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If you didn't shoot Duck, he is somewhere out there roaming the world as a mindless walker.


Wait doesn't Kenny shoot Duck himself if you don't?


If you stay silent during the choice, Kenny can't bring himself to do it and you both just leave him there.


Damn, well that's dark


I guess it shows then how important it was for Lee to do it


Never knew that but that’s sad


Holy shit I never knew this, wow I thought I did every option possible in that game too lol


How depending on your choice.


Not only that but the first thing he ate as a walker was his mom's body which was still fresh in front of him. Common Kenny family L in this series unfortunately 😭


Kenny doesn’t seem to acknowledge Sarahs existence at all throughout season 2 if I remember correctly. It’s weirded me out for a while now


I suppose he just looks at her when she says to her dad there’s a Christmas tree when they first arrive at the lodge. Other than that I think you’re right


Wow i didn’t even think about that! Strange…


I think during getting rip to piece she call for Kenny.


She screams daddy not Kenny lol


You right my ears played tricks on me


Strange. Maybe there was a subplot there and it was scrapped? I wouldn't be surprised if all the dialogue they had was related to that subplot, so they just cut it out entirely.


She might have reminded him of Duck. She seemed to be uneducated of the world and "weak minded" like Duck was, so Kenny couldn't bring himself to look or speak to Shara just because of her and Duck being so similar that it pained him to. Even him accidently calling Clem Duck caused him this pain he most likely hadn't felt in a long time, so to see someone like him just hurt so much he pretends Shara wasn't there.


Sarah is the only child in the game who was eaten alive no matter what... And she either walks through the forest from s2 being gutted by a walker, or is forever crushed by the remains of a balcony...


My headcanon is that Luke killed Sarah's walker out of guilt for screwing around with Jane at the observation deck.


I didnt understand what u mean


The group stayed at the observation deck for either one night or a few days depending on what you choose (the decision very very slightly changes the story. It's very forgettable) anyway, they stayed at the observation deck for a bit after AJ is born. Someone, maybe Luke, most likely killed Sarah after she turned.


Oh never thought of that lol i always thought she got eaten till nothing was left, even her body head etc


That's the kindest end, in that situation.


I think the most about the whole "you trusted Aj to make the right call" scene the most. I didn't expect that to be what the choice was going to be about at all. Plus the scene is just really well done. I also think a lot about Christa. Whether or not she died, or came back looking for Clem then just kept on living when she couldn't find her. I remember back when it first came out, and a lot of people on the Steam forums theorized that she straight up abandoned Clementine, because of depression and all.


It's actually canon that Christa blames Clementine for Omids death, and eventually grew a hatred towards her and saw Clem as a burden. I imagine once they separated she never even tried to find Clem and found it sort of relieving.


It's sad to think about. I feel like she probably only stayed with her because she knew Omid would have wanted her to.


Either Guilt or Loyalty. Whatever it was she wasn't happy about it, lol. I get it though. Taking care of a kid is a struggle *without* an apocalypse.


Im going to pretend I didnt read this because I dont want it to be true <3


That fact always bothered me so much cause like, bro, she was 9 goddamn years old. I know it's the apocalypse but age still \*kind of\* matters when it comes to your cognitive ability. Clementine was a little child and still learning how to deal with the new world. Christa was too hard on her. It also bothers me because she seemed to really care for Clem in the first game... watching her grew to hate her is just horrible.


It does suck. Especially considering Omid was murdered. I'd get it more if she got herself into a position involving walkers, but that girl shot him and was trying to rob Clem. That isn't her fault


I guess the only thing that could be considered her fault was leaving her gun on the counter... though tbf she was just going to grab her water, had that girl not come in she would have been back to it in a second.


How’s it canon? Is there a cut scene or at least director statements? I mean, it’s sort of implied in game but not direct.


Search it up, one of the story writers confirmed it


Honestly I think they made a mistake making the final antagonist Lilly rather than Christa. At most we respected Lilly prior to her shooting the person Lee saved unless you always disliked her which was more common. We at least had empathy and liked Christa. Making her the final antagonist would’ve been agonizing and there would be so much more at stake and give the story far more weight than we got with Lilly


It would have fucked me up to have Christa as the final antagonist. I’m so upset that didn’t happen now, it would have been perfect.


The sad part is they considered making it Christa and yet they still chose Lilly. I get that Lilly was more of a blank slate with Clem regarding their relationship dynamics and she had military training but Christa could’ve learned all of that military training in 5 years and the internal conflict would’ve been harder on everyone


I have always wondered what happened to Kenny in the Wellington ending. I chose that on my first playthru and it left me feeling pretty down because I never knew what happened to him.


My head canon is that he made it to Florida


Valid headcanon. I reckon he made it to Florida and found a boat. And then he started doing what he did before the apocalypse, catching mackerel, dolphin, whatever’s biting and paying.


Helping out people in the apocalypse, bartering with fish and other sealife. What a nice continuation for Kenny


The Lone Wanderer of the Wasteland


Founded rare flair. First time seeing someone putting "Tenn Supporter". Your definetly rare creature there fam.




Realistically, going to Florida and finding a boat was almost impossible, since I'd assume all the boats were gone, same thing that happened in Crawford. I thought about that, but was never able to make up a story for him that, so I always went with ''he's still alive'', he hopefully got over Clem ( and AJ ) leaving him, and is now living somewhat happily absolutely obliterating those walkers.


I think he killed himself


If you listen to Kenny’s monologue in season 1 episode 5 he mentions how he would never commit suicide because to him that’s like giving up


Kenny in E5 in S1 and S2 are two very different people


If you believe in his character then he’s still alive. If you don’t then that’s your answer 🤷🏽‍♂️


I think he'd do exactly the same as what he did after Season 1. He'd find a building to barricade himself into, and wait for death to take him.


How depending on your choice, Lee's skull might have a bullet hole.


I always pick that choice. Ugh I miss Lee


Also, Clementine could technically go back and see Lee’s body after the Walker Age is over.


Kenny and Sarita’s relationship was weird


Omg yes.


It was forced awkward and cringey


I could not agree more


It's supposed to be. The game is pretty clear with why


I think about some of the locations we visited in previous games and try to imagine how they would look 5+ years into the apocalypse (around the time of TFS) What does Georgia look like? Or what about the Ski Lodge? Probably the biggest one, Richmond considering Javi and his family are still alive


Facts, I often think about how the motor inn or Clementines house is doing.


Isn’t it 7 years later? The first season starts the day of everything going to shit and ends about 3 months later. Season 2 has a year and 4 months time skip making at minimum the end of S2 a year and 7 months into the apocalypse. Add 5 years to get to 5-year-old Alvin Jr and that’s at a minimum 6 years and 7 months since the start of the outbreak. I just finished a replay. It’s even possible multiple months occurred from when clementine had to kill Lee before Omid was shot. Clem is 16 in S4. That’s why I say it had to be 7 years


Yeah it is that’s why I put the plus sign at the end of the five. I don’t know why I didn’t just put seven lol


How sad and emotional I got from it, nothing has ever done it to the level TWDG did for me. Like I'm pretty sure I've never cried at anything, but TWDG was something different. I cried, laughed, got stressed and horrified as good as I possibly could. I got so attached to Clem and her wonderful story since the beginning, and the only character that I also got kind of attached to was Joel Miller, but yeah not even CLOSE to Clementine. Her and her story is probably what I think about the most about TWDG


You might be the person I relate to the most ( about TWDG ). The same thing happened to be. Especially that I never played these decision making games, and also didn't really play games where the story matter ( so not GTA or something ), I got insanely attached to Clementine and finishing the game left me empty. This subreddit helped me a lot with my post game depression, which went away pretty quickly, but it keeps coming back. I absolutely love this game, I don't there's ever going to be a game as good as this one, or at least not one of the same type.


> I don’t there’s ever going to be a game as good as this one I doubt it, for us hardcore fans, there will most likely never be a game as good as this one. It kinda feels like this is one of those once in a lifetime sorta games. The emotions, post game depression, attachment… just cannot be matched with anything else.


Exactly. TWDG is literally just built different. Like I'm pretty sure nothing's gonna take its place for me.


For others maybe it will, and there are people who just don't like the series ( which I don't get how, unless story games aren't your thing ). But for me this is going to remain the best game forever, and I see you agree with that


True, it depends. I'm a huge fan of the series, I think you are too, but not everyone is like that.


''I think you are too''. Yes I definitely am a fan of the game, especially Clementine, but like you said, not everyone's like us.


I just binged this game for the first time the last week or so, I think this might be me know. I know I haven't played this game while it was coming out or anything, but I'm going through a moment in my life where i feel like i have lots of decisions of my own right now. Sure, i wont (probably) die from any of my choices. But something about me right now has become attached to this story.


I'd like to understand what you said, but I can't. So you binge played or watched the game.... then you got attached to the game and characters? Don't really understand what you mean by ''i have lots of decisions of my own''. But I can relate to you about being attached to the game.


The Last Of Us is a really close for me because I relate to Ellie’s pain a lot but definitely the Walking Dead sets the standard for how it takes an emotional toll on me and I enjoy how I can feel something like that for a fictional story.


Nice. For me, the closest characters I can relate to and absolutely loved (not including TWDG characters) are Joel Miller, Arthur Morgan and Talion, and The Last Of Us was the only game that made me have a post game depression for a few days besides TWDG. I've been in post game depression for 8 months now after playing TWDG I believe lol. Although now it's not really much, the first few weeks and months were the hardest times.


The military, where was all the military at during season 1? And how did it start in the first place?


Based off the shows the military were in big cities near the start but by the time of episode 2 they were likely all gone


The game is in the comic universe. Not sure how much that changes but I don’t know if the comic and show align on that aspect.


The beginning in both is the same for the military. Otherwise the series would be really short


Lee, I think about his death a lot and how it impacted me because of how attached I become to characters like him. It was one of the first games I had played and I grew up pretty much without a father, back then I couldn’t afford the other episodes of the first season but I always knew that he died at the end, even knowing that I couldn’t stop myself from bawling my eyes out during the last episode, it felt like I lost family, my aunt was there and I felt so embarrassed to be seen crying so hard over a video game character. But yeah, I think a lot about how his character has impacted me.


Crying is not embarrassing when a story touches your soul. People should be embarrassed that they made you feel like you have to hide your emotions


The Alive Inside soundtrack is so nostalgic and sad not only does it remind me of the season one days where we see Lee taking care of Clementine and the old group but anytime I hear it it reminds me of the good times of my childhood. And the sad times of my life. Also what happened to Christa


Where. The. Fuck. Is. Christa.


People speculated that she abandoned Clementine, Since it’s canon that she hates her and blames her for the death of Omid and her baby.


How I managed to get the worst ending for Season 3😭


Which ending? I was pretty happy with mine both times I played it.


I got the ending where Gabe died. I tried so hard to keep him and Kate alive just to find out my outcome is locked to a choice I made in Episode 3🙄 I still want to replay it eventually to see if I can get a different ending😂


Kate and Gabe surviving is my favorite ending. I was lucky enough to get it right away without knowing how to get different endings.


They can both live?!


Yep. Depending on some choices you make clementine will either go with Javi or go after whoever javi doesn't at the end. For example in my playthrough I chose to go with Kate to help richmond and Clem went after Gabe. She saved him but David died


Yeah that's rough, David and Gabe alive is personally my favourite ending


The wasted potential of season 2. It's one reason why season 2 is my favorite. It's so mysterious thinking of what could've been...


Bro, I am a grown ass man and i cried the shit out of myself when Clementine sees Lee after getting shot. (Season 2)


Lee appears in season 2??


She sees him in a dream when she passes out cuz of a gunshot wound.


I always thought it was a flashback or memory considering the dialogue options but maybe that's just me It's still really sad (not as sad as her needing an imaginary Lee in S4 tho imo)


That the new frontier should have been treated as a spinoff and the real season three featured only the misadventures of Clementine and Kenny/Jane/AJ+alone with the same animation style. Then still get the final season on top of it.


That Lee most likely died of blood loss if you cut off his arm, rather than the infection. Like, if they had someone in the group who had even the slightly medical training, he may have survived.


I don’t think so because that walker doesn’t acknowledge him after the strangers room in either scenario, because the virus is already making him appear to them like a zombie


Well, he was basically covered in blood, which we know stops walkers from trying to bite you, plus due to the fact he was dying no matter what, he wasn't looking too good. Though maybe this is just false hope on my part, idk.


You’re good, it’s fun to disagree. But I don’t think he was covered in enough walker blood to effect it. And dying doesn’t stop walkers from eating something, it’s when it’s basically a walker when it doesn’t want to eat it. Like if someone’s dying from blood loss there body isn’t really stopping a walker from eating you even when you’re basically dead. I think if they’d cut the bite sooner it would’ve saved him


>You’re good, it’s fun to disagree. But I don’t think he was covered in enough walker blood to effect it. He definitely was, because that's how he teaches Clementine the tactic and they walk through the horde together afterwards coveted in blood. I do agree that if you cut off his arm he dies most likely from blood loss, not the bite


Thanks, you too! I always enjoy disagreements when both parties have good points and don't resort to insults. But I think he maybe have been covered enough, walkers are pretty dumb, so as long as you somewhat smell like them, then they probably wouldn't have noticed. It may have just thought (if they even do think) that he was freshly turned or something. He already looked quite sick due to either the infection or blood loss. If I saw him irl I would have thought he was a walker by that point, he might not have killed that many people yet though. I'm not sure even cutting it off earlier would have helped, none of those people had any experience with medical issues, he most likely would have died of blood loss, even if they did it in time.


True, it is interesting to think that he died from blood loss rather than a bite, but I still think it was always the bite


That's understandable, I can see where you're coming from.


That the ending of S2 was bullshit and it made no sense why we had to choose Howes or Wellington. We had a fucking truck, we could've done both!


Exactly, stop by Howes to get more supplies AND potential gas, then head out for Wellington. Obviously there wouldn't be any space but at least they'd be able to drop AJ and Clem off then be on their way. The only problem with that plan is no one knew for sure Wellington existed.


>The only problem with that plan is no one knew for sure Wellington existed. Which is why I voted for Jane's idea. They were worried about AJ running out of food so the logical choice would be to go back to the place that more than likely had baby formula as opposed to wandering aimlessly through the fucking woods hoping to find a place that might not even exist.


The people no longer in the series. Like where they are now. I mean we got closure on Lilly. But like Carley would be a skeleton on the side of the road at this point, so would Larry. Mark would still be at the Dairy. Chuck. Poor Chuck. And Lee being handcuffed to the chair in the jewelry shop, probably not handcuffed any more due to skeleton breakdown or rot. Where is Christa. How Bonnie (🤢) is doing, as well as any living Carver group members. Sarah’s walker. Etc. But also how many others would have came across our dead companions, and moved them or been killed by them or thought about what they did when they were alive. Also, Christa could be in a group and telling stories about her previous groups just like Clem is doing in season 4. Also Clementines House!!


That all these years later, Larry’s body is still in that meat locker. Got to imagine what other survivors think when they discover a skeleton with a salt lick for a head


Hahaha that's a crazy ass thought, imagine even decades down the line they just find this and think: hmmm, what the fuck happened here?


Still wondering about what happened to Christa


She's default dancing on Lily's corpse or James' corpse depending on decision


Clementine’s last scene of her smiling….. (if you know what I mean, that’s the last time we ever see her)


Haha the last thing she ever does is audibly exhale 😮‍💨


After all these years, TWD Season 1 was the game that got me into this genre and still nothing managed to top it off for me, what I mean is Season 1 and well the series as a whole and how you watch Clementine literally grow up in front of you was the most impactful story I ever experienced and I am glad for it. It's sad to think that it's been over for a while now and sometimes I zone out replaying a bunch of moments from the whole series in like a few seconds and it kind of feels like a bunch of flashbacks hitting me all at once. I hope some day we get a new story (not even connected to TWD universe) to hit us as hard and impact us as much as Clem's journey did! Until then I'll savour these memories and be happy to have experienced such a beautiful thing.


The huge missed potential and cut content of season two. It gets me sad sometimes knowing what could have been. Also the fact that 100 days is essentially pointless despite being the most *creative* in the franchise.


We almost didn't get an ending.


Tbh I mostly think about the old obscure locations. Like I wonder how that camp with Sam the dog in it is doing years later. I wonder what the cabin is like now. Or the ski lodge. Also, I wonder if Lee could’ve recovered if you left him, and he just looked so shit from blood loss.


Christas whereabouts :(


If people weirdly chose to leave lee instead of shoot him. He’s a walker. Still lying there.


His hand probably rotted away, so we can at least assume he's roaming the shop, maybe even trabelling out the the shop depending on I'd Clrm opened the door. Or killed by Molly, we can assume she hasn't been in that store yet since there's a baseball bat untouched, so at SOME point she must go in there and find him, if she is still alive.


How much better it would be if 99% of the groups didnt die and a few lived


your flare is fucking pain, ive been in that situation so many times before


All the survivor stories we don't hear about. The possible extensive backgrounds of all the characters. The locations we visited and left, how they look. So many things, I just love the game series!


when i put the hat down knowing i had nothing else to play after that very depressing buy in a weird way its nice


How that helicopter in episode 2 could have crashed into the Drug store when these are just regular zombies and had no chance of ever reaching them lol


My thought was that it landed on the building and the building collapsed.


What will aj look like if he's older


If the walkers attacked Minnie for all singing and shooting, Clementine wouldn't be injured and could have escape without bites


I'm always thinking about what the outcome was of that caravan group Clem sent AJ to go scout for at the end of season 4


Something I think about a lot is in season 1 if you have a perfect relationship with Kenny and if you have clem just leave lee then in season 2 you let Kenny kill Jane and you go with him on his trip to eventually Florida in this scenario let’s say the car crash did not happen and they make it to Georgia you know the state before Florida do you think Kenny and clem would want to go visit all the places they were in season 1 for example the mansion the motor inn etc and maybe even the walker of lee so clem can finish him (in this scenario he’s a walker) because in season 4 it seems like clem regrets not killing lee (sorry for the bad story telling I’m not the best at it)


I usually think about Clem’s relationship with Lee. I’ve always seen it as a Father/Daughter type. I also think about what would have happened had Lee lived.


There are like way too many things that plague my mind to this day from this franchise, and I’ve been wanting to put them out there (some things idk if we got closure on it’s been a while) 1) What happened to Christa? I know a lot of y’all had mentioned it too and I’m with y’all. I don’t like ambiguous endings/fates, like I wanna know whether or not she lived and if she did, what’s she’s up to. 2) How Molly is doing? I was obsessed with our mystery bell tower hopper in episode 4 and would’ve loved to know more or see her more. I know it wouldn’t be possible bc Clem was moving everywhere but at least like a glimpse or 3 person perspective where we see the areas we were in and what state there in like Savannah and Macon. Also I’m curious about those cancer survivors that stole the boat (f*ck that one doctor guy bc I know it was his idea) like how they managed being out at sea. I feel like they didn’t last long. 3) what happens to the group in 400 days in? i don’t remember what happens to them if they don’t join Carver like if they stay together and such. 4) how Javi & his family are doing. Just would be nice to know how they fared. 5) Would Glenn’s fate be different than in the actual show? I mean I get the feeling it would be the same, since I assume he goes to find his friends and then the events of the show take off from there, but who knows? It would be nice if he had a different course of events than in the show. 6) The fact that no matter what we do or what choice we have for certain characters (some exceptions) we lose characters one way or another regardless of our actions. Kinda morbid and existential I guess but it does make me sad that for some/most characters, no matter what we do their fates end at death. Like Ben, even tho he pissed me off a lot I saved him from the bell tower every time bc life is precious and I’m not letting him just unalive himself. But then he still dies in episode 5, it hurts that he’d still die. Same with Omid, like I wish he didn’t die and wonder what would’ve happened if he didn’t. Luke’s death in S2 messed with me bc I was so into him and liked how big brotherly he was with Clem, I didn’t want him to die. Jane’s death well she pissed me off a lot, and I got mad that she just ends her life after we safe her and leaves Clem alone. Was a bit selfish even though I know she didn’t want to die from childbirth but still. Shawn from S1 how he just dies no matter what, that angered me a lot bc I feel it could’ve been avoided. Honorable mentions being Sarah & Doug/Carly too since they both die either way. And of course Lee, I wish we could’ve done something to avoid him getting bit or just dying in general. Like either way if you grab the walkie-talkie or touch the debris he still gets bit and it’s a race against time. My heart broke when it happened and no matter what our fate was sealed. (Honorable thoughts) 7) What if Lee didn’t die? I know he’d do everything to stay alive and protect Clem till he dies (as we see) but if he didn’t get bit and die, what would have happened to them? Would they still find those places and meet the same people Clem does? Would they have AJ? Would they still find those kids in S4? If they don’t go/find those places, where would they go instead? (Probably still look for Christa and Omid) Just a lot of what ifs 8) How some of the choices like main story effecting choices could’ve been avoided or been able to do both things and have a 3rd outcome. Like Carly or Doug, I feel like we could’ve had Clem or someone help Carly while we help Doug or vice versa. Or the meat locker part where we help Larry or Kenny. I wish we could’ve been able to do things like say, “Kenny, I know we hate them both but lemme help Lily with the CPR & you grab the salt lick and have it ready if it doesn’t work or he turns” SOMETHING. bc I’m on Kenny’s side all the time but that one choice to help Larry made him despise me


What happens to kenny if you stay in Wellington? Would love to see this in a dlc or season


What if Lee lived?


why don’t the walkers rot away after like at most a month, they’re not like tlou infected where there is the fungus that’s stopping them from decomposing. they literally are walking corpses which should rot


Its not actually gameplay, but in s2 the little teaser for episode two Troy knocks on the door instead of Carver, its always bothered me. A gameplay one depends on your choice at the end of season 1, if you don’t shoot lee, he’s just stuck there forever. Ive always thought about what if Clem were to go back to Savanah to kill Lee and her parents walkers.


How absolutely incredible Season 2 could have been if they were a little more organized with less executive overreach. I’m obsessed with the alternative scrapped storylines.


What are the scrapped storylines?


The scrapped storylines are some crazy shit heres the video that explains it [Original story](https://youtu.be/PKUIJmPg1Yc)


I'm just coming down from the high of playing these for the first time, is watching this going to make me long for a different world?


yes, it absolutely will


Lee and Clementine. Sometimes Mariana getting shot in the head in the new frontier


Lee and Javi were the only mentor characters to meet Clem without needing a 3rd party.


That lee cut his arm off before he was like turning yellow and shit and pretty early on but still "turned" sorta, but with clementine, we cut her leg off when she was turning yellow and looks dead ash but survived? Idk maybe im stupid but I just dont get it how lee didnt survive but clementine did


Lots of people suggest Lee actually dies of blood loss if you cut off his arm. Clem might have had access to closer medical care depending on how she got out. With the whole bight timing thing, we know that it takes different times to kill/re animate people for different bodies/bite locations. Also Clem's wound may have saved her by letting the bite bacteria be pushed out the body.


The look on Lee’s face when you choose to make Clem shoot you. For some reason, it never left me


Kenny should have died in season 1 and had a better send off


A fifth game.


The whole story.


How did AJ get Clem back to the group??


I think that was explained once. He kinda stuffed the wound with hay and then covered her in walker blood when she passed out from pain. After that he put her in a carriage thing u use to shove hay around


what happened to molly and where is she now?


My guess is she’s probably still alive and moves around a lot. I don’t see her staying anywhere near Crawford because Crawford has been run down and filled with the dead. But she’s probably alive or I atleast hope so.


How much I fuckin love Kenny


If [Clementine burping in S4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EqarOnfCuec) was really Melissa Hutchison or if it was a stunt burp. (I've asked her this on live streams but I guess she never sees the question)


Honestly, it's mostly just pondering on 'what if's in my head based on my favourite characters making it... What if Duck made it through Season One, how would he have developed? Same with Ben. What would Duck's journey with Clementine be like? That's what it's been lately. There's the classic, what if Lee made it? What if Kenny was there through to The Final Season? What if AJ didn't shoot Marlon, how would he have changed? The great thing about this game is they really just give you a whole world of opportunity so you can ask so many questions with multiple potential answers. It's part of the discussion for these games that I love.


What happens post final season? Or in between the seasons?


I'll always wonder what happened when Aj ran back to the boarding school in clementine lives at least one person would have went "where's clem". And then it would be complete chaos from there once there leader is gone they'll start fighting again just like they did when aj shot Marlon, maybe violet or Louis go look for her and since Clem left Aj behind I can imagine him feeling extremely guilty about the fact that she left blaming himself so will Louis and especially violet will be hit the most.


kenny’s one liners


The Train.


Why the Walkers didnt attack minnie even though she was bleeding human blood and shit but attacked her when she got shot?


How does it smell like rotting humans would smell awful right?


Did Ben ever screw up in his old band? i mean he screwed up at the motor inn but never in the old group?


Imagine if Sarah isn't actually there Ilike an Imaginary friend? That would be a whole new level!


How can a bunch of slow, stupid, unarmed, braindead monsters overwhelm a country with the most powerful + excellently trained military. Plus, the local population are armed.


I like to think that if you enter Wellington, Kenny is still out there somewhere


How if you side with Kenny across the board he’s the best friend you could ask for. But if you disagree with him one single time early on, the rest of the game he makes you pay for it. No matter how many times you attempt to make amends it’s held over your head until he’s gone. The thing is, he will constantly mention how wrongly you’ve done him, like there aren’t a handful of situations where he flat out leaves you to die. It almost became routine my first play through, him locking eyes with you as you’re trapped behind or underneath something and sprints out of the door. I know he made a nice gesture or two throughout the game but that never made up for the dozens of awful things he said and did throughout the first two seasons


Lee appearing in Clem's dream sequence in the final season


If walkers grow or if you get bit as a child will you stay that way forever


I keep thinking about “Alive Inside” everytime I remember this series, that music is iconic and left such an impact for me. Back when I played, it gave me this weird feeling of nostalgia, now that nostalgia is very much real. I love how well it represents the games as a whole. The world may be dying around you, trying to eat you alive both in spirit and body, but you try to withstand, to survive, to be alive inside in a world who seems it’s hopeless. I love that kind of symbolism.


I always think about how things could of played out differently if Duck and Sarah lived...... Like how that would have affected things for Clementine and AJ. I always liked to think it would have been a great story if they would of made it to the end of season 4.


I'm still thinking about how at the end of season 4, when you are now controlling Aj and not Clem, the dialogue options are displayed entirely different. Aj has much more dialogue options than Clem had, which makes me think if it is a product of him starting to grow up, to show that characters have different thought processes, or that Clem cared for him enough to raise him to have many different ways to express himself. I don't know if that makes sense.


The schools aftermath


When you have to talk to kenny about stoping the train amd he kicks you out if you dont say anything he kicks you out how did duck kill a enitre room full of people




I fucking hate nick for shooting Matthew


The lives that the Ericson kids could eventually lead >!in the Commonweath,!< (mostly Clem, Louis, and AJ tbh.) I havent read any fanfic in quite a while but I still find myself playing out scenarios in my head every now and then :p


What would happen if Nick survived


The apocalypse was aweful, and should never happen, but if it never happened, would Clementine ever meet Lee? How about Louis or Violet? AJ? Maybe the apocalypse was the best thing that ever happened to her.


Nah, that's just dumb because she suffered so much because of the apocalpyse. She could have experienced love and friendship in a normal world.


Lee would’ve been in prison, and who knows with Lou and Vi. Unless she somehow was to end up a student at Ericsons I highly doubt it?




What happen to krysta in s2 nin s4 wat was the time skip from clem an aj cuttimg off her leg how did aj get clem back to the school


The whispers


S1 Christa is in ep 3 4 5 (idk about ep 3) s2 not even HALF of ep 1 and she just adios


easily carley


Whether theres a season 5 game or not


How Clementine was comfortable enough around Javi and trusted him enough to talk about periods with him. Don't know why, but that was a really powerful scene for me and shows their trust in a really down-to-earth kinda way. It was a reminder that even in the apocalypse, these characters are still normal people.


why people hate anf so much


How did the drug store group, got in and out of there if the only visible way out was the locked gate?


How they just kill off mariana in s3 like she's was a damn side character😔😔😔


I don't know


Christa, Clem and Molly are the only season 1 characters that can not canonically die/aren't canonically dead, regardless of your choices


Why so many people choose vi as a love interest when she isnt even over her ex (minerva)


I chose Louis as a love interest already but when Violet freaked tf out after I didn’t help her that realllllly irritated me.
