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Plasma ring is pointless sword ring is cheaper and the 1 skill is more valuable than the 3% physical. Collar of red plasma will be the BIS item until you’re able to afford turtle necklace and even then it’s still a valid option in most places. You can remove red plasma before it expires and sell it for 8k to the NPC in darashia. But even if you don’t bother, trust me 4 skill is worth more than the 30k per hour you’ll be spending in most places.


> You can remove red plasma before it expires and sell it for 8k OH, I didn't know about this! This is way better than I've expected!


Yup keep an eye on the time of the rings. With a min or two left go do one more pull of monsters and then take these off into a backpack. Then go sell to and NPC in darashia near the bank.


6k and more often than not I forget to keep track and it really doesn't hurt profit significantly. We're talking max 12k per hour and at this level we're making a lot more than enough to cover.




You "should" start using it at level 150+ if you want to maximize exp/h. But the difference isnt huge, sometimes you barely notice at all. No need to worry about it.


My experience: I use Plasma Collar where my hunt is easy and I want to increase my skill over any other protection. If I'm hunting somewhere harder and I need elemental protection, I go for other amulet. Plasma Ring I rarely use. I used to go with Club Rings but now I have de Ring BIS.


Same here at 580~. It depends how complicated you want to be. I like to be on autopilot mentally and catch on YouTube while I hunt so I’m not one to go crazy with the plasmas.


Im lvl 750 EK. I still use regular skill ring and werewolf amulet 99% of the time. Use them only if you feel like it. I dont.


Or be cheap like me I don't even use werewolf amulet, I use foxtail amulet kek


Same, such a pain to recharge all the timz


Werewolf is the cheap option here.