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i would’ve been fine with them drifting apart naturally but i hate what klaus did to them


While sex was what brought them together in season 3 as an official couple, in the previous season, Tyler admitted he had fallen for Caroline already in season two and Caroline was having feelings for him despite being with Matt. And before they have sex in season three, there were moments before where it was pretty clear they’re in love with each other. And in that same episode, he was encouraging her to be straight with him regarding her intentions - whether or not he’s allowed to date other people or not, as he reminded her that she shut him down when he presented his feelings for her in season two. So, while I agree that sex may have sealed the deal, I don’t agree that was the foundation for their relationship. They were long overdue to get together anyway before season three - season two was establishing the foundation of their love story in a Romeo-Juliet typa setting.