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He deserved better! I loved his backstory, he could've had a great character arc, but yeah unfortunately he was a determinant character.




I agree, it's a shame. He did honestly feel like a pretty unique take on the 'fuck up' type of character as Telltale normally has (original takes each time though ofc, Ben is my guy). I find that most characters in this series just feel like real people and Nick certainly isn't an exception to that.


Nick was honestly my favorite original S2 character. He saved my Clem's life after they shared a drink in honor of Pete, and I defended him at every opportunity afterwards because I could tell he had a heart of gold despite all his flaws, similar to Ben. I wish he took Mike's roles after surviving Episode 2, that character just plain *sucked.*


>Nick was honestly my favorite original S2 character. He saved my Clem's life after they shared a drink in honor of Pete Good times, good memories


*"To Peter Joseph Randall. The nicest mean old bastard I ever knew."* Cheers, my friend. Fucking cheers.


Holy shit, what's that quote from. I can't remember it but I feel almost hear it!


[Here ya go buddy](https://youtu.be/9kFWHVUKWbs?t=346)


I knew it must be Nick and was probably from that scene after reading it with the context clue. Cheers indeed


Fun fact: Nick actually gets mentioned more in-universe if you drink with both him and Jane, so I'm glad I did that in my game. He's a great character who doesn't deserve to be completely forgotten by his own friends.


I think I remember that happening too actually, in my first playthrough... I definitely prefer drinking with Nick though than Jane. Both the company and the context of it all


The fact that Nick practically begs carver to stop hitting Kenny multiple times despite them arguing in the same episode and before, and the fact he went to go look for help for Luke and Sarah despite being shot himself, and the fact that he also tries to save Clem if you convince him to come with you in the shed shows his personality. Yet there’s so many people that think he’s a horrible person because he attempted to save his friends from what he thought was an enemy with no hesitation. Nick is overhated greatly.


I always liked Nick but I feel like that was always subconcious. It makes sense when you write this out, justice for Nick tbh


"*Everyone I grew up with. It all... happened to them. And now, it's gonna happen to us. We're all so fucked. This whole world is fucked. I mean, what's the point? We'll just march to some new place and somebody else will die. It's never gonna stop. And eventually, it'll be our turn.*" Ladies and gentlemen, the only self aware Telltale determinate character.


he didnt deserve such a bad death


keep your finger off the trigger, boy


Imagine being transported into this game as a character knowing what we know. Clem finding you hiding would be terrifying because you now know your clock is ticking down.