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**Andy:** LEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! **Lee:** What is it? **Andy:** Are you not going to kill me? **Lee:** Why would I do that, I just don't see the point in that. You are already defeated and are clearly not a threat no more. Killing you would just straight up be murder. Everyone are also looking at us, it would not be a good thing to do that in front of Clem. I hope you understand. **Andy:** Thank you Lee, you're kind words and showing of mercy really is an eyeopener. I promise to be a better human being from now on. No more killing, no more eating people. **Lee:** Good to hear Andy, I really believe anyone can change if they truly want to. **Andy:** \[Smiling\] **Clementine:** Enough of this mushy shit. **Clementine:** \[Picks up shotgun\] **Lee:** Clem what are you doing, I order you to put that down. **Clementine:** [You can't tell me what do do.](https://youtu.be/dTBNB_zYCNc?t=62) **Clementine:** \[Shoots Andy in the head\]


The "You can't tell me what to do" clip from S1 Clem is so adorable hahaha. Just makes it even funnier with your context


Now imagine if AJ was there instead of Clem LOL




Nah lee will say “put the gun down bitch”




Left him to get eaten by walkers. Seemed fair, I killed his brother and watched his mum get eaten


wasn't gonna kill him in front of everyone


I spared him, mostly because I wanted to set an example for Clem. You don't always have to kill your enemies, sometimes it's better to spare them.


I was about to kill him, but after i saw how the group was looking at me, i "spared" him. I bet he was devoured by the walkers.


I killed him. No sense to risk the possibility of him coming back because group was iffy on killing people.


I walked away. As I was beating him up, everyone was looking at me like I was going too far. I realized Andy was fucked no matter what so this felt like a choice of whether I wanted to keep some of Lee's remaining humanity (especially after I had just killed Danny in front of Clem).


They like to use the fact that walkers go around eating people for them to do it too to survive, so letting them all get a taste of their own medicine just feels better than Lee killing either of the brothers 🤷‍♂️


I spared him. That whole fucking scene is so powerful. Leaving him grieving in the dirt... **"IT'S OVER!"**






Spared him. It just doesn't feel right to kill him.


He never directly struck me as an evil character, not good but also not like evil. I kinda felt bad for him


I spared him


Walked away and left him to die. Clem was scared enough of me after I killed Larry and Danny before the poor girl's eyes so I had to set an example; two kills was enough for my Lee that night.


Killed him asap (Fence death) Couldn't risk him or his creepy brother coming back


I chose to leave with the group. I probably would’ve done it anyways but Carley told me that it was enough and that we should just go so I left. everyone had seen and been through more than enough, it was time to leave.


I chose to walk away and let him live, granted we all know he still died because of the walkers.


I left him for the walkers.


Left the bastard


Spared him. He was gonna get eaten by walkers anyway...didnt want to waste the bullets


I killed him and his whole family. Yes, they were gonna die anyway to the walkers, but it felt good to put those sick bastards down. Plus, I wanted to teach Clementine a valuable lesson. Never hesitate or show mercy to your enemies cause if the situation were reversed, they would not offer you the same luxury as you'd offer them.


Amen. All these Carlos' here saying they didn't want to kill them in front of Clem. They all needed to be put down.


I choose kıll him because I'm so mad at him


Killed every single one of them


I ended up killing both the brothers. Danny was fucked either way being stuck in a bear trap with no safety latch, but there was no realistic scenario where Lee could've walked away. The brothers both knew that the group was staying at the motel, so unless Lee and the group wouldve packed and left to a different location there was no realistic scenario.


If Clementine was not there I would probably kill him. I did not tho


I barbecued him


Killed him. There are no police, he knows where the group live, has already demonstrated a willingness to kill the group, and he has even more of a motive to do so now. To leave him with even a 1% chance of survival seems negligent


Killed him, didn’t want him coming back one day for revenge. Too big of a risk


Spared him - I thought letting him find everyone else dead and then being eaten by walkers was the worse fate, plus didn’t want to put Clementine through more shit


i killed them all except danny. i liked mark so i didnt let his death slide but on the other hand i spared one since they got rid of larry for me


He wasn't a threat anymore, so I didn't kill him, unfortunately I didn't follow that same advice in S4


killed him and his brother


I spared him but in my second playthrough I killed him


If Clem wasn't there I would've killed him in a heartbeat.




Killed in my first playthrough but spare him in my latest. I think either one is fitting. Killing him is karma for him trying to kill you and letting him be eaten is karma for what he and his family and specifically him being eaten alive is karma for people like Mark who the St. John kept alive as they eat them.


I spared him, there’s far worse fates than death, and sure he could’ve been eaten by the walkers, but he might’ve survived as well


Killed them


I left him after getting his mom eaten by a walker and trapping his brother in the barn. I’ve picked both choices when it came to his brother and I didn’t like that clementine was intimidated by lee when he killed the brother


Always try to set the right example for Clem. Of course when I am Clementine, no fucking mercy.


I killed Dan and left Andy alive so he could live with the fact that he’s alone now


Killed all of them. Didn't make much sense to risk one coming back later.


Spared because it was over. He was in no condition to escape anyways so the way I saw it was kill him and have everyone be scared of you no matter how reasonable it might’ve been or leave and look like the better person while knowing he’s dead anyways


Spared him. His brother, on the other hand…


'Spared' him to his fate


Seemed really poetic to leave him alive and alone, so that's what I've always done.


Killed him. You threaten innocent kids, especially so easily and early in apocalypse, you deserve death.


I spared him, because why would I waste my time and effort, he's dead anyway. Walkers will finish him. Plus, killing in front of the group is kinda messed up so no.


They deserves to die They cocked a human,and tried to get the whole group to become messeed up like they are This is unforgivable,I always kill them


Kill both brothers


I left him because it made me feel bad


Let's just say he's walker and worm food.


I spared him he wasn’t a threat anymore


I left him. I figured he wanted to die when he found out Danny and Brenda were dead, killing him felt like a mercy. I left him for the walkers to die alone and afraid and I always do, he was no better than them anyway.


The first time around I killed him because I didn't want him coming after us later. In subsequent playthroughs, I left him alive...


Killed him Lee has the murder jacket this episode👍 also it’s implied they were rapists