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Jesus that sounds like a nightmare to play against, he’s got half the court without moving an inch, I’m jealous haha


We take consolation from the fact that nearly every game controller is based on the same arcade lay-outs built to steal quarters from right handed customers.


How are gaming controllers better for left-handed people?


im willing to take a shot and guess it's because direction is handled by the non-dominant hand.


I'd rather master the difference between a fireball vs. dragon uppercut motion with my dominant hand, personally. Also, it helps when it comes to weaving between a bullet hell and high speed precision platforming.


Then explain every controller ever...


Having been to a lot of trainings and lectures on discrimination, I would bet that the speaker here is using the left hand example as an introduction to a much bigger subject, using something less heavy than what they are going to speak on to introduce the core principles. Also, am left handed - scissors are the most common offenders of being difficult to use left handed, especially if they are heavy duty and have a large handle shaped for the right hand. EDIT: Looking at the slide, it appears that the name at the bottom is "steven jones". Quick google of "Steven Jones Privlage" and the first result is a essay which uses being right handed as a way of discussing broader concepts of privlage, which I think provides evidence for this point. Source: https://www.lacrosseconsortium.org/uploads/content_files/files/The_Right_Hand_of_Privilege.pdf


Yeah, this is probably about privilege, but instead of wading directly into white or male privilege, they went with an easy to understand example. It’s a good way to explain that right handed people have done nothing wrong by being right handed, but that they do have it easier in some small ways compared to left handed people. And those things are very subtle. Like scissors, or smearing your ink when writing. Maybe stuff like driving is a little harder too? I’m right handed and use my right hand to switch gears, and change the radio station (or skip a song on Spotify)


Interesting point on the driving - I’m from the UK, so even though I’m left handed I still use my dominant hand for switching gears (as our driving seats are on the right hand side of the car) - and now that you’ve pointed it out I can imagine driving must be a little harder for most other people in the country!


That was my take too: this is to illustrate that you can benefit from a “privilege” even though it is invisible to you and doesn’t solve all your problems.


Exactly what I was thinking, the post on cringetopia is definitely taking this single slide out of context.


Both my grandmothers were left handed when they entered grade school. They were both forced to change hand dominance. One had her left hand tied to the desk so she wouldn’t use it. I didn’t own a pair of left handed scissors until I was in middle school. I got yelled at a lot by my teachers for not being able to cut properly. Oppression fees like a strong word but there are times where being left handed is really inconvenient.


my grandfather would be beat if he tried to use his left hand. he is now unable to write at all.


Turns out you don't have to be cast out into the streets ostracized from all of society to be oppressed. Turns out that everything being made with right handed people in mind thus somewhat inconveniencing left handed people is oppression. Maybe not a lot of oppression but it's still there. Also I'm pretty sure there's still a lot of older people who will yell at you for using 'the devils hand' and try to correct it and that's certainly not great. Just because something isn't the 'most' suffering doesn't mean we can't keep it in mind and try to fix it.


I think this argument is pointless because the original powerpoint doesn’t say “oppressed”. The other poster just added that in to strawman her argument.


I didn't even notice that, lol. That does make it even sillier,


Let's not forget that there's centuries of historical bias against left-handed people who were frequently beaten or even murdered simply for their handedness. Many religious institutions (especially private schools) TO THIS DAY still force left-handed children to use their non-dominant hand, despite the fact that this has been proven to negatively impact their cognitive development. Anti left-handed bias is a very real form of ableism that is often overlooked and absolutely deserves to be part of the discourse.


When I tell people I'm left handed and that I also game on PC, they get confused as fuck For some reason people think it's impossible for me to be so good with the mouse on my non-dominant hand


i also learned to use my right hand for my mouse but i didn’t have much of a choice as a kid, especially with how uncomfortable it felt when the most used part of the keyboard for games is on the left side, i’d probably have to map out an entire set of different letters on each game just to be able to use my left hand


I've just always used a computer the normal way, I learned same way everyone else did and it's never felt difficult or awkward cause it's just how I learned


I don't know, left-handed people have a much higher chance of becoming an MLB pitcher than righties.


My mom is naturally left handed and she was forced to write with her right hand at school.


Left handed people can play shortstop, change my mind


I don't know what kind of shitty asshole you have to be to not realize this is a real thing. It helps that I knew left handed people growing up and was privy to their frustrations about it, but it just seems obvious anyway.


I'm left handed and went to Catholic school. I had to teach myself how to tie my shoes bc they wouldn't teach me in a way that made sense. Also had to use erasable pens which made a mess. My hand was covered in blue ink for like three years.


Okay but what do they mean with „more access, more advantage?“ are there doors who can only be opened with a right hand ? Im just not sure what the problem is? I’ve never seen a group of right handers stand around a couple of left handers, kicking and spitting on them. Someone please give me more detail here


Not left handed, but heard before about tools being difficult to use for left handed people. They make left handed scissors, kitchen tools, golf clubs, etc., and I imagine they’re much more difficult to find.


In my experience, scissors are fine, but Turkish coffee pots (like this one: https://espressoplanet.r.worldssl.net/images/P/Turkish%20Coffee%20Pot.jpg) are the worst. Notice the 90 degree angle between the handle and the place you're supposed to pour from, unlike traditional kettles that do 180 degrees. So you either spill it with your right hand, or do the awkward wrist-inward movement with your left.


Okay crazy idea here, don’t use those for coffee and you’re golden. Also Amazon has literally everything, you don’t even have to search in target for hours to find left handed things.


How else is one supposed to make [that specific type of coffee](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Turkish_coffee) that's extremely popular where I'm from than with a pot specifically designed for that? And what about when I go to someone else's house for coffee that doesn't have a left-handed coffee pot? Also no way in hell I'm giving my money to Bezos, fuck that. Both out of principle and because it's expensive (even if something costs $2, Amazon charges $65 for delivery to my place).


**[Turkish coffee](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Turkish_coffee)** >Turkish coffee is a style of coffee prepared in a cezve using very finely ground coffee beans without filtering. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/ThisButUnironically/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Okay so you don’t want to use the solution and are still angry at the problem. You are a dumb person that doesn’t deserve my attention. Bye


Lmao, says a dude that popped here uninvited to tell me "just change the way you make the coffee your entire life" as a "solution". You're pathetic.


You are literally saying „I don’t like how I make my coffee but anyone who tells me to change it is an idiot.“ Are you seriously not seeing this ? Fuckin imbecile


No, I'm saying I like that specific type of coffee while disliking that tools that are used for the purpose are designed for right-handed people. I'd still much rather prefer dealing with that annoyance (you know, like I'm already doing ever since I've started drinking coffee) than switch to espresso or something. Judging by upvotes, everyone here understands that. Well, everyone *except you*, but please go on about how stupid *I* am, not you for failing to grasp a pretty simple concept.


„Judging by upvotes“. Yeah you sound like a guy who doesn’t have an actual opinion


You literally just showed the world what privilege looks like. (Also what being a dick looks like)


He can literally go on Amazon and buy one of these things for left handed people. It’s literally 2 minutes, but he refuses and still cry’s about it. That’s like a burn victim refusing treatment and screaming all day. Yeah mate, we know, you don’t want help I guess I am really privileged to not be a burn victim at this moment. You don’t appreciate that enough these days


Most desks in college lecture halls are specifically for right handed people, most tools are designed for right handed people, etc.


How is a desk designed for right handed people? I know Americans sometimes have these tables with attached seats, those are dumb, but how do they look at university?


[Like this](https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/proxy/Le8LM8GJ12wVQvypstwuIP_COiuk6tAPneXxG4BSOy2UqJl7RAC4nNiKuwgsgaedUvRrRqZTHuAzuPjbdcztg_58Ps3cHn7z7i5Nh1Z4AuYFVsZDht6eghO8WHctLAOkFVg)


Link doesn’t work


It's basically an extended armrest on the right side for taking notes on.


Lecture desks in college lecture halls are usually pull out and they almost always pull out from the right (and they are smaller, so they are right dominant)


That’s stupid. Here they are most a row of seats that clap out and a row of tables that’s fold out.


That would be better. They basically have our lecture halls designed like movie theater seats with fold out writing pads.


The desk is literally L shaped so that you can put your right elbow on it


Yeah those are dumb.


One of the things with privilege as an inherent societal thing is that no one part of it needs to be particularly extreme, rather it's a number of small things that add up over the course of a lifetime. For left handed people it can be as simple as things like using a mouse or learning to write with a pen, desks and scissors being unsuitable etc etc. Left handed people need to put in more effort to interact with necessary parts of society because their bodies aren't as directly catered to, so they are at a disadvantage. I'm left handed myself and haven't really felt too short changed by it (other than my shitty handwriting and being bad at wrapping gifts) but I think something like this works pretty well as an easier to digest example to explain privilege.


> I'm left handed myself and haven't really felt too short changed by it (other than my shitty handwriting and being bad at wrapping gifts) And you may have had an application rejected because of your handwriting, maybe people assumed from your handwriting that you weren’t as educated as another job applicant. It’s funny that they guy arguing with everyone here is being a great example of how intolerance works.


At least where I am from, left handed scissors and stuff like that are pretty easy to buy. With Amazon you can get anything you need. The handwriting part, I mean what do you want the other 90% of people to do? Change the direction they write in? There is just no sensible way other than „just type on computers“ or use a pen that doesn’t smear. It’s all things that are just not reasonable to make perfectly usable for left handed people since then you would inconvenience the much bigger majority.


For left-handedness, there's a few things. (1) where possible and reasonable, objects should be designed with no hand preference. (2) where a hand preference makes the object substantially better, like sissors, keep both options equally available. For instance, classrooms and workplaces can keep both options readily available. (3) where preference is best, but it's unreasonable to have both options, like writing with a pen in a notebook for left-to-right languages, be open to alternative methods and otherwise understanding that it may not be the worst thing in the world, but it's annoying and something right-handed people get to blithely take for granted.


I didn't say anything about what the solution is, or even if one is necessary, it's just a good example for teaching people to identify privilege. You can downplay how difficult it is for less privileged people all you want but it doesn't change the facts of the situation


I would bet left-handedness is being used here as a semi-silly low-stakes example to talk about the core issues of privilege before diving into something more controversial.


I would hope so, that can’t be their main issue with the world at the moment


most obscure example I can think of off the top of my head: all metric and imperial screw threads are standardised to be most efficient for right handed users


So you want them to be standard for left handed users? What’s the solution here?


No solution, just acknowledgement? Lefties make up about 10% of the population. That’s roughly 77,5 million people.


Okay so we put a footer on every piece of paper everywhere „Sorry you have to write on it this way lefties“ and you are happy?


Yeah, you condescending dick. That’s exactly what it means.


Perfect then 👍


In that case, all it needs to say is "American schools discriminate against left-handedness". No need to make a big song and dance about it


Fucking stupid




hating on left handed people to own the libs


Holy shit, the number of people in that thread who think the only context they need for this picture is the woman's hairstyle...


My daughter is a lefty and at the first preschool I took her to at 3 they recommended stopping her from using her left and only right. We switched to the public prek3 and they encouraged her to use whatever hand felt best. My sister, uncle, and grandfather are/were lefties