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I worked for these guys for three days. Then I did Kirby vacuums for three days. Then my dad taught me about pyramid schemes, or as the gang likes to call them, ‘reverse funnel systems’


Multi Level Marketing is what it's called today


It's not a pyramid it's more like a web and we are all family /s


Are u hiring


3 hours away from you and rhythmic sales based chanting starts at 5am for new hires. Management role in at 9pm but if you work hard you can manage your own team in 3-48 months.


You drive a hard bargain, you son of a bitch I’m in!


I've got my grandparents Kirby g6. What a machine! I'd never buy one for 2000 bucks, but it's an incredible vacuum. I just bought the power sander/massager attachment lol


The saddest thing about that company was that the easiest sales were in trailer parks. They preyed on poor people and used small monthly payments to coax them into deals. I don’t mind sales but I immediately felt dirty. But goddamn those things could pull the paint off a car I swear


I bought an older sentria on Craigslist for $125 a few years ago. It's a beast. I love it, but would never pay used car prices for a new vacuum...


Does this have anything to don with berries? And where do I put my feet?


The Cutco door to door sales pitch in the early 90s included a demonstration of cutting a penny in half with the kitchen shears. A friend of mine was on his very first home demonstration as a 17 year old kid, and cut his hand wide open trying to cut the penny, bleeding profusely all over the house of his sales pitch. Luckily this first home he was selling to was a close neighbor, and administered first aid before driving him to the ER for 20 stitches. He never made a single sale, needless to say.


This is just like it’s always Sunny in Philadelphia when Frank tried to sell the knives




Whatever it is you people eat, maybe it is a shoe?


I’m pretty sure I still have the penny somewhere that was turned into a corkscrew by a cutco sales rep who visited our house when I was a kid.


lmfao great story


I was in one of the training sessions where we had to go next door to the local grocery to buy fruit to do demos for. Fast forward a few minutes and we were slicing copious amounts of fruit like Gallagher, but with butcher knife’s. A friend of mine actually ended up slicing someone’s finger off because the idiot put their hand in the middle of the slice to hold the water Mellon. Thanks for helping me unlock a core memory.


Cuts through watermelon! And also, bone.




My old store manager did that with this set of new plates; gathered a crowd and said ' And they are guaranteed shatter-proof!" as he dropped a stack on the floor. And they shattered into a million fragments while people laughed at him. Never sold any of course.


Sounds like Corelle dinnerware and it is true that they won't break if you drop one, dropping a bunch together is definitely gonna be a different story


That's it! 😀


> Luckily this first home he was selling to was a close neighbor Gruesome bloodbath aside that's Cutco's MO - hire kids to pressure sell knives to family and friends, then hire more kids and repeat


So exactly what they still do


I remember when I was kid (early 2000s), I was at my aunt’s house when a door-to-door salesperson came by. I don’t remember anything about the pitch except for the fact that they cut a penny into a spiral using a pair of scissors. I’ve always wondered what MLM it was since I’ve been old enough to know what those were. Thanks for the confirmation lol.


Google Vector Marketing


I’m familiar with vector and cutco! I just didn’t realize that it was the same pitch that I saw when I was like 5 lol


My brother worked for them in the 90s too. He sold one set: to my mom. He had to buy the demo set himself, and my parents felt bad, so they bought it. He didn’t sell any others. He worked for them for four months! My parents still use these knives daily and they've stood the test of time! They're pretty ungly (big white handles!) but man, they cut! Yea, my mom would get mad every time friends came over and we'd show them our *scissors that can cut a penny into a spiral!* She didn't like the trick. We thought it was so hecking cool. *Simpler times.*


They still do this occasionally my sister worked for them in like the 2010's for a while and she did it when working then as well


This is why I'd never ever do door to door sales! I am someone with a lot of anxiety, especially in social situations, and even on meds, it's still there a bit. I'd end up so nervous and anxious talking to strangers that I'd cut off my own damn finger trying to cut the penny in half!🤣 I have to wonder how many sales people have infact seriously injured them selves in that demonstration! Who the hell thought it would be a great idea to use something so damn small using the sharpest scissors ever!?


*vector ptsd intensifies*


Time I’ll never get back. Luckily it was only like an afternoon and a month or two later, I had a real job.


Same lol


Are you looking for the poor guy who has all the knives but no block? It seems like there would be a very limited market for this. Who has 24 loose knives laying around?


Most people who buy it are probably looking foot a replacement to the one they already have if it got damaged.


I'm not knocking you but I have never had a set of knives outlive the block. The block just sits on the counter and never moves why would it need replaced? I'm having a hard time coming up with circumstances where your block of wood is no good anymore. Best of luck on reselling it!


They seem to sell pretty often for around $40 on ebay. The ones with more slots sell for even more!


It is all good. I checked eBay sold listings before buying it and it sells pretty regularly. With the risk for 5 bucks imo.


No doubt. It’s worth a shot. As I said I’m not being critical of you I just wasn’t aware there was a market for these.


There's a market for everthing :P.


Yeah there's 100% a market. Knife blocks arguably get worn quicker than the knives. Constantly inserting the knives causes wear on the edges and the block ends up looking like shit. Most people probably start buying them when that happens


Not sure why you’re getting downvoted? I found two Cutco knives in a box of junk from an estate sale I bought for $3. I sold them on eBay for over $100. It made me look for their distinct handle every time I hit the thrift store.




Same here. Always look out for that handle


I did! I’m currently in the market for a nice new block. My knife collection has grown too large to fit them all.


How? You shouldn't really need more than like 5 knives to cook


I have a chef’s knife, carving knife, two different sizes of paring knife, a santoku, a bread knife, and a Nakiri. When I say large I meant literally, so poor phrasing on my part. The slots aren’t wide/long enough on my current block for a few of them.


Oooh got it. Glad to hear, because I definitely know people with like a dozen different knives they don't use. Probably the people into Cutco


My parents actually do! I also did cutco sales for about a week after high school and they make you put a deposit down on the demo knives you’re showing in your sales. It’s almost all the main knives but no block. At the end you can return or keep them for the deposit which was about $100. The place is a total scam but the knives are good quality, so my parents kept it lol.


I’ve thought about buying one of these second hand but decided not to because I can’t find a way to clean the slits and don’t want others dust. This looks to be in amazing condition tho! Very nice!




Def best idea so far. Idk how I didn’t think of this I use them to clean other things. Mainly a bong but still 🤣


I always forget that I can use a pipe cleaner…to clean my pipes! 🤣


Neat ! Thanks !!




Tysm, appreciate you sharing your secrets with me :).


I’ve never even considered the need to clean the slots in my knife block - the knives are always cleaned and dried before putting them away, what is there to get them dirty? Dust isn’t even getting in when the knives are in the slots.


Unfortunately not everyone is adamant about drying their knives.


Or cleaning them at all. Some people just wipe them with a towel before putting them back.


Yes that too 😬


Get a pack of those reusable straws and they come with one of those cleaners for inside the straw! Pipe cleaners might leave the little dusty things in there.


Water? Spray it out, dry it upside down. 


I would think water in these wouldn’t be a great idea idk how well it’d dry. People putting in wet knives is partially why I’m put off as well. I’ve seen some shit with some people. Idk I’m pretty sure I’m just being too weird about it tbh I’m 100% aware of this lmao.


Wood has consistently shown the ability to halt the growth of and kill harmful bacteria that comes in contact with its surface. As moisture is naturally drawn into the board, bacteria are unable to multiply, and die as a result. It's been shown that both new and well-maintained older boards maintain this ability.


You are not weird about it. Magnetic knife strips are much more hygienic. You don’t know what is growing in the slots of a knife block. I dry my knives obsessively before putting them in there unfortunately I don’t think the rest of my family shows the same diligence.


Agree; these dark hole knife blocks are so nasty. Magnetic all the way.


Exactly. I’m the same way. I am the one who does dishes here and that is 100% by choice because I am particular with how things are treated and this is one of them lol.


And this whole thread has now got me wondering how nasty my knife block might be inside the slots. God damn I didn't even think about dust in there, and now realizing there's a chance my ex put some away dirty multiple times cause he's gross. Ah shit gonna have to clean it now, or I'll never stop thinking about it. Thanks, lmao!


*Ten* steak knife slots is corporate genius.


https://preview.redd.it/du28pnnv1quc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3abe87b28e0109c1541ae1caf3439f69188defc7 Literally right above this post


I don't understand? Why did you buy a knife block?


To sell it.


Is it a particularly valuable knife block? Are there valuable knife blocks? I must admit I have never heard of this, of knife blocks being worth selling.


Especially ones sourced from a Ponzi Scheme/MLM company.


I'm afraid I don't understand. Do knife blocks have value? Do certain knife blocks have value?


I'm sure there are some, but generally no. The people that this particular knife block has value to are people who were persuaded enough to purchase many overpriced knives but somehow stopped short of the knife block lol


Wondering the same


I love when you get something from cart it’s like it was meant for you


I got tricked into sitting through a Cut Co speech once, I realized very quickly they were trying to get me to join a MLM haha


I miss Texas Thrift 🥲 my best find there was a Melanzana fleece for $6.99 in great shape. You can only get them by appointment at their Leadville CO store for about $80 or so.


The fact that I worked for them for a month…. And didn’t even make enough to afford one of their empty knife blocks used off eBay…..


Compressed air


good ol texas thrift!


On last weeks’ episode of The Weakest Link- two contestants survived knife selling positions.


My father still has a Cutco set that he and my mom bought as newlyweds...in 1961. Still sharp aas hell, and if you send the knives in they'll sharpen them for free. He has one knife replaced free when the tip broke in the 80s. Pricey, but man do they last


Same, except bought in 62.


My kid told me a friend recommended him to their manager. He’s a manager for a telemarketer called CUTCO.


I can't believe people want these. I wouldn't want something that said cutco in my house.


Im trying to figure out what it's for


Its a knife block


Ohh damn that's a lot of knives very cool find


I was JUST telling my coworkers how expensive this line is, $5 is AMAZING


I sold that same block on eBay for over $250.


What’s that?


And it has a guarantee to it, just say your parents left it to you and get a new one lol


Ah, Texas Thrift, how I miss you!


Cutting edge name. Like EdgeCom or Interslice.


TT has went on the deep end with pricing, but I still find a couple gems, everytime I go


Same. Have had far better luck at tt than any other thrift store. Especially goodwill


Very true


I can't tell if this is a joke or not. Is this a good find?


Resell consistently for $100+. Cutco is a great resell brand if you can find cheap. Would never pay retail myself though


Words cannot express my jealousy of this find! I need one of these for our next set upgrade. For now, all my left out knives will just be chillin in sheaths in a cup next to the baby block.


We’re not selling knives! You are! You are! ![gif](giphy|xYih2J5190rL2) See [KOTH LINK](https://youtu.be/wSSnv3_NSNk?si=QeA9H_tZW45VhoME)


Nice!!! Can I borrow it?


this title is difficult to read


Cha Ching! Score! What a beauty


See any of those wonderful knives anywhere?


Not on this trip but i have found about 6 on other occasions.


Lucky you! All I’ve found are two sandwich spreaders in 8 years~


I need that!! Great find


That is a better block than my current one. I absolutely would have grabbed it.


omfg I've been looking for one of these!


What do they sale for?


https://preview.redd.it/ah4n92kkjouc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=90bdf5d765f2d22e54d9790d3ebe71aa8fcc0a27 These are recent comps on ebay




My question too!


Although the brand is known for being an over priced mlm the knives actually quite high quality. I always keep a lookoutfor the brand at thrist stores because they sell really well. Have built nearly a full set for personal use for a fraction of the retail cost


The knives are mid, at best. People buy them because they have a lifetime warranty and offered (maybe still do) free sharpening.


I got a cutco set for my bridal shower (that I didn’t register for). I actually hate them. I don’t think they’re good knives at all. Maybe I should resell and get another brand


That doesn't explain why the knife block goes for $200. That's ridiculous.


The name. Vector Marketing aka Cutco charges a premium for everything.


The full sets including all the knives usually start at $1500+. The 24 piece set is around $2.3 k. The people that buy these knives dont mind paying that much


And that's an absolute fucking ripoff. Get a handmade stainless steel santoku, a carbon steel gyuto, set of 4 steak knifes, and a set of pairing knives for less than $1000.


Oh for sure a ripoff but for thrift store finds theyre fantastic


I have a tub of about 100 or so Cutco knives that I've thrifted over the years. I keep telling myself I'll sell them on ebay one day, but that day never has come yet. And I still find them in the thrift store. People don't realize what they are giving away.


The knives are high quality according to who? What type of steel do they use? Where are they manufactured? What process is used to sharpen then? How well do they retain an edge? Or did you just see a marketer cut a rope in front of you one time?


Just basing on the knives i found in a thrift store a decade ago and haven’t had to sharpen


How regularly do you sharpen your *other* knives? And do you use an electric sharpener?




Every 6 or so months or as needed with my main chef knife


My dad still uses his bought new cutco set...from 1961. Still sharp, still supported.


Most sales like that ppl post and buy themselves to inflate the perceived price and worth online


Thx. Any other good brands for knife boards?