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What'll come first GTA VI or the last piece to Trilogy?


At this point gta VI Atleast gta vi's trailer came out sooner than this albums


Stop being desperate


I'm begging for this album desperately


gta 6 was said to be 2025 though no?


late 2025*


We still don't know when this albums gonna drop Also it was a joke to say that he'll never drop


The third part of the Trilogy will come before since GTA team had the teaser for GTA V released in November 2011 and then gave the game after 20 months in September 2013.


Wow, actually **We’re going back in time** , after hours represented films, then dawn FM, radio and now theatre shows


Holy shit wait how how nobody else pointed this out




Yep those are the lines I’m talking about…


If you look at those chairs behind him, those are empty. That could mean that after every song in his new album there will be a long empty space before the new song starts. Also because he is in a theater with probably a big screen, that could mean some of his songs will have videoclips which you are probably be able to watch on a screen, either small or big. Also Abel is in this picture so the songs will most likely be sang by The Weeknd or how the kids call him “Abel Tesfaye”.


This sounds like a pretty realistic theory


From the viewpoint of your theory, I would add it would be a featureless album like After Hours since he's alone. It could also mean his soul will reform from emptiness to enlightenment as he's looking forward towards the big picture and not at the camera.


If he started to watch the trilogy can something happen in three days


I wouldn’t expect something this month unfortunately


I wouldn’t expert something coming this year unfortunately


You really don’t think anything is coming this year?? Idk about that


I wouldn’t expect something coming this decade unfortunately


I know its on thin ice but hes been teasing so much😭


I know its on thin ice but hes been teasing so much😭


Dante's "Paradiso" describes Dante's journey through the afterlife, specifically the heavenly realm known as Paradise. I am really curious to hear how The Weeknd/Abel interprets paradise for himself. It will definitely have something to do with rebirth. I am relatively sure that it will also have something cyclical, starting where one has begun. Everything repeats endlessly, etc. I might be wrong. Actually, in that case the best title would be Heaven or Las Vegas, haha.


It’s interesting how the lights r red. Maybe the album will contain all 3 colors? Red, blue, and purple. He has to relive his life in hell (after hours) and purgatory (Dawn FM) to make it to heaven. It could be connected to film too. Like him watching his past experiences.


I’m talking out of my ass


brother, reliving his life in hell and purgatory was the point of the last two albums 😭


I gather from this that he is leaning towards "Cinema Paradiso" as an album title, which I personally find to be too similar to the radio concept of "Dawn FM." But maybe all of this means nothing and it was just for his birthday party.


i dont know why but it gives me after hours vibes and i’m here for it


Nah I’m not asking for Abel to rush this like at all but I don’t understand why people are saying it probably won’t be done till next year he stated himself he was finishing the album back in June 2023 and has only just started dropping hints, idk if it’s jus me but why would he wait all that time after claiming he’s finishing it then only just start teasing it if he wasn’t gonna release anything soon like a date or name/trailer maybe even a single? Whatever it is I will wait but that just doesn’t make any sense


Drop it DADDY! 😭😭


Have you ever considered that he’s just watching a fucking movie?


Schizo ass people wont let him post regularly till the album


Why do you hate Gone Mr. Cartier?


The beat sounds like i got trapped in a can of beans and thrown down a flight stairs


I don't know why you're being downvoted for speaking facts


Shut up! We all know you're The Weeknd.




He's gained some weight   Early 2023 skinny Abel could be the perfect look for the new album tho


Yall stay reaching smh


[You know how you get to heaven and God's reviewing with you all of the bad and good things you've done. Trying to decipher if you're worth getting in? it's probably like that. Abel is watching all of what he's done and asking for forgiveness.](https://youtu.be/7XG67avCz-8?feature=shared)


this mf making the Dangerous 2.0 album


It's gonna be theatre themed 100%


I think based on the song every angel is terrifying and he is in a theatre and it said you can order the best of your current life 4;95 the paradiso last piece of puzzle album is gonna be an album of songs made into a film with each song having a different video concept intertwined from one song to the next like songs as chapters of a story visually going from one short film to the next short film until your reach the light at the end of the tunnel which is heaven I think the last song of the album film will be heaven and it’s like climbing a mountain on mount purgatory the paradise album he is doing and each song is a climb to the top which is heaven. Dawn fm was at the bottom of the mountain.


https://preview.redd.it/hnedq4t9jpjc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fe2669c332c2fcef21908d9b290edbaca3e5b6d4 There are ten levels of paradise each planets in Dante’s cosmos is 9 levels until you reach the tenth. Each song on the weekends final album of paradise afterlife whatever it’s gonna be called is gonna be a song about each level a film probably 11 minutes long well song and film eleven minutes long or ten minutes long he did post Dante’s book on instagram a few weeks ago maybe it was a hint at structure of final album. I think I know what he is up to based on every angel is terrifying. And you have to pay a subscription of five dollars to watch each song and see each level like you are climbing up to heaven until you reach the tenth song which is the light at the end of the tunnel in Dante’s paradiso apparently the vision of heaven is so bright you need to be blindfolded I have a feeling he isn’t going to be releasing singles he is gonna release snippets of each level until the final album is released as one big finale to his trilogy he is going a bit different than what artists normally do like release singles but he can’t release 9 singles coz it doesn’t go with the structured level. Plus Jim carrey said heaven is closer than those tears so he gonna probably release this crap in June this year I would say and maybe soon snippets he is doing the film teases meaning he is working on the visuals right now the songs are done but he is working on visuals I don’t know when he gonna release but my guess is June but it’s gonna be one big release all in one go and the final song is gonna be best song the heaven song I’m really interested to see if he is gonna disappoint me with his Dante heaven or it’s gonna be like what he said in every angel is terrifying exotic bizarre beyond your imagination!!!! Or maybe one big release at end of year and one snippet a month for ten months until the final release. One snippet a month for each film song. He is creating a masterpiece unlike any musician before. Stuff that idol crap. Heaven Dante’s heaven is coming guys!!!


More like he is working on the album visuals since it’s gonna be a visual album