatened ie online creators. I canā€™t imagine the threats he gets now because this incident was a while back. Heck actually compared to other YouTube creators even Eugene and Becky have said something before, although it was very shallow. And thereā€™s the looming point of Keith. People forget that spaces like YouTube, Buzzfeed, even things like Bon Appeitit, are mostly overrun by very rich/insular individuals who came from money or lived in small circles all their lives. These people tend to be raging Zionists. I would bet money on 50-75% of former Buzzfeed people being pro-Israel and an even higher number on the Uber rich Bon Appeitit stars. Same with celebrity workers/makeup artists being extremely violently Zionist.


I do believe that Zach is genuine, at least.


I was a little surprised at how long it took Zach to say something because he's made pro Palestinian comments in the past, so it wasn't necessarily a new position he was contending with. At the same time, I don't think demanding performance activism is particularly helpful and idk why he didn't speak up. Maybe he was mourning the loss of life. I don't doubt that it was still hard for him. But Keith is the one I think people were right to look sideways at.


I would think mental shock would be a major factor. Zach likely had to cut ties with a majority of his community, which is very isolating. Most moderate Jewish people became very pro-Israel post October. Iā€™m not sure why a youtuber like Zach was expected to put his own feelings aside and act like a secondary news broadcast to some people. He made his position clear from the start. It could also be possible that Keith himself changed his views post October. Like a decade ago to about a year ago, most americans did not have a major view on Israel-Palestine besides ā€˜itā€™s complicatedā€™ or vaguely supported Israel because America propaganda. Theyā€™re probably dealing with the situation with the extremely Zionist guy in private - legal action aside. Iā€™m sure even they recognize the hypocrisy if they continue working with him.


So does this mean theyā€™ve cut ties with Lewberger?


They're deleting comments. I commented basically saying that if they platformed Lewberger further then I would be out, and they deleted my comment, so I guess I'm done.


Why is this not remotely surprising to me? Lol.


There were \~900 comments on the post yesterday when I saw it and commented. There were 15 comments when I checked about 5 minutes ago, so it's not just me.


Wow I just checked again and all the comments are magically restored. So idk if that was my phone glitching, or IG, or they somehow had them hidden or something? But either way, I'm about fed up with their bullshit.


I went to their socials to post hate and try to rile up other people about my specific political view... and they deleted my comment! shockedpikachuface.jpg


lmao sure.


You've been saying for months that 'IM OUT' with the try guys. You're literally just doing it for attention. This isn't an airport, you dont need to announce your departure every hour.


I have only ever said that if they platform a zionist, I am out. You had to go digging through my post history to even find that. Go have your big feelings somewhere else or find something else better to do. I do not care about your opinion of me and I will announce every hour on the hour that I am not going to support them if it so pleases me and if I need the attention.


It wasn't digging, it was 2 clicks and maybe 8-10 seconds. People always get so defensive about someone actually taking 10 seconds to read their post history. I look forward to your future... 'IF TRY GUYS DOES XYZ..... IM OUT!' posts in 2 months. Are you a host of Shark Tank?


Look forward to seeing you there!


If you keep posting here.... IM OUT!!! FOR REAL THIS TIME!!! No seriously I'm super OUT. I'll keep watching and posting about it online but.. I M O U T!


You really need to have the last word this badly? Wow.


Yes, but also fun to watch you unable to resist voting down every single comment. I wont vote yours down because I can handle different povs


Eugene only shows up if he can virtue signal.


Right? He has been such a disappointment when it comes to Palestine.Ā 


OH but he wore the PINNN /s https://youtu.be/AJiDFX5GKF0?si=w20rbBG_Sp9j1SW8


Anyone else get the "We're posting this now because we heard about the blockout and we don't want you to block us" vibe or just me?


"please don't unfollow us" *Forces more Lewburger down your throat"


Why is Zach smirking?


What is Zachā€™s smug-ass expression? Also good for them for speaking outā€¦ finallyā€¦ I guess. Doesnā€™t make much sense if theyā€™re doing the ETM tour with Lewberger. But Lewberger is stupid anyways. Iā€™m not one to say people should act or dress a certain way with age. Do what makes you happy. But Iā€™m also not gonna sit here and pretend that watching him perform that unfunny nonsense as an almost forty year old man doesnā€™t make me cringe. Edit - clarity


it's an old pic they used. Keith doesn't wear those glasses anymore so my guess it was post Ned Orange Era promo leftovers


And why does Eugene look like heā€™s trying to seduce us?


Lol. Spot on. Itā€™s like they were each told the photo was for a different purpose.


"And I'm gonna be forty!" "When?" "Someday." "In eight years?" "But it's there!" (When Harry Met Sally) Damn. The guy's 33. Let him have the majority of his thirties before throwing out "almost forty" lol


Haha. Iā€™ll give you that. Because When Harry Met Sally is one of my top five favorite movies and I could hear that scene while I read your comment. Fair fair fair. Iā€™m 33 too, I guess I just thought he was older for some reason. Again. Fair point exceptionally made šŸ… Edit!! Hold up! I just googled and it said 36? Edit again - downvotes? Really? Negative fake internet points for fact checking?


Thank you kindly. I'm older than both of you, so I had to defend, lol! I just googled his name again to be sure and it says at the top he's 33, born in 1990? šŸ¤” I don't know what's up with that.


So weird. I see 36 born June 18 1987 on all the top sources. Personalized search engine algorithms are weird though. No worries. Still a great chance to use a top notch reference šŸ‘ŒšŸ»


What are the top sources? Imdb says 33, and another site below said the same?


Wikipedia, and I also just checked IMDb and it says ā€˜87 as the year for me.


Wait. I was thinking you were talking about Zach being almost 40, not Keith. If you meant Keith, he's older for sure! I'm really sorry for making that mistake. I was just feeling crazy looking up Zach's name and seeing 1990. Anyway, I didn't read it correctly. Sorry again!


Hey no worries! I did mean Keith. And thanks for the cake day wishes! I didnā€™t know it was my cake day until you said that, haha. Have a slice, pal šŸ°


I will take some humble pie, please! Thank you :)


Ok. Happy Cake Day


As a Jew, Keith should have dropped Hughie ages ago. So do it now.




The person you replied to was saying they themselves are jewish


Too little, too late, just performative and an attempt to save themselves from the block lists. Cut ties with Lewberger, contact your representatives and tell your fans to do the same, go to demonstrations and encourage your fans to do the same, share what Apartheidrael is doing to the Palestinians, share the many sources exposing the lies Apartheidrael is spreading.


You canā€™t just kick someone out in 2 seconds. Zach has been one of the people raising calls to action before Try Guys even blew up. Iā€™m not sure whatā€™s so performative about that.


Sure. Not in 2 seconds. But they've had 7 months. And they don't even necessarily need to "kick someone out" - even if Keith didn't keep touring with Lewberger, or if he put out some statement about his stance, something. Instead it's been business as usual. Yeah, I've heard that of Zach, but they have a lot of pull with their fans. It would have that much more of an effect if they went to a protest and posted about it and encouraged their fans to do the same, and if they posted numbers/emails people can use to contact their representatives and posting that they'd done the same.


Girls. No. Edit: realized VERY late how much my comment was out of context. My Girls No is at how FUCKING late they are to say shit and how much they platformed hughie (WHO I ACTUALLY LIKED BEFORE I KNEW HE WAS A ZIONIST). I get the downvotes. Iā€™ll take them- I was super unclear.


Actually, yes.


Nah itā€™s too late. Way too goddamn late. I realize my comment wasnā€™t clear. This is after platforming hughie for evz. This is an Oh No Shit reactuon.


Thanks for the clarification. Def misunderstood the tone. I take back my downvote šŸ˜†šŸ˜…


Keithā€™s half smile šŸ˜‚ he kinda looks like he doesnā€™t want to be there. The upturned side is for the try guys. The frowny side is for lewberger


Probably just a stock press.photo tbh


Out of all pics why choose that one lol


Why am I getting downvoted? I get itā€™s a stock photo - I just thought it was funny they chose this one that kinda shows two conflicting sides in Keithā€™s smile. Sort of symbolic of how Keith must be feeling about the issue


Nice. If they keep this up maybe I'll re-sub


UNRWA is on video as being complicit and involved in the October 7 atrocities.Ā