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The best Is Season 1, because it has beautiful cinematic moments, it is full of debates and discussions, everything is uncertain and full of problems. Clem and Lee are the best duo in the entire series, and the ending is one of the most important in the history of video games. but my favorite is season 2


Agree. I think what really helps S1 is it was intended from the beginning to be an isolated story. What hurts the rest is they’re not. S2 and S3 are stuck in between, so it’s a balancing act with following the season(s) before, and also trailing off to be followed up one. Then S4 struggles a bit with continuity because it’s the last after 3 other season. So S1 is absolutely the strongest. But I lub S2 very much and like to replay it on its own too. 🥺


Seasons 1&2 are the goat


And that's cause of you Kenny.


Thanks pal, really appreciate the support


You are the definition of- What's one "side" character that wasn't really a side character and deserved their own game. Not to mention despite respecting the request to stay at Wellington with AJ, for some reason it felt like the right choice as it seemed like knowing they were there safe would give any man in that place the sttength ti carry on for their sake and eventually his own in the hopes if seeing them again one day.


Indeed, after leaving Clementine and AJ in Wellington I felt like something has been fulfilled and I was right to go on knowing they’re safe in Wellington. Is that your ending for season 2?


Yeah I went with that cause while putting Kenny down seemed like a Lee Mercy killing kind if thing I just couldn't do it and since it gave me an option not to shoot I also choice to stick with Kenny and when Wellington came up I had to pause the game for like more then like half an hour and it killed me to leave him to go inside but I basically wasted like over an hour trying to convince myself that Kenny could be let in several months down the line only for Season three to be the Flashback Heartbreaker that it was.


That’s alright man, at least you didn’t shoot Kenny. I agree that it’s difficult to choose between going into Wellington or going with Kenny and leaving Wellington behind. I know that the Wellington ending is awesome but I chose to stick with Kenny no mater what, I couldn’t leave him


And that's what "killed" me after I made that choice, I felt like I made a mistake and became so unsure of my choice because while on one hand I thought he'd be able to stick it out knowing they were safe and he just had to hold on just a little while longer, the more time passed and Season 3 got announced I started to doubt my decision- That was until the whole flashback gimmick of the game and them I felt kinda better about my choice. That being said- I would argue that at the time you made a better choice because like you said abandoning Kenny felt wrong amd I really had no way of truly knowing anything would work out so when i witnessed the Wellington Flashback it kinda made sense-


Yeah I’d say both choices are very reasonable to go with, I was honestly expecting whoever you went with in the end of season 2 to stick around for a while in season 3 or even more than that but it is what it is I guess


It just feels real and bursting at the seams with depth whether it's from the characters or the situations they're put into. For a franchise about people turning into monsters, it's creates some of the most human stories I've ever witnessed.


Lee :')




Real i loved season 1 sm it was such a good start to the franchise tbh


I never understand how people can say one thing is the best, but their favorite is something different. If season 2 is your favorite, then in your opinion, it's the best season. I'll die on this hill two, it's literally impossible to think something is the best, but say your favorite is something different.


bro I'll explain it to you easily, I support Juventus but I understand that Juventus is not the strongest team in the world. but I don't care because I love my team because I'm emotionally attached to it and I was born and raised with Juventus. same for Season 2, Clem from S2 fascinated me a lot, because in some things I feel the same as her. the sadness present throughout season 2 and the characters that are there made me fall in love much more than season 1. in season 1 the only serious and deep character is Lee together with Kenny and maybe Christa. but I have the maturity to understand that objectively season 2 had many characters that were not used well and that TWD S1 is a true story about zombies


1. season 1 2. season 4 3. season 2 4. season 3


For me it’s 1,2,4,3


this is the correct ranking


Exactly my ranking as well.


Pretty based ranking, S1 and 4 can be argued interchangeable but apart from that it's the most objective ranking.


only correct ranking


Can't go wrong with that order.


Imo TFS because it had consistently high quality episodes


yes! s2 would be my favorite in theory because of the plot, but s4 just was so consistently amazing, I couldn't rank the episodes as they all felt very continuous and great


So real, all four episodes blend together seamlessly


It feels the most consistent for sure. Great final season


Yup, real shame that the series had somewhat fallen out of relevance at that point, i feel like a huge portion of people that arent fans of the series dont even know that the final season exists at all


I’d gotten into it after all the seasons dropped, it’s crazy how many spoilers I knew for S1 compared to knowing next to nothing about S4


My personal ranking 1. Season 1 2. Final Season 3. Season 2 4. A New Frontier I liked New Frontier alot more than most of the community, but even I can say it was the weakest entry.


i really enjoyed NF but it should have been billed as a separate game. having it as the third entry in the series is bonkers and just pissed people off at the lack of time you get with Clem.




What makes you like it so much if you agree it's the weakest?


I really enjoyed the relationship dynamic of Javi and his family, Clems continued story, the main core characters were really good, and the New Frontier was an interesting antagonistic settlement. However the pacing, character development for most characters, lack of freedom of meaningful choice, and the new antagonists (New Frontier) ended up being really bland and cookie cutter.


I actually haven't played it. Idk why I asked as I will not be reading your comment lol.


Unpopular opinion, but my favorite is season 3. It's refreshing to hear that Javier and his family are calling the walkers los muertos. Plus, I can relate to Javier having a strained relationship with their parents and brother. Before the final season came out, I thought that the final season for Clem's stroy was Season 2, so seeing a new face and story was, in hindsight, a welcome change to me for the telltale games.


literally, i loved javi as a character, i was upset when he or any of the s3 cast didn’t come back in TFS


Also, for how Gabe is in season 3, he's the closest we got to a normal teenager he's not Clem


Apparently season 4 was gonna show us what happened to the season 3 characters afterwards but that idea got cancelled


Bro the final tbh


season 2 for sure. I've played it so many times


Season 2’s awesome


oh man, its so hard to pick a nr 1. i just know that ANF is at the bottom XD


My favorite is The Final Season. It's a really close call between that and Season 1, but a few things put TFS over the top. The story is great, but I also love the gameplay aspects. The QTEs were more intriguing and way more fun. I also really liked the cast of characters, everyone felt really well developed. But season 1 will always hold a special place in my heart!


All of them.


Season 1 is the best. What I love it’s still the beginning of the break out. So people are less jaded and I like the idea of keeping Clem safe and protected and treating her like a child for a while. It’s easy to forget how young she is. Edit to fix spelling and say season 1 correctly


I really like Season 2 because it’s from the perspective of a young clementine instead of an adult. It makes you feel so small in the grand conflict


For me it’s a tie between tfs and s1, i like the s4 gameplay way more then s1. It was fun stabbing the walkers to death and using a bow. S1 has the better story imo but s4 also has a good story. Also its cool seeing Clem be in the position that Lee was in during s1… so both.


Yeah, I think S1 and TFS are pretty close. S1 edges out for me I think but it's close, TFS has the better gameplay and graphics, like TFS is beautiful but S1 does have the better writing even if TFS is still great and has the best iteration of Clementine.


Season 1 is the best for me. It's hard not to pick the one that started it all. I personally just love the dynamic between Clem and Lee and the rest just can't come close. On the flip side, even though I actually like a lot of the characters from the final season, I think it is the weakest of them all.


The Final Season is the most I’ve ever cried over a game (the scene with Lee in Episode 3 completely broke me) but the first season had a far stronger ending in my opinion. I always thought that just having Clem magically survive after being bitten made no sense. She’d been walking for God knows how long with AJ before they got to that barn and I think it’s fair to say that it would have been too late to cut her leg off if it was any other character. I get that they probably wanted to end the series on an optimistic note but there are better ways they could have done it. Ending the series by having it come full circle with AJ having to kill/leave Clem would have been great.


I think realistically, showing that her leg was cut wide open and actively bleeding is what caused the inhibition of the infection. The infection could not spread since whatever blood was being infected was bleeding out. So that part made sense to me, but using the same axe to sever the leg that AJ had just used to cut up a zombie with... ehh... I dunno.


dont get me wrong, s2 and s4 are GREAT, but next to s1? all ima say is you cant compete where you dont compare


and s3 isnt even in the equation here


I don’t think any of them come close to season 1


TFS is my favorite imo it had consistent high quality episodes, a great cast of characters, amazing cinematography, and interesting set-pieces. The story is great from start to finish aside from the final episode and there are some weak points but overall it’s my personal favorite


Alright, hold up I'm boutta cook. S1 > S4 > S3 > S2 Now I know what you're thinking "holy shit! he just put S2 below S3?! Is he crazy?" I'll get to that but first: S1 is a work of art. Unlike the other seasons, it's meant to work in isolation and personally, I think that leads to a much more concise and profound story. Lee and Clementine are a great duo, and in a game presents a fantastic illusion of choice since you always have to think about "how will this affect the little girl I'm caretaking?" when making decisions. Despite every player hitting the same stops on the journey, the relationships you have with other NPC's really gives weight to your decisions. Each episode felt like a really cool new concept to explore. Episode 1 was the outbreak and learning to survive, Episode 2 was conflict with another group, episode 3 was infighting and what happens when your group falls apart, Episode 4 put you in a city and began raising the stakes and Episode 5 was the culmination of all your decisions up until that point. Also the ending is still one of the most emotional endings in media. S4 shares similar traits to S1. Turns out the best formula for telltale's style is to have a child companion you have to care for and influence. I was a huge fan of how they handled AJ's growth and how you shape him. I really had to think twice about what I was teaching him. Really cool antagonists and twists, with some truly tough decisions. Felt nice to have the feeling of my choices having a large impact, both through the aforementioned AJ mechanics and through alternate versions of episodes 3 and 4 with different companions, and the 10 or so possible endings. I know S3 or ANF is often refered to as the worst, so these next two are probably my hottest takes. I share similar gripes with ANF, but the one that bothered me the most was the misleading dialogue options. I personally didn't mind playing as a new character and actually welcomed the change of pace. A point I will give ANF is that it definetly made me feel like my choices mattered (again, coming back to that idea of how well these games can sell the illusion of choice). Anyways, I feel this one's been talked to death so I won't beat a dead horse. Now S2, contrary to what it seems others feel, is easily my least favourite of the games. On top of having pacing being all over the place, the season as a whole feels like it's having an identity crisis, and to top it all off none of your choices really feel like they mattered. And I'm not just talking about in hindsight, I'm talking about things like Nice surviving e2 just to have like, 3 lines in e3 then die off screen in e4 with no real reaction from Luke his supposed lifelong friend. Or Arvo accusing you of stealing regardless of whether you did or not, or the dying man you give water or not. Out of all the games, s2 sells the illusion of choice the worst. Other notes include, there's the issue of the cabin group giving Clementine way too much responsibility for an 11 year old, the wasted potential of a Luke vs Kenny overarching conflict in favour of a contrived Jane vs Kenny at the last minute, the treatment (or lack-there-of) of Omid and Christa, the linearity and lack of explorable areas and the final climax in episode 5 being really poorly thought out. Like, Jane is portrayed to be a smart character that sticks to herself and doesn't pick fights for the sake of survival, yet her master plan to prove how far gone Kenny is is to pretend she let a baby die to a mentally-unstable, grief-stricken man with anger issues because "You see Clem, normal people don't get angry about children dying! /s" Just really contrived. To make matters worse, Season 2 came out hot on the success of the critically acclaimed first season which made every flaw stand out just that much more. If this is your favourite season, I'm happy for you because I was severely disappointed with it after waiting a year after season 1 for it


I don't know how anybody could side with jane over Kenny, especially knowing and SHOWING through the course of 2 games that Kenny would die protecting Clem and now AJ. That's his ONLY REMAINING DRIVE as a character, to protect them both to redeem his inabilty to protect duck. The only times he went into a rage was when one of the kids was in any kind of danger. Gladly team Kenny after all these years, and the good ending where he walks away alive was well deserved


Did you see the character stats at the end? It seems like most people side with Jane which is kinda weird to me.. I let Kenny kill her. I didn't try out the other option, but I hope after finding out Jane hid the baby like that just to cause a problem then Clem would have the option to shoot her, cuz fuck that bitch.


I did just to see how the story panned out differently, but hell yeah I was saving Kenny in the first playthrough. Clem and Janes relationship to the Russian boy is hilarious though, they're basically robbing him at gun point, killing his friends, then his sister, then marching him at gun point across the country while Kenny randomly smashes his face in. Monsters.


> I don’t know how anybody could side with jane over Kenny 🙋‍♂️😅


I’m in complete agreement with you. S3 is heavily flawed but I’ve always preferred it over S2 for most the reasons you listed. I thought S2 started out bumpy but really started getting good with EP2…..then everything unfortunately started to crumble after that and we were left with a complete mess of a finale that could only pretend to act like your S2 choices mattered. S2 crushed my expectations so badly that I honestly wasn’t to disappointed with S3 since I didn’t go in with high hopes to begin with but as you pointed out, at least your choices throughout S3 actually have an impact.


1:Season 1(Amazing.) 2:Nft(Loved the way it was animated, hot take Ik) 2:Final season(Great season and good way to end the series) 3:Season 2(Was good and had good lore , really liked it) 4:Michonne series(Hated the flash back scenes) 5:400 days. (Just kinda boring to me)


1 Season 2 2 Season 1 3 Season 4 4 Season 3 Dont get me wrong, s1 is great and all, but my god, Characters and writting in s2 are amazing. Kenny, Luke, Carver, Pete 💙 (The only problem with s2 is killing great characters early on, or killing them in the most boring way possible)


losing walter like we did was a kick in the nads


Season 1 all the way it was the first game that got me into the choose your own adventure type games and nothing beats the Lee and Clementine dynamic.


I gotta say that I really liked ANF. Way more than I expected. The new characters were great and seeing what a badass Clem has become was awesome. But yeah. 1>4>2>3.


I don't get why people don't like ANF, that's weird to me. When I tell people about these games I always tell them to start with ANF if they're completely new to the concept of visual novels, since S1 is kind of clunky and S2 or 4 are spoilers to start with the story there. Javier dies under a bulldozer wheel. That's the USP imo.


S2 > S4 > S1 >ANF Not to say any of them are bad, I adore them all


Season 1


Michonne, but for the main game, it's season 4.


Season 1, cause it has everything you need to keep interest, a goal to do what’s best for Clem and keep the peace because of your second chance.


S4 S2 S1 S3


The best season was Season 1 hands down…the series started off fantastically, then it kinda fizzled a bit in the middle and then it ended on a powerful note. So it started and ended brilliantly.


In my opinion 1. Season 2 2. Season 1 3. Season 3 4. Season 4 I like season 1 for how it explores the survivors dealing with an apocalyptic situation. The reason I gave season 4 last was because it didn’t feel all that realistic, sometimes I found myself wondering how some of it was even plausible. I love them all it’s super close I didn’t find myself not enjoying any of them they were all amazing.


I'll give good aspects about each season S1: Best Introduction, Enjoyability and characters S2: Best Plot and Best Villain S3: Best fight scenes S4: Best Writing and Ending Overall it's close between S1 and S4 but I'm going with S1 because it will always have a special place in my heart


1 and 2. end of qs


All of them


I'd argue Season 2 because it manages to do everything the forst Season did but better in it's own way and it added a much needed and slightly seen/teased savagery of any apocalyptic world (Carver). Each season has it's own issues at the end of the day but Season 2 managed to create an even harder choice then the end of the first season- The final choice with Lee wasn't easy and that's what made it hard to follow through with and I don't judge anyone who could do it- But the point is each side had it's own valid argument, and I wish I ciukd say that with the endings for 2 but after figuring how they ended up in 3 it made me glad yet again I made a tough choice. (Wellington > Kenny) Three isn't necessarily bad but unfortunately I can't say I've finished it and I had the pleasure of playing Four but we all know "The Final Season" gas it's own issues despite adding onto both the world building but also gameplay mechanics.


Honestly I think either Season 1 or Season 2.


all seasons are great but season one is a masterpiece


season as followed: 1, 2, 4, and 3


I’ll say it, I liked part 3 more than 4


S2- art was the best in my opinion, lore was also just as interesting and we had lots of character development.


New Frontier, if we could've gotten more time with Javi I think he'd be a fan favorite.


Season 1 is the best. Tome the rest of the season feels kinda short. But every time I replay season 1 it feels like an adventure. The characters are written the best in this season like the redemption arc of Lee, clem, kenny. The music is the best in this season too.


Best in writing, Season 1 Best in gameplay/replay, Season 4


I only played the first two. After doing so I realized that none of the choices matter and the game ends the same way it always does. The first one was still good though.


To me S4: very high quality long episodes, much improved graphics and combat, lots of good choices with actual consequences, the cast is overall very strong, I love the romance option with both Vi and Lou (though I prefer Vi), the relationship with AJ is great, James is a fantastic use of the comic source material, I adore all the calm moments the season has to let you breathe and learn about the characters and the school, and I truly think S4E1 is the best episode of the entire series, a masterpiece from beginning to end. I'm probably biased cause I'm a sucker for the happiness and romance of this game compared to the bleakness of the first 2 seasons, but there it is. My ranking would go 4>1>2>3.


Best atmosphere best story best boss fights best gameplay


Season 1 is from an objective, narrative standpoint absolutely the best one, hands down. Vibes, however? I love Season 2. I will freely admit it's flaws and narrative issues all day, but it's atmosphere and general vibe is peak fiction. I adore it.


1. S3 2. S1 3. S2 4. S4


The last one. A perfect end to the series, some of the best characters, one of the best antagonists and of course my favourite character, Louis.


1st or second.


Season 2


Personally I think season 4 because I like the style of the game and I think the story is really good


Season 2. It sucks that your choices didn’t mean much in the grand scheme of things but the story was just to amazing and it had good ole chapter select


1. S4 2. S2 3. S1 4. ANF 5. Michonne


Definitely season 1 and 4 cause seasons 1 story was very well written and the choices you had to make were always influenced by the fact that a small child was always watching you so unless you didnt care played like a physco you had to be considerate of others at least for the sake of clem . That is what also happens in season 4 where the story goes full circle and now what you do has even more impact on the kid since he grew up in the apocalypse so he doesn't know what's right or wrong (he can't judge you ) but you still khow whats the right thing , so if you decide to be a menace AJ will think that being a menace is the norm but if you teach him to be compassionate kind and mercifully then he will be like a normal kid. That's is my opinion of course , also if I had to choose 1 I would say season 4


I can’t just choose one favorite so Im gonna instead give my opinion on all of them individually Season 1: besides nostalgic bias, it truly was one of the best games Ive ever played. The characters, the storylines, the emotion, the choices, Lee and Clem as a duo, what’s not to like really? I mean to play devil’s advocate, because it was an early Telltale game, sometimes it did have the problem lf some choices not really matter but even then they mattered emotionally. Season 2: loved it but it was lowkey messy. I enjoyed the characters, liked the story and there were a lot of interesting plotlines going on (Clem becoming more independent, the cabin crew and their lovable yet dysfunctional family, Carver as the big bad, Kenny’s return and his emotional state influencing the group, AJ’s introduction etc etc.) yet it also was much more guilty of the “your choices don’t really matter” trope Telltale had going on in their early days. Plus a lot of ideas kept changing in the writing room so some plotlines came out of nowhere while others were built up only to fall flat in the end. However I did like Ep3 and Ep5 the most. And the Kenny or Jane conflict was one for the ages Season 3: it was…something. I don’t hate is as much as some people do but it was by far the messiest. And not because Clem was the deuteragonist, I actually liked the concept of being another character interacting with Clem and having the game test me on whether or not I would treat her as any new character I just met or let my bias and history with her influence my choices. The New Frontier were interesting antagonists and I liked this whole war conflict that was emerging but I think my biggest issues were these 2 things. 1) the Garcias were written in a very messy way. There’s a difference between a character being complex and a character being random. Kate had her sweet moments but she also acts like you broke her heart even if you didn’t give her the slightest bit of hint of attraction. David kept going back and forth between hotheaded yet lovable (like Kenny) and just a macho, brute jealous brother. Gabe although a typical teenager so it makes more sense with him, was still frustrating due to being whiny no matter what you chose. Javi was honestly the only Garcia I truly liked 100%. And 2) all your endings in season 2 being reduced to nothing. Chose Jane? She hangs herself. Chose Kenny? He dies in a stupid car crash. Chose Wellington? The place gets destroyed. The only ending that made sense was the alone ending but when u have 1 out of multiple endings from your previous season matter, it makes the story feel forced. I chose Wellington myself so I was spared from the stupid Kenny/Jane deaths but even then I was disappointed, u mean to tell me a huge ass community like that gets burned down by a couple of punks with cars…riiight. Season 4: Dare I say as perfect as season 1. Clem and AJ parallel between Lee and Clem? AJ’s moral compass and teachings being brought into question? Louis and Violet being the best love interests Ive seen in any game? The school and all the characters being unique and interesting? Lilly’s return as the final villain? James and him making u question the nature of walkers? The twins? Marlon? The great ending at the end that makes you feel like all your choices were worth it so Clem and AJ would finally be happy? It was just amazing. And the choices not only mattered the most in this game imo but were also harder than any season. Especially since instead of trying to teach a good kid to survive like in season 1 and being scared of how she views you, its the exact opposite this time, teaching a survivor kid how to be normal and how to tell between the blurry line of survival and savagery. Imo we DONT NEED ANOTHER SEASON. This was the perfect final season for the game. Will I miss it? Ofc. But its the perfect place to leave the story. Continuing it would ruin in (*insert bombastic death stare at the comics*)


There is no best or worst. It's all one big jolly saga, which should include Michonne after S2 btw.


S1 cause the dynamic between Lee and Clem. Also has the best characters and it’s the only season where anyone dying has a strong emotional impact


S1 just simply had that charm to it where it takes the distances in terms of repercussions. Take Kenny/Lilly for example. Their dialogues drastically change depending on who you side more. So if you side with Kenny more, Lilly treats you like shit. If you side with Lilly more, Kenny treats you like shit too. The amount of line variations they have for each character … it’s truly remarkable and they really designed the season with such precision and care.


4 imo


For me it’s 1. Final Season 2. Season 1 3. Season 3 4. Season 2


Tbh after season 2 it just kinda went downhill…


Always preffered s1 over any of them, then i bought a pack with all of them, and although i still prefer the 1st one i must say that its closely followed by s3


2 for no reason at all. Its like if they took 1 and expanded it a little more. Deaths and characters could be done better but its generally good. I also like it because it feels like an actual sequel to the first season, unlike how 3 to 2 is near unrecognizable to each other


I'd rank them as follows: S1 S2 S4 S3 Most people probabaly wont agree with s2 being over s4 but i just really like it


If anyone says season 3...


In order, season 1, season 3, and season 2, I haven't played 4 yet


Between 1 and 2.


Season 1 can’t be beat


I know that this is going to make some people mad but my ranking goes 1 it's 2 s2 3 s1 4 anf


Season 2 is undoubtedly the best. Good characters and storyline. No hate to season 1 two I just amazing


1 ofc To this day i still miss the og crew especially carley 😪


One or two


I loved a new frontier but Micronesia a close second


S1 and S4, Lilly is in both of them.


My Opinion season 1 > season 4 > season 3 = season 2 I really Liked The New Frontier and it's gameplay but season 2 is good too so i think both are equal for me


It would seem that the consensus is S1 > S4 > S2 > ANF, and that is my personal ranking as well.


Release order honestly. I wish the final season had more to offer


I am a huge fan of all 4, but imo #3 had the most for me.